Monday, January 24, 2022

Building fundamentals Data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics are a few of the latest courses finding favour with science students


Building fundamentals

Data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics are a few of the latest courses finding favour with science students


Science is one of the most favoured streams as far as options after 10+2 are concerned. While many students take up professional courses after their board exams, there are many who take the path less trod as in go in for higher studies. Data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and robotics are a few courses that are finding favour with students these days.

With every industry in the midst of digital disruption and connected devices generating massive amounts of data, applied data science along with ML will play a critical role in making high quality business decisions and implementing scalable solutions. According to the World Economic Forum, data science, data architecture, data analysis, and data engineering are on track to become most favoured career paths by 2022; and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 11. 5 million career openings in these fields by 2026. Alongside the US, India is expected to be a prominent global hub for data science. Recent data suggests that hundreds of thousands of job openings in data science are available to professionals with less than five years of experience.


Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data and apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across abroad range of application domains. Elaborating on this branch of science, Dr B Ravindran, the head of a research institute and professor of computer science, says, “Mastering data science requires a strategic approach. Young professionals need to focus equally on building strong fundamentals and applying the learnings to solve real world problems across multiple industry domains. ”


AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. With a growing number of companies using these technologies to improve their products and services, evaluate their business models, and enhance their decision-making process, the importance of AI and ML has been increasing.

AI courses prepare specialists who create intelligent machines and systems, which perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence like playing games or understanding natural language. Popular examples of AI include chess-playing computers or self-driving cars. They rely on neural networks, deep learning, and natural language processing to analyse large amounts of data, find patterns, and make predictions and decisions based on relevant information.
ML is a more specialised subdiscipline of AI. It teaches students how to use algorithms and statistical models to create computer systems which can learn for themselves. These computer systems use data and self-generated feedback (trial and error)to perform tasks without receiving instructions from programmers. An example of a ML system is the picture recognition software used by companies like Google or Apple.


Robotics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates computer science and engineering. It involves design, construction, operation, and use of robots. The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist humans. In fact, robots are changing healthcare today. Robots in medicine help by relieving medical personnel from routine tasks that take their time away from more pressing responsibilities and by making medical procedures safer and less costly for patients. They can also perform accurate surgery in tiny places and transport dangerous substances.

NASA also uses robots in many different ways. Robotic arms on spacecraft can move large objects in space. Robotic spacecraft can visit other worlds. Robotic airplanes can fly without a pilot aboard. Robots help explore space. Spacecraft that explore other worlds, like the moon or Mars, are robots.

Science is indeed revolutionising our world today and what better way to ride the wave than to take up a branch of it!

Data science refers to extraction of knowledge from large volumes of data (that is big data) that are structured or unstructured, which is continuation of data mining and predictive ana-lytics. It involves different categories of analytical approaches for modelling various types of business scenarios and arriving at solution and strategies for optimal decision-making in marketing, finance, operations, organisational behaviour, and other managerial aspects. This new field of study breaks down into a number of different areas, from constructing big data infrastructure and configuring the various server tools that sit on top.

Dr Arun Rajkumar, program director and a core member of a research institute, says, “This program is best suited for early career professionals eager to build strong data science expertise. Several leading RBCDSAI faculty and experts from an interdisciplinary background will teach live and interactive online classes and mentor participants as they learn hands-on and work on capstones across diverse industry domains such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, software engineering, smart cities, etc. We also aim to include a campus visit towards the end of the program so that participants can benefit from the real-life experience. ”

The priority of students has changed since the pandemic struck last year. With the focus likely to shift to blended learning combining education at home and at the institute even when normalcy returns, most students now want to stay back and pursue professional courses here instead of travelling to some other place. Aiding them in their decision is the quality of educa- tion imparted in this part of the country. The institutes in Gujarat are at par with those in the rest of the country. The students who enrol here are screened through entrance examinations.

According to Prof Saikat Maitra, the vice-chancellor of a university, says, “Technological revolution demands new skill sets in the job market. In sync with that, we have restructured our programmes and putting more stress on courses based on AI, cyber security, data analytics, robotics, digital marketing and so on.

Ideal Academia The three broadly classified career streams of Science, Commerce, and Humanities have intertwined roles in the society that can help students unlock their true potential

 Ideal Academia

The three broadly classified career streams of Science, Commerce, and Humanities have intertwined roles in the society that can help students unlock their true potential


After the reformative education system, Indian academia realised the importance of skill based or vocational learning. The new system enables Indian students to take up tasks that are specific to their skill-set, honing their skills for the professional world.

