Sunday, April 12, 2020

ரஜினிகாந்த் வீட்டின் முன் திருநங்கைகள் போராட்டம்

By DIN | Published on : 12th April 2020 05:45 AM

கரோனா நிவாரணம் கேட்டு சென்னை போயஸ் தோட்டத்தில் உள்ள நடிகா் ரஜினிகாந்த் வீட்டின் முன்பு திருநங்கைகள் போராட்டம் நடத்தினா். இதுகுறித்து போலீஸ் தரப்பில் கூறப்பட்டதாவது:

புளியந்தோப்பைச் சோ்ந்த 8 திருநங்கைகள் சென்னை போயஸ் தோட்டத்தில் உள்ள நடிகா் ரஜினிகாந்த் இல்லத்துக்கு வெள்ளிக்கிழமை வந்தனா். அவா்கள் திடீரென ரஜினி வீட்டின் முன்பு அமா்ந்து தா்னா போராட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்டனா். மேலும் அவா்கள், ரஜினி தங்களுக்கு கரோனா நிவாரண நிதி வழங்க வேண்டும் எனக் கோரிக்கை விடுத்தனா்.

திருநங்கைகளின் இந்த திடீா் போராட்டத்தினால் ரஜினி குடும்பத்தினா் அதிா்ச்சியடைந்தனா். உடனே வீட்டில் இருந்த ரஜினியின் மனைவி லதா, தனது வீட்டின் காவலாளி மூலம் ரூ.5 ஆயிரத்தை திருநங்கைகளிடம் வழங்கினாா். இதன் காரணமாக அங்கு சுமாா் அரைமணி நேரம் பரபரப்பு ஏற்பட்டது. இது குறித்து தகவலறிந்த காவல்துறை உயரதிகாரிகள், சம்பவ இடத்துக்கு விரைந்து வந்து விசாரணை மேற்கொண்டனா்.

நிபந்தனைகளுடன் கட்டுப்பாடுகள் தளா்வு: பிரதமா் மோடி சூசகம்

By DIN | Published on : 12th April 2020 05:02 AM  

’மாநில முதல்வா்களுடன் காணொலி வழியிலான ஆலோசனைக் கூட்டத்தில் சனிக்கிழமை பேசிய பிரதமா் மோடி.’

தேசிய ஊரடங்கு நீட்டிக்கப்பட்டாலும், பொருளாதாரத்தை வலுப்படுத்த நிபந்தனைகள் தளா்த்தப்பட இருப்பதாக மாநில முதல்வா்களுடனான ஆலோசனைக் கூட்டத்தில் பிரதமா் நரேந்திர மோடி சூசகமாகத் தெரிவித்துள்ளாா். இதன் மூலம், சில வா்த்தக நடவடிக்கைகளுக்கு அனுமதி அளிக்கப்படலாம் என்று தெரிகிறது.

மாநில முதல்வா்களுடன் பிரதமா் மோடி காணொலி முறையில் சனிக்கிழமை ஆலோசனை நடத்தினாா். இந்தக் கூட்டத்தில் அவா் பேசியதாவது:

கரோனா பரவலைக் கட்டுப்படுத்த இதுவரை நாம் மேற்கொண்டுள்ள நடவடிக்கைகளின் தாக்கத்தை அறிவதற்கு அடுத்த 3 முதல் 4 வாரங்கள் முக்கியமான கட்டமாகும். எனவே, ஊரடங்கு கட்டுப்பாடுகளை அனைத்து மாநில அரசுகளும் முழுமையாக கடைப்பிடிக்க வேண்டும்.

ஊரடங்கை மேலும் 2 வாரங்களுக்கு நீட்டிக்க வேண்டும் என்று அனைத்து மாநிலங்களும் ஒருமனதாக கோரிக்கை விடுத்துள்ளன.

இதற்கு முன்பு ‘உயிா்களைக் காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும்’ என்பது நமது தாரக மந்திரமாக இருந்தது. அது தற்போது, ‘உயிா்களையும் காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும்; நாட்டையும் வளமானதாக மாற்ற வேண்டும்’ என்று மாறிவிட்டது.

கரோனா பாதிப்பு சூழலை எதிா்கொள்வது தொடா்பாக, மாநில முதல்வா்கள் எந்த நேரத்திலும் என்னைத் தொடா்புகொள்ளலாம் என்றாா் அவா்.

கடந்த மாதம் தேசிய அளவில் ஊரடங்கு அமலுக்கு வந்த பிறகு நாட்டின் பொருளாதாரம் முற்றிலும் முடங்கியது. இந்நிலையில், பொருளாதாரத்தை வலுப்படுத்த சில நிபந்தனைகளுடன் சில வா்த்தக நடவடிக்கைகளுக்கு அனுமதி அளிக்கப்படலாம் என்று அரசு வட்டாரங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.

மேலும், கரோனா தொற்றால் பாதிக்கப்படாத பகுதிகளில் கட்டுப்பாடுகளை தளா்த்துவது குறித்து அரசு பரிசீலித்து வருவதாகவும் தகவல்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.

முன்னதாக, மருத்துவா்கள், செவிலியா்கள் மற்றும் சுகாதார ஊழியா்களுக்கு போதிய பாதுகாப்பு உபகரணங்கள் இல்லை என்று பிரதமரிடம் மாநில முதல்வா்கள் குற்றம்சாட்டினா்.

அவா்களிடம், கரோனா தடுப்பு பணியில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ள அனைவருக்கும் போதிய பாதுகாப்பு உபகரணங்கள் கிடைப்பதை உறுதிசெய்ய நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது என பிரதமா் உறுதியளித்தாா். இந்தக் கூட்டத்தில் பிரதமா் மோடி முகக் கவசம் அணிந்தபடி பேசினாா்.
மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரியில் மத சின்னம் நீக்கம்

Added : ஏப் 11, 2020 23:55

நாகர்கோவில் : நாகர்கோவில் மருத்துவக்கல்லுாரி மருத்துவமனை வளாகத்தில் இருந்த மதசின்னம் நீக்கப்பட்டது.

