Tuesday, April 30, 2019

No man has right to compel girl to fall in love or marry him: Madras HC


Published Apr 30, 2019, 4:32 am IST

The judge directed the Superintendent of Prisons to immediately arrange for counseling of this petitioner with a psychiatrist.

Madras High Court

Chennai: Holding that no man has any right to compel any girl to fall in love with him or to marry him, the Madras high court has dismissed a bail petition from an accused, arrested in connection with stabbing all over the body of a girl, on her refusing to concede his request for marriage, in the city.

Dismissing the bail petition filed by Kavin, Justice N.Anand Venkatesh said, "It will be better if the petitioner is kept inside the jail and the jail authorities start giving this petitioner counseling by experts and bring him to normalcy before he is released from the jail. Probably, by the time, the petitioner gets out of the jail, he will regret for what he did to the girl with whom he had a love affair".

The judge directed the Superintendent of Prisons to immediately arrange for counseling of this petitioner with a psychiatrist.

The judge said this is yet another case where the lover of the victim girl has attacked the girl in a brutal manner with knife on her refusing to marry him. Incidents of this nature are continuing to happen on a daily basis and it has reached monstrous proportions where man seem to think that the girl has to concede to their request for love/marriage and on refusal to do so, they take the extreme step of brutally attacking girls and had also gone to the extent of setting them to fire, the judge added.

The judge said this trend is on the raise and it is high time that courts put down their foot and bring some sanity in society. These incidents continue to happen because man things that a woman is a chattel and she has to concede to whatever a mandemands. This attitude has to be changed. In the instant case, the petitioner was in love with the injured girl. It seems that the girl had informed the petitioner that her parents are looking for a marriage and she is not in a position to marry him. The petitioner lost his sense of balance and has proceeded to brutally attacked her. The ruthlessness with which the injured has beenattacked is apparent from the discharge summary that has been given by the hospital. The girl has been stabbed all over the body and there are four stab incisions on the left side of the face with one penetrating into the buccal cavity. There are multiple stab injuries on the chest and on the abdomen. This is apart from the stab injuries that are found in the neck, arms and lower limbs. "

It is a miracle that this victim girl has survived this attack due to the effective treatment that has been given by the hospital. After this attack, this injured girl can never come back to normalcy and this incident is going to remain deep in the mind of the victim girl till the end of her life", the judge added.

The judge said this court while considering the bail petition has to necessarily look into the gravity of the offence and also the seriousness of the accusation made against the accused person. Obviously, the present case falls within the ambit of a case with serious accusations and very serious gravity of offence. The courts must stop being merciful or tend to have misplaced sympathies in cases of this nature. If the accused person had committed the crime, since he was wounded by the conduct of the girl who had suddenly refused to marry him, that does not give him a right to resort to stabbing a woman. There were other ways to deal with the situation, the judge added.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do you know the case number and date of Order?

    1. Sir Checking the availability of court order in various legal sites

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