Wednesday, April 15, 2020

தனித்திரு....! தனித்துவமாயிரு...!!

By முனைவா் இரா.திருநாவுக்கரசு | Published on : 15th April 2020 02:10 AM | 

தினமும் தன்னுடன் தனிமையில் பேசிக்கொள்ளாத மனிதன், ஓா் உன்னதமான மனிதனைச் சந்திப்பதை இழக்கிறான்”என்பாா் சுவாமி விவேகானந்தா். தன்னை அறிவதற்கும், நெறிப்படுத்துவதற்கும், செம்மைப்படுத்துவதற்கும், தனிமைப்படுத்தலே அடிப்படை.

பறவைகளில் பலம் வாய்ந்தது கழுகு. அதன் ஆயுட்காலம் சுமாா் 70 ஆண்டுகள். ஆனால், அந்தப் பறவை 40 வயதை அடையும்போது ஒரு சவாலைச் சந்திக்கும். அதில் வென்றால், அதற்கு மறுபிறவி கிடைக்கும். கழுகுக்கு 40 வயதானவுடன் இரையைக் கொத்தித் தின்னும் அதன் அலகு மழுங்கி வளைந்து விடும். இரையைப் பற்றிக் கொள்ளும் நகங்கள் கூா்மை இழக்கும். அது பறப்பதற்குத் துணை நிற்கும் இறகுகளோ பெரிதாகி பாரமாகி விடும். இதனால், கழுகின் பலம் குறைந்து, முதுமையடையும். அத்தகைய சூழலில் அதனை எளிதில் விலங்குகள் வேட்டையாடி விடும். இந்நிலையில் கழுகு தனித்திருக்கத் தொடங்கும்.

தனித்திருப்பதற்காக காட்டிலுள்ள மலையின் உச்சிக்குப் பறந்து செல்லும். அங்கு சென்று, தனது அலகின் மூலம் அதன் சிறகுகளையும், நகங்களையும் பிடுங்கி விடும். பின்னா் அதன் அலகினை பாறையில் உரசி உதிா்த்து விடும். இதனால் அதன் உடலெங்கும் தீராத வலியுடன் ரத்தம் சொட்டும். அப்போது அது ஒரு புதிதாய்ப் பிறந்த கழுகின் அளவுக்கு உருமாறியிருக்கும்.

எவா் கண்ணிலும் படாமல் தனியாய்ப் பாறைகளின் இடுக்குகளில் கிடைக்கும் சிறு புழுக்களையும், பூச்சிகளையும் தின்று உயிா் வாழும். இவ்வாறு தொடா்ந்து மூன்று மாதங்கள் தன்னைத் தனிமைப்படுத்திக் கொண்டு கிடைத்ததை உண்டு உயிா் வாழ்ந்து அது வளா்ச்சி பெறும். நான்காம் மாதத்தில் அதன் இறக்கைகள் நீண்டு, நகங்களும், அலகும் கூா்மையாகவும் வளா்ந்து ஓா் இளம் பறவையாக மீண்டும் நீல வானில் சிறகடித்துப் பறக்கும். அதற்கடுத்த முப்பது ஆண்டுகளும் அது வானில் சக்கரவா்த்தியாய் வலம் வரும்.

மூன்று மாதம் தனித்திருத்தலின் மூலம் தனக்குப் புதியதொரு 30 ஆண்டுகள் காலத்தினை தனக்காக உருவாக்கிக் கொள்கிறது கழுகு. கழுகின் வாழ்க்கையிலிருந்து ஒரு பாடம் கிடைத்திருக்கிறது. தனித்திருத்தல் என்பது புதிய வாழ்க்கையின் முதல் அத்தியாயம். அது வலியோடு ஆரம்பித்தாலும் அற்புதமானதொரு புதிய வாழ்க்கையை வகுத்துக் கொடுக்கும். தனித்திருத்தலில் வலிகளை நினைத்துக் கொண்டிருக்காமல், புதிய வழிகளை உருவாக்குபவருக்குத்தான் அது சாத்தியமாகும்.

ஸ்காட்லாந்து நாட்டினை ஆண்ட புரூஸ் என்ற மன்னா் போரில் தோல்வியடைந்தாா். எதிரிகளிடமிருந்து தப்பி ஒரு குகையில் எவா் கண்ணிலும் படாமல் தனிமையில் வாழ்ந்து வந்தாா். தனிமையாய் வாழ்கிறோமே என்று கவலை கொண்டாா். அப்போது அவா் படுத்திருந்த குகையின் மேல் உத்தரத்தில் சிலந்தி ஒன்று வலையைக் கட்டப் பாய்ந்தது. முடியாமல் கீழே விழுந்தது. ஆறு முறை விழுந்தபோது, நம்மைப்போல்தான் இந்தச் சிலந்தியும் தோற்றுப் போய் விட்டது என்று எண்ணிக் கொண்டிருந்தாா்.

ஆனால், ஏழாவது முறை அந்தச் சிலந்தி தனது முழுப் பலத்தோடு தனது இலக்கினை அடைந்ததைக் கண்டதும், புரூஸ் தனது கவலையை விட்டொழித்தாா். சிதறுண்ட தனது படைகளை ஒன்று திரட்டி ஊக்கத்துடன் போா் செய்து வென்றாா். தனிமையில் உலகை கவலையாய்ப் பாா்த்தால் கண்முன் இருக்கும் பொக்கிஷம்கூடத் தெரிவதில்லை. தனிமையில் உலகைக் கலையாய்க் காணும்போதுதான் உலகப் படைப்பின் உள்ளாா்ந்த நோக்கங்கள் புலப்படும். அதில் புறத்தே பாா்த்தால் உலகம் புரியும். அகத்தே பாா்த்தால் மனிதத்தின் பிம்பம் புலப்படும்.

தனித்திருத்தல் சிலருக்குச் சுகம். சிலருக்குச் சஞ்சலம். இவையிரண்டும் அதனை அணுகும் முறையைப் பொருத்தது. சக்கரமாய்ச் சுழன்று கொண்டிருந்தவா்கள் இப்படி அடைபட்டுக் கொண்டோமே என்று நினைத்தால் அது அவலம். பல பரிமாணங்களில் சோ்க்க வேண்டிய செல்வங்களைச் சோ்க்க முடியவில்லையே என நினைத்தால் அது ஆதங்கம். மொத்த கற்பனைகளும் சுக்குநூறாகிவிட்டதே, இனி வாழ்க்கை பூஜ்யமாகிவிடுமோ என வருத்தப்படுவது மன உளைச்சல். இத்தகைய எதிா்மறைச் சிந்தனைகளோடு இருப்பவா்கள் மாவீரன் நெப்போலியனைப்போல கிடைக்கின்ற வாய்ப்பையும் தவற விடுவாா்கள்.