தமிழகத்தில் வேகமாக கொரோனா பரவி வருகிறது. நாகர்கோவில் ஆசாரிப்பள்ளத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள மருத்துவக்கல்லுாரி மருத்துவமனையில் கொரோனா உறுதி செய்யப்பட்டு 15 பேர் சிகிச்சை பெற்று வருகின்றனர். இவர்களுடன் தொடர்பில் இருந்தவர்கள் வார்டில் கண்காணிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறார்கள்.இந்த நிலையில் மருத்துவமனை வளாகத்தில் உள்ள பழைய கட்டடம் புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டு ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட மதசின்னம் வைக்கப்பட்டது. மதம் சார்ந்த வசனங்களும் எழுதி வைக்கப்பட்டது. இங்கு பிரார்த்தனைநடத்தவும் வசதி செய்யப்பட்டது.

இதற்கு பா.ஜ., மற்றும் ஹிந்து முன்னணி சார்பில் எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டது. அரசு மருத்துவமனை வளாகத்தில் இதுபோன்ற ஏற்பாடுகள் தேவையற்றது என்று கூறி கலெக்டரிடம் புகார் அளிக்கப்பட்டது. இதையடுத்து கலெக்டர் உத்தரவுப்படி மதசின்னம், வசனங்கள் நீக்கப்பட்டது.

கிராமத்தினருக்கு உணவளித்த சிதம்பரம் கோவில் தீட்சிதர்கள்

Added : ஏப் 11, 2020 23:50

சென்னை : கிராமங்களில் உணவின்றி தவிக்கும், 500க்கும் மேற்பட்ட மக்களுக்கு, சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் கோவில் தீட்சிதர்கள் சார்பில் உணவு வழங்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது.

ஊரடங்கு உத்தரவால், கடலுார் மாவட்டம், சிதம்பரத்தை ஒட்டியுள்ள கிராமங்களில், வேலை இழந்து தவிக்கும் கூலித் தொழிலாளர் குடும்பங்கள், உணவின்றி தவித்து வருகின்றன. இத்தகவல் அறிந்த சிதம்பரம் கோவில் தீட்சிதர்கள் ஒருங்கிணைந்து, தினமும் கலவை சாதம் தயாரித்து, கிராமங்களுக்கு வாகனம் மூலம் கொண்டு சென்று, வீடு வீடாக வழங்கி வருகின்றனர்.இதன்படி, குமராட்சி ஒன்றிய பேராம்பட்டு, ஜெயங்கொண்டப்பட்டிணம் கிராமத்தை சேர்ந்த, 500க்கும் மேற்பட்ட மக்களுக்கு, பாஸ்கர் தீட்சிதர் தலைமையில், நேற்று உணவு வழங்கப்பட்டது.

பண்டிகை காலம் அல்ல; இது பட்டினி காலம்!'

Added : ஏப் 11, 2020 23:09

சென்னை : உணவு பொருட்களுக்கு தட்டுப்பாடு ஏற்பட்டுள்ள நிலையில், அதை சாதகமாக பயன்படுத்தி, அதிக விலைக்கு விற்பதை தடுக்க, 'இது, பண்டிகை காலம் அல்ல; பட்டினி காலம்' என, பலரும் சமூக வலைதளங்களில், வேண்டுகோள் விடுத்து வருகின்றனர்.

தமிழகத்தில், கொரோனா பரவுவதை தடுக்க, ஊரடங்கு அமல்படுத்தப்பட்டு உள்ளதால், மளிகை கடைகள், பல்பொருள் அங்காடிகளில், வசதி படைத்தவர்கள், இரண்டு, மூன்று மாதங்களுக்கு தேவையான உணவு பொருட்களை, மொத்தமாக வாங்கி செல்கின்றனர். சில வியாபாரிகள், உணவு பொருட்களுக்கு ஏற்பட்டுள்ள தட்டுப்பாட்டை சாதகமாக பயன்படுத்தி, வேண்டுமென்றே, அதிக விலைக்கு விற்கின்றனர். இதையடுத்து, 'வியாபாரிகளே... அதிக விலைக்கு விற்க, இது பண்டிகை காலம் அல்ல; பட்டினி காலம்.

ஒருவரின் சாப்பாட்டை, 10 பேர் சாப்பிடலாம்; 10 பேரின் சாப்பாட்டை, ஒருவரால் சாப்பிட முடியாது' என்பது போன்ற வாசகங்களை, பலரும் சமூக வலைதளங்களில் பதிவிட்டு வருகின்றனர். இதன் வாயிலாக, நியாயமான விலையில் பொருட்களை விற்குமாறு, வியாபாரிகளுக்கு வேண்டுகோள் விடுத்து வருகின்றனர்.
மனைவிக்காக 120 கி.மீ., சைக்கிள் ஓட்டிய முதியவர்

Added : ஏப் 12, 2020 00:00

தஞ்சாவூர் : புற்றுநோய் சிகிச்சைக்காக, மனைவியை, 120 கி.மீ., துாரம் சைக்கிளில் அழைத்துச் சென்ற, 60 வயதுமுதியவரை, பலரும் பாராட்டி வருகின்றனர்.

தஞ்சாவூர் மாவட்டம், கும்பகோணம் அடுத்த மகாராஜபுரத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர் அறிவழகன், 60; கூலி தொழிலாளியான இவரது இரண்டாவது மனைவி மஞ்சுளா, 39.இவருக்கு, ஆறு மாதங்களுக்கு முன், கன்னத்தில் புற்றுக் கட்டி உருவானது. புதுச்சேரி ஜிப்மர் மருத்துவமனைக்கு சென்று, சிகிச்சை பெற்று வந்த அவரை, மார்ச், 31ம் தேதி, பரிசோதனைக்காக மருத்துவமனைக்கு வரச் சொல்லி இருந்தனர்.ஊரடங்கு உத்தரவால், போக்குவரத்து முடங்கிய நிலையில், மார்ச், 29ம் தேதி அதிகாலை, 4:45 மணிக்கு, மனைவியை சைக்கிளில் அமர வைத்து, புதுச்சேரிக்கு புறப்பட்டார் அறிவழகன்.

அணைக்கரை, வடலுார், கடலுார் வழியாக, 120 கி.மீ.,யை கடந்து, இரவு, 10:45 மணிக்கு, மருத்துவமனைக்கு சென்றனர்.கொரோனா தொற்று காரணமாக, வெளிப்புற சிகிச்சைபிரிவுகள் அனைத்தையும் நிறுத்தி வைத்திருந்த ஜிப்மர் மருத்துவமனையில், அவசர சிகிச்சை பிரிவு மட்டுமே செயல்பட்டுக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது.ஆனாலும், அறிவழகன் சைக்கிளிலேயே மனைவியை அழைத்து வந்த தகவலைக் கேட்டு அதிர்ச்சி அடைந்த டாக்டர்கள், மறுநாள் காலை முதல், இரண்டு நாட்கள் தங்க வைத்து சிகிச்சை அளித்தனர். டாக்டர்கள் சொந்த செலவில் அவர்களுக்கு உணவு, மருந்துகள் போன்றவற்றை வாங்கிக் கொடுத்து, ஆம்புலன்சில் ஊருக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தனர்.

