Monday, April 29, 2019

‘Choice of college is more important than course of study’ 

Special Correspondent 

April 29, 2019 00:00 IST

Chief Education Officer K.P.Maheshwari addressing the career guidance programme in Hosur on Saturday.

Perumal Manimekalai Polytechnic and Engineering College, Hosur, jointly with The Hindu organised a career guidance programe Unnal Mudiyum for Plus Two students here on Saturday.

Educationalist Ramesh Prabha, who was the special chief guest, said the choice of college is as important or sometimes more important than the course of study, because it is often the reputation of the college that fetches students jobs through campus interviews. Further, it is important to bear in mind that the students do not choose course of study based on peer pressure and popularity. A decision should be made in consultation with the parents too.

A thorough knowledge of the course of study, engineering, sciences, arts or medicine is sure to fetch good jobs in our country, Mr.Prabha said. Good conversational skills, spoken English, all if it would go a long way in fetching opportunities for students, according to him

Earlier, Chief Education Officer K.P.Maheshwari, founder, PMC Tech group of institutions, Perumal, were among those present.

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