செயின்ட் ஹெல்லனா தீவில் நெப்போலியனைக் கைது செய்து தனிமைச் சிறையில் அடைத்து வைத்திருந்தனா். ஒருநாள் அவரைக் காண அவரின் நண்பா் வந்தாா். அவா் நெப்போலியனின் கையில் ஒரு சதுரங்க அட்டையைக் கொடுத்தாா். நெப்போலியன் அதை வாங்கிப் பாா்த்தாா். ‘நான் இந்தச் சிறையில் இருந்து வெளியேறுவதற்குத் திட்டம் தீட்டுகிறேன். ஆனால், இவன் விளையாடுவதற்கு இதைக் கொடுக்கிறான்‘ என்று எண்ணி அதை அப்படியே வைத்துவிட்டாா். சிறிது நாளில் நெப்போலியன் அதே சிறையில் இறந்தாா். அவா் இறந்த அறையிலே இருந்த அந்தச் சதுரங்க அட்டையின் பின்புறத்தில் சிறையிலிருந்து தப்பிப்பதற்கான திட்டம் வரையப்பட்டிருந்தது. மன உளைச்சலோடு இருந்ததால், தனக்குத் தப்பிக்கக் கிடைத்த வாய்ப்பையும் நழுவவிட்டாா் மாவீரன் நெப்போலியன்.

வலியை எதிா்ப்பது வீரமல்ல, பயம். வலி தவிா்க்க முடியாததாக இருப்பதால் அதை ஏற்றுக் கொள்வதும், புதிய கோணத்தில் சிந்திப்பதுமே விவேகம். அதுவே வாழ்வைப் புதிய நோக்கில் பயணிக்க வைக்கும். ஒரு மருத்துவமனையில் தனக்கு அறுவை சிகிச்சை முடித்தபின் வலியோடும், வேதனையோடும் ரே ஸ்டானா்ட் பேக்கா் படுத்திருந்தாா். வலியிலும், வேதனையிலும் சித்திரவதையை அனுபவிக்கும் போதெல்லாம் அவா் மணியடித்து செவிலியரை அழைத்தாா். செவிலியா் அவரின் வலியைக் குறைக்க ஊசி போட்டாா். அந்த மருந்தின் வீரியம் குறையும் வரை மட்டுமே பேக்கா் உறங்கினாா்.

ஒருநாள் அதிகாலையில் வலியுடன் விழித்தாா். இந்த முறை செவிலியரை அழைப்பதற்குப் பதிலாக தலையணையின் அருகில் இருந்த மாா்க்கஸ் ஆரலியஸ் எழுதிய தியானங்கள் என்ற புத்தகத்தை அவா் எடுத்தாா். அதன் வரிகளில் பயணித்தாா். வலி மறந்தது. இயற்கையால் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாத எதுவும் எவருக்கும் ஏற்படுவதில்லை” என்ற வாக்கியத்தில் களைப்பாறினாா். அந்தக் காலத்தில் வெகு தொலைவில் என்ற அற்புதமான நூலை டபுள்யூ.ஹெச். ஹட்சனும், “புதையல் தீவு என்னும் நூலை ஸ்டீவன்சனும் அவா்கள் நோயுற்றிருந்தபோது படுக்கையில் இருந்தபடியே எழுதினாா்கள் என்பதையும் நினைத்துப் பாா்த்தாா்.

நோயுற்ன் மூலம் தனக்குள் இருந்த எழுத்தாளா் டேவிட் கிரேசனை (பேக்கரின் புனைப் பெயா்) சிதைத்துவிடக் கூடாது என உறுதியெடுத்தாா். உடனே, செவிலியரை அழைத்து நோட்டுப் புத்தகங்களையும், பென்சில்களையும் கொண்டுவரச் சொன்னாா். துன்பம் இல்லாமல் இன்பம் பெற முடியும் என்று நினைக்கிறீா்களா? என ஆரம்பித்து, மனிதன் எவ்வளவு புத்திசாலியாக இருந்தாலும் என்றாவது ஒருநாள் வலியை எதிா்கொண்டே ஆகவேண்டும். அது ஒரு நிதா்சனம் என தனது எண்ணங்களைத் தொடா்ந்து எழுதினாா். அது ‘என் எல்ம் மரத்திற்கு அடியில்’ என்ற புத்தகமாய் வெளிவந்தது. அதில் அவா் எழுதிய வரிகள் எண்ணற்ற மக்களின் வலியையும், நோயையும் சமாளிப்பதற்கு உறுதுணையாயிருந்தன.

வலியோடு இருக்கும் தனிமையை, மருந்துகளைவிட வரிகளே தீா்க்கின்றன. ஆதரவு தரும் சொற்கள், பலம் வாய்ந்த எழுத்துகள், அரவணைக்கின்ற பாா்வைகள் - இவையாவும் ஒரு தனிமையில் வாழும் மனிதனை தளிா்விடச் செய்துவிடும். நாம் தனிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்டு விட்டோம் என்று நோயுற்றவா்கள் எண்ணாமல், உடலின் வலி மறந்து உள்ளத்தில் ஒளியை உண்டாக்கிக் கொள்வதுதான் சிறந்த மருந்தாய் அவா்களுக்கு அமையும்.

வாழ்க்கையின் அா்த்தங்கள் அதிகரிக்க தரணியெங்கும் ஒலிக்கும் ஒற்றை வாா்த்தைதான் ஊரடங்கு. குடும்பத்தோடும், குழந்தைகளோடும் மகிழ்ந்திருக்க வேண்டிய அற்புதமான காலம் ஊரடங்கு. அது, குடும்ப வாழ்க்கையை ஒரு புதிய பரிமாணத்தில் பயணிக்கக் கிடைத்திருக்கும் கிடைத்ததற்கரிய வாய்ப்பு. தனித்திருப்பது என்பது வெறுமனே ஓய்வெடுப்பதற்கும் அல்ல. ஒன்றும் செய்யாமல் இருப்பதற்கும் அல்ல. பொழுதினை செல்லிடப்பேசியில் கதை பேசி போக்குவதற்கல்ல; பொழுதினை ஆக்கபூா்வமாக ஆக்குவதற்கே தனிமை.

தனக்குப் பிடித்த நல்ல செயல்களை மகிழ்ச்சியாக ஒரு குழந்தைபோலச் செய்து கொண்டிருப்பது. ஜன்னல் சாளரத்தின் வழியே வெற்றுப் பாா்வை பாா்ப்பதைவிட உற்றுப் பாா்த்து கவிஞனாவது; வாசலின் விளிம்பில் அமா்ந்து நடப்பவைகளைக் கவனித்து ஒரு எழுத்தாளனாவது; கிடைக்கின்ற பொருள்களைக் கொண்டு புதியன செய்து விஞ்ஞானியாவது; குழந்தைக்குப் பழையன கற்றுக் கொடுப்பதோடு அவா்களின் திறமையைத் திறன்படுத்தி நல்ல பெற்றோராவது. குடும்ப வாழ்க்கைதான் ஒரு நாட்டின் அடிக்கல் என்பதை அறிய வைப்பது, ஆரோக்கியமாய் வாழ்வது உயிா்ப்பற்று அல்ல, தேசப்பற்று என்பதை உணரவைத்து தேசபக்தனாய் உருவாவதாகும். மொத்தத்தில் தனித்திருப்பது என்பது தனித்துவமாயிருப்பதேயாகும்.

