Monday, May 28, 2018

UGC asks varsities to launch anti-spitting campaigns 


Published May 26, 2018, 5:46 am IST

Mr Rajnish Jain, secretary of the UGC stated that the government of India has initiated the campaign with the aim of increasing awareness. 

University Grants Commission

Coimbatore: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has decided to involve students in spreading awareness among the public against spitting in public places. Calling it as a social problem, in a letter to the vice chancellors of various universities across the nation, Mr Rajnish Jain, secretary of the UGC stated that the government of India has initiated the campaign with the aim of increasing awareness about the prevalent problem of spitting in public. The letter pointed that spitting in public is a sickening sight and the practice is responsible for spreading of several communicable diseases including ailments like tuberculosis (TB).

Stating it was a common sight to witness people spitting in public spaces, he urged the youth to play an active role in spreading awareness in order to bring to an end to the social problem. Mr Jain suggested that activities like rallies and campaigns in this direction can be initiated by students of universities and affiliated colleges. National Service Scheme (NSS) wing of the educational institutions can take up the initiative. In his letter, Mr Jain recommended that colleges and universities put up posters on themes of ill-effects of tobacco consumption among other subjects inside their respective campus.

When DC contacted the heads and management of a few higher educational institutions in and around the textile city, a majority of them stated that they are awaiting the new academic year to begin after which a plan of action will be designed and implemented on these lines.

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