Saturday, October 26, 2019

விஜய் - அட்லியின் ‘பிகில்’: திரை விமரிசனம்

By சுரேஷ் கண்ணன் | Published on : 25th October 2019 06:01 PM

‘பொம்பளைன்னா... அடக்கமா இருக்கணும்..’ ‘அட்ரா.. அவள.. வெட்ரா அவள’ என்று ஆணாதிக்க அடாவடித்தனத்தோடு பேசிக் கொண்டிருந்த தமிழ் சினிமா சமீப காலங்களில் பெண்களின் முன்னேற்றத்தை அங்கீகரிக்கும் விதமாக சிறப்பான முறையில் தடம் மாற ஆரம்பித்திருக்கிறது. இது ஒருவகையில் காலத்தின் கட்டாயம். என்றாலும் இந்த மாற்றத்திற்கு தமிழ் சினிமாவின் முன்னணி நாயகர்கள் உறுதுணையாக நிற்கத் துவங்கியிருப்பது வரவேற்கத்தக்கது.

பெண்களின் ஆதாரமான உரிமைகளைப் பேசும் ‘நேர்கொண்ட பார்வை’ அஜித்தைத் தொடர்ந்து பெண்கள் பல துறைகளிலும் சாதிக்க வேண்டியதின் அவசியத்தைப் பற்றி ‘பிகிலின்’ மூலம் பேசியிருக்கும் விஜய்யும் பாராட்டத்தக்கவர். இதற்கான பாராட்டு, சம்பந்தப்பட்ட இயக்குநர்களுக்குத்தான் போய் சேர வேண்டும் என்றாலும் தமிழின் முன்னணி நாயகர்கள் இந்த மாதிரியான உள்ளடக்கத்திற்கு ஆதரவாக நிற்பது மகிழ்ச்சியளிக்கும் விஷயம்.

தமிழ் சினிமா வழக்கப்படி ‘நல்ல’ ரெளடியாக இருப்பவர் ராயப்பன் (தந்தை விஜய்). நல்லது செய்வதற்காக தான் கத்தியைத் தூக்கினாலும் தன் சேரி மக்கள் வன்முறைப் பாதையிலிருந்து விலகி நேர்வழியில் நடக்கவேண்டும் என்று விரும்புபவர். கால்பந்து விளையாட்டு இதற்கு ஒரு சிறந்த வழியாக இருக்கும் என்று நம்புபவர்.

அவரது மகனான மைக்கேல் (இளைய விஜய்) கால்பந்து விளையாட்டில் பிரகாசிப்பதால் அவனைத் தொடர்ந்து ஊக்கப்படுத்துகிறார். அவனின் வெற்றியைத் தொடர்ந்து அந்த ஊரின் பல இளைஞர்கள் இந்த விளையாட்டின் மூலம் முன்னேற முடியும் என்று கருதுகிறார்.

ஆனால் ஓர் அசந்தர்ப்பமான சூழ்நிலை காரணமாக ராயப்பனின் இடத்திற்கு மைக்கேல் வர வேண்டியிருக்கிறது. எனவே தன் கால்பந்துக் கனவுகளை நண்பனின் (கதிர்) மூலமாக நிறைவேற்ற பின்னால் நின்று உதவுகிறார் மைக்கேல். ஒரு கட்டத்தில் பெண்கள் அணியை வழிநடத்திச் செல்ல வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் மைக்கேலுக்கு உருவாகிறது.

தேசிய அளவில் நிகழும் கால்பந்துப் போட்டி அது. பல தடைகளைத் தாண்டி தன் நோக்கத்தில் மைக்கேல் வெற்றி பெற்றாரா என்பதைப் பரபரப்பும் விறுவிறுப்புமாகச் சொல்ல முயன்றிருக்கிறார்கள்.

அட்லி + விஜய் கூட்டணியில் உருவாகும் மூன்றாவது திரைப்படம் இது. இயக்குநர் ஷங்கரிடம் உதவியாளராக இருந்த அட்லிக்கு ஒரு வெகுஜனப் பார்வையாளனையும் முன்னணி நடிகரின் ரசிகனையும் எப்படி உற்சாகப்படுத்துவது, உணர்ச்சிவசப்பட வைப்பது, திருப்திப்படுத்துவது போன்ற விஷயங்கள் நன்குத் தெரிந்திருக்கின்றன. ‘பிகிலும்’ இதற்கு விதிவிலக்கில்லை.

தந்தை - மகன் ஆகிய இரு வேடங்களில் நடித்திருக்கிறார் விஜய். சிறிது நேரமே வந்தாலும் ராயப்பன் கதாபாத்திரம் கவர்கிறது. என்னதான் நரைமுடி, காண்டாக்ட் லென்ஸ் போட்டு முயற்சித்திருந்தாலும் தோற்றப் பொருத்தம் சிறப்பாக அமையவில்லை. மைக்கேல் ஆக நடித்திருக்கும் மகன், வழக்கமான விஜய் என்ன செய்வாரோ அதையெல்லாமே செய்து தன் ரசிகர்களைத் திருப்திப்படுத்த முயன்றிருக்கிறார். சில காட்சிகளில் தன்னைப் பின்னுக்குத் தள்ளிக்கொண்டு பெண்களுக்கு இடம் தந்திருப்பது சிறப்பு.

நாயகியாக நயன்தாரா. ‘அறம்’ போன்ற முதிர்ச்சியான படங்களில் நடித்துவிட்டு சராசரி நடிகையின் பாத்திரத்திற்கு இவர் திரும்பாமல் இருப்பது நலம். மேலும் வழக்கமான இளம் நாயகி போல் இவர் சிணுங்குவது, அலப்பறை செய்வது போன்றவையெல்லாம் ஒட்டவேயில்லை.

யோகி பாபு, விவேக் என்று இரண்டு நகைச்சுவை நடிகர்கள் இருந்தாலும் படத்தில் நகைச்சுவையே இல்லை. இந்தப் படத்திற்கு ஜாக்கி ஷெராஃப் போன்ற நடிகர் எதற்கு என்றே தெரியவில்லை. கதிர் தன்னுடைய பங்களிப்பை சரியாக தந்திருக்கிறார். டேனியல் பாலாஜி, ஆனந்தராஜ், தேவதர்ஷினி போன்ற பல துணை நட்சத்திரங்கள் இருந்தாலும் எவரும் நினைவில் நிற்கவில்லை.

கால்பந்தை மையப்படுத்தியிருக்கும் இந்தத் திரைப்படத்தில், முன்னாள் கால்பந்து வீரரான ஐ.எம்.விஜயனை, சில காட்சிகளில் வந்து செல்லும் வில்லனாக உபயோகித்திருப்பதை அவல நகைச்சுவை என்றே சொல்லவேண்டும்.

கால்பந்து விளையாட்டு வீராங்கனைகளாக இந்துஜா உள்ளிட்ட சில பெண்கள் நடித்திருந்தாலும் எவரும் கவரும்படி சித்தரிக்கப்படவில்லை. இதை ஈடு செய்யும் வகையில் ரெபா மோனிக்கா ஜான், வர்ஷா பொல்லம்மா ஆகிய இரு பெண்களின் பாத்திரங்கள் கவனிக்கும்படி உருவாக்கப்பட்டிருக்கின்றன. ரோபோ ஷங்கரின் மகளான இந்திரஜா, ‘ஆண்டாளம்மாளாக’ ரசிக்க வைத்திருக்கிறார்.

ஏ.ஆர்.ரஹ்மானின் இசையில் ‘வெறித்தனம்’, ‘சிங்கப்பெண்ணே’ ஆகிய இரண்டு பாடல்கள் நன்றாக அமைந்திருக்கின்றன. ஆங்காங்கே வரும் சிறுசிறு பாடல்களும் அழகு. தந்தை விஜய் எதிரிகளிடம் சிக்கிக் கொள்ளும்போது காட்சியின் பரபரப்பிற்கு முரணாக மெலிதாக ஒலிக்கும் சாக்ஸ் இசை அத்தனை அழகு. பின்னணி இசை அட்டகாசமாக இருந்திருக்கிறதே ஒழிய தனித்துவமாக இல்லை.

இந்தப் படத்தின் இன்னொரு ஹீரோ என்று ஒளிப்பதிவாளர் ஜி.கே.விஷ்ணுவைச் சொல்லலாம். சண்டைக் காட்சிகள், கால்பந்து போட்டிக் காட்சிகள் என்று பல ஃபிரேம்களில் இவரது அசாதாரண உழைப்பு தெரிகிறது.

இந்தப் படத்தின் பிரச்னைகளுள் ஒன்று, இதன் நீளம். ஏறத்தாழ மூன்று மணி நேரம் என்கிற அளவிற்கு திரைக்கதை அடர்த்தியாக இல்லை. தேவையில்லாத காட்சிகளைக் குறைத்திருந்தால் கச்சிதமாக இருந்திருக்கும்.

வெற்றியடைந்த திரைப்படங்களின் கதை, திரைக்கதையை ஆங்காங்கே கலவையாக உருவுபவர் என்கிற புகார் அட்லியின் மீது தொடர்ந்து வைக்கப்படுகிறது. இது ஏறத்தாழ பெரும்பாலான இயக்குநர்களின் மீது சொல்லப்படும் குறை என்றாலும் சிலரின் திரைக்கதைகளில் வெளிப்படையாக பல்லிளிக்கிறது. அட்லியின் இந்தத் திரைப்படமும் கமலின் ‘நாயகன்’, ஷாரூக்கானின் ‘சக்தே இந்தியா’ போன்ற திரைப்படங்களை மிக அழுத்தமாக நினைவுப்படுத்துகிறது.