நோய் பரவாமல் இருக்க தனிமைப்படுத்துவது அவசியம். மனிதன் தானாகவே தனிமைப்படுத்திக் கொள்வது அத்தியாவசியம். ஒரு நாளில் 10 நிமிஷங்கள் நல்வழிக்காக தன்னை தனிமைப்படுத்திக் கொள்வதால் தவறில்லாத வாழ்க்கையை வாழ்ந்துவிட முடியும். தினமும் தன்னுடன் தனிமையில் பேசிக்கொள்ளாத மனிதன், ஓா் உன்னதமான மனிதனைச் சந்திப்பதை இழக்கிறான்”என்பாா் சுவாமி விவேகானந்தா். தன்னை அறிவதற்கும், நெறிப்படுத்துவதற்கும், செம்மைப்படுத்துவதற்கும், தனிமைப்படுத்தலே அடிப்படை.

நாளும் தொடா்ந்து உழைத்து, நிறைய பொருள் சம்பாதிக்கலாம். நித்தம் நிறைய பயணித்து, புதிய உலகங்களைக் காணலாம். ஆனால், நிறைவான மனதோடு வாழ இறைமையுடன் தனித்திருப்பவருக்கே சாத்தியமாகும்.

தனித்திருத்தல் தவம்.

வேண்டிய வேண்டியாங்கு எய்தலால் செய்தவம்

ஈண்டு முயலப் படும்

என்ற தெய்வப் புலவா் திருவள்ளுவரின் வரிகளுக்கேற்ப கிடைக்கின்ற நேரத்தில் தவத்துக்குச் செலவிடுவது தனித்திருத்தலை உன்னதமாக்கும். மனிதனை உயா்வாக்கும்.

தனித்திருத்தல் தவமாகும்போது

நெஞ்சமே கோவில், நினைவே சுகந்தம், அன்பே

மஞ்சனநீா், பூசைகொள்ள வாராய் பராபரமே!”

என்று இறைவனை உடலுக்குள் அழைக்கும் உயரிய தன்மை உண்டாகும்.

மன நிறைவோடு வாழ்வதற்கும், இறைச் சிந்தனையில் திளைப்பதற்கும் ஊரடங்கு ஓா் உன்னத வாய்ப்பு. ஊரடங்கில் நித்தமும் இரை மட்டும் தேடினால் மனிதன்! இறையைத் தேடினால் புனிதன்!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lockdown doesn’t deter people from Tamil New Year shopping

TNN | Apr 14, 2020, 04.44 AM IST

Madurai: The city on Monday morning had signs of normalcy with people shopping for groceries and fruits in large numbers whilst maintaining social distancing, as the Tamil New Year falls on Tuesday.
“It is not going to feel like a New Year as we are going to stay indoors. But it is considered auspicious to have essentials like sugar, oil, salt, turmeric etc, so I came out for shopping,” said Tharani from Anna Nagar.

She was among many other residents who had decided to get their commodities home delivered and contacted the numbers circulated in WhatsApp groups. “But, when I called the concerned shop, they told me to come and collect them as delivering goods in the contained areas is banned,” she said.

All the shops had their display windows shut. While some stores in Anna Nagar checked the body temperature and asked people to sanitize their hands before entering the shops, others just urged them to maintain social distancing.

“Minimal crowds in shops and empty streets seem to be an example of what it is going to be like during the first few days after the lockdown is extended,” said Mayailvaganan of K K Nagar. “One thing is for sure, life is never going to be the same,’’ he added.

“The only thing we are missing is the flowers. It’s nowhere to be found in the city,” said Rani of Vilangudi.

Meanwhile, some meat stalls and roadside eateries selling idlies and paniyarams were seen functioning near the Karimedu fish market It saw a steady flow of customers. A police personnel on duty in Anna Nagar said they were ensuring that the people maintained social distancing. They let people stand in the queue till 1 am to finish their shopping considering the Tamil New year.

With Tasmac shops shut, demand rises for arrack

TNN | Apr 14, 2020, 04.46 AM IST

Madurai: The demand for arrack has been on the rise among alcoholics as Tasmac outlets have been closed for the last three weeks due to the lockdown. Capitalising on this, many arrack manufacturing units have popped up in various parts of the state. As the lockdown has been extended till the end of April, police have stepped up vigil to crack the whip on arrack distilling, transporting and storing.

Ten illicit arrack cases were booked in Kanyakumari district on Sunday. Fermented wash was found at two places in Virudhunagar district and at one place in Theni district in the last 10 days. Police are also after bootleggers selling Tasmac liquor at inflated prices and toddy tappers.

Of the 10 cases booked in Kanyakumari on Sunday, it was found out in three cases that arrack was being prepared at homes using pressure cookers, giving a clear indication that brewing need not necessarily be carried out in distilleries or remote places under hiding. “Seizure in these 10 cases ranged from meagre volumes of two litres arrack,” a senior police officer. The number of incidents and cases are on the rise in the last four to five days.

“There is no formula or proper procedure to make it. They use anything available from fruits, fruit juice, sugar, jaggery and so on to make arrack,” the officer said, adding they also seized a few cans of fermented sap at a few places. Police have not been able to catch people red-handed while selling it, but have booked those brewing, transporting or storing it.

Kanyakumari district SP N Sreenath said that in addition to the prohibition enforcement wing (PEW), five special teams have been formed in the district to crackdown on arrack manufacture. Vigil has been stepped up in areas close to the Kerala such as Palukal, Kollemkode, Kaliyakkavilai, Marthandam and Kulasekaram.

In the past it used to be smuggled to Kerala as it was not consumed locally. “The special teams are on the job round the clock,” the SP said, adding that they are preparing a list of former bootleggers from the district. “They will be regularly checked by the police to ensure that they do not get back into the trade,” Sreenath added.

Two cases of arrack making were booked by the Virudhunagar district police in the last couple of weeks, in which four people were arrested and more than 200 litres of fermented sap was seized.
Police officials attempt unique ways to keep people indoors

TNN | Apr 14, 2020, 04.47 AM IST

Madurai: Police officials are attempting unique ways to spread awareness about Covid-19 to residents in Virudhunagar district.

While they have been registering cases and seizing vehicles of those violating the curfew conditions, they are also taking steps to educate people about the importance of staying indoors during the lockdown period.

In Aruppukottai Town, police officials have engaged some artists dressed up as ‘Yamadarma’ at places like markets where people gather. The person asks people to stay indoors and maintain social distancing.

Similarly, officials from the Seithur police station at Rajapalayam taluk in the district have been creating awareness with a person dressed up like Covid-19 virus. People who are found wandering unnecessarily are warned and sent back.

Meanwhile, the Dindigul district administration which has reported more than 50 Ccovid-19 positive cases, has started using LED vehicle to create awareness on a wider range in various parts of the district. The vehicle which is stationed at important places like the bus stand and markets, where people gather, has been stressing the importance of social distancing.

Small telefilms on various ways to prevent the disease like hand washing, wearing masks for proper protection and maintaining social distancing in public places is being stressed.
Med edu min takes a dip in pool, faces flak



Medical education minister K Sudhakar, who is at the forefront of the state government’s efforts to stem the spread of the virus in Bengaluru and who is in charge of the state Covid-19 war room, has landed in a soup for posting a photograph of himself in a swimming pool.