அறிவழகன் கூறியதாவது:முதல் மனைவி, சில ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் இறந்து விட்டார். மஞ்சுளாவை, இரண்டாவது திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டேன். அவள் வலியால் துடித்ததை பார்க்க முடியாமல், சைக்கிளிலேயே அழைத்து சென்றேன்.வழியில் தடுத்த போலீசாரிடம், மருத்துவ சீட்டை காண்பித்ததால், விட்டு விட்டனர். சில இடங்களில், போலீசார் டீ, சாப்பாடு கொடுத்தனர். தொடர்ந்து சிகிச்சை அளித்து, மனைவியை நிச்சயம் காப்பாற்றி விடுவேன்.மனைவிக்கு சிகிச்சை அளிக்க அறிவழகன் எடுத்த முயற்சியை, பல தரப்பினரும் பாராட்டி வருகின்றனர். சிகிச்சைக்கு உதவ நினைத்தால், 91505 41339 என்ற மொபைல் எண்ணுக்கு அழைக்கலாம்.படம் உண்டு...--------

'மக்களுக்கு தந்தால் கடவுளுக்கு சேரும்'

Added : ஏப் 12, 2020 02:12 |
 'மக்களுக்கு தந்தால் கடவுளுக்கு சேரும்'

சென்னை: ''கடவுளுக்கு கொடுக்கும் போது, அது, மக்களுக்குப் போய் சேராது; மக்களுக்கு கொடுக்கும் போது, அது, கடவுளிடம் போய் சேரும்,'' என, நடிகர் ராகவா லாரன்ஸ் கூறியுள்ளார்.

அவர் அளித்த பேட்டி: நான் கொடுத்த, 3 கோடி ரூபாய் நிதியுதவிக்கு, பலரும் வாழ்த்தினர். இதன் பின், சண்டை கலைஞர்கள், உதவி இயக்குனர்கள், பொது மக்கள் என, பலரும் இன்னும் உதவிகள் செய்யுமாறு கோருகின்றனர். அதையெல்லாம் பார்த்த போது, எனக்கு இதயமே நொறுங்கி விடுவது போல இருந்தது.

இதற்கெல்லாம், நான் கொடுத்த, 3 கோடி ரூபாய் போதாது.என்னைப் பொறுத்தவரையில், கடவுளுக்கு கொடுக்கும் போது, அது, மக்களுக்கு போய் சேராது. ஆனால், மக்களுக்கு கொடுக்கும் போது, அது, கடவுளிடம் போய் சேரும். ஏனென்றால், கடவுள் ஒவ்வொருவருக்கு உள்ளும் இருக்கிறார்.கடவுள், என்னை வீட்டில் உட்கார வைத்திருக்கிறார் என, நினைத்தேன், ஆனால், சேவை செய்வதற்கான வேலையை கொடுத்திருக்கிறார்.

இது, அனைவருக்கும் கடினமான காலகட்டம். எனவே, சேவை செய்வதற்கு, இது தான் சரியான தருணம்.எனவே, மக்களுக்கும், அரசுக்கும், என்னால் முடிந்த உதவிகளை செய்ய வேண்டும் என, நினைத்துள்ளேன். இப்போது, நான் கொடுத்த, 3 கோடி ரூபாய் அல்லாமல், மேலும், பல உதவிகளை செய்ய இருக்கிறேன்.இவ்வாறு, லாரன்ஸ் கூறினார்.
நிலாச்சோறு, பூண்டு துவையல், மிளகு ரசம்
Added : ஏப் 12, 2020 00:23

நாகர்கோவில் : நிலா சோறு சாப்பிடுவது மஞ்சள் வேப்பிலையில் குளியல் பூண்டு மிளகில் சமையல் என கொரோனா மக்களை பாட்டி காலத்துக்கு மாற்றியுள்ளது.

கொரோனாவால் சில நல்ல விஷயங்களும் நடக்க துவங்கியுள்ளது. அந்தக்காலத்தில் வெளியில் சென்றுவிட்டு வீடு திரும்பும் போது வாசலில் தண்ணீரில் கை கால் கழுவி துடைத்த பின்னரே உள்ளே நுழைவர். காலம் மாறி அதெல்லாம் மறக்கப்பட்டது. காலணியுடன் படுக்கையறை வரை சென்றனர். சரியாக கை கழுவுவது கூட இல்லை. கொரோனா இன்று பழைய காலத்தை மீண்டும் கொண்டு வந்துள்ளது. வீட்டுவாசலில் வேப்பிலை மஞ்சள் கலந்த தண்ணீர் வைக்கப்பட்டு கை கால் கழுவுவது ஒரு கடமையாகியுள்ளது.ஊரடங்கு மொட்டை மாடியில் நிலாச்சோறு சாப்பிடும் வாய்ப்பை அளித்துள்ளது.

குடும்பத்துடன் நீண்ட நேரம் பேச முடிகிறது. அலைபேசி மீது கூட வெறுப்பை ஏற்படுத்தியுள்ளது.பீட்சா பர்கர்களிடமிருந்து விலகி பூண்டு துவையல் இஞ்சி பச்சடி அவியல் மிளகு ரசம் என்று ருசிக்க தொடங்கியுள்ளனர். சித்தா ஆயுர்வேத மருத்துவ மகத்துவம் புரிகிறது. கொரோனாவால் உயிரிழப்பு பொருளாதார இழப்பு போன்ற மோசமான தாக்கங்கள் ஏற்பட்டாலும் குழந்தைகள் முதல் பெரியவர்கள் வரை அனைவருக்கும் நல்ல உணவு பழக்கம் நல்ல பண்புகளை கொடுத்துள்ளது. கட்டுப்பாடுகள் தளர்ந்தாலும் கை கழுவுதல் இயற்கை உணவு உட்கொள்தல் தொடரும் என்ற நம்பிக்கை ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.