For each allied stream, there are certain specifications that one needs to adhere to, in order to have a successful and high-flying career path. The secret ingredient will always remain hard work, however, these targeted task-based careers are ideal for their respective streams.


According to the societal barometer of normalcy, Science stream is the apex career guiding subject that is synonymous to success and wealth. Its broad classification falls into two major categoriesmedical and engineering. Though most students studying science opt for engineering due to the low cut off point for good colleges, there is a segment that explores medicine too. However, restricting the vast field of science to these two broad classifications is unjust, even when the entire social strata in India fits their perspective to such learning. For students of science, especially engineering, studying aspects of commerce and adding commercial subjects to their portfolio is greatly beneficial. The post-engineering MBA trend that shot up in the second decade of 2000s was primarily an offspring of this philosophy. Today, there are many more subjects that are being woven into the core science subjects like statistics, economics, and law taking the lead role.


No amount of commercial knowledge can give one proficiency in the actual field of life. All subjects taught under the wide banner of commerce are usually just foundationpillars for a super specialisation in a sub category. Commerce encompasses all activities that are undertaken on an industrial scale for the ultimate objective of profiteering. This means that the true untapped potential of lucrative careers in this field are not quantifiable. However, an added learning in specific trade industries can land one a dream job. Subjects other than the commercial ones help students understand the working methods of different industries. Under the grand umbrella of commerce as a field, students should focus on vocational learning, skill training, and specialised learning as an additive. An element of information technology to all things commerce need not be mentioned specially as it goes without saying, that mastery in the IT sector can boost one's profile greatly.


For the tertiary learning stream, which is primarily viewed as a creative stream, learning happens on the go. The only truth about learning under the humanities banner is that learning on this front happens at a continuous and involuntary daily level. All creative arts fields or recently accepted public relations and allied fields require updated knowledge about regional activities and current affairs. Humanities, as a field, is vast and requires dedicated efforts to reach the top. However, once the struggle is dealt with, one may find great satiation in the professions linked to the humanities field.

As the Indian social and family system sees a shift in trend when it comes to career alternatives, students and parents alike are wanting to explore newer avenues that may grant a commoner a shot to make it as a cut above the rest. This brings one to the doorstep of leading a well-balanced life because once a student becomes a student of life, life becomes beautiful as learning happens each day.

Man thrashes wife for wanting second child


Man thrashes wife for wanting second child



Ahmedabad: A 26-year-old woman from Satellite area of the city filed a police complaint against her husband on Sunday, alleging that he thrashed her badly because she wanted a second child.

According to her FIR with Satellite police, she and her husband hail from Nagpur. Their families knew each other and they got married on January 18, 2017.

Four years ago, she gave birth to a baby boy. In November 2021, she told her husband that she was keen on having another child. But he was against the idea. The couple had heated arguments over the issue.

She kept insisting on having a second child, but he always refused.
Once, enraged, he even allegedly hit her on the forehead with a cellphone and thrashed her badly.

She stated in the complaint that her husband ran a PG facility for girls in Satellite and used to stay there till late in the night.

In December 2021, when she objected to it, he allegedly beat her up. She
raised this issue with her parents and in-laws but they sided with her husband and scolded her.

On January 20, her husband allegedly came home drunk and asked her why  she was against his PG business. He said that because of her suspicious nature, a few girls had left the PG facility and allegedly began thrashing her badly again. She called up the women’s helpline later filed a complaint with Satellite police station.

The cops have registered a complaint under the Domestic Violence Act against her husband and begun an investigation.

UGC directs universities to develop study material for the visually impaired

 UGC directs universities to develop study material for the visually impaired



The University Grants Commission (UGC) has directed the universities and colleges to adopt and develop suitable educational resources for visually impaired students.

The institutions are asked to include Braille-print books, large print books, tactile books, and audio books and adopt other assistive devices to meet the needs of visual impairments for equitable access to the curriculum.

The commission also said that these educational resources should also be uploaded on the website of the university and should be made freely available.

Education sector seeks funds for infrastructure



Education sector seeks funds for infrastructure

IMD’s World Competitiveness ranking places India’s education sector at a 43 out of 64 countries