Sudhakar tweeted the photo of him and his children in a pool at his bungalow in Sadashivanagar, a high-profile residential area in Bengaluru, with the caption, “After a long time joined my children for swimming hope maintaining social distancing here also.. haha (sic).”

The tweet incensed many of his supporters, who said the minister cannot post such “insensitive” pictures in these times of crisis.

Many Twitter users mocked Sudhakar with their own satirical versions of his poses, but some defended him saying his private moments should not be politicised. Sudhakar later deleted the tweet, but it had been widely shared by then.

Sudhakara defended himself, saying he did not nothing wrong. “In the past two months, I have hardly spent time with my family and children,” he told TOI. “We are struggling. My children requested me to join them. How can I not join my children for 10, 15 minutes? It is a children’s pool inside my own house. Is it a crime?”

KPCC president D K Shivakumar, Sudhakar’s neighbour, was one of the first to lash out at the minister, demanding his scalp. “When the whole world is going through a health crisis, Sudhakar is behaving irresponsibly by spending time in a swimming pool. It’s a matter of moral and ethical standards. He must resign of his own accord or else the chief minister should sack him from the cabinet, Shivakumar tweeted.

Full report on

‘Heckled’ US citizen fears coming out of home

-Uttara Varma

Hyderabad: It is not just the North East community that is facing discrimination during the lockdown but foreign nationals too are at the receiving end of the bias. A USA citizen has not left her home in the city since the lockdown began after being heckled at a hypermarket outlet.

Julie Price, who is in the city on business, arrived on January 30 this year. When the lockdown began, she decided to hit the store to buy some essentials. “I was not told why I could not enter the store. The security told me that no foreigners were allowed in. I was turned away at the door,” said Price, who was shocked at the treatment she was meted out considering that she had been shopping at the same store three times a week for six weeks and also during her previous trips.

The resident of Nashville, Tennessee, US, has rented a two-bedroom apartment in Vanasthalipuram and the supermarket is about three blocks away from home.

She said the incident “frightened me so much I have not left my apartment in 20 days.”

Very few med staff infected at work: Govt

New Delhi: A minuscule proportion of medical professionals have contracted Covid-19 while treating patients, and most who have come down with the disease have been linked to foreign travel and contacts who have been in touch persons with a travel history, said Lav Agarwal, joint secretary in the health ministry, said on Monday.

Agarwal was responding to a question on whether lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) was the reason for infections among healthcare staff. He also said that full PPE were required only by those dealing with Covid patients. Others do not need the full body suit and use of masks can be considered sufficient.

ICMR representative Dr Raman Gangakhedkar said, “It is difficult to trace how an infection came,” adding, “We do not have sufficient evidence to say infection was caused due to (lack of) PPE.” TNN

Delhi govt looks at opening booze shops

New Delhi: The Delhi government is exploring the possibility of opening liquor shops in the city during the lockdown. The government has asked the excise department to submit a report, suggesting measures to be taken so that it doesn’t affect the lockdown.

Delhi has over 860 liquor shops that have been closed since the complete lockdown kicked in on March 25. Delhi earns around ₹5000 crore from liquor sale every year, and closing all shops for a month can result in a revenue loss of around ₹500 crore. Also, the closure is likely to cause a rise in the sale of illicit liquor.

Two North-eastern states — Assam and Meghalaya — have already opened liquor shops and allowed functioning of wholesale warehouses, distilleries, bottling plants and breweries. TNN

RSS activates frontal outfits to feed poor

New Delhi: The RSS has activated its frontal organisations to feed the poor and vulnerable, who are suffering the most due to the lockdown in the wake of Covid-19 outbreak.

Recent picture of RSS volunteers distributing food among the poor, majority of whom belonged to the Muslim community, in Maharashtra’s Samba town went viral on social media with the supporters of saffron outfit countering allegations that the Sangh’s priorities are tilted towards the Hindu society.

Seva Bharti- a frontal organisation of the saffron fountainhead—has started food packing units across the country for distribution among poor and daily wage workers.

In several other cities, RSS has also launched special campaigns for migrant workers. Sangh volunteers have also be responding to medical emergencies and organising blood donation camps, said a functionary. TNN

Offer prayers at home during Ramzan: Naqvi

New Delhi: Union minister for minority affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Monday appealed to the Muslim community to strictly follow social distancing and lockdown during the holy month of Ramzan, likely to start from April 24. He emphasised that everyone should offer prayers and perform other religious rituals staying inside their homes.

Naqvi, who is also the chairman of central waqf council, said that the state waqf boards have been directed to ensure that people do not gather at religious and other places under any circumstances during the holy month of Ramzan. There are more than 7 lakh registered mosques, eidgahs, imambadas, dargahs and other religious institutions under the state waqf boards across the country. TNN
Free Covid testing in pvt labs only for the poor, clarifies SC

New Delhi:14.04.2020

In a clarification that is expected to boost testing for Covid-19 by private labs, the Supreme Court on Monday said its direction to provide free testing by non-government facilities will be applicable to economically weaker sections of society and people who can afford to do so will have to pay the cost of Rs 4,500 as fixed by the Centre. Testing in government hospitals is already free for all.

The altered order is expected to increase testing by 67 private labs with more than 15,000 collection centres. The order making tests in private labs free had seen the number of samples tested plateauing though not declining. The government welcomed the order, with officials saying the capacity of private labs will be more effectively utilised.

A bench of Justices Ashok Bhushan and S Ravindra Bhat agreed with the submission of the Centre that the government should not be burdened to reimburse the testing charges for all as it has already decided that the financially weaker sections covered under Ayushman Bharat Yojana would be getting free testing in private labs and hospitals under the scheme. The Centre also informed the apex court that number of testing could be increased from 15,000 per day to one lakh.

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta told the bench that about 10.7 crore poor and vulnerable families or approximately 50 crore beneficiaries are covered under the scheme and they can avail the benefit of free of cost for Covid-19 test even in private labs, if needed. He contended there is no need for making tests free for people who can afford it. He said 87% testing is done by 157 government labs that are free for everyone and only 67 private labs are allowed to do testing.

Private hospitals also told the court that it will not be possible to provide free testing as kits are imported from other countries involving substantial expenses.

The court, thereafter, clarified its directions passed on April 8 and said the private Labs can continue to charge the for testing of Covid-19 from persons who are able to make payment.

The order making tests in private labs free had seen the number of samples tested plateauing though not declining
TN girl raped, impregnated; seven arrested



The all women police in Coimbatore on Sunday night arrested seven people, including four school students, for raping and impregnating a 15-year-old Class IX girl student of a government aided school. Police said the girl was repeatedly raped by 10 people since 2016.

They said the girl’s parents were construction workers and that she became friends with a student in 2016 and fell in love with him subsequently. However, the boy raped her repeatedly. Meanwhile, three other boys also became friends with her and raped her. Later, six youths from the neighbourhood also began sexually assaulting her repeatedly. But, she did not reveal it to her parents, who got to know about her pregnancy and took her to a hospital for an abortion.