ஆசிரியர்களின் ஒரு நாள் ஊதியம் பிடிக்க உத்தரவு

Added : ஏப் 12, 2020 00:24

சென்னை : ஆசிரியர்கள், அலுவலக பணியாளர்களின் ஏப்ரல் மாத சம்பளத்தில், ஒரு நாள் ஊதியத்தை பிடித்தம் செய்ய, பள்ளி கல்வி துறை உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது.

கொரோனா நிவாரண பணிக்கு, நிதியுதவி தருமாறு, பொதுமக்களிடம் மத்திய - மாநில அரசுகள் கோரிக்கை விடுத்தன. இந்த கோரிக்கையை ஏற்று, அரசு ஊழியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள், தங்களின் ஒரு நாள் ஊதியத்தை தர முன்வந்தனர். அதை அரசு ஏற்றுள்ளது. இதையடுத்து, இந்த மாதம் ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் கல்வி துறை பணியாளர்களின் சம்பளத்தில், ஒரு நாள் ஊதியத்தை பிடித்தம் செய்ய, தமிழக பள்ளி கல்வி இயக்குனர், கண்ணப்பன் உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளார்.

விருப்பம் உள்ளவர்களிடம் மட்டுமே, ஊதியம் பிடித்தம் செய்து பட்டியல் அனுப்ப வேண்டும் என, மாவட்ட முதன்மை கல்வி அலுவலர்களுக்கு, அவர் அறிவுறுத்தியுள்ளார்.
‘Only farm, allied sectors will be allowed’Requested Centre to give loan deferment, says KCR

Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao speaking at a press conference at Pragathi Bhavan on Saturday.

State Bureau  12.04.2020


Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao declared that all religious programmes and mass gatherings will be banned till April 30. No permissions will be given whatsoever, he asserted. The State government will allow only farm operations and food processing industries to operate. He pointed out that without farm operations, people will face scarcity of essential commodities. Permissions will be granted to rice mills, oil mills, flour mills and other value-addition industries affiliated to agriculture.

“With a population of 130 crore, no other country can supply food to us. We are a self-reliant and self-sufficient country in terms of food production. We need to allow farmers to continue their operations. Agriculture and food processing sectors will be allowed. They should take necessary precautions,” he said while briefing the media about the Cabinet decisions at Pragathi Bhavan on Saturday.

He said the Telangana government had also requested the Centre to give loan deferment failing which we will not be able to pay our loans. “The State revenue was only Rs 100.15 crore against Rs 4,000 crore in April. Even if we get additional loans and the Centre releases devolution funds, we will not be able to meet essential needs unless loans are deferred,” he said wishing for a favourable decision from the Central government.

Warning traders of stern action if they sell contaminated or spurious commodities, he said they will be booked under the PD Act. “Fair price shops are not hoarding ration. If such things happen we will cancel their dealership and will ensure that every eligible beneficiary received ration,” he said. Answering a question on compensation to farmers who have lost standing crop to hailstorm, he said that the government will support them.

Regarding the availability of masks, he said people can use towels, handkerchiefs and other clothes as alternatives. He also asked the Chief Secretary to conduct meeting with private hospitals and initiate action against those who refuse treatment to Covid 19 patients. He also ruled out opening of liquor shops at this juncture.

No need of private  testing now

“We are capable to test 1,000 samples per day. We will not permit private organisations to test. We have our reasons in this regard. If tested positive, we will immediately admit them into the Centre’s notified hospitals, which are fully equipped to treat Covid-19 patients. We are acting as per the latest update in treatment. We are providing all facilities to patients while treating them at free of cost, but affairs in private hospitals will not be in our control,” the Chief Minister said.

Now that the Supreme Court gave judgment to conduct free tests, no private organisations are ready to test patients, he added. The government will take all precautions before discharging them. A medical team of senior doctors clears each case of Covid-19 patient, he added.

The Chief Minister said the entire State administration was only focusing on containing the disease and making all efforts to break the chain. “We have no other intentions but to stop the spread of the disease. Entire Gandhi Hospital has been closed and staff are allowed under the surveillance of police,” he said.

He said that the government could procure only three major crops — cotton, paddy and corn. “We made arrangements for Bengal gram as the situation was bad for the farmers. We cannot procure all crops. No State government has procured entire crop of paddy and corn during a season in the history of India,” he said, adding that he had informed Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the State was procuring produce from villages itself and had closed all market yards.
University of Hyderabad to offer tele-counselling


Hyderabad: The University of Hyderabad (UoH) will provide emotional support for rehabilitation of coronavirus victims through tele-counselling.

This is being done as part of Support for Emotional Rehabilitation of the Virus Victims (SERV), a joint initiative of Association of Health Psychologists (AHP), Action Aid, Dr Reddy’s Foundation-School Improvement Programme and APTS Social Service Forum.

The AHP has been extending tele-counselling services to the needy all across the country. There are about 130 volunteers who are trained by the core team of the AHP.

Counsellors with the highest academic (psychology) background and years of experience in counselling have volunteered to provide 24X7 support for the coronavirus positive patients across the State.

Any person in need of counselling services can call on the helpline number 9985010680. For more details visit the link:
Apple, Google tie up to trace contacts

Business Bureau

Hyderabad  12.04.2020

With contact tracing becoming the best bet to contain the spread of Covid-19, two tech giants have come together to fight the virus.

Apple and Google have joined hands in a first-of-its-kind initiative – which is to enable contact tracing through Bluetooth. The collaboration aims to help government and public health agencies reduce the spread of coronavirus while keeping the privacy and security of users intact. Next month, the two tech giants will release APIs (application programming interfaces) that work both on Android and iOS devices using apps from public health authorities. These apps will be available via app stores. The companies are planning to enable a broader Bluetooth-based contact tracing platform by building this functionality into the underlying platforms. This would be a robust solution and would allow more individuals to participate, if they choose to opt in, as well as enable interaction with a broader ecosystem of apps and government health authorities. (

Apple, Google tie up to trace contacts

The data collected via this solution will only be used for contact tracing by authorities for Covid-19 pandemic management. It would not collect personally identifiable information or user location data. “The list of people that you contact never leaves the phone and in turn a broadcast beacon key is generated on the cloud which is then matched with positive patient – whose identity is also not revealed. If the key matches with a positive patient then a notification are sent to the user on what to do next,” the companies said in a blogpost. Contact tracing is most viable solution to contain the spread of coronavirus and many countries are working on developing technology solutions around this.
Unanimous DecisionTS extends lockdown till April 30

Strict implementation of extended lockdown, says CM; 14 deaths out of the total of 503 cases in State

ray of hope: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said there was every possibility that Telangana would be largely free of the virus by April 24 given the present declining trend of positive cases.

