Tuesday, November 30, 2021

26k students bought PINs for medical and allied courses

26k students bought PINs for medical and allied courses



The Admission Committee for Professional Undergraduate Medical Educational Courses (ACPUGMEC) on Monday said it has completed the registration process for state quota in medical, dental, homeopathy and Ayurveda courses for the academic year 2021-22.

The committee has also completed the registration process for self-financed Ayurveda and homeopathy courses for 15% All India Quota, it said. A total of 26,186 candidates have purchased the personal identification number (PIN), according to a media statement. Of these 5,453 are from the open category.

All candidates qualifying NEET (UG) - 2019 are eligible for All India Quota and other quotas under the state governments/institutes, irrespective of the medium of the examination, subject to other eligibility criteria.

The admission committee started online registrations for medical, dental, homeopathic and Ayurveda seats from November 17.

There are 30 medical colleges in the state with 5,550 MBBS seats, 12 dental colleges with 1,255 seats, 2,242 seats in 33 Ayurveda colleges and 36 colleges having a total capacity of 3,710 seats. In all there are 12,707 seats for which the Admission Committee for Professional Under Graduate Medical Educational Courses (ACPUGMEC) will undertake the admission process this year.

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நடுப்பக்கக் கட்டுரைகள் அதிகரிக்கும் வெறிநாய்க்கடி பாதிப்புகள்! ரேபிஸ் எனப்படும் வெறிநாய்க்கடிப் பிரச்னை பற்றி.. எஸ். ஸ்ரீதுரை Updated on: 24...