Girl identified all 10 people who raped her

On Friday, her parents came to know that their daughter was pregnant and took her to a private hospital at Neelambur near here to abortthefetus. Thehospital refused to perform the abortion and advised them to take her to the Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital (CMCH), where she was admitted.

The girl went missing on Saturday evening. The hospital authorities informed the Coimbatore (east) all women police who traced her the same night. The girl told police she was repeatedly raped by the10 people, including the four students.

Based on her statement, police registered a case under sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and arrested the seven people. On Monday, the accused students were lodged at a juvenile home at Lakshmi Mills junction and three other youths at the sub-jail in Avinashi. Police teams launched a hunt for three others.

Where have all the fiesty singing grannies gone?

Breezy Films Starring Paravai Munniyamma, Kollangudi Karuppayi, Others Have Made Way For Realistic Flicks On Dalit Oppression, Caste

Slick creations rooted in realism or based on tales of dalit oppression from young, tech savvy directors have changed Tamil cinema beyond recognition. No longer do you get to watch films based on rural life, steeped in Tamil culture and dominated by grannies who sang, danced or fought their way into viewers’ hearts.

Whether it was Paravai Munniyamma, whose recent passing signalled the end of an era, or Kollangudi Karuppayee, who was a regular fixture in the 1980s and the 1990s beginning with Pandiarajan’s ‘Aan Paavam’, these effervescent women, most of them folk artists, breathed life into every film they starred in — combining innocence, energy and naughtiness effortlessly. Karuppayee last came into the limelight in 2019 when her lament about not being able to cast her vote in the elections of the Nadigar Sangam, embroiled in legal tangles, grabbed public attention.

There have been many who dallied with villagebased themes, but it was probably P Bharathiraja who had the biggest role in highlighting these women - their behaviour, speech and attire in perfect sync. When Ganthimathi in Bharatiraja’s ‘Mann Vasanai’ (1983) uttered the non-lexical “chithada kalli viragu odaika ponalam kathala mullu kothoda kuthidichan” (A lazy girl forced to chop firewood may complain she has been poked by a bunch of aloe vera thorns). The dedication with which directors introduced such characters made them last decades, their complex mix of honesty, brutality and ugliness taking the audience along.

When offered a role opposite thespian Sivaji Ganesan in Bharathiraja’s 1985 flick ‘Muthal Mariyathai’, Vadivukkarasi, as she later mentioned, imagined her role would be akin to K R Vijaya’s in ‘Thanga Pathakkam’ (1974). The role of ‘Ponnatha’ that she ultimately got, in her own words, was a rude shock, but the actor’s portrayal of the woman with elongated earlobes and unkempt habits remains unforgettable. Vadivukkarasi considers it one of her best ever.

Filmmaker and writer Amshan Kumar wonders how folk artists or villagebased themes can remain relevant when music itself is being slowly phased out, but believes this phase too shall pass. “For years, our movies depended on songs. There will be a time when scripts reinvent themselves and the grand old ladies will get back their rightful place. How can one forget the contribution of K B Sundarambal? An acceptable format to cater to mainstream audience imbibing our culture is bound to happen when the transition takes place,” he says.

Kumar, who won a national award for his documentary ‘Yazhpanan Thedchanamoorthy’, says caste-based scripts are presently ruling Kollywood, but cautions that no medium can survive on a single topic. The need to adopt old formulas mixed with modern ideas is imperative for art to survive, he adds. “I must say this period is a lull for the grand old ladies but there will be opportunities spread across various spectrums.”

Patience of the audience is limited, says Blue Ocean Film and Television Academy (BOFTA) dean G Dhananjayan. “When movies are sometimes made with just four characters, how do we create such characters? Often, movies do not run for more than two-and-a-half hours. That gives directors little imaginative quotient, making them go for water-tight scripts.” But there is hope, he adds, pointing to actor Keerthy Suresh’s grandmother Saroja whose roles in movies are still talked about.

It was with trepidation that director Dharani introduced Paravai Munniyama in his ‘Dhool’ (2003), not sure if she would fit the bill. The performance she came up with worked wonders for the films as well as Munniyama, who was a big draw for her singing skills in stage programmes.

Munniyama and Karuppayee, says T Dharmaraj, head of the folklore department at Madurai Kamaraj University, were symbols of rural talent in an urban setup. “They were romanticised by directors and that gelled well with the script. With the advent of television, the grand old ladies have taken a beating. The need for such characters has dwindled and the landscape too has changed. Villages are not so remote. So it is quite unlikely that we can revive such characters in today’s context.”

Dhananjayan says the fun part of story-telling seems to have gone. “When we deviate and go beyond the content, we may lose time, which is crucial in today’s moviemaking. Within two hours how much can you show?”
Two doctors from Coimbatore med college test +ve


Two post-graduate doctors from Coimbatore Medical College Hospital who were deputed to ESI Hospital almost three weeks ago have tested positive for Covid-19. Five others from the district also tested positive, taking the total number of cases on Monday to 126. The source of infection is under investigation because hospital authorities said both doctors did not treat any Covid-19 patients.

Though the number of cases recorded in the district on Monday was relatively lower at 7, it did send a shockwave through the public health department and district administration. The two doctors, aged 29 and 25, were deputed to ESI Hospital from CMCH to man the outpatient ward. “They last saw patients around 10-12 days back... they have been quarantined. Since they had fever, they were tested and it turned out positive,” said ESI dean Dr Nirmala.

Out of the other five patients, while two were family members of delegates who attended the New Delhi conference, one of them is the daughter of the 70-year-old man from Palakkad who died on April 10.

The other two patients include a five-year-old boy from Kinathukadavu and a 61-year-old man from Vadamadurai. The 61-year-old man, a personal assistant of a former MP, had a travel history to Delhi and returned on March 24. “However, the worrying factor was that he was not under home quarantine and often visited public places, including the district collectorate. Tracing his contacts is going to be an uphill task,” said a senior health department official.
Bankers want working hrs, staff strength to be reduced



In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, the All India Nationalized Bank Officers Federation has requested that working hours of banks be reduced apart from making a few other recommendations to the convener of the State Level Banking Committee and the Reserve Bank of India.from 10am to 2pm apart from five other recommendations to the convener of the State Level Banking Committee and the Reserve Bank of India.

The general secretary of the federation G V Manimaran, in a letter, urged that working hours of the member banks be made uniform from 10am to 2pm and that staff be rotated at branches by drawing a roster, by clubbing branches in urban and semiurban centres located within a radius of 5km. The banks can cut down on the number of branches and operate with limited staff at administrative and back-end offices, he suggested.

He also suggested that employees into administrative duty be allowed to work from home. The suggestions, while ensuring that basic banking services are available for customers, will also reduce the risk of bankers being infected by Covid-19, he said.
Class XII results only in June, may delay engg counselling

Registration To Begin Along With Evaluation, Says Minister


The extension of Covid-19 lockdown till April 30 means Class XII results can be expected only in June, and this might delay the online counselling for engineering intake. The state higher education department is planning to begin registration of online applications for engineering counselling as soon as evaluation of Class XII answer scripts begins, to reduce the wait time. Engineering admission in the state is based on students’ Class XII score.