State Bureau  12.04.2020


In a move that was widely anticipated, the Telangana State Cabinet on Saturday decided to extend the lockdown till April 30 to check the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

Announcing this at a media conference after a four-and-half-hour Cabinet meeting at Pragathi Bhavan here, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, issuing a stern warning that the extended lockdown will be implemented very strictly, however, held out a ray of hope for the people, stating that there was every possibility that Telangana would be largely free of the virus by April 24 given the present declining trend of positive cases. “This would also largely depend on not many new cases surfacing, particularly from the areas that have been declared containment zones,” he added.

Status in State

Giving a detailed report on the status in the State, the Chief Minister said so far 14 deaths (including two on Saturday which also saw 16 fresh cases) had been reported out of the total of 503 positive cases in the State so far. “While 96 persons, most of them foreign returnees and their primary contacts who tested positive in the first wave of the virus, have been discharged, the number of active cases in the State in various hospitals as on Saturday is 393. Thankfully, none of them are critical cases and do not even require to be put on ventillators,” Chandrashekhar Rao said, adding that only 1,654 persons with symptoms were under quarantine in various facilities across the State.

Containment zones

Stating that all the 25,937 persons who were quarantined in various facilities with symptoms had been discharged after they completed the prescribed quarantine period, he said a total of 243 places, including 123 under GHMC limits and the remaining 120 in other areas across the State had been identified as containment zones. “The situation in these places is being monitored constantly, and people residing in these zones are not allowed to come out nor are people from outside allowed to enter these areas,” he said.

The Chief Minister, pointing out again that the situation would have been well under control but for the Markaz episode, said 1,200 Nizamuddin returnees and their primary and secondary contacts had been identified and traced and are either undergoing treatment or placed in quarantine facilities across the State. “All the corona positive patients in the State undergoing treatment at various hospitals and those under quarantine as of now are expected to be discharged by April 24,” he said, adding that if no fresh cases are reported during the intervening period, particularly from the containment zones, people can breathe easy since the situation would be under control.

Strict observance

“It is therefore essential that people maintain social distancing, adhere to the lockdown norms strictly, don’t indulge in mass meetings and refrain from religous gatherings since this would tremendously help in containing the virus,” he said. Observing that neighbouring Maharashtra was the worst hit State in the country, Chandrashekhar Rao said this was a matter of concern since the two States share a long border. “The borders will remain sealed and there will be increased vigilance to ensure that there is no movement of non-essential vehicles and people into Telangana from the neighbouring State,” he said. The Chief Minister also declared that all students of Classes 1 to 8 would be automatically promoted to higher classes. He appealed to parents not be worried about examinations and promised that a decision with regard to SSC examinations would be taken at a later date.
Lockdown: Selfless soldier takes loans to feed poor in Andhra Pradesh

This is true in the case of this BSF jawan, who came to his home on a vacation. True to his profession, this soldier rises to the occasion when people are in trouble.

Published: 10th April 2020 07:52 AM 

BSF jawan Pitta Rajulu distributes essential commodities to the villagers at Pittavanipeta in Santabommal mandal, Srikakulam

Express News Service

SRIKAKULAM: ‘A soldier is never off duty’, reads the tagline of the 2004 superhit Bollywood movie Holiday, starring Akshay Kumar.

This is true in the case of this BSF jawan, who came to his home on a vacation. True to his profession, this soldier rises to the occasion when people are in trouble.

Not just on the battlefield, but even back home, where the poor are in need of essential supplies. He’s not just risked his life, but even spent from his pockets to help them.

Witnessing the plight of the poor with non-availability of transportation facilities to purchase essential commodities, Border Security Force (BSF) jawan Pitta Rajulu from Pittavanipeta of Santhabommali mandal has till now distributed essential commodities to more than 720 households in various hamlets of Lakkivalasa panchayat.

For this, Pitta Rajulu has so far spent more than Rs 1.30 lakh from his pocket. This amount includes his RS 40,000 salary of March. He also took hand loans from some known persons to serve the needy. Majority of people in the Lakkivalasa panchayat comprising Lakkivalasa, Pittavanipeta, Segiri Lakkivalasa, Goluguvanipeta and Geddalapadu hamlets are fishermen. 

Due to marketing and transportation problems due to the lockdown, fishermen of the coastal villages are not going to the sea. Some of them have migrated to other States for construction works, leaving behind their families and elderly people behind, and got stranded at their workplace due to the lockdown. 
To buy essential commodities, people of the hamlets have to go to Borubadra, which is six km away from the panchayat.

“After noticing the difficulties of the people for obtaining essential commodities, I have decided to help them in every possible way,” said Pitta Rajulu, who came to his native place on a vacation. He is posted at Khurda of Odisha. “I had to spent the whole salary of March and my savings. I took hand loans also to meet the expenses,’’ he said adding that he will clear the loans with his next month’s salary. In this initiative, Rajulu got the support of some youngsters, who helped him in buying the essential commodities from various shops in Borubadra, Santabommali and Srikakulam. T Venkatesh, a resident of Geddalapadu village, said five youth from each hamlet helped the jawan in bringing essential commodities from different places.
65-year-old man pedals 130 km to take his wife to Puducherry hospital for chemotherapy session

Wearing just a dhoti he asked his wife to sit on the carrier. With a towel he tied her to his body so that she does not fall down enroute and started pedalling.

Published: 11th April 2020 02:52 PM 


CHENNAI: In an another example of 'selfless love' in Tamil Nadu, a 65-year old man took his cancer-stricken wife on a bicycle and pedalled 130 km to reach hospital, so that she did not miss her chemotherapy session.

Arivazhagan pedaled with his 60-year old wife Manjula on his bicycle from his village near Kumbakonam to JIPMER hospital in Puducherry for her chemotherapy session.

Owing to the lockdown, there were no buses between TN and Puducherry. Arivazhagan after wondering how to take his wife to JIPMER for the treatment on March 30 decided to pedal it down.

Clad only in his dhoti, he asked his wife to sit on the carrier. He then tied her on to his body with a towel to prevent her from falling and started pedalling.

"We started at 4.45 a.m. and reached JIPMER at 10.15 p.m. On the way we had some tea and also slept near a pond for two hours," Arivazhagan a construction worker told IANS.

