Administrative nod for three government polytechnic colleges
Administrative sanction to establish three new Government Polytechnic Colleges at Kooduveli in Cuddalore district, Sevvapettai in Tiruvallur district and Vanavasi in Salem district.

Published: 31st May 2018 05:14 AM | Last Updated: 31st May 2018 05:14 AM |
By Express News Service
CHENNAI: Administrative sanction to establish three new Government Polytechnic Colleges at Kooduveli in Cuddalore district, Sevvapettai in Tiruvallur district and Vanavasi in Salem district has been accorded from the year 2018-19. Nearly Rs 69 crore has been sanctioned for constructing buildings for the three colleges. About Rs 1.50 crore has been sanctioned towards non-recurring expenditure.
Meanwhile, co-operative sugar mill polytechnic colleges in Palacode, Dharmapuri district, and Mohanur in Namakkal district which were earlier functioning on self- supporting basis, have been converted to government polytechnic colleges.
Proposed to further the paperless working environment by automation of administration with e-governance. Public Finance Management System is to be introduced for all externally funded programmes in academic and infrastructure areas.
All three modes of teaching-direct class room lectures, distance education mode and online courses will be offered. Regulations to introduce flexibility in core courses, credit transfer facility to promote students mobility between institutions within and outside of the country, were formulated.
National Council for Teacher Education has approved introduction of two-year B Ed course through Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from the academic year 2018-19.
With UGC financial assistance ‘Fitness Centre with Sports Science Backup facility’ will be constructed at a cost of Rs 2.42 crore in 2018-2019.
Proposed to introduce three new post graduate programmes in 2018-2019- Executive MBA, MA (Saiva Sidhanta- Self Study) and MCom (Big Data Science)
The Human Resource Development Centre has been recognised by UGC as a National Resource Centre to produce and upload online courses in ‘Political Science’ and ‘International Studies’.
While government provides free schooling, School Education Department has decided to conduct higher education loan camps at district level in collaboration with nationalised banks.The 2018-19 policy note for the department said plans are underway to extend these camps to block level. Deserving students can apply for loan at https:/
The government has decided to provide all government middle, high and higher secondary girls schools with electric incinerators, cupboards and napkins at a budget of Rs 11.88 crore.
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