Wednesday, May 30, 2018

DVAC files DA case against Coimbatore doctor, wife


Coimbatore: 30.05.201`8

The Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC), Coimbatore, has registered a disproportionate assets case against Dr V Elango, 57, professor of surgery at the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, and his wife P Mallika, 56, who is working as junior engineer in Chennai.

According to the DVAC, the couple is in possession of pecuniary resources and properties disproportionate to their known source of income. The inspector of police, DVAC, Coimbatore, M Kanagasabapathy, registered a case against the couple on May 25 under sections 13 (2) read with 12 (1) (e) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. According to DVAC, Mallika was working as junior engineer at the office of the divisional engineer, National Highways, Coimbatore, since January 1, 2008. She hailed from Arani in Thiruvannamalai district and got married to Dr V Elango in 1984. The couple has two sons.

Mallika joined in the government service as an assistant draftsman at the office of divisional engineer, highways, Coimbatore division on November 21,1981. She was promoted to junior drafting officer on January 30, 1997 and later as junior engineer in 2010.

The couple was in possession of pecuniary resources to the tune of ₹44.89 lakh in their name and in the names of their family members as on January 1, 2008.

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வார்த்தை வன்முறை!

நடுப்பக்கக் கட்டுரைகள் வார்த்தை வன்முறை! DINAMANI 20.05.2025 பூ விற்கும் இரண்டு பெண்களுக்குள் ஏதோ தகராறு. இருவரும் மாறிமாறி திட்டிக் கொண்டார...