Though the concerned section was closed at JIPMER owing to coronavirus, the hospital officials on hearing his tale decided to give Manjula the needed treatment.

"The next day we sent the couple back to their home near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu in our Ambulance," a JIPMER official told IANS. Arivazhagan was full of praise for the doctors and others at JIPMER.

"They gave my wife the needed treatment and pooled money together and gave me that. They also gave medicines for one month and paid about Rs. 6,300 for the ambulance to drop us back," Arivazhagan said.

According to him, a doctor at JIPMER had called him on Saturday morning and enquired about Manjula's health.

"He also told me that an ambulance could be organised to bring Manjula to JIPMER for treatment," Arivazhagan said.

When asked why he did not take his wife to the government hospitals in Kumbakonam or in Thanjavur, Arivazhagan said the way he had been treated there had not been good and so he went to JIPMER.

"We are not covered under the Tamil Nadu's Chief Minister's Health Insurance Scheme or under the Central government's healthcare scheme. I save from my daily wages and take her to JIPMER in Puducherry," he said.

His son A Ravi, also a construction worker, said his mother had to go to JIPMER every 20 days for her checkup.

Looking back, Arivazhagan said: "It is still unbelievable as to how I pedalled the distance."
India would have seen 8.2 lakh COVID-19 cases by April 15 if there was no lockdown, says Centre

While the government said that the cases before March 25 did grew at a peak CGR of 28.9 per cent, no explanation was offered for the CGR 41 per cent considered for the worst case scenario.

Published: 12th April 2020 09:03 AM |

A deserted view of Delhi Jn. railway station during ongoing lockdown.

NEW DELHI: The ongoing three-week lockdown prevented COVID-19 from spiraling out of control, else the cases of infection would have reached 8.2 lakh by April 15 in the worst-case scenario, the Centre said on Saturday. In the daily briefing, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare presented two hypothetical scenarios of the growth of novel coronavirus in the country if measures were not taken to contain it.

"A statistical analysis of rate of growth suggests that if there was no lockdown or containment measure, then the cases growing at compound growth rate of 41 per cent could have resulted in 8.2 lakh cases by April 15," said Lav Agarwal, joint secretary in the health ministry.

The second scenario measures the efficacy of containment measures alone, without taking into account the additional benefit accrued from the implementation of the three-week national lockdown. It estimates that a total of 1.2 lakh positive cases could have been reported by April 15 if the peak growth rate of the disease 28.9 per cent — which was seen before the implementation of lockdown — had sustained.

"Before lockdown, the highest rate of growth of cases was at around 28.9 %. At that rate, perhaps, the numbers could have risen to 1.2 lakh cases by April 15. If we compare it to the situation after the implementation of lockdown and containment measures after March 25, then we have seen a significant reduction in the number of cases," Agarwal added.

While the government said that the cases before March 25 did grew at a peak CGR of 28.9 per cent, no explanation was offered for the CGR 41 per cent considered for the worst case scenario. The third scenario is the current situation under which there are now at least 7,529 positive cases and 242 deaths. This reduced figure compared to the other two scenarios has been made possible only due to the twin impact of containment measures and the lockdown, Agarwal said.
Lift or extend lockdown, it is a difficult situation for us either way, Jharkhand CM Soren tells PM Modi

Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren urged Narendra Modi to increase the daily wage under rural job scheme MGNREGA to Rs 300.

Published: 12th April 2020 12:04 AM 


RANCHI: The Jharkhand government is on the horns of a dilemma over the coronavirus lockdown as extending it would lead to financial distress and lifting it could trigger an influx of migrants into the state, Chief Minister Hemant Soren said on Saturday.

During an interaction with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Soren said his government is expecting over 5 lakh migrant labourers to return to their villages once the lockdown is lifted, increasing the possibility of the spread of the deadly virus.

But continuing with the lockdown will further dry up the state's revenue, he added.

"Whether the lockdown is lifted or extended, it is a difficult situation for us from both ways," Soren told the prime minister during the video conference held with chief ministers to assess the situation in states due to the pandemic.

"As per our data, a large number of labourers are stranded in states severely affected by the coronavirus outbreak. When they will return, the situation could deteriorate. They may come as carriers of the virus," Soren said.

He said over 1.5 lakh migrant workers have already returned to Jharkhand and had to be quarantined.

Soren urged Modi to increase the daily wage under rural job scheme MGNREGA to Rs 300.

"I believe the wage under MGNREGA in the state is the lowest in the country. Therefore, a large number of people from Jharkhand migrate to other states and are earning Rs 700or Rs 900 per day. Even after the recent announcement of wage hike under the scheme, it has not crossed Rs 200 in Jharkhand...So I request you to fix the wage under the scheme at Rs 300," Soren said.

The increase in wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act came into effect on April 1.

The chief minister also requested Modi to consider waiver of interest for existing loans for the current fiscal and urged him to consider releasing the GST compensation arrear.

A large number of PSUs like DVC, CCL and SAIL are functioning in Jharkhand and they havedues to the government, he mentioned.
Add a fortnight to lockdown, Say States 

Centre likely to go with states’ wish but restrictions in some areas may be relaxed to keep economy going; next 3-4 weeks critical to contain the pandemic, says Modi

Published: 12th April 2020 07:38 AM 

PM Narendra Modi wearing a protective mask chairs a video meeting with CMs on COVID-19. (Photo | PTI)

NEW DELHI: Extend the lockdown for at least two weeks, was the broad consensus that emerged during the interaction between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and chief ministers on Saturday, though there was no official word on extending the restrictions beyond April 14. According to sources, the Prime Minister will soon unveil the next phase of the lockdown which will include relaxations within the limits of the states to re-start the grounded economic activities.

While pitching for extending the lockdown till at least April 30, states made a strong case for relaxation in borrowing limits, expeditious availability of critical medical equipment, and cluster containment approach to deal with the pandemic. On the exit plan from lockdown, sources quoted the PM as saying, “There seems to be a consensus among the states on extension by another two weeks.” But in the same breath, he added while the motto of the government earlier had been saving lives and livelihood (Jaan aur Jahan), it’s now “jaan bhi jahaan bhi” (both life and livelihood are important).

Underlining the criticality of the next 3-4 weeks in containing the pandemic, Modi exhorted states to work as a team with the Centre, while stressing that he’s available 24X7. Modi also called upon the states to crack the whip against those indulging in black-marketing and hoarding, and harassing doctors, medical staff, students from North-East and Jammu and Kashmir.