இத்திரைப்படத்தின் மையமே பெண்கள் விளையாடும் கால்பந்து விளையாட்டுதான். ஆனால் அவை தொடர்பான காட்சிகளில் நுணுக்கங்களோ, விறுவிறுப்போ, திருப்பங்களோ போதுமான அழுத்தமோ இல்லாமல் மொண்ணைத்தனமாக அமைந்திருக்கிறது. பிரம்மாண்டத்தைக் காட்ட வேண்டும் என்று மட்டுமே இயக்குநர் நினைத்து விட்டார் போலிருக்கிறது.

அணியின் ஒருங்கிணைப்பும் கூட்டுத்திறமையும்தான் வெற்றியை நோக்கி அழைத்துச் செல்லும் என்கிற விஷயம் ‘சக்தே இந்தியா’வில் ஒரு காட்சியில் சிறப்பாகச் சொல்லப்பட்டிருக்கும். அது மட்டுமின்றி அநாவசியத் திணிப்புகள் இல்லாமல் படத்தின் மையமான விளையாட்டுக் காட்சிகள் பரபரப்பாக அமைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும். ஆனால் ‘பிகிலில்’ இந்த சுவாரசியம் குறைவு. எளிமையான ‘வெண்ணிலா கபடி குழு’வில் இருந்த விறுவிறுப்பு கூட இதில் இல்லை.

‘ஆண்களுக்கு நிகராக பெண்கள் பல்வேறு துறைகளிலும் சாதிக்க வேண்டும், அதற்கு ஆண்கள் உறுதுணையாக இருக்க வேண்டும்’ என்கிற செய்தி இந்தத் திரைப்படத்தில் அழுத்தமாகவே சொல்லப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. ஒருதலைக் காதலின் விளைவாக ஆசிட் அடிக்கப்பட்ட பெண், கால்பந்து விளையாட்டில் முன்பு சிறந்து விளங்கி இப்போது இல்லத்தரசியாக குடும்பச்சிறைக்குள் சிக்கிக் கொண்ட பெண் ஆகியோரை விஜய் மீட்டுக் கொண்டு வரும் காட்சிகளும் அது தொடர்பான வசனங்களும் நெகிழ்வையும் மகிழ்ச்சியையும் ஏற்படுத்துகின்றன.

‘பிகில்’ திரைப்படத்தில் ஒரு முன்னணி நாயகனுக்குரிய வணிக அம்சங்களும் இருக்கின்றன. அதையும் தாண்டி பெண்களைப் பெருமைப்படுத்தும் விஷயங்களும் இருக்கின்றன. ஒரு வெகுஜனத் திரைப்படத்தில் ‘பெண்களின் முன்னேற்றம்’ தொடர்பான விஷயத்தை அழுத்தமாகச் சொல்ல விரும்பிய இயக்குநரை இதற்காக நிச்சயம் பாராட்டலாம். இந்தக் கலவையை அட்லி ஒரளவு நன்றாகவே கையாண்டிருக்கிறார்.

ஆனால் ஒருவகையில் இதையே இந்தப் படத்தின் பலவீனம் என்றும் சொல்லலாம். இதுவே படத்தை ‘இரண்டும்கெட்டான்’தனமாக ஆக்கியிருக்கிறது. இதர வணிக அம்சங்களையும் அநாவசியமான திணிப்புகளையும் ஒதுக்கிவிட்டு ‘சக்தே இந்தியா’ போன்று சுருக்கமாகவும் கச்சிதமாகவும் சொல்லியிருந்தால் ‘பிகிலின்’ சத்தம் இன்னமும் சிறப்பாக கேட்டிருக்கும்.
தீபாவளியை முன்னிட்டு அளவில்லா அழைப்புகள்: பிஎஸ்என்எல் அறிவிப்பு

By DIN | Published on : 26th October 2019 02:40 AM |

பிஎஸ்என்எல் நிறுவனம்

தீபாவளியை முன்னிட்டு 2 நாள்களுக்கு அளவில்லாத அழைப்புகளை இலவசமாக தனது வாடிக்கையாளா்களுக்கு வழங்குவதாக பிஎஸ்என்எல் நிா்வாகம் அறிவித்துள்ளது.

இதுகுறித்து பிஎஸ்என்எல் நிறுவனத்தின் இயக்குநா் விவேக் பன்சால் வெள்ளிக்கிழமை வெளியிட்ட செய்திக்குறிப்பு: தீபாவளியை முன்னிட்டு தொலைபேசி மற்றும் பிராட்பேண்ட் வாடிக்கையாளா்களுக்கு அளவில்லாத அழைப்புகளை இலவசமாக வழங்க பிஎஸ்என்எல் நிா்வாகம் திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது. இதன்படி இந்த வாடிக்கையாளா்கள் இந்தியாவில் அனைத்துப் பகுதிகளிலும் உள்ள தங்களது நண்பா்கள் மற்றும் குடும்பத்தினருடன் தொலைபேசி மற்றும் செல்லிடப்பேசிக்கு அழைத்து இலவசமாக அளவில்லாமல் பேசலாம். தங்களது வாடிக்கையாளா்கள், அவா்களுக்கு நெருங்கியவா்களுக்கு வாழ்த்து தெரிவிக்கும் அந்த தருணத்தை மேலும் சிறந்த அனுபவமாக பிஎஸ்என்எல் மாற்ற விரும்புகிறது.

இதன் பகுதியாக அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள இலவச அழைப்புச் சலுகையை, தீபாவளி (அக்.27) மற்றும் அதற்கு மறுநாளும் (அக்.28) 24 மணி நேரமும் பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ளலாம். ஓரிரு மாதங்களில், பாரத் ஃபைபா்”சேவைகளை மேலும் அதிகப்படியான நகா்ப்புறங்களிலும், கிராமங்களிலும் அளிக்கப்படவிருக்கிறது. இதில் பொழுதுபோக்கு அம்சங்களை உள்ளடக்கி வழங்குவதின் மூலம் வாடிக்கையாளா்களுடைய பிராட்பேண்ட் பயன்பாட்டு அனுபவம் மேலும் சிறப்பாக அமையும். ஏற்கெனவே பாரத் ஃபைபா் 500 ஜிபி எனும் பிரபலமான திட்டத்தில் 50 எம்பிபிஎஸ் வேகத்தில் 500 ஜிபி கிடைக்கிறது. 2020- ஆம் ஆண்டு மாா்ச் மாதத்துக்குள் “பாரத் ஃபைபா்” சேவைகளை நாடு முழுவதும் ஒருங்கிணைத்துக் கொண்டுவரத் திட்டங்கள் உள்ளன என அதில் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது.
இணையதளத்தில், 'பிகில், கைதி'

Added : அக் 25, 2019 21:47 |

சென்னை, :தீபாவளியை முன்னிட்டு, நேற்று வெளியான புதிய திரைப்படங்களான, பிகில், கைதி இரண்டும், இணையதளத்தில் வெளியாகின. தீபாவளியை முன்னிட்டு, விஜய் நடித்த, பிகில்; கார்த்தி நடித்த, கைதி படங்கள், நேற்று வெளியாகின. பிகில் படம், 180 கோடி ரூபாய் பட்ஜெட்டில் உருவானது. இந்த படம் உலகம் முழுக்க, 3,000க்கும் அதிகமான தியேட்டர்களில் திரையிடப்பட்டது. இப்படம் வெளியான சில மணி நேரங்களிலேயே, 'தமிழ் ராக்கர்ஸ்' இணைய தளத்தில் வெளியாகி, படத் தயாரிப்பாளர்களுக்கு அதிர்ச்சியை கொடுத்தது.

அதேபோல, கைதி படமும் நேற்று இணைய தளத்தில் வெளியானது. இதுதொடர்பாக, உரிய நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும் என, திரைத்துறையினர் வலியுறுத்தி உள்ளனர்.சென்னை, அண்ணாநகர் தெற்கு பகுதி விஜய் ரசிகர் மன்றத்தை சேர்ந்தவர்கள், பிகில் படம் வெளியானதை முன்னிட்டு, மதுரவாயலில் உள்ள ஆதரவற்றோர் இல்லத்திற்கு சென்று, அங்கு உள்ளவர்களுக்கு உணவு வழங்கி, தீபாவளி வாழ்த்து தெரிவித்தனர்.

ஆதார் பதிவு முகாம் பள்ளிகளில் ஏற்பாடு

Added : அக் 25, 2019 23:41

சென்னை, தபால் நிலையங்கள் வாயிலாக ஆதார் பதிவு முகாம் நடத்த பள்ளிகளில் ஏற்பாடுகள் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன.நாடு முழுவதும் அரசின் அனைத்து திட்டங்களுக்கும் ஆதார் எண் முக்கிய அடையாள எண்ணாக பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.வங்கி கணக்கு சமையல் எரிவாயு உதவி தொகை திட்டங்கள் நல திட்டங்கள் மற்றும் பள்ளி கல்லுாரி மாணவர் சேர்க்கை தேர்வுகள் என அனைத்திற்கும் ஆதார் எண் பயன்படுத்தப் படுகிறது. இதையொட்டி பள்ளி கல்லுாரிகளிலேயே மாணவர்களின் ஆதார் எண்ணை பெற்று உரிய விபரங்கள் சேகரிக்கப் படுகின்றன. அதனால் பள்ளிகளில் ஆதார் எண் பதிவுக்கான முகாம் நடத்தப்படுகிறது. நடப்பு கல்வி ஆண்டில் ஒவ்வொரு பள்ளியும் தங்கள் எல்லைக்கு உட்பட்ட மண்டல தபால் அலுவலகங்கள் வழியே இந்த முகாம்களை நடத்துமாறு கல்வித்துறை அதிகாரிகள் அறிவுறுத்தி உள்ளனர்.

15 மணி நேரமாக தொடரும் குழந்தையை மீட்கும் பணி : அடுத்து என்ன?

