Thursday, January 16, 2025

Granting of Minimum remuneration to the Practical External Examiner even if none of the registered candidates have reported for the Practical/Viva-voce examinations



Exam General A – Granting of Minimum remuneration to the Practical External Examiner even if none of the registered candidates have reported for the Practical/Viva-voce examinations– Implemented - Orders issued.


Read :- UO No. 37/2023/Exam General dated 24.03.2023 

Decision No. 40.08 of the 40th meeting of the Board of Examinations dated 03.10.2024 

. File orders in 2024/31077/A2/Exam General A/KUHS dated 10.11.2024. 


In Practical/Viva voce examinations with a minimal number of registered candidates, there are instances when none of the candidates appear. In such cases, the appointed Practical External Examiner, who arrives on time at the designated examination centre, must remain until the end of the scheduled examination period to complete the uploading of absentees’ entries and other duties related to the examinations. Even though the examination does not take place due to the absence of the registered students, the examiner is still required to stay at the center until this duty is completed. 

2. The remuneration for External Examiners conducting Practical/Viva voce examinations is generally calculated based on the number of candidates who attend. However, in cases where none of the candidates attend the examination, there is currently no provision for remuneration for the External Examiner, despite having performed their assigned duties.

 3. The 40th meeting of the Board of Examinations vide paper read as 2nd above have discussed and reviewed the matter in detail and recommended to provide the minimum remuneration to Practical External Examiners even if none of the registered candidates have reported for the practical/Viva-voce examinations, provided these examiners have attended to all the duties assigned, related to the Practical/Viva-voce examinations. 

4. In light of the above, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has accorded sanction to implement the above recommendations of the 40th meeting of the Board of Examinations subject to the ratification of the Governing Council.

 5. Orders are issued accordingly. 

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