Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Clarity on Omicron awaited: WHO

Clarity on Omicron awaited: WHO


Staff Reporter HYDERABAD

The constant flow of information about Omicron has left people wondering about the efficacy of vaccines against the new variant of concern, the rate of transmission, concerns about a third wave of coronavirus and severity of infection caused by the variant, among other aspects.

On Sunday, the World Health Organisation (WHO) communicated all that is currently known about its transmissibility, severity, effectiveness of test and vaccines and treatment required. For a majority of the aspects, however, WHO stated that clarity is yet to be gained. In their communication titled ‘Update on Omicron’, WHO said it is not yet clear whether Omicron is more transmissible and causes more severe disease compared to infections with other variants, including Delta. To gain better understanding of Omicron, WHO is coordinating with researchers from across the world.

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