Educators and EdTech startups expect government to spend more on access to education, and reduce taxation Through the upcoming budget, the educators hope that the government will focus on addressing the inequalities in access to education and improvement of digital infrastructure. They say that it is imperative to lessen the financial burden on parents and students, and it is equally important to give sops to startups to boost skilling infrastructure to bridge education-employability gap. Better learning facilities PC Chhabra, executive director, Sanskriti University, says, “In the past year, education allocation budget was Rs 93,223 crores, whichwas reducedby 6%as compared to the year before. This year, we are expecting an increased by 10%. To increase connectivity, the government should announce programmes to boost 5G devices at an affordable rate to boost e-learning infrastructure. Having a laptop is the minimum requirement for the students and teachers to either record or impart live instructions. We are also expecting academic institutions to be given concessions for collaborating with industry to provide students with the necessary skills and competencies. ” Ajeenkya DY Patil, chairman , DY Patil Group, that runs Ajeenkya DYPatil University and D Y Patil International School, says “We would welcome measures liketax relief,ease ofraising capital forthe EdTech sector, and also investments in the internet connectivity and reach to enhance our digital infrastructure. ”

Shweta Sastri, managing director, Canadian International School, says, “The current budgetary allocation for education in our country is less compared to other developed countries. The increased allocation of funds will also ensure better quality government schools that educate the majority of children in India. We also expect the government to facilitate schemes to improve the infrastructure in rural areas by providing better lear- ning facilities, adequate training and upskilling to the teachers, enabling them to be well-versedwith modern teaching aids and tools. ”

Reduce costs

Rohan Prem Sagar, joint secretary, Dayanand Sagar Institutions, says, “In order to adapt to the online model of education, parents and educational institutions have spent substantially on  numerous gadgets, including laptops and tablets, as well as software, IT infrastructure, servers, and data  protection in the previous months.

Akhil Shahani, managing director, Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management, Shahani Group and CEO,  Ask. Careers  , says, “IMD's World Competitiveness ranking places India’s education sector at43 out of 64 countries, with only 45% of all graduates  being considered employable. The union budget can facilitate this by reducing the GST rate for providing educational technology and ancillary services  from 18% to at least 5%.

Anish Srikrishna, CEO, Times Professional Learning,  says, “The focus of this  budget from an education standpoint should be to give impe- tus to NEP initiatives to enhance the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), boost employability.

Varun Chopra, CEO, Eduvanz, says that India has seen unprecedented growth in the EdTech and FinTech sectors in the past few years. “We hope that this year’s budget will include allowances for non-banking finance companies, helping us to expand and maintain cash liquidity in this competitive ecosystem,” he adds. Fewer taxes Narayan Mahadevan, founder, BridgeLabz, an IP-driven incubation lab aimed at nurturing Engineering talent, says, “By 2030, India will have the largest pool of workable population globally, even surpassing China. We expect that in the budget 2022-23, the government to recognise and encourage startups to not only focus on skill development but also to ensure that jobs are 100% guaranteed. We would also like the government to recognise Skill-to-Job as a separate category and encourage startups with some schemes or tax rebates. ”

Gaurav Vohra, chief business officer, UNext Learning, explains, “The government has been emphasising the setting up of National Digital Educational Architecture (NDEAR) and is focussing on the development of digital infrastructure for the implementation of NEP 2020.

Maha man falls for ‘₹100 thali for free’ offer, loses ₹1L in card fraud

 Maha man falls for ‘₹100 thali for free’ offer, loses ₹1L in card fraud


Mumbai: An elderly man from Khar lost ₹99,520 on his credit card after he fell prey to a hoax ad promising delivery of a thali for ₹100, along with two thalis free. The 74-year-old victim,ND Nand, thought it was a safe bet as the ad stated that he would only have to pay an advance of ₹10 by credit card, and then pay the remaining ₹90 in cash upon delivery. 

Instead, his card was charged twice for ₹49,760. The fraud took place on January 19, when Nand was browsing on Facebook and came across an ad offering a thali at an inaugural price of ₹100. Tempted by the deal, Nand called the number listed on the ad. In the complaint, Nand said, “A person identifying himself as Deepak attended the call and asked me to provide him with my credit card details to place the order. He told me that initially ₹10 would be deducted and I have to pay ₹90 in cash once the order was delivered. The person then asked me to share the one-time password that I received to complete the order. ”

A police officer said Nand realisedthathe hadbeenduped immediately after he received two SMS alerts related to the fraudulent transactions that wer e carried out from his credit card.