Updated : அக் 26, 2019 08:22 | Added : அக் 26, 2019 08:10

திருச்சி : திருச்சி அருகே நடுக்காட்டுப்பட்டியில் ஆழ்துளை கிணற்றில் விழுந்த குழந்தையை மீட்கும் பணி தொடர்ந்து 15 மணி நேரமாக நடந்து வருகிறது. இதுவரை எடுத்த அனைத்து முயற்சிகளும் தோல்வி அடைந்ததால், அடுத்து என்ன செய்யலாம் என்பது குறித்து ஆலோசிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது.

மணப்பாறை அருகே உள்ள நடுக்காட்டுப்பட்டியில் வீட்டின் அருகே உள்ள நிலத்தில் 4 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் தோண்டப்பட்டு, மூடப்படாமல் இருந்த ஆழ்துளைக்குள் 2 வயது சிறுவன் சுஜீத் வில்சன் விழுந்தான். நேற்று (அக்.,25) மாலை 5.40 மணியளவில் ஆழ்துளைக்குள் விழுந்த குழந்தையை கேமிரா, மைக், ஆக்சிஜன் உள்ளிட்ட கருவிகளுடன் மீட்கும் பணி நடந்து வருகிறது. அமைச்சர்கள் விஜயபாஸ்கர், வெல்லமண்டி நடராஜன், வளர்மதி, திருச்சி கலெக்டர் உள்ளிட்டோர் சம்பவ இடத்தில் இருந்து, அடுத்த என்ன செய்யலாம் என்பது குறித்து ஆலோசித்து வருகின்றனர். தற்போது சென்னையில் இருந்து பேரிடம் மீட்புக் குழுவும் நடுகாட்டுபட்டிக்கு விரைந்துள்ளது.

இதுவரை எடுத்த முயற்சிகள் அனைத்தும் தோல்வி அடைந்ததால், கடைசி முயற்சியாக நவீன கருவிகளை கொண்டு மீட்க முயற்சி மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகிறது. 30 அடியில் இருந்து 70 அடி ஆழ்திற்கு சென்று விட்ட குழந்தையின் கைகளில் கயிறு கட்டி எடுக்கலாமா என்பது பற்றியும் ஆலோசிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. மறுபுறம், ஆழ்துளையை சுற்றி 4 புறங்களிலும் பொக்லைன் இயந்திரம் மூலம் குழி தோண்டப்பட்டு வருகிறது. குழந்தையை மீட்க மத்தியக் குழுவின் உதவியையும் கேட்டுள்ளதாக கூறப்படுகிறது.

குழந்தையின் நிலை என்ன :

குழந்தை பயப்படாமல் இருக்க வெளிச்சம் அளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. தொடர்ந்து ஆக்சிஜன் வழங்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. காலை 7 மணி வரை குழந்தையின் குரல் கேட்டதாகவும், அதற்கு பிறகு குரல் ஏதும் கேட்கவில்லை எனவும் கூறப்படுகிறது. 70 அடி ஆழத்திற்கு சென்று விட்டதால் குழந்தை மயக்கமடைந்திருக்கலாம் என்றும் கூறப்படுகிறது.

Supreme Court to look into concept of shared parenting


Published  Oct 26, 2019, 1:27 am IST

SC to examine Hindu, Muslim laws on kids’ welfare in custody battles between spouses.

Supreme court.

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to examine the constitutional validity of certain legal provisions of various Hindu and Muslim personal laws which favour granting custody of children to one of the separated spouses only, overlooking their welfare and fundamental right to have “care and love of both the parents”.

A bench headed by Chief Justice of Ranjan Gogoi took note of the PIL filed by London-based NRI activist Sulochana Rani and issued the notice to the Central government represented by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta.

“This matter certainly requires examination,” Mehta told the bench which also comprised Justices S.A. Bobde and S. A. Nazeer.

The plea, filed through lawyer Kaleeswaram Raj, raised “significant questions relating to the laws on custody and guardianship of children in India” and sought directions of the apex court to develop the concept of “shared parenting” keeping in mind the welfare of children of estranged and warring couple.

“The legal provisions which currently exist as per various personal laws are in the nature of entrusting the custody of children exclusively to one of the parents in case of separation. The statutes create a strong presumption in favour of exclusive custody. This presumption severely affects the fundamental rights of the spouse who has been denied the custody rights and the fundamental rights of the child who will be deprived of care and love of both parents,” the plea said. It referred to sections 6(a) and 7 of the Hindu Minorities and Guardianship Act, 1956 and said that they be held “unconstitutional” as they give primacy to men over women with regard to custody of children and they are violative of Article 14 (right to equality) in the Constitution.

The plea then referred to customary practice among Muslims and the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 and said as per them, father is considered as the guardian of the child and the mother is entitled to get automatic custody only for a short period of five years after the birth of the kids.

“Hence, it is the father who is entitled to get custody of the child. Both situations, that is, giving custody to the mother during the early years of the child and thereafter giving custody to the father in a mechanical manner, are antithetical to the very concept of welfare of the child. “Gender based fixation of right to custody and guardianship is discriminatory and it has to be held as unconstitutional as it violates Article 14 (right to equality) and Article 21 (right to life and liberty). These statutory schemes require “reformation” as they are violative of various fundamental rights including the right to equality and the right to life of the child and deprived spouses, it said. The plea sought a direction for the child-centric approach based on the idea of shared parenting to ensure effective implementation of the rights of the child in various areas such as “custody, guardianship and adoption”.

“The denial of custody to one spouse as against the other violates the fundamental right of parenting to the said spouse, which is part of right to life guaranteed under Article 21. Currently, custody is given to one of the spouses only and the other spouse is given visitorial rights.
Revaluation: It’s a question of answer scripts!


PublishedOct 26, 2019, 1:57 am IST

The apex court further went on to observe “that a person appointed erroneously to a post must not reap the benefits.

Madras high court

If you get an X-ray or scan done at a diagnostic centre or hospital, would you be given only the report or also the x-ray film and scan images? By the same logic, why should a school or university make a fuss and cite internal regulations over handing over answer scripts to students, especially in cases of revaluation? It took an application under the Right To Information (RTI) Act,2005, to galvanise an institution into action. To me, it’s a no brainer. The process of learning involves correction. And correction requires requires sufficient clarity on mistakes made. That clarity is possible only with access to answer scripts.

The Madras high court in Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University Vs Tamil Nadu State Information Commission, Pavan Kumar Gandhi, Paras Jain & Kumar Shanu recently ruled that “the Law University, being a Public Institution, is bound to implement the provisions of the Right to Information Act, scrupulously in its letter and spirit. The moot question is why should any public authority shy away from providing public information. Undoubtedly, confidential files are  protected under the provisions of the Act itself.” Justice S.M. Subramaniam has hit the nail on the head.

A cursory glance at Section 8 of the RTI Act will reveal that none of the exemptions is attracted to warrant denial of answer scripts. There are 12 exemptions under the statute, namely, information affecting the sovereignty and integrity of India, prohibited by courts, breach of legislative privilege, trade secrets or intellectual property, fiduciary matters, confidential data from foreign governments, sensitive matters that could endanger lives, cabinet papers with reasons for ongoing discussions within the Council of Ministers, privacy with no public interest overtones, violating the Official Secrets Act if the disclosure outweighs the harm to protected interests and limitation of beyond twenty years with irrelevant queries. Neither is an educational institution a security or intelligence organisation to take cover under Section 24 of the RTI Act.

The Madras High Court rightly relied on a decision of the Supreme Court in Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Vs Aditya Bandopadhyay which had reasoned that “when a candidate participates in an examination and writes his answers in an answer book and submits it to the examining body for evaluation and declaration of the result, the answer-book is a document or record. When the answer-book is evaluated by an examiner appointed by the examining body, the evaluated answer-book becomes a record containing the ‘opinion’ of the examiner. Therefore, the evaluated answer-book is also an ‘information’ under the Right to Information Act.”

Revaluation is usually necessitated by possible mistakes or oversight by the examiners. Admittedly, there is scope for a wild goose chase. No one can deny that. From a consumer law standpoint, as the candidates pay exam fees, such errors may constitute deficiency in service, causing mental agony to the students. Some sensitive candidates may end up taking extreme steps too. In such scenarios, shouldn’t revaluation fees be refunded? At a practical level, if a refund for a change of marks becomes the norm, examiners may be forced to dig their heels in and not effect any change!

The issue gets tricky when job appointments are made on the basis of marks allotted and changes take place, post revaluation, especially after malpractices come to light. The Supreme Court’s judgment in Vikas Pratap Singh Vs State of Chhattisgarh is instructive. “The pristine maxim of ‘fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant’ (fraud and justice never dwell together) continues to dwell in spirit and the body of service law jurisprudence. It is settled law that no legal right in respect of appointment to a said post vests in a candidate who has obtained the employment by fraud, mischief, misrepresentation or malafide.”

The apex court further went on to observe “that a person appointed erroneously to a post must not reap the benefits of wrongful appointment jeopardising the interests of the meritorious and worthy candidates. However, in cases where a wrongful or irregular appointment is made without any mistake on the part of the appointee and upon discovery of such error or irregularity the appointee is terminated, this Court has taken a sympathetic view in the light of various factors including bonafide of the candidate in such appointment and length of service of the candidate after such appointment.”

It’s a ‘marks-ist’ world, stupid!

(The writer is an advocate at the Madras high court, columnist & author)
Chennai: Rs 10 Lakh seized from panchayat office


PublishedOct 26, 2019, 2:02 am IST

DVAC conducted a surprise raid there.

Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-corruption

CHENNAI: Sleuths of the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-corruption (DVAC) conducted a surprise raid at the panchayat union office in St. Thomas Mount near Chitlapakkam here of Friday afternoon and seized more than Rs 10 lakh, as officials failed to produce proper documents of the source of money.

According to sources, an eight-men strong team headed by DSP Kumaragurubarar (DVAC) begun searches at the St.Thomas Mount panjayat union office at around 3 pm.

DVAC sources said they have got a tip that the St. Thomas Mount panchayat union officials were taking bribe from contractors during the festival season.