More than 8 lakh candidates wrote the Class XII exams conducted from March 2 to 22. The results were originally expected on April 24 but evaluation was postponed due to the lockdown.

“The evaluation may begin in the second week of May. The process will take two weeks and we can publish the results only in June,” an official from the school education department said.

If the lockdown ends on April 30, it may take a few days to make necessary arrangements and disinfect evaluation centres. “The evaluation can be started only after public transport services resume,” officials added.

The state government also announced that it would conduct a re-exam for 34,000 students who were absent for the final exam on March 22. Meanwhile, CBSE is yet to finish conducting the Class XII exams.

“Delay in Class XII results will affect the engineering counselling schedule as admission is based on the score,” a source in the directorate of technical education (Dote) said.

Like last year, Dote was entrusted to conduct online engineering counselling and officials were gearing up for it. The state government also formed a high level committee to monitor the process.

“The higher education department is ready to conduct online engineering counselling but Class XII answer script evaluation is yet to start. We will begin registering online applications for counselling soon as that begins,” higher education minister K P Anbalagan said.

Those interested can register and participate in the online counselling after the results are declared. The department is also planning to speed up the counselling process after the lockdown ends.

“We will release the counselling schedule after the lockdown ends,” Anbalagan said.

The extension of lockdown has also cast doubts on whether Class X exams would be conducted. “The directorate of government examinations will conduct the Class X exams. We need just five days to conduct them and it will mostly be in the last week of May,” an official from the school education department said.

The higher education department is ready to conduct online engineering counselling but Class XII answer script evaluation is yet to start. We will begin registering online applications for counselling soon as that begins

Higher edu minister
Locals oppose bid to cremate doc

Defy Curfew In Ambattur & Tiruverkadu



Defying lockdown protocol, residents in Ambattur and Tiruverkadu protested against the cremation of a 56-year-old doctor from Nellore in Andhra Pradesh who died on Sunday night at a private hospital in Vanagaram where he was being treated for Covid-19.

As news of the possible cremation spread, a group of people protested in Tiruverkadu, fearing that it might lead to spread of the virus, said Tiruverkadu municipal commissioner S Senthil Kumaran.

The incident has received a sharp response from the medical fraternity, who have expressed displeasure at the events. “If your jawans die in a war, is this the way you treat them. Doctors are frontline workers who pledge their lives to save people. It is unfortunate that the dead did not get dignity,” said Dr V Ramasubramanian, senior consultant at the department of infectious diseases, Apollo Hospitals.

While the hospital in which the doctor died falls under Tiruverkadu municipality limits, the hospital staff had taken the body to the crematorium in Ambattur, under Greater Chennai Corporation limits after protests in Tiruverkadu, according to police. The doctor was an orthopaedic surgeon and was admitted to the private hospital in Vanagaram last week after he was tested positive for Covid-19.

“He was on ventilator support on Sunday. He died without responding to treatment at 4.30 am on Monday,” said a hospital source.

On Monday afternoon, as the staff wearing overalls and protective equipment were preparing to cremate the doctor’s body at the burial ground and crematorium in Ambattur, word spread among the locals causing panic, said a civic official in Ambattur. Locals expressed concern that cremating the body of a covid-19 death patient will spread the virus.

Incidentally, Ambattur Zone has zero Covid-19 positive cases in the city thus far.

“We tried to convince them that there is no reason to panic. But, within minutes, the number of people who gathered increased and the hospital staff took the body away to avoid tension,” said a civic official.

Police said that the 56-year-old is a native of Pogathita near Nellore. Reports said that the doctor had inaugurated a new clinic in his hometown just two weeks ago, on March 29, which was well attended by the medical fraternity there and local politicians State health secretary, Dr Beela Rajesh said that there was a lack of coordination. “We have given clear instructions as to how a body should be disposed. There was a coordination gap. It will be sorted out,” the health secretary said.

After more than seven hours of dilly-dallying, the doctor was finally cremated at 10pm at the Porur electric crematorium.

The 56-year-old doctor from Nellore in Andhra Pradesh died on Sunday night at a private hospital in Vanagaram where he was undergoing treatment for Covid-19
State extends lockdown till Apr 30, dole again for workers

Auto Majors To Help Make Ventilators



Tamil Nadu has extended the lockdown till April 30 and ramped up efforts to arm itself to check the Covid-19 pandemic, getting auto majors to help make ventilators and local firms to manufacture testing kits.

Announcing the lockdown extension, chief minister Edappadi K Palaniswami said the decision followed discussions with Prime Minister Narendra Modi through videoconference and with medical experts.

With imports of testing kits and ventilators subject to the vagaries of the suppliers, the state government tied up with private manufacturers to produce at least one lakh testing kits, rapid and PCR, by April-end and at least 1,000 ventilators by mid-May.

Palaniswami also announced welfare measures to ease the pressure on the public. As thousands of unorganised workers and their families struggled to access essentials, Palaniswami said PDS rice card holders will get a kg of sugar, tur dal, edible oil and rice free of cost for the month of May.

The families of unorganised workers, including construction labourers, will get cash support of ₹1,000 each for the second time. Also, guest workers will get 15kg of rice, a kg of tur dal and a kg of edible oil free of cost.

A sample being drawn from a guest worker on Monday at the Greater Chennai Corporation health centre in Pudupet to check for Covid-19

Pudukkottai, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri have no cases yet

The CM also appealed to the people to follow lockdown guidelines which were meant for their protection. “Stay vigilant, maintain distance and stay at home”, he said. “We decided to go for lockdown since TN is one of the worst affected states. Except three districts, where there are nil cases, more than 20 districts fall in the red and orange categories (where positive cases are in the range of 12 to 205),” chief secretary K Shanmugam told TOI. The Centre is likely to come up with guidelines for an exit plan, and the state will modify it, if needed. Pudukkottai, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri have not recorded any case.

In Chennai, residents can avail telemedicine services from doctors registered with the Telemedicine Society of India.
What Kerala seems to have done right


Kerala has been reporting fresh cases of the novel coronavirus in single digits for the past few days, a flattening of a deadly curve by measures that included early detection, aggressive testing and contact tracing, and a 28-day quarantine period — double that prescribed by the WHO. And underlying it all and making it possible was a robust public health system.

From one infection on January 30 to 378 on April 13 and just two deaths so far, the state has seen 198 people recover. It recorded its highest number of positive cases in a day on March 27 (39 cases), and the lowest on March 19 (1). On April 12, it was just two cases.

Kerala realised early on the potential lethality of a curve arcing sharply upward. As early as January 18, the state health department issued a Covid-19 alert and began to screen passengers arriving from outside the country’s shores, initially from the cradle of the virulent spread: China. International passengers arriving in the state were given a health card in which they had to list their travel details and health condition. All the state’s five airports were linked to ambulances and emergency response in district hospitals.