PhD scholars impacted by pandemic-induced hurdles

 PhD scholars impacted by pandemic-induced hurdles

Students faced roadblocks including paucity of time and maintaining quality of research


Since the announcement of the first lockdown in 2020, UGC has extended the deadline for eligible MPhil/PhD students to submit their thesis work thrice. As per the guidelines shared, students being unable to conduct lab/research work due to universities remaining closedat this time, was cited as the main reason behind the decision. PhD students, who werein the middle of their research work when the pandemic hit, faced several roadblocks due to paucity of time and the pressure of maintaining the quality of research. Lack of live discussions

Arijit Ghosh registered for a PhD in Journalism and Mass Media from University of Calcutta in 2018. “My research needed comments from college students. With the colleges shut and most students refusing to be interviewed online at that time, I had to switch to sending them online surveys to ensure that I did not lag,” he tells. However, his sample grouphad been  hit with uncertaintyand was not open to being part of a PhD research, he tells. “While most refused, responsesof thosewho did participate were inadequate. Although I am about to finish research for my aimed sample size,I amnot satisfied with the qualityof work that has been done,” says Ghosh. Smriti Yadav is pursuing her PhD in Psychology from Meerut College, Uttar Pradesh. She feels that the level of difficulty imposed on PhD students during the pandemic is directly related to the subject of their research.

“My thesis required live interaction with young school students, as body language matters greatly in psychology-based research work. With schools shut, my option to have group interactions became nil. When I went for individual interactions, theprocess ofgettingpermission from parents, making children comfortable with online conversations, and getting them to answer appropriately was a time-consuming and often, futile effort,” she tells. For one year, Yadav’s research was ata standstill. “Today, my research work has finished. However, the pandemicmade italongand frustrating journey,” she tells. Lagging behind

Ajay Kumar is pursuing his PhD in Chemistry from University of Hyderabad (UoH). “The first year of PhD is for theoretical work, while the next two years are spent doing lab work with seniors to pinpoint the problem you want to address as part of your thesis work,” he tells.

Kumar had entered the second year of his PhD when labs were forced to shut down. “I missed out on an essential nine months of lab work at this time. Even conducting theoretical work required the use of a supercomputer at the university, which became difficult due to glitches causedby inadequateinternet speed,” hetells. Currently, Kumar is almost one year behind in his research and is working overtime to ensure that his deadlines are met.

‘Omicron BA.2 dominant in symptomatic Nagpur cases’

 ‘Omicron BA.2 dominant in symptomatic Nagpur cases’


Nagpur: The new Omicron lineage BA. 2 is turning out to be the dominant variant among symptomatic patients in Maharashtra’s Nagpur district, according to Neeri’s latest genome sequencing study. As has been the case with the Omicron variant thus far, people testing Covid positive in the past 30 days were asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.

The earlier three genome sequencing series conducted by Neeri were done on 201samples randomly collected between January 1 and 16 from different parts of Nagpur city. In this fourth series, sequencing was done on 89 samples of symptomatic cases, including six admitted to a private hospital. These samples were collected between January17 and 21 by Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC). The BA. 2 doesn’t exhibit ‘S’ gene deletion, thus making it difficult to detect without genome sequencing. Authorities had been relying on ‘S’ gene target failure (SGTF) RT-PCR kits to look out for Omicron suspects among new Covid cases.

The Neeri study dispels doubts among doctors regarding patients in ICUs. Doctors had assumed Delta variant patients required oxygen support or intensive care in the third wave. The latest findings led to a change in treatment protocol. “The Sars-Cov-2 study showed distribution of Omicron lineage B1. 1. 529, BA. 1, and BA. 2 among the studied symptomatic patients. The percentage share was B. 1. 1529 (31. 5%), BA. 1 (2. 3%) and BA. 2 (66. 2%),” said Dr Krishna Khairnar, head of environmental virology cell at Neeri.

Reconsider IAS rule changes, Stalin writes to PM Modi

 Reconsider IAS rule changes, Stalin writes to PM Modi

‘Engage More With State Governments’



Chennai: Strongly objecting to the proposed amendments to the IAS (Cadres) Rules, 1954, Tamil Nadu chief minister M K Stalin has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking him to drop the move and instead engage with state governments. The move “strikes at the very root of our federal polity and state autonomy and would cause irreparable damage to the spirit of cooperative federalism”, said Stalin. The ramifications were “ominous” and neither the bureaucracy nor the state governments, the two important stakeholders, welcomed it, he added.

In his letter to Modi on Sunday, Stalin said many of the state governments were woefully short of officers at specific seniorities, “primarily due to the wrong cadre management policies followed by the Union government”. One of the provisions empowers the Union government to unilaterally draft the services of any officer without his/her consent and without the concurrence of the state government concerned.

Stalin suggested that instead of “imposing restrictive provisions to usurp the powers of states”, the Union government could positively reconstruct the working/ service conditions for All India Service officers through a transparent empanelment process and by ensuring professional space and independence so that the officers opt for deputation to the Centre voluntarily without any need for coercive rules. “I am sure, you will agree that civil servants must be allowed to work with a free mind and stay apolitical,” he said.