“To confirm this, we conducted a surprise raid. When we entered, the office was filled with contractors, who were carrying out various civil works.”

On seeing the DVAC sleuths, the contractors and the panchayat union officials made an attempt to flee. However, the DVAC personnel locked the main door of the office and picked up the officials for enquiry.

The officials seized a total of Rs 10 lakh unaccounted money, gifts and fire crackers from Block Development Officer M. Baskaran, engineers and other office staff. Investigations are underway.
Madras HC impleads income tax department in NEET impersonation case

The I-T department had on October 12 said it seized Rs 30 crore unaccounted cash during raids on a group running the coaching centre in Namakkal.

Published: 25th October 2019 09:02 PM |

Madras HC 


CHENNAI: The Madras High Court on Friday impleaded the Income Tax department in a case related to NEET impersonation scam, citing huge cash seizures made by the I-T sleuths during raids on a coaching centre in Tamil Nadu and on medical colleges in Bengaluru.

A division bench comprising Justices N Kirubakaran and P Velmurugan said the seized cash was alleged to have been paid for admission in medical colleges.

It impleaded the Director of Income Tax (Investigation), New Delhi, as a party respondent to the proceedings related to impersonation in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for medical admissions.

The I-T department had on October 12 said it seized Rs 30 crore unaccounted cash during raids on a group running the coaching centre in Namakkal on the basis of intelligence inputs that it was indulging in substantial tax evasion by "suppression" of fee receipts received from students.

It had also found Rs 150 crore undisclosed income of the group.

After the recent raids in Karnataka which included colleges run by a trust of former deputy chief minister and Congress leader G Parameshwara and a prominent business group, the department had said it detected "undisclosed" income of around Rs 100 crore and seized assets worth Rs 8.82 crore.

The unaccounted income was worked out considering the cash donations received for 185 seats averaging Rs 50 lakh to Rs 65 lakh per seat.

The court is hearing a petition filed by S Dheeran, an aspiring medical student, for a direction to the Tamil Nadu government for undertaking proper counselling and 'mop-up procedure' to fill the 207 management quota MBBS seats in various colleges.

It has widened the scope of the petition taking note of the NEET impersonation scam which surfaced last month when a suspicion was raised over a first-year MBBS student of Theni Medical College.

Investigations had revealed he had secured the admission using the marks scored by a proxy candidate.

After questioning of the student, his father, a government doctor, and an agent, all three arrested, it came to light that a number of other students from Tamil Nadu had used foul means to get admission in the MBBS course and lakhs of rupees reportedly changed hands.

The court had earlier impleaded the Human Resource Development Ministry.

When the matter came up for hearing on Friday, counsel appearing for Saveetha Deemed University here and Christian Medical College (CMC) in Vellore submitted they will file the list of candidates who have been admitted in the two institutions so that their thumb impressions can be obtained.

The bench then said all medical colleges in Tamil Nadu -- government, private and deemed universities -- shall send a list of admitted students to the National Testing Agency, which conducted the NEET, by e-mail on or before October 30.

On receipt of the communications, the NTA shall forward the original thumb impression of all the admitted candidates in the state to the CB-CID police, probing the impersonation scam, it said and posted the petition to November 4 for further hearing.

The court had on October 16 directed the NTA to send all details of candidates, including thumb impressions, to the Tamil Nadu CB-CID police, probing the impersonation scam.

Complying with it, the NTA on Thursday informed the court that it has sent thumb impressions of 4,250 candidates admitted to MBBS courses in the state and the fingerprints of those admitted to deemed universities in the state alone were yet to be forwarded.

The NTA has submitted the thumb impressions were collected when the students appeared for NEET across the country.

These thumb impressions would be compared with those obtained from the colleges to find out if there was any mismatch.
Obtain thumb impression of all medical students: Madras HC

Court asked NTA to clarify the procedure followed when students enter exam hall

Published: 25th October 2019 05:36 AM |

Madras HC 

By Express News Service

CHENNAI: A division bench of the Madras High Court on Thursday directed the CB-CID along with the Forensic Department to visit deemed universities and obtain thumb impressions of the medical students admitted this year, in the presence of the Deans or Principals concerned and get the process videographed.

The bench comprising Justices N Kirubakaran and P Velmurugan issued the direction as only the fingerprints of students in government and private colleges were obtained, but not those admitted in deemed universities. It passed the interim order on the plea moved by S Dheeran of Coimbatore, seeking direction to the government to undertake proper counselling and mop-up procedure to fill 207 management quota seats available due to non-filling of NRI quota seats.

The court also suo motu impleaded the Director of Finger Print Bureau, Chennai as an expert is required for the process of comparing the thumb impressions. The court has directed the National Testing Agency (NTA) to clarify its position on the procedure followed at the time of allowing the students to enter the examination hall and also come out with information to answer the question whether the fingerprints of the students, who were admitted for examination, had been obtained manually by using ink or through the biometric method. The NTA had submitted only the details of the thumb impressions of the 4,250 candidates admitted in government and private medical colleges in Tamil Nadu.

2nd-yr also under scanner

Chennai: Officials are planning to reverify certificates of all second-year MBBS students following cases of suspected impersonation last year too. A senior official told Express, “ We will be verifying documents of all 2nd-year students just like we did in the case of first year. We received an anonymous email claiming a 2nd-year student at MMC also indulged in impersonation. We found out he had written NEET in Bihar, that too in Hindi. But, when the dean called him to sign or write a sentence in Hindi, he could not. So, the dean filed a complaint with police”.
Medical colleges to send lists by October 30

The bench was passing further interim orders on a PIL petition.

Published: 26th October 2019 06:28 AM 

By Express News Service

CHENNAI : A division bench of the Madras High Court on Friday directed the managements of all medical colleges - private, government and deemed to be universities - to send the admission lists to National Testing Agency (NTA) by e-mail address viz.,, by October 30. On receipt of the same, the NTA should forward the original thumb impression of all the candidates viz., students admitted in these colleges, to CB CID before the next date of hearing, a bench of Justices N Kirubakaran and P Velmurugan said. The bench was passing further interim orders on a PIL petition.
Medicos, parents seek bail in NEET impersonation case

Two accused apply for advance bail fearing arrest by CB-CID


Medical students and their parents involved in the NEET impersonation case have approached the Bench of the Madras High Court seeking bail and anticipatory bail on Friday.

Two petitioners and their sons currently remanded in judicial custody have sought bail.

Earlier, the Principal District and Sessions Judge, Theni, had denied them bail.

Meanwhile, another parent and his son, apprehending arrest by the CB-CID in connection with the case, have sought anticipatory bail.

Taking up separate petitions for hearing, Justice G.R. Swaminathan granted the State time to respond and adjourned the hearing by a week.

Meanwhile, eight persons currently in judicial custody in the case, including four students and their parents, were produced before Panneerselvam, Theni Judicial Magistrate, who extended their judicial custody.

Three male students from SRM Medical College, Government Dharmapuri Medical College and Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai, and their fathers have been lodged in Theni district jail.

A female student of Saveetha Medical College and her mother have been lodged in Madurai Central Prison.

The Theni medico, who was among the first to be arrested in the case, was granted bail earlier by the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court.

However, the court denied bail to his father.
Plea in Supreme Court for reforms to family laws

26/10/2019,NEW DELHI

The Supreme Court asked the Centre to respond to a plea to delete certain provisions of family laws that allow exclusive custody of children to one parent after a marital separation. The petition, filed by Sulochana Rani, sought reforms to these laws and raised concerns about children going without the benefits of shared parenting.
7 more held for Alliance varsity ex-VC’s murder

Ayyappa Dore was murdered while taking a walk near his house.

File Photo

The police have arrested seven more people, including two women, who were allegedly part of the conspiracy to murder the former Vice-Chancellor of Alliance University, Ayyappa Dore. He was murdered while taking a walk at the HMT playground near his house in R.T. Nagar on October 15.

The accused have been identified as Kantharaju, 28, a drummer; Sunil Rao, 31, an executive in a private bank; his brother-in-law, Arun Kumar, 40; Fayaz, 29, a mechanic from J.C. Nagar; and Vinay, 24, cab driver also from J.C. Nagar.

The women have been identified as Fayaz’s sister Rizwana, 38, and Salma, 28, a dance bar girl who was in a relationship with one of the prime accused in the case, Suraj Singh.

“Four of the accused actively took part in the reconnaissance and attacked Dore with lethal weapons along with Suraj, killing him on the spot,” said a police officer. Suraj had allegedly been promised ₹1 crore by the Chancellor and co-founder of Alliance University, Sudhir Angur, to murder Dore. Sudhir had also instructed him to murder his brother and varsity co-founder Madhukar Angur so that he could gain control over the varsity, the police said.
HC bats for zero tolerance of drunken driving


“The time has now come for such a just measure. Too many lives have already been lost to this lethal cocktail of internal consumption and internal combustion,” he said.

The observations were made while dismissing an appeal preferred by a two-wheeler rider, K. Shanmugam, in 2006, seeking higher compensation than ₹39,500 awarded to him by a motor accident claims tribunal at Poonnamalee in 2004. Holding that the appellant was not entitled to any money since he was in an inebriated state at the time of suffering injuries in the road accident in 2003, the judge set aside the award passed by the tribunal.

Referring to incessant news reports of road accidents caused by those under the influence of alcohol and innocent people such as pavement dwellers losing their lives due to cars mowing them down in the middle of their sleep, the judge said, “While Section 185 prescribes so-called limits, this court is duty-bound to observe that these limits seem to be theoretical because the effect of alcohol on an individual can vary widely.”

He pointed out that a multitude of factors including the body type of an individual, the amount of food taken before or after alcohol consumption, a genetic disposition to tolerance of alcohol, the speed at which acohol was consumed and even external factors would determine the effect of spirits. Even results of breath analysers were not infalliable. Therefore, he suggested turning the clock back to a pre-1994 era — before the permissible limit of 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood was introduced.