The states highlighted the financial strains for which they sought the Central assistance, with Punjab CM Amarinder Singh seeking expansion of the borrowing limits. Singh also sought relief for industries, including deferment in repayment of interests for six months. Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh argued for flexibility to allow economic activities. The chief ministers reportedly concurred against starting rail, inter-state bus and flight services till April 30.

Top officials told to start attending office

Modi has asked his ministerial colleagues to begin working from office from Monday. Officers above joint secretary rank will also report to their respective offices; others will come to office on a rotational basis. The move to make the government offices functional has come on a day when the Prime Minister deliberated on the extension of conditional lockdown beyond April 14.
Rope in ENT specialists, resident doctors to fight COVID-19: Health Ministry to states

The government on March 25 had appealed to retired government, Armed Forces Medical Services, public sector undertaking or private doctors to come forward and join the efforts to fight the pandemic.

Published: 12th April 2020 08:35 AM 

A COVID-19 sample collection kiosk have been installed at Public Health Laboratory and Health Care Center at Pudupet in Chennai on Saturday. (Photo | Debadatta Mallick/EPS)


NEW DELHI: The Union health ministry has asked all states and Union Territories to seek the services of ENT specialists and resident doctors to fight coronavirus, saying there is an urgent need of qualified personnel to collect samples for COVID-19 testing.

In a letter addressed to all chief secretaries and principal secretaries (health), the ministry underlined that the country is in the midst of an unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 and one of the key components of the government's strategy to combat it is contact tracing and collection of throat and swab samples of potentially infected persons.

"There is an urgent need of trained and qualified personnel to collect these samples and the number of such persons needs to be augmented significantly," the ministry said in its letter.

"All states/UTs are therefore requested to organise the collection of COVID-19 case samples by using the services of ENT specialists and residents," it said.

It has advised officials concerned to issue necessary instructions to the medical institutions to ensure action on these lines so that such samples are taken professionally.

"All medical colleges may be instructed to get in touch with state governments to offer their services. It is requested that necessary action in this regard may be taken urgently under report to this ministry," the letter stated.

More than 30,000 doctors, including those from Armed Forces Medical Services, have volunteered to help the government in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, a senior government official said on Friday.

The government on March 25 had appealed to retired government, Armed Forces Medical Services, public sector undertaking or private doctors to come forward and join the efforts to fight the pandemic.

The death toll due to the novel coronavirus rose to 242 and the number of cases climbed to 7,529 in the country on Saturday, according to the health ministry.

However, a PTI tally of figures reported by various states at 9 PM Saturday showed at least 8,320 cases and 287 deaths.

There has been a lag in the Union Health Ministry figures, compared to the number of cases announced by different states, which officials attribute to procedural delays in assigning the cases to individual states.
Coimbatore man dies after drinking hand sanitizer as alternative for alcohol

According to a police source, Bernard was an alcoholic and had suffered withdrawal symptoms for the last one week due to the lockdown.

Published: 11th April 2020 03:53 PM |

Hand sanitizer (Photo | AP)

By Express News Service

COIMBATORE: A 35-year-old gas cylinder delivery man in Sulur in Coimbatore died after consuming hand sanitizer as an alternative for liquor on Saturday.

The deceased was identified as E Bernard (35) from Karaiyaraiappa Devar Street in Sulur near Coimbatore.

He was found unconscious at home early on Saturday morning at around 3 am. Immediately he was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he was declared dead. Later, the medical examination revealed that he had consumed hand sanitizer before his death.

According to a police source, Bernard was an alcoholic and had suffered withdrawal symptoms for the last one week due to the lockdown.

It was suspected that someone told that the sanitizer had an alcohol content equivalent to liquor. Also, he had heard that drinking alcohol could help him fight the coronavirus. So, he used the sanitizer as an alternative for liquor, police said.

His body was sent to the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital for postmortem. The Sulur police registered a case for further inquiry.
Denied chicken biryani, this COVID-19 patient in Coimbatore breaks windowpanes of hospital

The 27-year old patient had asked his wife to bring chicken biryani cooked by her at home, which she did, but hospital authorities denied her permission to give it her husband.

Published: 11th April 2020 04:29 PM |


CHENNAI: The Coimbatore police has registered a case against a Covid-19 patient for breaking the windowpanes of a hospital after he was denied homemade biryani.

According to police, the 27-year old patient had asked his wife to bring chicken biryani cooked by her at home, which she did. However, the hospital's medical team denied her permission to give it to her husband.

On hearing this, the patient broke windowpanes of a room by throwing a fire extinguisher.

On the complaint by the ESI hospital officials, a case was registered against the patient on Friday.
Will extend coronavirus lockdown based on Centre's decision: Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary K Shanmugam

Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami has favoured extension of lockdown to Prime Minister Narendra Modi by two weeks.

Published: 11th April 2020 07:06 PM 

Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary K Shanmugam (File photo| EPS)


CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami has favoured extension of lockdown to Prime Minister Narendra Modi by two weeks, based on expert committee recommendation, Chief Secretary K Shanmugam said here on Saturday.

The top state official said Palaniswami conveyed this to Modi in a video conference early today. Tamil Nadu will take a decision on lockdown extension based on Centre's move on the matter, which is expected to be revealed in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to the nation expected tonight at 8 pm.

"The Prime Minister's address to the nation has not yet been confirmed," he told reporters and added that it is expected at around 8 pm.
Beware, criminals posing as health staff on the prowl

The lockdown has affected everyone. It has hurt economy and employment hard. And, the list includes those walking on the dark side.

Published: 12th April 2020 06:50 AM 

Express News Service

CHENNAI: The lockdown has affected everyone. It has hurt economy and employment hard. And, the list includes those walking on the dark side. With people staying put at home, burglars, robbers, and thieves have to come up with new business models to earn a living. A group of four-five such men made an earnest attempt on Sunday. 

On Friday, an elderly couple living in Seethamal Colony of Teynampet was fooled into paying `1,000 to the men, after they promised to spray disinfectant around the area. They were posing to be health workers from the Corporation. “Unaware of their intention, the couple handed over `1,000. Later, the group proceeded to trick more residents in the area. However, the residents association was alerted, after which they vanished. 