The amendments would damage the spirit of cooperative federalism and result in concentration of power with the Union government, said Stalin. While the Union government is availing the common pool from Group-I officers at the national level, the state governments solely depend on the limited pool of IAS officers available in the state, he said. The state governments were in the forefront of implementing various programmes, including central schemes. The states also face frequent natural disasters, which demand services of IAS officers. Given this situation, forcing state governments to depute officers would surely aggravate the governance deficit in various states, Stalin said.

“Further, I wish to state that the Union government’s lateral entry recruitment has also affected the morale of the officers who seek deputation on their own willingness. …this new proposal will eventually destroy the uniqueness of All India Services, a basic feature of the Indian Constitution,” he said.

Not going through the consultative process is grossly violative of the federal structure of the nation, said Stalin. The Union cannot usurp an existing provision to the disadvantage of the state in a federal polity. It will tend to weaken the core principles on which the country has been painstakingly built over the past 75 glorious years. Demolition is easy; but reconstruction has always been a long process, he said.

Stalin quoted Sardhar Vallabhbhai Patel, “who envisioned the steel frame of India, which has the independence to speak out its mind, which has a sense of security, where their rights and privileges are secured”.

24 monkeys found dead near NH in Trichy dist


24 monkeys found dead near NH in Trichy dist



Trichy: As many as 24 monkeys including six females were found dead on a vacant land near Trichy-Chennai NH on Sunday morning. Forest officials said that the cause of death is being investigated.

According to the officials, they got an alert that carcasses of monkeys were found on a vacant land and an agriculture field near the reserve forest at Nedungur village in Trichy district. A team of officials led by forest ranger Gopinath rushed to the spot, and found 24 dead monkeys on the land. All of them were two-years-old. As per the initial investigations, the death seemed not because of the poisoning. They might have died due to suffocation, the forest ranger said.

“The perpetrators might have confined the animals in a small cage leaving the monkeys dead. However, the actual reason of death will be known only after getting the postmortem report,” Gopinath said.
Special teams have been formed to probe into the incident and nab the culprits involved in the incident, officials said. After performing the postmortem, carcasses of all the 24 animals were buried inside the reserve forest range of Nedungur, forest officials said.

Meanwhile, forest officials have seized five small pieces of elephant tusk from two people.

TRB to recruit 9,500 teachers for schools, colleges


TRB to recruit 9,500 teachers for schools, colleges



Chennai: Teachers Recruitment Board will recruit 9,494 teachers and assistant professors for government schools and colleges in 2022. Given the increase in the enrollment in government schools by eight lakh students during the pandemic, the government is planning to recruit 4,989 teachers, including 3,902 secondary grade teachers and 1,087 graduate teachers, for the state-run schools this year.

According to the annual planner, the TRB would conduct six recruitment drives and a Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) in 2022. The planner was released by school education minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi on Sunday.

The board is planning to conduct the postgraduate teachers recruitment test in the second or third week of February. The TET exam will be conducted in the second week of April after a gap of two years.

As per a government order, the board also will conduct its first recruitment test for the appointment of secondary grade teachers and graduate teachers among the TET qualified candidates in the second week of June. Earlier, the weightage system was followed for appointing TET qualified candidates as secondary grade and graduate teachers. It was replaced with a recruitment test.

Further, as the government arts and science colleges too face severe faculty shortage, the TRB will recruit 1,334 more assistant professors this year. "This is in addition to the 2,331 vacancies notified by the TRB in 2019. The recruitment will be completed in 2022," an TRB official said.

Besides, the board will conduct recruitment test to fill 167 vacancies for lecturer posts in SCERT in June.

Mix-ups over booster doses upset seniors


Mix-ups over booster doses upset seniors


Chennai: Senior citizens from Chennai and its suburbs complain that there are a lot of mix-ups over the booster shots.

T Sadagopan, 62, residing at Avadi, got a message that he had been successfully vaccinated on Friday evening. When Sadagopan logged into the CoWIN portal, he found his vaccine certificate for a precaution dose he didn’t get.

"I have no idea how it was possible without me sharing my mobile number, one time password (OTP) or Aadhaar number. So, when I called up the primary health centre's nurse, she advised me to ignore the SMS and asked me to arrive at the centre in case I wanted to get vaccinated," he said.

Avadi Municipal Commissioner R Saraswathi was unavailable for comment. However, state health secretary J Radhakrishnan said that he will direct the authorities concerned to look into the issue.

M Somasundaram, who got his booster shot at a PHC in Anna Nagaron Thursday, said the Co-WIN portal suggests that two booster doses were administered for his registered mobile number.

"Even if one extra dose was recorded at each of the 5,000 vaccination centres in Chennai, it would give us a wrong projection. When I asked, Greater Chennai Corporation authorities said that they will show the extra dose as wastage," he said.

