Saturday, November 27, 2021

Delay in NEET PG counselling: Docs call for strike

Delay in NEET PG counselling: Docs call for strike


Faced with repeated delays and postponement of NEET PG counselling 2021, the Junior Doctors Association at BJ Medical College and Civil Hospital have called for a strike from November 29.

JDA said on Friday that all its members and resident doctors will withdraw from out patient department services from Monday if counselling process is not fast-tracked by the concerned authority.

On Saturday, JDA at BJMC will sensitize resident doctors regarding their grievances and plan of action. On Sunday, they will give a memorandum to the director for PG courses at BJMC, wear black ribbons and carry out a candle march on the hospital campus. “On Monday all resident doctors will withdraw from OPD/ ward services,” it said. TNN

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அதிகரிக்கும் வெறிநாய்க்கடி பாதிப்புகள்! ரேபிஸ் எனப்படும் வெறிநாய்க்கடிப் பிரச்னை பற்றி..

நடுப்பக்கக் கட்டுரைகள் அதிகரிக்கும் வெறிநாய்க்கடி பாதிப்புகள்! ரேபிஸ் எனப்படும் வெறிநாய்க்கடிப் பிரச்னை பற்றி.. எஸ். ஸ்ரீதுரை Updated on: 24...