India joins trials for possible drug

India is part of the WHO ‘solidarity trials’ for Remdesivir, the drug developed for use against Ebola, which has shown encouraging results in serious Covid-19 patients needing enhanced oxygen or ventilator support, and will be able to access any benefits that accrue from the anti-viral medication once it is established for clinical use. P 7

Contact tracing was meticulous

Any passenger with a fever, cough or sore throat was immediately shifted to a linked hospital and from there a message passed to the district medical office.

Over the next week, it set up district control rooms, started procuring masks, gloves, other personal protection equipment (PPE) and medicines. It ordered district hospitals to designate isolation wards. Within weeks, on February 4, it declared the Covid-19 threat a state disaster.

Contact tracing was meticulous. Manual surveillance, from January 30 to March 8, began with interviewing individual patients and working backwards to people with whom they had been in touch. From March 9, it introduced spatio temporal mapping after a family of three came didn’t report their travel to Italy. This involved a detailed flowchart that depicted the date, time and movement of each affected person, based on call details and CCTV footage.

Home quarantine was strict — 12,470 were in home quarantine on March 16; this rose to 1,22,676 people on April 11. Each person in home quarantine, for 28 days instead of the recommended 14, received an average of 2 to 3 calls daily from various authorities. About 16,000 teams ensured those in home quarantine stayed home.

Full report on
Covid-19 count crosses 10,000, 29 new deaths push toll to 358

New Delhi:14.04.2020

Delhi and Maharashtra witnessed a big surge in Covid-19 cases on Monday with the capital recording 356 new cases and the western state 352, their highest single day tallies. Together, these two states account for 37% of India’s Covid-19 count which crossed the 10k mark at 10,450.

Delhi continues to pay a heavy price for the Tablighi outbreak with 79% of cases related to the Nizamuddin markaz. The cases are designated as ‘under special operations’ by the Delhi government.

The overall tally includes 1,276 new cases on Monday, the highest so far by a big margin and a sharp 67% rise from the number reported on Sunday

(763). The death toll due to the disease has been recorded at 358, with 29 added on Monday. Maharashtra and Delhi again account for 188 (160 Maharashtra and 28 Delhi) of the total deaths.

UP too recorded a big spike in cases, adding 112 to take its count of cases to 589.

There was, however, better news from other parts of the country with the health ministry saying that 25 districts which had Covid-19 cases did not report any for the past 14 days. The disease has been reported from 380 of India’s 732 districts so far.

Maha records 11 fresh cases, 1 death in K’taka

At least 857 people have recovered from the disease. In Delhi, of Monday’s 356 fresh cases as many as 325 new positive cases are related to the Tablighi Jamaat outbreak, officials said. The other positive cases included a woman at Ram Manohar Lohia hospital who had delivered a baby four days ago and a doctor and a nurse at a prominent private hospital among others. The state also recorded four Covid-19 deaths, taking its total toll to 28.

Maharashtra recorded 11 fresh Covid-19 deaths, taking the state’s death toll to 160. It has reported maximum 2,334 Covid-19 cases, followed by Delhi (1,510), Tamil Nadu (1,173) and Rajasthan

(897). In Karnataka, a 55-year-old Covid-19 patient died in Kalaburagi district, taking the total number of deaths due to the infection in the state to seven. Karnataka Covid-19 tally rose to 247, with 15 new cases confirmed on Monday. In Telangana, one person died and 61 new coronavirus cases were reported.
At 10am today, PM will give a clearer view of way forward

Relief Package For Poor & Jobless; Steps To Revive Economy On Cards

Bharti Jain & Akhilesh Singh TNN

New Delhi:14.04.2020

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation on Tuesday spelling out details of the next phase of the national lockdown to combat the Covid-19 pandemic where enforcement of social distancing will be balanced by steps to reopen the economy in a calibrated way and take more measures to help the poor.

Amid near certainty that the lockdown will be extended by at least another two weeks to slow down the pace of transmission of the infection, the PMO announced that Modi will address the nation on the last day of the 21-day period of “stay at home” at 10am.

The announcement came amid indications that the government is working on plans to step up assistance to the poor and those rendered jobless by the pandemic and to take the first careful steps to put the economy back on the rails. Sources said the cache of proposals include a plan to expand the scope of provision of free foodgrains beyond PDS beneficiaries and irrespective of their location.

States likely to welcome easing of some curbs

Sources said the cache of proposals include a plan to expand the scope of provision of free foodgrains beyond PDS beneficiaries and irrespective of their location. This can help people draw rations even in areas where their PDS cards are not registered. The proposed scheme is expected to cost between ₹20,000 crore and ₹25,000 crore. This will be in addition to the ₹1.7 lakh crore package announced days after the lockdown started.

Ten states have already announced extension of lockdown till the month-end. States are likely to welcome easing of some restrictions that have brought virtually all public activities to a halt. There have been calls for measures to assist businesses badly affected by the spread of the disease and the lockdown. While measures are on their way, the view in government is that these can await a fuller assessment of the Covid-19 fallout. The case for the poor and workers is more immediate and the government needs to look at the “last man in the queue”.

Modi told CMs last week that while there was no getting away from the continuing enforcement of “stay-at-home” regimen, the second phase would mark a shift in approach to balance the objective of saving lives with the need to safeguard livelihoods and revive the economy.

Sources said proposals under consideration include encouraging employers in construction and other sectors to bring back migrants who were working for them before leaving for their villages. The switch from “jaan hai to jahan hai” (saving citizen’s lives comes first) to “jaan bhi jahan bhi” (the world also has to be saved along with lives) is likely to see tweaking of the lockdown to allow resumption of production and manufacturing activities, at least for essential goods and related industries, while ensuring that social distancing norms are not compromised.

Full report on

Monday, April 13, 2020

ஒரே நாளில் கேரளா செய்த சாதனை.. வெறும் 2 பேருக்கு மட்டும் கொரோனா.. 36 பேர் குணமடைந்தனர்.. கலக்குகிறது

 By Shyamsundar I | Published: Sunday, April 12, 2020, 20:21 [IST] 

திருவனந்தபுரம்: கேரளாவில் இன்று மட்டும் கொரோனாவால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட 36 பேர் இன்று குணமடைந்து டிஸ்சார்ஜ் செய்யப்பட்டு உள்ளனர். கொரோனா தடுப்பு நடவடிக்கை... உலக நாடுகளை வியக்க வைத்த கேரளா இந்தியாவில் கேரளாவில்தான் முதலில் மூன்று பேருக்கு கொரோனா ஏற்பட்டது. அப்போது கேரளா மீது பல விமர்சனங்கள் வைக்கப்பட்டது. அவர்களின் உணவு முறை பெரிய அளவில் கிண்டல் செய்யப்பட்டது. 

ஆனால் இப்போது அதே கேரளா கொரோனாவில் இருந்து மீண்டு வர தொடங்கி உள்ளது. இந்தியா மட்டுமின்றி அமெரிக்காவில் இருக்கும் ஊடகங்கள் கூட கேரளாவின் செயல்பாடுகளை பாராட்ட தொடங்கி உள்ளனர். கேரளாவில் கொரோனாவிற்கு எதிரான திட்டங்களும், செயல்பாடுகள் வெற்றி அடைய தொடங்கி உள்ளது. 

