Friday, November 26, 2021

Emergency landing after flyer collapses, man declared dead at hosp

Emergency landing after flyer collapses, man declared dead at hosp


Kolkata: 26.11.2021

An AirAsia flight from Guwahati to Bengaluru made an emergency landing at Kolkata airport late on Wednesday night after a passenger lost consciousness on board. He had no pulse and, on being taken to a hospital in Kolkata, was declared dead by an attending doctor.

Ashok Kumar Jha (52), travelling by flight I5 0673, lost consciousness while the plane was travelling through the Kolkata flight information region. The pilot then contacted the ATC in Kolkata and requested emergency landing.

“The 134 passengers and six crew members landed in Kolkata at 10.35pm. After the unconscious passenger was examined, he was taken to Charnock Hospital along with another person travelling with him. The patient was diagnosed with intestinal obstruction and his pulse rate/BP were not recordable,” an airport official said.

At 11.41pm, the flight took off for Bengaluru with 132 passengers and six crew members.

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