Tuesday, November 23, 2021

TN colleges told to start offline classes

TN colleges told to start offline classes



The state higher education department on Monday ordered all colleges, universities, deemed universities, autonomous colleges, and self-financing institutions across Tamil Nadu to start holding classes in physical mode for six days a week with immediate effect.

The department had postponed semester exams beyond January 20 after a section of students protested against holding exams offline when classes were conducted in both offline and online modes. Student bodies also wanted more time to prepare for offline exams.

The circular issued by higher education secretary D Karthikeyan directed educational institutions to reschedule theory exams after January 20.

Pondy vax tally worries Centre

The Centre has raised concern over low vaccination coverage in Puducherry where only 66% adults have got their first dose. The national average for first dose coverage is 82%. P 9

Institutions asked to conduct model exams

It further asked colleges that had completed their syllabi in online mode to conduct revision classes in physical mode to help students grasp and understand subjects better. The institutions were also asked to conduct model examinations before semester exams and offer course material.

The circular directed the Directorate of Technical Education and Directorate of Collegiate Education to order all colleges under their control and universities to function with full strength of teaching and non-teaching staff. The circular further asked district collectors to ensure higher educational institutions adhere to the instructions.

Deemed universities, however, said postponing exams will affect internship and job opportunities of students studying in final semester. “The state will lose its competitive edge because graduating students will join late. Students who have internships in reputed organisations from January will face problems. Students proceeding abroad also cannot go,” said a deemed university official.

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