“Despite the law’s seemingly stern approach to drunken driving offenders, societal attitudes, by far and large, do not match. A study by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences found that 99% of drivers who drink and drive agree that it (drinking and driving) is dangerous and 97% were aware that it is prohibited under law. Yet, many Indians still get behind the wheel whilst intoxicated,” Justice Mahadevan lamented.

He said that there must be a zero tolerance policy against drunken driving in the country also because of proliferation of motor vehicles, huge pedestrian movement on roads, the absence of sidewalks or pavements, a general indiscipline and indifference to traffic regulations and the fact that roads and sidewalks were used by poor hawkers at night.
HC grants Chidambaram a month’s time to appear for cross-examination

Case pertains to his election from Sivaganga constituency in 2009


The Madras High Court on Friday granted former Union Minister P. Chidambaram a month’s time to appear before it for cross-examination in a case pertaining to his election from Sivaganga Parliamentary constituency in 2009 by a margin of 3,354 votes.

The case has been pending in the court for the last 10 years.

Justice Pushpa Sathyanarayana adjourned the case to November 22 after she was told by senior counsel R. Thyagarajan that his client was under incarceration in the INX Media case.

Although the Supreme Court had granted him bail in a case booked by Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), he was yet to get relief in prosecution initiated by the Directorate of Enforcement.

When the judge wanted to know if it would be possible for him to appear for cross examination on November 18, the counsel said, he did not “want to take the risk of not being able to ensure his presence on that day.”

Ex-Minister’s choice

He was, however, confident that the “situation might improve” by November 22 and that the former minister would be able to get bail in the ED case too.

On his part, G. Saravana Kumar, counsel for the election petitioner R.S. Raja Kannapan who had contested in an AIADMK ticket and lost to Mr. Chidambaram in 2009, told the judge that he had only around 40 questions to be posed during cross examination and he would not be taking more than 90 minutes to do so.

Since the case had been pending for nearly a decade and also because there was a chance of her being deputed to the Madurai Bench of the High Court from December, Ms. Justice Sathyanarayana requested the counsel on both sides to expedite the trial proceedings so that a quietus could be given to the election petition at the earliest.
DVAC seizes ₹43.44 lakh from govt. offices in State

Searches conducted in 15 districts and Chennai


In a joint surprise check, officials of the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption seized ₹43.44 lakh of unaccounted cash in government offices across the State.

In the office of the Block Development Officer, Chitlapakkam, investigators seized ₹22.55 lakh along with 12 sovereigns of gold. While ₹4.67 lakh was seized from the office of the Sub-Registrar, Ambattur in Chennai, ₹2.24 lakh and ₹1.67 lakh were seized from the offices of the Block Development Officer, Tiruchendur and Sub-Registrar’s office, Thiruverumbur, respectively. An amount of ₹1.60 lakh was found in the office of the District Fire Officer, Madras High Court campus, Chennai.

Officials could not account for the cash seized in the simultaneous checks conducted by the DVAC and District Inspection Cell officials three days ahead of Deepavali.

The quantum of unaccounted cash is calculated on the basis of the cash-on-hand declarations made by officials at the time of entering office for duty, a senior DVAC official said.

The searches were conducted in 15 districts and Chennai city. Transport, Registration, Rural Development and Tasmac were among the departments covered in the checks, conducted on October 23 and 24.

Deepavali ‘mamool’

“The searches were organised following a specific tip-off that some officials were receiving Deepavali ‘mamool’ or gifts from different sources. The cash has been seized and special teams formed to investigate the case,” the official said.

It is normal for the DVAC to conduct searches ahead of festivals like Deepavali or Pongal in government offices, particularly the Registration and Transport Departments.

The unaccounted cash seizures are followed by registration of cases and transfer of the officials concerned. Criminal prosecution or departmental action would be based on the outcome of the investigation, a senior investigator added.
Govt. doctors on strike

Better pay and promotions among their major demands


On warpath: Government doctors on indefinite strike at the RGGGH on Friday. B. JOTHI RAMALINGAM B_JOTHI RAMALINGAM

Doctors affiliated to the Federation of Government Doctors’ Association (FOGDA) boycotted out-patient services and in-patient care, as part of the indefinite strike starting Friday.

The federation said more than 60-70% of the total 18,000 doctors in the State were taking part in the strike to demand better pay and promotions.

Barring emergency care, the doctors’ association decided to boycott other work after the State government failed to fulfil some of their long-pending demands – implementation of Dynamic Assured Career Progression with pay band-4 at the end of 13 years of service instead of the present 20; maintenance of doctor posts as per the number of patients; 50% service quota in post-graduation admissions; and conduct of counselling for posting service post-graduates.

“Over 60-70% of government doctors across the State are part of the indefinite strike. In Chennai, we have started to gather at Tower Block – I of Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital. We had stated our demands very clearly during our earlier talks with the State government. We want the government to fulfil what they had assured us,” said A. Ramalingam, convenor of FOGDA.

Emergency services

He said emergency services would not be affected as doctors were on duty in the emergency units, intensive care units, coronary care units, deliveries, paediatric and neonatal intensive care units and fever wards.

R. Jayanthi, dean of RGGGH, said the strike had no impact on the outpatient services.

Another faction — the Tamil Nadu Government Doctors’ Association — has also decided to launch a 48-hour strike on October 30 and 31.
Heavy rush at railway stations


With just two days to go for Deepavali, commuters thronged railway stations and bus termini to get to their native places.

The two key railway stations, Central and Egmore, witnessed heavy rush, even as the five bus termini — Koyambedu, Madhavaram, Tambaram Sanatorium, K.K. Nagar and Poonamallee — saw a surge in passengers.

Though the Southern Railway announced three special trains from the city on October 25 and 26, including an unreserved train from Tambaram to Kochuveli to be operated on Saturday at 8 a.m., both railway terminals were packed.

T. Arun Pandian, from Kodambakkam, who was bound for Madurai, had a tough time boarding a train from Egmore. He rued the lack of support from security personnel in facilitating entry in an orderly way.

A senior GRP official said over 2,000 police personnel, along with RPF personnel, were deputed at Central, Egmore, Mambalam and Tambaram stations.

“We have made arrangements for adequate emergency medical facilities, drinking water and other basic amenities,” P. Mahesh, Divisional Railway Manager, Chennai Division, said.
Insurer told to pay ₹44L to kin of accident victim

An accident claims tribunal in the city has directed an insurance firm to pay ₹44.1 lakh to the family of a man who was killed in a road accident. The victim was a pillion rider on a motorcycle hit by a car in 2016 near Chengalpet.

Shabeer, a driver, was riding pillion on a motorcycle with a friend on April 23, 2016, when the datal accident occured. His wife Mubarak Begum moved the tribunal seeking a compensation of ₹50 lakh to care for her children aged 12 years and 5 years at the time, and herself. The firm with which the car was insured opposed the claim. Tribunal judge S Umamaheshwari held that the minor children are eligible for ₹15 lakh each, the wife ₹12.1lakh and Shabeer’s parents ₹2 lakh. TNN
If you’ve to take Park Town flyover to catch a train, run
Situation Worsens Ahead Of Festival


At 3.20 pm on Friday, 30-year-old R Purushottamam got down from his hired autorickshaw on the Park Town flyover, picked up his luggage and made a dash to catch his train that was leaving MGR Chennai Central station in a few minutes.

The flyover on Pallavan Salai connecting Central station and Chintadripet is a preferred course for vehicles approaching the railway station. Almost every single day, traffic on the bridge comes to a standstill, sometimes for hours, according to commuters. On Friday, it was worse as several people were headed for Central on their way home for the Diwali weekend.

“I’ve been stuck here for the last 45 minutes and my train is leaving in 10 minutes,” Purushottaman told TOI before beginning his sprint towards the station.

Several people like him could be seen taking the narrow pavement towards the station, their baggage in tow, instead of waiting in their vehicles and praying they inch ahead.

Ritu B, a software professional and a regular on the stretch, recalled an incident when she missed her train a month ago due to prolonged traffic snarl on the flyover.

“It takes 45 minutes for me to reach the station, and that day, I left 20 minutes early. But traffic came to a halt and there was no way for any vehicle to move… I missed my train,” she said. She had to shell out extra money and take a flight.

Several other commuters told TOI that traffic congestion on the flyover is a daily routine.

“It is because Poonamallee High Road is a converging point of several suburban roads. Due to this, vehicles pile up causing delays,” said a traffic police officer manning the junction near Central. “It gets worse during festivals such as Diwali.” He said vehicle movement is high on the flyover because the road leads to north Chennai, a hub of several small firms. “If there was an alternate route, this congestion could be avoided,” the officer said. “We see maximum rush between 3pm and 7pm on the Park Town bridge,” said the officer.

To avoid getting stuck on the bridge, many take a detour via Muthuswamy Road and General Hospital Road to reach the railway station.

“But other routes are also jampacked during these hours. Authorities should create an alternate route or some shortcut for vehicles to pass freely,” said Lakshmi Narayanan, a retired government employee residing at Sowcarpet.

A Arun, additional commissioner of police, traffic, blamed pedestrian movement for endless traffic snarls on the flyover. “We are awaiting the subway construction to be completed… Once done, pedestrians will begin to use it instead of crossing the road,” he said.

TO A CRAWL: Traffic on the flyover was worse on Friday as many were headed for Central on their way home for the Diwali weekend
Metro rail employees are governed by state labour dept, says HC



Settling the long-standing dispute as to whether the labour department of the central government or the state government is the appropriate authority to handle industrial disputes between the Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) and its employees, the Madras high court has clarified that the state is the ‘appropriate authority’.

“This court is inclined to declare that the Tamil Nadu labour department and its authorities are the appropriate government within the meaning of the Industrial Disputes Act,” Justice S M Subramaniam said. The judge passed the order on pleas moved by the CMRL Employees Union seeking the clarification.