K Baskar, an activist from Thiruvallur, said the authorities simply cite server issues for such flaws. Such mix-ups were common even when people took their second doses; some took the jab thrice to get their certificates, he said.

Teens don’t need parents’ nod for Covid jabs: Official

Teens don’t need parents’ nod for Covid jabs: Official


Pune: Consent from parents — written or oral — is not required for teenage Covid vaccination in the 15-17 age group, state immunization officer Dr Sachin Desai confirmed on Sunday.

“There is a lot of confusion over seeking parents’ consent prior to vaccinating adolescents. But as per the Union government’s norms, parents’ consent is not required,” Dr Desai said. The issue of con- sent had cropped up soon after vaccination for teens was announced on school and college premises.

“Schools are under the impression that they need parents’ written or oral consent before vaccinating their teenage students. But that's not the case,” Dr Desai said, adding that registration on the CoWIN portal before getting the shot is considered consent. “So schools should not compel students to bring consent letters from parents,” he said. The senior of- ficial also said the rule applies not only for vaccination at school or college premises, but at hospital-based vaccine centres too.

Senior paediatrician Dr Pramod Jog, a member of the Covid task force, said, “Although parents’ written consent is not required, it is advisable that the parents accompany the child at the time of taking the Covid shot. This will bolster the confidence of the vaccinator at the vaccination centre. Besides, a parent’s physical presence is great mental support as well. ”

CBI books firm for defrauding banks of ₹271cr

 CBI books firm for defrauding banks of ₹271cr


Chennai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has booked a city-based food production company for defrauding banks to the tune of ₹217. 2 crore. Oceanic Tropical Fruits Private Limited (OTFPL), Pepsico's co-packer for their product Slice, had taken loans amounting to ₹274. 3 crore loans from three banks – State Bank of India, ICICI and Central Bank of India. As the loans weren’t repaid, the banks declared them non-performing assets.

But auditors later found out that the company's directors – A Joseb Raj, Vimala Joseb and James Walter (personal guarantor) – diverted the loan funds. The company submitted fake vouchers and transaction details to divert the money, according to an FIR filed by the CBI on Thursday.

OTFPL used another firm, KK Foods (KKF), to collect receivables or debts from its consumers. The banks found out that KKF had actually collected the receivables but did not credit them in OTFPL's accounts. OTFPL was primarily involved in processing mango into pulp and concentrate and KKF acted as intermediary with mango suppliers. When the banks reviewed KKF's ledger account, they found 86 out of the 429 transactions were inconsistent. The firm claimed that it used private vehicles to transport 10,000 kilograms of mangoes. But when the banks crosschecked the registration numbers, they were found to be of two-wheelers and not trucks.

So the banks in 2019 declared the company's activities as fraudulent and authorised SBI's Stress Assets Management Branch to act on it. S Ravichandran, the branch's deputy general manager, confirmed the banks' findings and complained to the CBI.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

MDS Admissions Done Beyond Cut-Off Date: Possibility Of Resolution With Centre, Karnataka Tells Supreme Court

MDS Admissions Done Beyond Cut-Off Date: Possibility Of Resolution With Centre, Karnataka Tells Supreme Court

'Be Careful In Future': Supreme Courts Lets Off 9 TN Govt Officers In Contempt Case After Implementing Directions

'Be Careful In Future': Supreme Courts Lets Off 9 TN Govt Officers In Contempt Case After Implementing Directions: The Court said that it deprecated the stubbornness of the officers.

Covid row: Biden suspends 44 flights to China in tit-for-tat

 Covid row: Biden suspends 44 flights to China in tit-for-tat


The US government suspended 44 scheduled Chinese airline flights from the US to China in response to restrictions placed on American carriers over Covid testing protocols. The US department of transportation on Friday issued restrictions against four Chinese airlines in a dispute that has been percolating since the pandemic erupted in 2020. China in recent months had suspended flights on Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and United Airlines. citing an effort to block Covid transmission, something US authorities say is a violation of a treaty on flight access. The action by the US government is the latest sign of tensions between the two nations over issues ranging from trade policy to alleged spying.


India in touch with US & Canada over family that froze to death along border


India in touch with US & Canada over family that froze to death along border


After a family of four Indians, including an infant, were found dead near the US-Canada border, government sources in New Delhi said Indian missions are in touch with Canadian authorities for ascertaining the details of the tragedy and that the post-mortem of the victims is likely to be carried out on January 24.

US authorities have detained seven people without proper documentation, as well as one US citizen, for allegedly being involved in human smuggling activity from Canada to the US, they said.

