Monday, May 28, 2018

Diabetes management significant in holy month 


Published May 26, 2018, 5:11 am IST

Doctors stress intake of calories should be balanced. 

Maintaining a balanced sugar level during the month of Ramazan with the advice of the experts is significant for diabetes management, say diabetologists.

Chennai: As the holy month of Ramzan commences, people with health complications like diabetes need special attention during this phase of fasting. This is because fasting during Ramzan can be risky or may result in various issues for the person fasting if his or her dietary restrictions disturb the overall equilibrium of the body.

During Ramzan the health hazards include low sugar reaction, high sugar reaction, dehydration and acute metabolic complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis. Maintaining a balanced sugar level during the month of Ramazan with the advice of the experts is significant for diabetes management, say diabetologists.

Diabetics with type 1 and type 2 diabetes on regular multiple doses undergo complications while fasting as they food intake is not as per the requirement of the body.

“Type 1 diabetics need multiple dose of insulin during a day and during Ramzan, it becomes risky for them if the food cycle is not maintained. In case of type 2 diabetics, those who take one or two insulin shots are recommended to take one extra dose when they break the fast in the evening. Diabetolo-gists may recommend slow-action insulin and long-action tablets that do not produce low sugars to avoid the risk of hypoglycemia,” says senior diabetologist Dr V. Mohan.

Dr Mohan emphasised that an individualised consultation is significant for diabetics those who follow fasting. A blood sugar level test along with adjustment of drug dosage can prevent the risk for diabetics during Ramzan.

The doctors stress that intake of calories between morning and evening meals should be balanced with carbohydrates, proteins and fat after fasting with food include plenty of fruits vegetables and salads and should avoid sugary desserts.

Dr K. P. Dinakaran, consultant diabetologist, Lifeline Institute Of Minimal Access, said, “It is very important to maintain diabetes management during fasting. During fasting and post-Ramazan follow-up meeting with healthcare professional, should be scheduled to discuss medication and regimen readjustments and assess how the patients can handle the fasting.”

Diabetes should keep their body hydrated between sunrise and sunset by drinking water or other non-sweetened. Taking proteins in the morning will help them to maintain the sugar level and should avoid the dehydrating medicine in the morning, he added.

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