The issue started when the union made a representation to the management of CMRL to sort out a grievance. Subsequently, seven office bearers of the union were terminated from service. When the union approached the state labour department about the termination, it was orally directed to approach the Union labour department, which in a letter said the state should take care of the matter. Challenging the letter, the union has moved the present petition.

Buyers can’t seek relief for home loan interests they pay: TNRERA


That a homebuyer is eligible to claim compensation for delay in handing over of property, is known. But, can he/ she seek compensation for the interest paid on home loans and for appreciated value of an unfinished project? A recent order by The Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority (TNRERA) says ‘no’.

The state’s real estate regulator has rejected a plea in this regard. The homebuyer was, however, awarded usual compensation as per the Real Estate Act provisions.

The case relates to a housing project executed by Canara Bank Officers Union to four homebuyers at Madukkarai, in the suburbs of Coimbatore. In a recent order, G Saravanan, adjudicating officer of TNRERA, said the complainants entered into agreements of sale and construction separately on August 1, 2013, with the developer for the project named ‘Grand Hills Apartments/CBOU Enclave’.

The developer had agreed to complete construction and handover the apartments within two years from the date of agreement. “Till date, the flats have not been handed over. Buyers have been put to loss and hardship as they have availed home loans,” the order said. Therefore, the complainants are entitled to get compensation for the delay, it added.

The realty regulator, however, refused to entertain a plea from the complainants seeking compensation for payment of interest for the home loans. “In view of appreciation of the value of the property, the complainants cannot claim compensation for payment of interest on home loans availed for purchase of flats. Hence, the claims for compensation on interest payment on home loans are rejected,” the order said.

Further, the authority refused to fix ₹12,500 as rental loss per month for a period of four years the homebuyers sought. “In the absence of evidence on rental rate, ₹10,000 per month is reasonable. The complainant is entitled for compensation of ₹4.80 lakh and ₹20,000 as litigation expenses,” the TNRERA said. The order added that the developer must pay the compensation within 60 days.
Regularise BArch student’s attendance, HC orders MEASI



Coming to the rescue of a B.Arch student, G Niveditha, who had knocked at the doors of the Madras high court after being asked not to attend classes due to delay in ‘approval’ of her admission, the court has directed MEASI Academy of Architecture to regularise her attendance so she could appear for exams.

Justice T Raja, concurring with the submissions of senior counsel G Thilagavathi, issued the direction, two days after the court had asked the authorities to take a final decision on the issue. It had on October 23, refused to accept the contention of the college that she was not ‘formally admitted’ to the course but was allowed to attend the classes as an interim measure.

The issue pertains to a plea moved by Niveditha who said the authorities were yet to approve her admission though she had been duly admitted in a government seat under lapsed category, that too within the cut-off date of September 30.

As there was delay in permitting her to attend classes despite the court order, Thilagavathi brought the issue to the notice of Justice Raja on Friday. She also stated that even if the girl is allowed to continue the course now, she might not be able to appear for exams as she would lack the requisite attendance since she was not allowed to attended classes for a brief period by the college management.

Taking note of the difficulty, the judge then directed the authorities to regularise her attendance for the period she was not allowed to attend the classes.

The court has directed the institute to regularise Niveditha’s attendance so she could appear for exams
Rain may not dampen Diwali as experts predict dry weather


A near-dry spell may come as good news for city residents, as weather experts have forecast only traces of light rain, which may not dampen Diwali celebrations on Sunday. While IMD forecast light rain, private weather experts said rain may gain momentum in the coastal regions, including Chennai, from October 28.

The regional meteorological centre forecast that “the sky condition is likely to be generally cloudy and light rain likely to occur in some areas” for the next 48 hours in the city.

Day temperature may reach 32°C, while the minimum may hover around 26°C.

Since the low pressure area, which was expected to bring heavy rain to Chennai, skipped the city and moved towards the Andhra Pradesh coast, IMD forecast light rain, while the city has been receiving only traces. On Friday, the Nungambakkam weather station recorded traces, while it remained dry in Meenambakkam.

According to the IMD’s weather inference on Friday, the low pressure area over north coastal Andhra Pradesh and adjoining area of south Odisha and west central Bay of Bengal has become less marked.

Mahesh Palawat, chief meteorologist, Skymet Weather, said with Cyclone Kyarr gathering strength over Arabian Sea, most parts of Tamil Nadu, particularly the coastal regions, have been experiencing dry westerly winds.

“We do not expect any significant rain at least for the next two days in Chennai. Most of the rain will be over Kerala, just like southwest monsoon,” he said.

But with the cyclone expected to move away from the Indian coast beginning Sunday, experts said sea breeze would start to set in over coastal Tamil Nadu from Diwali day.

But rain may pick up from Monday when a cyclonic circulation could form over the Sri Lankan coast and extend up to south Tamil Nadu.

“Next active spells of rain from sea should start on October 27-28,” said weather blogger Pradeep John in his online post.

Palawat said, “Chennai may see some rain on October 29 and 30. But as of now, there are no chances of a significant weather system forming over Bay of Bengal.”

After a few days of traces and light rain, experts said conditions may turn favourable for a cyclonic system to travel from the Philippines coast towards Bay of Bengal.

However, as per the present forecast, the system may skip Tamil Nadu and go towards the Andhra Pradesh coast.
HC calls for zero tolerance against drunk driving


Advocating a zerotolerance policy against the drunk driving menace, the Madras high court has said that state and central governments should amend the Motor Vehicles Act to contain the growing scourge.

“It is not possible to countenance an argument that any person has a fundamental right to drink, let alone to drink any amount and then get behind the wheel of a motor car or onto a two-wheeler. Even the most minute impairment caused by alcohol intake might have the most disastrous consequences,” said Justice R Mahadevan.

Justice Mahadevan was passing orders denying any compensation to a victim of road accident, as he was found to be driving under the influence of alcohol.

Referring to a report released by Community Against Drunken Driving (CADD), the court said that around 1.34 lakh people die every year in India because of road accidents. The most shocking fact is that 70% of these are due to the consumption of alcohol, according to the report released in 2011.

“Regard must necessarily be had to the conditions in our country and in our cities — the overcrowded roads, pedestrian movement on roads, the absence of sufficient sidewalks or pavements, a general indiscipline and indifference to traffic regulations. Our roads and few sidewalks are used by hawkers during the day and by the poorest of the poor at night. This makes drunken driving more dangerous. This court does not think that it is possible to ignore these conditions, especially given our experience with fatalities caused to third parties by reported incidents of drunk driving,” Justice Mahadevan added.

Further, despite the law’s seemingly stern approach to drunk driving offenders, societal attitudes, by far and large, do not match, he said. A study by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) found that 99% of drivers who drink and drive, agree that it (drinking and driving) is dangerous and 97% were aware that it is prohibited under law. Despite this, many people are still getting behind the wheel while intoxicated, Justice Mahadevan pointed out. Noting that blood alcohol limit prescribed in Section 185 of the MV Act seems to be theoretical, Justice Mahadevan wanted the governments to amend the act so as to adopt zero tolerance norm in the act itself.

“The time has now come for just such a measure. Too many lives have already been lost to this lethal cocktail of internal consumption and internal combustion,” he added.

SCARY RIDES: A study by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences found that 99% of drivers who drink and drive, agree that drunk driving is dangerous
400-plus new lawyers get enrolled in Bar council



Advocates who play a major role in the development of the country should refrain from involving in activities which might go against the welfare of the state, Justice Vineet Kothari, Acting Chief Justice of the Madras high court, said on Friday.

Justice Vineet Kothari also said he felt happy to see a large number of women coming into the legal profession, almost equalling men.

Delivering a special address during the mass enrolment of newly graduated lawyers, organised by the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, here, Justice Kothari said: “With hard work, honesty and humanity, an advocate can excel in his profession.”

The event, in which more than 400 newly graduated lawyers were enrolled as members of the Bar, was organised in the Bar council building on the high court premises.

The welcome address was delivered by advocate P S Amalraj, chairman of the bar council, and the enrolment was moved by advocate M Krishnasamy, former Congress MP.

Administration of oath for the newly enrolled advocates was tendered by advocate and head of Bar council’s enrolment committee K Balu, while they were felicitated by senior advocate and former attorney general of India K Parasaran and BCI co-chairman S Prabakaran.

Among others who attended the function were T Michael Stanis Prabhu, C Srimurugaa, members of the enrolment committee of the bar council, and C Rajakumar, secretary of the council.

LEGAL EAGLES: (Top right) Justice Vineet Kothari, Acting Chief Justice of the Madras high court, and K Parasaran, former attorney general of India, during the mass enrollment of newly graduated lawyers (above) organised on the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Bar Council premises in the city on Friday

Ahead of Diwali, DVAC searches govt offices


Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) has again conducted surprise checks at government offices which deal with cash, ahead of Diwali, typically the time when bribes are offered.

DVAC sources said that on Wednesday and Thursday, as many as 17 offices across the state were raided and ₹19.8lakh unaccounted money was seized.

These include two searches at the sub-registrar’s office in Ambattur, and the district fire office on the High Court campus where ₹4.67lakh and ₹1.6lakh cash were recovered. At the RTO office in Chengalpet, DVAC sleuths found ₹86,510.

Other places raided across the state include subregistrar offices, taluk offices, RTO offices and motor vehicle inspector’s offices and even a TASMAC office in Perambalur.

The second highest seizure was at the BDO’s office in Tiruchendur where ₹2.24lakh was seized.

Officials said that bribes were being demanded by officials as “Diwali bonus” for the expenses arising out of festival shopping.

“Major ‘bribe collecting offices’ include registration, TASMAC and RTO,” said officials. This year, the fire services department has also made an entry in the list. It is likely because of permissions to be given to firecracker shops by the fire services department.