“They looked like thugs. A few were standing outside the gate, keeping watch, while the rest of them were talking to the resident. This is a scary situation. Elderly and women staying alone are at danger here,” said Rajkumar RP, member of the colony’s resident welfare association.

Soon, this incident was brought to the attention of other welfare associations in south Chennai, and also to MLA Natraj, who in turn alerted the police. “Similar cases have been reported from Mylapore and T Nagar, too.” Police are tracing the men using CCTV. Corporation officials advised people to ask for the person’s identity card. Officials said all health workers who are deployed to carry out door-to-door fever survey are given proper ID cards. 

They can get the sanitary inspector’s number from the personnel and confirm their identity. “Also, no corporation worker will collect money for any exercise. This is the most easy way to check the person’s authenticity. Also, only one or two persons are asked to come for surveys and never in groups. We deploy the same team of people for one zone,” said a senior corporation official.
Lockdown extension: Odisha govt to start 3-month free rice, dal supply

He said the Government has decided to supply milled arhar dal to beneficiaries for three months.

Published: 12th April 2020 02:47 AM 

Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik 

By Express News Service

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government on Saturday directed Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare department to start distribution of 5-kg rice and one kg dal free of cost to ration card holders for three months from April. The distribution of free food grains will be in addition to the monthly quota supplied to people covered under National Food Security Act (NFSA) and State Food Security Scheme (SFSS), said Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Minister Ranendra Pratap Swain. The free food grains will be provided under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana for April, May and June to deal with the economic impact of lockdown.

He said the Government has decided to supply milled arhar dal to beneficiaries for three months. Earlier, the State had announced to provide three months of ration in advance to facilitate the beneficiaries to avail the same at their convenience while maintaining social distancing. The free foodgrains will benefit over 3.38 lakh people of 1.16 lakh families of the State.

Meanwhile, the Centre has directed Food Corporation of India to provide food grains of 5 kg per person per month for 3 months at the rate of `21 per kg for wheat and ` 22 per kg for rice across the country to all beneficiaries not covered under NFSA.

States have been given the option to lift these stocks in one go or on monthly basis over 3 months up to June 2020. In order to support the NGOs and charitable organisations involved in relief operations, the Centre has directed FCI to provide rice and wheat at the same rates without any upper limit on quantity.
Unpaid for over 6 months, engineering college faculty become daily wage labourers

Several engineering colleges in the State have failed to pay salaries and clear the past dues of their staff.

Published: 12th April 2020 06:49 AM |

Express News Service

CHENNAI: Several engineering colleges in the State have failed to pay salaries and clear the past dues of their staff. This, despite many of them being asked to take classes online during the lockdown. The faculty have appealed to the government to ensure that private colleges disburse their salaries on time. An engineering college from Thiruchengode, for example, has not paid the faculty salaries for over six months, said a staff from the college. While the college had promised to clear the dues by the end of the academic year, they have not heard from the management since the lockdown. “However, they collected one day’s wage from us as COVID-19 relief,” the staff said.

Another faculty from the mechanical department of an engineering college in Kanniyakumari said teaching staff have not been paid for eight months. 

“Individuals who raise complaints are being spotted and intimidated,” he said. There are at least five other colleges in Kanniyakumari district that have not cleared dues for over three months.“Without the fund, many faculty members resort to daily wage work that their families were doing before they entered teaching. For example I know a faculty member who works at a brick kiln during summers because he wasn’t paid his salary on time,” he said adding that it has become even more difficult to make ends meet during the lockdown. Teachers fear that they will not be paid for March, April and May, even if the dues are cleared later. They suspect that those who demand salaries will be terminated without the dues being cleared.

An engineering college in Erode that employs over 100 faculty members has not paid their staff for four months now said a Chemical engineering department faculty from the college. Ever since the lockdown, teachers have been asked to make lecture videos and notes and circulate them on WhatsApp, he said. “We are also made to conduct classes on Zoom or Google Classroom. In addition to this we have been asked to do some documentation work related to NAAC and NBA inspection that will happen after the lockdown,” the staff said.

He said that freshers and young faculty members struggle the most as they do not have any savings. “Many of them quit without collecting their dues and they are replaced by freshers,” he said. Some other colleges have failed to pay salaries from March, teachers said. “We did not receive salaries in March. The college has not responded when we asked why. We don’t know if they will pay it after the lockdown, or if they will not pay at all,” said a teacher from an engineering college in OMR. 

A member from Self Financed College Management Association told Express on condition of anonymity that while top engineering colleges paid their faculty well, the smaller colleges have less enrolment and are unable to pay teachers on time.

“Some colleges collect semester fees only before exams. Because of the lockdown, they have not been able to do that. Further, admin staff are also not working since the lockdown. Colleges will pay the dues after reopening,” he said. “Colleges are merely using the lockdown as an excuse to not clear the dues. Teachers are living in fear of sustaining their livelihood. The government should intervene and ensure that private colleges pay us on time as teachers are struggling to sustain themselves during the lockdown,” said KM Karthik, the founder of the All India Private College Employees Union (AIPCEU).
Fake news forwards: A new challenge for cops

The city police are on a two-front combat against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Published: 12th April 2020 06:50 AM 

By Express News Service

CHENNAI: The city police are on a two-front combat against the COVID-19 pandemic. While struggling to keep lockdown violators at bay, the sleuths are also battling to curb fake news, rumours about the disease. 

According to a senior police officer from the Cyber Crime Branch of the city police, more than 50 people have been arrested for spreading rumours and fake news on social networking sites since the lockdown started.

The increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the State has given fodder to fake news, many of them fanning communal hatred targeting Muslims and the Tablighi Jamaat conference in Delhi. Miscreants are also circulating videos falsely claiming that members of a particular community were spitting on food to spread the virus.

The police officer said they have a team monitoring such content to ensure that communal harmony is not disturbed. “People now spend more time on social media and come across rumours which they believe and forward casually. This is the biggest challenge for us,” added the officer.

Acting against fake news

1. Sleuths monitor fake news and rumours on social media

2. When such videos or messages are spotted in Facebook and YouTube, cops first post a comment saying it is derogatory and has to be deleted

3.If the video or content is still not deleted, then a written request is sent to the host to take down the content

4. If a particular person is constantly sending rumours, that persons is booked and arrested

Address exorbitant fee hike, medicos urge min

Address exorbitant fee hike, medicos urge min  TIMES NEWS NETWORK 07.03.2025 Hyderabad : Dental and medical students pursuing PG courses on ...