இந்த நிலையில் கேரளாவில் இதுவரை 375 பேருக்கு கொரோனா ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. அதில் இன்று மட்டும் 2 பேருக்கு கொரோனா ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. அதேபோல் மொத்தமாக இன்று மட்டும் 36 பேர் குணப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளனர் . அங்கு மொத்தமாக 179 பேர் குணப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளனர். இன்னும் 194 பேர் மட்டுமே மருத்துவமனையில் உள்ளனர். 2 பேர் மட்டுமே பலியாகி உள்ளனர். காசர்கோடு நிலை இதில் கேரளாவில் காசர்கோடு மற்றும் கன்னூர்தான் அதிகம் பாதிக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது. காசர்கோட்டில் 166 பேர் கொரோனாவால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். 

அதேபோல் கண்ணூரில் 77 பேர் கொரோனாவால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். இந்த நிலையில் இன்றும் மட்டும் 28 பேர் காசர்கோட்டில் குணமடைந்து உள்ளனர். இன்று அங்கு யாருக்கும் கொரோனா ஏற்படவில்லை. காசர்கோட்டில் இதுவரை 61 பேர் குணப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளனர். இதனால் கேரளாவில் கொரோனாவால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களில் 48% பேர் குணப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளனர். 

இந்தியாவிலேயே அதிகமான குணப்படுத்தப்படும் சதவிகிதம் கொண்ட மாநிலம் என்ற சிறப்பை கேரளா பெற்று இருக்கிறது. கேரளாவில் இன்னும் 816 பேர் கொரோனா அறிகுறியோடு மருத்துவமனையில் தீவிரமான கண்காணிப்பில் உள்ளனர்.

 இன்னும் 1000 பேருக்கு சோதனை செய்ய வேண்டும். சிறப்பான சாதனை அதேபோல் கேரளாவில்தான் தற்போது மிக குறைவான இறப்பு சதவிகிதம் உள்ளது. அங்கு 1%க்கும் குறைவான மக்கள்தான் கொரோனாவால் பலியாகி உள்ளனர். மிக கடுமையான கட்டுப்பாடு, விரைவான சோதனை, வீடு வீடாக கண்காணிப்பு, மிக சரியான காண்டாக்ட் டிரேஸ் முறை என்று மிக சரியான திட்டமிடல் மூலம் கேரளா இந்த சாதனையை செய்துள்ளது. இதன் மூலம் கேரளாவில் கொரோனா விரைவில் முற்றிலுமாக குணப்படுத்தப்படும் என்று நம்பப்படுகிறது.

ஊரடங்கால் ரூல்ஸை மீறி 2வது மனைவியுடன் தங்கிய கணவர்.. முதல் மனைவி ஆவேசம்.. கணவர் எடுத்த அதிரடி முடிவு

 By Vishnupriya R | Updated: Sunday, April 12, 2020, 13:22 [IST] 

பெங்களூர்: பெங்களூரில் இரண்டாவது மனைவி வீட்டில் லாக்டவுனால் சிக்கிக் கொண்ட கணவனை தங்கள் வீட்டுக்கு கொண்டு வந்து விட வேண்டும் என முதல் மனைவி போர்க் கொடி உயர்த்தியுள்ளதால் போலீஸாருக்கு பெரும் தலைவலியை ஏற்படுத்தியது. இறுதியில் கணவரோ யாரும் வேண்டாம், லாக் டவுன் முடியும் வரை நண்பர் வீட்டில் தங்கிக் கொள்கிறேன் என கூறிவிட்டார். 

 பெங்களூரின் கிழக்கு பகுதியைச் சேர்ந்தவர் 40 வயதான நவீன் (பெயர் மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது). இவருக்கு மாதுரி (பெயர் மாற்றம்) திருமணமாகி 10 வயதில் ஒரு பெண் குழந்தை உள்ளார். இந்த நிலையில் தொழில் நிமித்தமாக வெளியூர் சென்றிருந்த போது ரக்ஷனா (பெயர் மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது) என்ற பெண்ணுடன் தொடர்பு ஏற்பட்டு திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டார். வெளியூர் இதையடுத்து அவ்வப்போது தொழில் சம்பந்தமாக வெளியூர் செல்வதாக கூறிவிட்டு இரண்டாவது மனைவியின் வீட்டில் தங்கியிருந்தார். இதுகுறித்து முதல் மனைவிக்கு தெரியவந்தது. 

இதனால் கோபமடைந்த அவர் போலீஸில் புகார் கொடுத்தார். இதையடுத்து தான் ஒரு பெரிய தொழிலதிபர் என்பதால் தனது பெயருக்கு களங்கம் ஏற்படுத்த வேண்டாம் என மனைவியிடம் கெஞ்சினார். ஒரு வாரம் விட்டு மறுவாரம் இதையடுத்து போலீஸார் பேசித் தீர்த்துக் கொள்ளும்படி கூறிவிட்டனர். 

இதையடுத்து கணவன், இரு மனைவிகள் தங்கள் உறவினர்களுடன் பேசினர். அப்போது இரு குடும்பத்திற்கு தேவையான அனைத்தையும் தான் செய்வதாக அவர் ஒப்புக் கொண்டார். மேலும் இருவர் வீடுகளிலும் ஒரு வாரம் ஒரு வாரம் தங்குவதாக ஒப்பந்தம் போட்டு கொண்டனர். வீட்டுக்கு வர அழைப்பு இந்த நிலையில் மார்ச் 21-ஆம் தேதி 2ஆவது மனைவியின் வீட்டுக்கு சென்ற கணவன் 28 ஆம் ஆண்டு முதல் மனைவியின் வீட்டுக்கு சென்றிருக்க வேண்டும். 

ஆனால் ஊரடங்கு உத்தரவால் அவரால் திரும்பவில்லை. இதனால் இரண்டாவது மனைவியின் வீட்டிலேயே மூன்று வாரங்களுக்கு தங்க நேரிட்டு விட்டது. வீட்டில் மளிகை பொருட்கள் உள்ளிட்டவை தீர்ந்து போய்விட்டதால் அவரை வீட்டுக்கு வருமாறு அழைத்தார். லாக்டவுன் அவரும் வருவதாக கூறியிருந்த நிலையில் வீட்டுக்கு வரவில்லை, இதனால் அவர் காவல் உதவி மையத்தை அணுகினார். 

இது போலீஸாருக்கு பெரும் தலைவலியை ஏற்படுத்திய நிலையில் கணவர் நவீன் ஒரு அதிரடி முடிவை எடுத்தார். அதாவது இரண்டாவது மனைவியின் வீட்டிலிருந்து வெளியேறிய கணவர், விஜயநகரில் உள்ள நண்பருடன் இந்த லாக்டவுன் முடியும் வரை தங்கியுள்ளார். ஒருவழியாக இந்த இரண்டு பொண்டாட்டி பஞ்சாயத்து முடிவுக்கு வந்தது.

MUHS chalks out plan to prevent paper leaks

MUHS chalks out plan to prevent paper leaks 12.01.2025 Nashik : The Maharashtra University of Health Scien...