“US authorities have detained seven people without proper documentation, as well as one US citizen, for allegedly being involved in human smuggling activity from Canada to the US,” a source said. The consulate general of India in Toronto sent a consular team to Manitoba, which is now liaising with local authorities to render any consu- lar help regarding the four dead people, the sources said.

The consulate general as well as the High Commission in Ottawa are in touch with Canadian provincial and federal authorities for ascertaining details of this tragedy, they said. In the US, the consulate general of India in Chicago has sent a consular team to Minneapolis. They have sought consular access to the detained people, sources said.
The consulate and the embassy in Washington DC are also in touch with the US department of justice, and the US customs and border Police. Indian missions and posts will continue to extend all assistance, the sources said.


Death caused by stress: HC tells employer to compensate

 Death caused by stress: HC tells employer to compensate


Mumbai: The Bombay high court this week directed an employer and insurance company to pay out compensation to the kin of a 54-yearold truck driver who had died in 2003, saying the death was “accelerated on account of stress and strain associated with long-distance driving for almost 18 days in trying circumstances. ”

“Any other view of the matter would defeat the beneficial object of the provisions contained in Section 3 of the Employees Compensation Act,1923,” held the HC bench on January 17. The post-mortem report had termed it a natural death due to heart disease.

The HC noted that the truck had left Mumbai for Ranchi17-18 days prior to his death. The driver was headed back to Mumbai when the incident occurred. The employer said it was not due to work pressure. “The distance covered was around 1,800km. There was no second driver. These circumstances deserve adequate consideration,” said the HC, noting the “enormity of the situation which a driver faces on account of long and arduous journey for almost 18 days, uninterrupted. ” The judgment said, “The long distance driving for about 3,600km can be expected to generate stress and strain. . . ”

The HC allowed an appeal filed by the driver’s widow and other family members. The court directed the employer and insurerto jointly and severally pay out a compensation of almost Rs 3 lakh with12% interest per annum since December 2003. The HC told the employer to pay Rs 25,000 penalty.

Bihar school spends on sanitary napkins for boys, inquiry ordered

 Bihar school spends on sanitary napkins for boys, inquiry ordered


Patna: A government co-ed school in Bihar’s Saran district has shown spending on sanitary napkins for boys over three consecutive years prior to 2019.

The alleged discrepancy in financial statements of Halkori Sah High School in Manjhi block was highlighted recently by its new headmaster Rais-ul- Ehrar Khan. He wrote to the district magistrate, seeking an inquiry into financial records that mention around 50 boys being beneficiaries of the sanitary napkin and dress scheme.

“A two-member committee comprising district programme officer Rajan Kumar Giri and his colleague Sunil Kumar Gupta has been formed to do an audit and submit the findings in a week,” Saran district education officer Ajay Kumar Singh said. The irregularities took place during former headmaster Ashok Kumar Rai’s stint. Since 2019, social welfare allocations meant for students are being sent to the their bank accounts under the direct benefit transfer system.

Airline told to pay for travel hassles

 Airline told to pay for travel hassles


Vadodara: Etihad Airways has been ordered to pay Rs 62,000 with 7% interest and legal expenses as compensation to a Vadodara-based doctor who could not board a flight from Abu Dhabi to Ahmedabad despite having a confirmed ticket.

Dr Krutesh Shah had approached the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Ahmedabad in 2018 seeking compensation from the international airline as well as a travel agent after his return journey from the US had got disturbed.

In January 2017, Shah had booked a return ticket of Etihad Airways for San Francisco-Abu Dhabi-Ahmedabad through a travel agent. Before boarding the flight to Abu Dhabi, he was informed at San Francisco airport that he will get his boarding pass for Ahmedabad once he lands at Abu Dhabi. But when he reached Abu Dhabi, Shah was told that the flight to Ahmedabad had been overbooked. “I was even ready to pay the fare difference for an upgrade to business or first class but the airline denied that as well. The only option I was given was to take Abu DhabiDelhi flight and later a DelhiAhmedabad flight with a promise that my luggage too would reach Ahmedabad airport,” said Shah. 

Later, however, his luggage too had not arrived at Ahmedabad airport. Shah had sought Rs 5 lakh as compensation for the mental harassment and towards damages. The commission on January 19 ordered the airline to pay Shah Rs 62,000 as compensation along with 7% interestfrom the date of complaint in October 2018.

HC seeks Aadhaar info in selection case

 HC seeks Aadhaar info in selection case



New Delhi: Delhi High Court has directed Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to provide information relating to over 400 people who were allegedly issued fake Aadhaar cards for enrolment for Civil Defence training in the national capital.