Cases would be registered against the officials, DVAC sources said.
Doctors begin strike, but patient care not affected


Government doctors in the city and the rest of Tamil Nadu began an indefinite strike on Friday demanding an increase in salary. While there were long queues in outpatient sections in many government medical college hospitals in the morning, the situation was near normal by noon. Emergency departments, ICUs and fever wards were fully functional.

While most doctors found new ways to participate in the strike by signing attendance forms and taking turns to stand with the protesting doctors’ group, a five-member group went on an indefinite hunger strike demanding that the chief minister meet them and hear their demands.

In Chennai, more than 300 doctors from different hospitals raised slogans outside the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital. Most doctors said they did not want patients to suffer. “Most departments had professors and post-graduates on the floor throughout the day. Assistant professors took breaks to join the strike,” said an assistant professor in Kilpauk Medical College Hospital.

The highest absence in Chennai was recorded at Stanley Medical College Hospital, where 95 doctors, including three senior doctors, of the total 508 did not sign the attendance register. In Kilpauk Medical College Hospital, barring 65 of the 135 assistant professors, most doctors signed the register and attended duty. At the GH, doctors were on leave without permission. “None of the scheduled surgeries were cancelled in our hospital. There was a delay in waiting period but our OP strength was normal,” said Stanley Medical College dean Dr R Shanthimalar.

Health secretary Beela Rajesh held talks with the striking doctors, but to no avail. “She asked us to return to work as it is the festival season and there were many fever cases. There was no favourable response to our demand,” said a protesting doctor. The strike had no effect on patient care in government hospitals and primary heath care centres in Madurai and the southern districts. Protesting doctors in Government Rajaji Hospital (GRH) in Madurai and Coimbatore Medical College Hospital have been boycotting classes for medical students since Thursday. However, all other patient facilities will be fully operational till October 29. “We have planned for a full 48-hour strike on October

30. Even on that day, we will have teams to respond to emergencies. It is just that one doctor will have to deal with the work load of 10 on those two days,” said Tamil Nadu Government Doctors’ Association president Dr K Senthil. While Tuticorin Medical College Hospital recorded 100% attendance, according to resident medical officer Dr Silas Jeyamani, 550 PG doctors in Trichy participated in the strike, said Service Doctors and Postgraduates Association (SDPGA) treasurer Dr T Aruleeswaran.

The salary for doctors in state and central services is the same when they join duty, but doctors in central government service receive promotions in four, nine, 13 and 20 years, compared to eight, 15, 17 and 20 years in the state government.

SALARY MATTERS: Doctors hold a protest at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital on Friday

EPS should hold talks, says Stalin


Chief minister Edappadi K Palaniswami should immediately hold talks with the striking government hospital doctors, said DMK president M K Stalin in a statement on Friday. So far, the CM has not called the doctors and the government is not worried about people, he said.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Madras high court directs law student to do social service 


Published Oct 23, 2019, 1:22 am IST

However, the petitioner admitted that he was present at the scene.

Madras high court

Chennai: The Madras high court has directed a Law Student to do social service by way of planting at least 10 tree-saplings in the campus of Dr.Ambedkar Government Law College, Pudhupakkam, as a pre-condition for discharge from a police FIR arraigning him among other accused in a case of Pachaiyappa’s College Students unrest in the city.

Justice M.S.Ramesh gave the directive on a petition filed by E.Durai Raj, a second year B.A.,LLB student of Dr.Ambedkar Government Law College, Pudhupakkam.

The case of Durai Raj was that there was a discrepancy in the FIR that he belonged to Pachaiyappa’s college and raised slogans in support of students on the opening day of Pachaiyappa’s college, whereas he was a student of Dr.Ambedkar Government Law College. However, the petitioner admitted that he was present at the scene.

Holding that the young man’s career should not suffer on account of this case, Justice Ramesh took the magnanimous view that the ends of justice would be served, if Durai Raj gives an undertaking that he will do social service by planting at least 10 tree-saplings in Dr.Ambedkar Government Law College, Pudhupakkam.

The judge said, “The petitioner should ensure that the trees are well watered, at least for one month and report the action taken to the Principal, Dr.Ambedkar Government Law College, Pudhupakkam. With such a condition, the impugned FIR on the file of the Ayyanavaram police, stands quashed”.
Islamic college donates 20 acres of land for medical college in Mayiladuthurai

A delegation of the college met Nagapattinam district collector Praveen P Nair and gave its consent to donate land for a medical college in Mayiladuthurai.

Published: 24th October 2019 02:55 PM 

The eight-member delegation which included members from Jamia Misbahul Hudha Arabic College.

By Antony Fernando

Express News Service

NAGAPATTINAM: An Islamic college from Mayiladuthurai has come forward to donate 20 acres of its land for the construction of the medical college in Mayiladuthurai.

An eight-member delegation which included members from Jamia Misbahul Hudha Arabic College in Nidur near Mayiladuthurai has met Nagapattinam district collector Praveen P Nair on Thursday and gave its consent to donate land for a medical college in Mayiladuthurai.

“We wholeheartedly wish to donate our land of 21 acres for the welfare of the public without any expectations for a return of a favour. We took this decision days ago after we realized Mayiladuthurai could get a medical college if it there is enough land available to the government. The government should now fulfil the wish of Mayiladuthurai residents to have a medical college here," said SA Mohamed Sadeeq, the general secretary of Jamia Misbahul Hudha Trust in Needur.

Jamia Misbahul Hudha Arabic College in Needur and its trust has been functioning since 1912, and formally registered under the Indian government in 1947. The barren land they are donating is near a hamlet called Erumbukadu in Mayiladuthurai taluk. It is situated 6.5 kilometres north of Mayiladuthurai.

The delegation that met the collector also included Mayuram Bar Association’s president advocate R Seyon and former MLA of Kuthalam constituency ‘Kuthalam’ P Kalyanam. R Seyon said, “We do not wish that Nagapattinam should be deprived of a medical college. It should have one irrespective of formation of Mayiladuthurai district.”

It is to be noted that Nagapattinam district collector Praveen P Nair had already proposed Orathur in Nagapattinam taluk as the location for the establishment of the medical college in Nagapattinam district. But, it was met with sharp reactions from Mayiladuthurai.

TNIE had earlier reported that Needur near Mayiladuthurai still stands a chance as an alternative.

While speaking to TNIE, Kuthalam’s former MLA ‘Kuthalam’ P Kalayanam said, “The patients in the northern side cannot be left in the mercy of medical college in Nagapattinam, particularly after formation of the new district with Mayiladuthurai as its headquarters. It will duplicate the scenario of Karaikal being in the mercy of Puducherry as both the Union territory districts are geographically apart.”
Obtain thumb impression of all medical students: Madras HC

Court asked NTA to clarify the procedure followed when students enter exam hall

Published: 25th October 2019 05:36 AM

Madras HC

By Express News Service

CHENNAI: A division bench of the Madras High Court on Thursday directed the CB-CID along with the Forensic Department to visit deemed universities and obtain thumb impressions of the medical students admitted this year, in the presence of the Deans or Principals concerned and get the process videographed.

The bench comprising Justices N Kirubakaran and P Velmurugan issued the direction as only the fingerprints of students in government and private colleges were obtained, but not those admitted in deemed universities. It passed the interim order on the plea moved by S Dheeran of Coimbatore, seeking direction to the government to undertake proper counselling and mop-up procedure to fill 207 management quota seats available due to non-filling of NRI quota seats.

The court also suo motu impleaded the Director of Finger Print Bureau, Chennai as an expert is required for the process of comparing the thumb impressions. The court has directed the National Testing Agency (NTA) to clarify its position on the procedure followed at the time of allowing the students to enter the examination hall and also come out with information to answer the question whether the fingerprints of the students, who were admitted for examination, had been obtained manually by using ink or through the biometric method. The NTA had submitted only the details of the thumb impressions of the 4,250 candidates admitted in government and private medical colleges in Tamil Nadu.

2nd-yr also under scanner

Chennai: Officials are planning to reverify certificates of all second-year MBBS students following cases of suspected impersonation last year too. A senior official told Express, “ We will be verifying documents of all 2nd-year students just like we did in the case of first year. We received an anonymous email claiming a 2nd-year student at MMC also indulged in impersonation. We found out he had written NEET in Bihar, that too in Hindi. But, when the dean called him to sign or write a sentence in Hindi, he could not. So, the dean filed a complaint with police”.
HC upholds dismissal of bus conductor

There is no error in imposing the punishment of dismissal as the charges were proved. 

 Published: 25th October 2019 05:47 AM By Express News Service

CHENNAI: Holding that an allegation of misappropriation of funds by a State Transport Corporation conductor cannot be viewed leniently, the Madras High Court has upheld the orders of the Corporation in Salem dismissing him from service.

Justice S M Subramaniam made the observation while allowing a writ petition from the transport undertaking challenging the orders of July 6, 2004 of the Labour Court at Salem, which reinstated P Manimaran in service with 25 per cent backwages.

There is no error in imposing the punishment of dismissal as the charges were proved. Such allegations of misappropriation cannot be viewed leniently and that too, when he had put in hardly two years service, the judge said.

“This court has no hesitation in coming to the conclusion that the Labour Court has committed an error in passing the award of reinstatement with 25 per cent backwages with effect from March 9,onwards. Consequently, the award of the Labour Court dated July 6, 2004 is quashed and accordingly, the writ petition stands allowed,” the judge said.

Bail plea dismissed as withdrawn by S Jayagopal

Chennai: The Madras HC on Thursday dismissed as withdrawn a bail petition filed by AIADMK’s S Jayagopal and his relative Meganathan. Their counsel pleaded Justice C V Karthikeyan to permit them to withdraw the plea. Subashri (23), a techie, was crushed to death when a banner erected by Jayagopal in connection with his son’s wedding fell on her when she was riding a two-wheeler at Pallikaranai on September 12. She lost balance and fell on the road and was run over by a water tanker. In his bail application, Jayagopal claimed he did not erect the banner. Some party cadre had put up the banner out of love and affection and local police had falsely included his name in FIR.

