Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Passports won’t go orange, will still be proof of address

New Delhi: The Modi government has decided to reverse two ill-conceived passport decisions. In a statement on Tuesday, the ministry of external affairs spokesman said the government would not issue orange coloured passports to Indian nationals who needed an emigration clearance certificate. It has also decided not to discontinue printing the last page of the passport, which is used as a valid proof of address.

A few weeks ago, MEA and the ministry of women and child development (WCD) decided that Indians who had not cleared their class 10 exams and needed an emigration clearance check would be issued orange coloured passports, which was instantly criticised as being blatantly discriminatory to certain Indians.

Passports currently are issued in three colours. Government officers have a white passport, diplomats are issued red passports and all other passports are blue. After drawing a lot of flak, the MEA announced on Tuesday it was reversing the decision. The last page of a passport contains the personal particulars of the holder, and is generally regarded as the only identity and address proof of a person that is verified by police, and thereby more secure. TNN

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அதிகரிக்கும் வெறிநாய்க்கடி பாதிப்புகள்! ரேபிஸ் எனப்படும் வெறிநாய்க்கடிப் பிரச்னை பற்றி..

நடுப்பக்கக் கட்டுரைகள் அதிகரிக்கும் வெறிநாய்க்கடி பாதிப்புகள்! ரேபிஸ் எனப்படும் வெறிநாய்க்கடிப் பிரச்னை பற்றி.. எஸ். ஸ்ரீதுரை Updated on: 24...