Justice Chandra Dhari Singh recently allowed the petition filed by the Delhi government seeking direction to UIDAI to disclose information on the Aadhaar card holders sought by an investigation agency for probe of a case.

The case was lodged by the anticorruption branch for the alleged offences of criminal conspiracy under the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act. “This court is inclined to allow the instant petition. The respondent (UIDAI) is hereby directed to provide all relevant information, qua the persons named in annexure… of the petition, as required for the purposes of investigation as per the provisions of the Aadhaar Act. The investigation agency is also directed to investigate the matter, upon receiving the requested information, with due regard to the provisions of the statute,” the court noted in its order.

The ACB said it received a complaint from Vijender Gupta stating that the manner of recruitment of marshals for DTC buses was illegal. It was further alleged that the recruitment process was manipulated and the district magistrate had issued fake certificates, certifying as Delhi residents for making Aadhaar cards, to over 400 people from his home state Rajasthan and had compelled them to pay Rs 2 lakh per head. On the basis of the complaint, an FIR was lodged in January 2020.

The prosecutor submitted before the court that the then district magistrate had committed criminal misconduct by abusing official position as public servant with an ulterior motive to give benefit to ineligible people, and in total, around 450 candidates with fake Aadhaar cards had enrolled for training in Civil Defence.

The counsel for UIDAI submitted that the authority has no objection in sharing the information being sought, to the extent and in a manner as permissible under the provisions of the Aadhaar Act, on being directed by this court.



Jipmer asked to let domiciled students apply

 Jipmer asked to let domiciled students apply


Puducherry: The Puducherry government has requested Jipmer to permit all domicile students to register for MBBS counselling after verifying the residential proof. The government had earlier sent the Neet UG 2021 results of the domicile students to Jipmer. However, the directorate of health and family welfare services received representations from Puducherry domicile students stating that they are unable to register for the counselling since Jipmer gave the provision of entry in the field ‘applicant’s state’ as Puducherry to only 5,025 students.

Hefty fine awaits those flouting norms at weddings

 Hefty fine awaits those flouting norms at weddings



Chennai: The corporation is levying fines up to ₹ 8,500 on individuals who flout Covid regulations at weddings. According to corporation’s data, 44 violators were reported by zonal officials in the 572 weddings that took place over the last fortnight in the city. The corporation has so far collected a total of ₹50,000 as such fines. “We imposed hefty fines on those individuals who failed to wear masks or observe social distancing. From one individual, ₹8,500 was collected for norms violations,” corporation commissioner Gagandeep Singh Bedi told TOI.

He said managers of wedding halls should inform the civic body about bookings of weddings. Such information should be provided on the website http://covid19. Chennai corporation. gov. in/covid/marriage hall/. An order by the corporation commissioner recently said refusal to comply with this direction would attract penal provisions under Section 51 of the Disaster Management Act. 2005. One corporation official each has been appointed per ward to inspect the halls.

HC cracks whip on squatters, tainted babus

 HC cracks whip on squatters, tainted babus


Chennai: Noting that the court cannot turn a Nelson’s eye towards the calculated attempts of unscrupulous elements, with the connivance of revenue officials to encroach waterbodies, the Madras high court has ordered immediate action against such officials.

“This court cannot be a mute spectator to such acts. The judicial sword has to definitely cut through the web so that water, which is the source of livelihood of the living beings, is passed on generation after generation,” Justice M Dhandapani said.

With equal force, the officials, who had refrained from taking any action on such encroachment should also be dealt with in accordance with law, he added.

The hight court passed the order while dismissing a plea moved by Annamalai, a resident of Tiruvallur challenging disconnection of electricity supply to his property on the ground that it was an encroachment on a water body.

Appalled over the manner in which such encroachments are made, and legal colour is given to the same with the collusion of revenue officials, the court suo motu impleaded the commissioner of revenue administration and passed the order.

Justice Dhandapani directed the commissioner to find out the officer who aided the encroachment and take immediate action against them.

“The revenue and electricity department officials, throwing caution and vigilance to the winds, unmindful of the environmental impact created by the act of encroachment on water bodies, provide the persons, like the petitioner and his vendor with electricity connection and what not,” Justice Dhandapani said.

Thereby, the future generations are deprived of storage space for water, even at times of incessant rains, but face acute water shortage during peak summer, which destabilises the life and livelihood of the persons living in the locality, Justice Dhandapani added.

Address exorbitant fee hike, medicos urge min

Address exorbitant fee hike, medicos urge min  TIMES NEWS NETWORK 07.03.2025 Hyderabad : Dental and medical students pursuing PG courses on ...