Other universities

Deemed univ asks up to 1 year’s salary to issue certificate

Ragu.Raman | Oct 21, 2019, 04:43 IST


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Chennai: Candidates applying for the position of assistant professors in government colleges were shocked to find that their previous employer, a deemed university in the city, was demanding up to a year’s salary as ‘service fee’ to issue experience certificates.

While colleges ask up to Rs 2,000 as administrative charges to provide an experience certificate, the demand of one year’s salary by the deemed university, located in the city’s suburbs, has raised concerns.

According to candidates, the institution has three categories for issuing experience certificates. “To get an experience certificate of up to three years, faculty members have to pay three months’ salary. Those employed for three years to seven years, six months’ salary has to be paid and those working for more than eight years, a full year’s salary is demanded,” the candidates said. Recently, the Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) issued a notification to recruit 2,331 assistant professors for government arts and science colleges.

With just more than a week to go for the last date, several candidates, working as lecturers, found it difficult to get experience certificates. The weightage for teaching experience carries 15 marks and for each year’s experience candidates get two marks. “The institute is exploiting this rule and demanding one year’s salary to give experience certificate for more than eight years which would fetch full marks to the candidates,” said a former faculty member at the deemed university.

More than 200 faculty members, present and former, from the deemed university are qualified to apply for the assistant professors’ post, but, few have got the required certificate. “Our salaries are low. We cannot pay such a huge sum to get the certificate. When some of the old faculty members approached the university administrative staff, they were told that it is the university’s norms. We are not sure which norms allow the university to levy such a fees,” a former faculty member from the deemed university told TOI on condition of anonymity.
TRB is insisting on experience certificates this year to check malpractice. But many colleges are apprehensive to give salary details as they pay lectures very less. “Though the TRB’s new experience format is hard to tamper with, the candidates are facing difficulties in acquiring certificates. Some colleges are using the situation trying to exploit the candidates,” said A R Nagarajan, adviser to NET SLET Association.

The officials from directorate of collegiate education said they would take action against institutions demanding money if they receive any specific complaints.

Court News- universities

Med college told to cough up Rs 20L for ‘not satisfactory’ TC

Ram Sundaram | Oct 21, 2019, 04:10 IST

Chennai: The state consumer disputes redressal forum directed a medical college in the state to pay a fine of Rs 20 lakh and make corrections to a transfer certificate it had issued to one of its students. The character of the medical student, who went to court after his college refused an internship transfer so that he could take care of his ailing parents, was branded ‘not satisfactory’ in his transfer certificate.

V Balasundar Raj, a native of Tirupur district, joined MBBS course at Shree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences in Kanyakumari in September 2006.

He availed an education loan to complete his course in August 2011 and a provisional registration certificate was issued by the Tamil Nadu Medical Council for him to undergo compulsory rotating resident internship (CRRI) for a year.

During his internship, his father was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (a form of arthritis that primarily affects the spine) and his aged mother had limb ischemia (reduced blood flow) and left subclavian artery inclusion. Both were undergoing treatment at Vellore.

Balasundar applied for CRRI transfer to Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore. While CMC gave its nod, Mookambika Institute rejected the request. Balasundar then approached the Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, to which the institute was affiliated to, seeking a transfer but there was no progress.

He then moved the Madras high court. In July 2012, the court directed the college to issue a no objection certificate (NOC) towards his transfer after he paid Rs 75,000 fees that was due. Despite paying the dues, the college delayed the certification process, said Balasundar, forcing him to file a contempt petition in court.

Irked by this, the college issued a TC and course completion certificate stating that the student’s character was ‘not satisfactory’.

Balasundar claimed the college wasted two years of his life and spoiled his future by making such remarks in the certificate. The college admitted to issuing such a TC as the conduct of the student had to be assessed only by the college authority.

Justice S Tamilvanan observed that the ‘improper attitude’ of the college was condemnable and unwarranted. “No educational institution should treat students as enemies,” he added. The forum directed the college to pay Balasundar Rs 20 lakh compensation for deficiency in services and agony caused, and another Rs 10,000 towards litigation expenses.

Central,/ MCI

State gets MCI nod for 6 med colleges

Times News

Network | Oct 22, 2019, 04:54 IST


Chennai: Two committees of the Medical Council of India have cleared the decks for six new government medical colleges to be set up in the state, said health minister C Vijaya Baskar. If the Union health ministry gives the final nod and financial sanction, the state will be able to add up to 900 MBBS seats into its matrix.

“We are thrilled. This is probably the largest number of seats Tamil Nadu has been sanctioned at one go,” Vijaya Baskar said. “We have been working hard to get the seats. On the day of Chinese president Xi Jinping’s visit, papers had to be signed by at least five ministers for six government orders to be released in 24 hours. I signed one of the orders in Mamallapuram. We did it and were able to convince the Centre that we were serious about it,” he said.

Now, encouraged by the results, the state has planned to apply for three more medical colleges in Krishnagiri, Nagapattinam and Tiruvallur. “We are in the process of finalising land for these colleges. This should add another 450 MBBS seats and allow us to create tertiary care hospitals in the districts,” he said. The addition of six colleges — in Ramanathapuram, Virudhunagar, the Nilgiris, Dindigul, Tirupur and Namakkal — will take the total number of MBBS seats in government colleges to 4,150. The state will have to recruit at least 600 more doctors, 300 staff nurses, paramedics and administrative staff besides completing construction work.

“We may not be able to open all six colleges by 2020, but we will try our best. A lot depends on when we get funds from the Centre,” said a senior official.

In August, the cabinet committee on economic affairs had approved setting up of 75 government medical colleges by 2021-22. The Centre has proposed to partially fund the project as it wanted to increase the number of medical schools. Tamil Nadu, which has 23 medical colleges, proposed medical colleges in the six unserved areas.

The state, which had made a policy decision to open one medical college in every district and increase seats in existing medical colleges, decided to use the opportunity.

In September, Vijaya Baskar presented the proposal to Union health minister Harsh Vardhan and told him the state had made all arrangements, including identification of land, for the six colleges.

The administrative building of Hindustan Photo Films in Ooty, land in the collectorate complex in Virudhunagar and space around the government hospital in Tirupur have been earmarked for the new colleges.

TN Govt News

Govt warns colleges charging fees for experience certificate

TNN | Oct 22, 2019, 04:06 IST


Chennai: The Tamil Nadu directorate of collegiate education on Monday warned colleges and deemed universities that it will initiate stringent action against them if they demanded money from faculty members for issuing experience certificates.

A report carried by TOI on Monday pointed out that a deemed university in Chennai was demanding up to a year’s salary from faculty members seeking experience certificates. The Teachers Recruitment Board has notified 2,331 vacancies in government arts and science colleges for which the teachers would be applying. The board has prescribed a format to get experience certificates from their current and previous employers. “We receive complaints that colleges decline to issue experience certificates and attendance details and some deemed universities demand money to issue certificates. Some candidates complained that educational institutions were demanding resignation letters from faculty members if they sought experience certificates,” said C Jothi Venkateswaran, director of collegiate education in a circular to all registrars of universities and regional joint directors.

“If private universities demand money for issuing experience certificates, it is against regulations and they will face stringent action,” he said in the circular. The director urged all educational institutions to issue the experience certificates without delay.
Meanwhile, an expert as pointed out holes in the system. “No state university maintains year-wise staff data of their affiliated colleges. If colleges want they can give fake certificates for anyone since there is no independent data available for verification,” said A R Nagarajan, advisor to NET SLET Association.

Train info

IRCTC to pay compensation after delayed run of Tejas


A delay of more than three hours in the running of the Delhi-Lucknow Tejas Express on October 19 has cost the IRCTC around ₹1.62 lakh which the railway subsidiary will pay through its insurance companies as compensation to around 950 passengers, a first in the history of the Indian Railways, officials said on Monday.
The train left Lucknow at around 9.55 a.m. instead of the scheduled 6.10 a.m. and reached New Delhi at around 3.40 p.m. instead of 12.25 p.m. It left New Delhi at 5.30 p.m. instead of 3.35 p.m. and reached Lucknow at around 11.30 p.m. instead of 10.05 p.m.
The 450 passengers from Lucknow to Delhi would get ₹250 each and the 500 passengers from Delhi to Lucknow would be paid ₹100 each.

One official said each passenger can avail himself of the compensation through a link of the insurer provided with every ticket.

He also said the delay on October 19 had been caused by a derailment near Kanpur.

Since it began commercial operations from October 6 for six days a week, the train has maintained a tight schedule. On October 20, the Lucknow-Delhi Tejas reached 24 minutes late while the Delhi-Lucknow Tejas arrived right on time.

Under the IRCTC’s policy, ₹100 would be paid in case of delay of over an hour and ₹250 for delay of over two hours, the IRCTC said ahead of the launch of its first train.

Court News

Order in murder case was due to ‘oversight’: sessions judge


A sessions judge submitted a report to the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on Monday explaining that his order convicting the accused in a murder case under Section 302 of the IPC was due to oversight.

A Division Bench of Justices S. Vaidyanathan and N. Anand Venkatesh took cognisance of the explanation submitted by the Additional District and Sessions Judge, Virudhunagar, and observed that after going through the sessions court judgement, it could be seen that the sessions judge did not intend to convict them under Section 302 (Murder) of the IPC.

The court said it was an inadvertent mistake and instead had the judge convicted the accused under Section 304 (1) (Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder), things would have fallen in place and added that to err was human.

The court adjourned the hearing till October 22 to decide if it could continue to hear the appeal filed by the accused.

Earlier, the court was taken aback by the order of the lower court that had awarded jail terms of 10 years and seven years for the accused after convicting them under Section 302.

The HC Bench had observed that Section 302 of the IPC specifically provided that whoever committed the offence of murder should be punished with death sentence or imprisonment for life and should also be liable to pay a fine. It had sought an explanation from the sessions judge.

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