Friday, October 26, 2018

No sensitive posts for ‘tainted’ officers

CHENNAI, OCTOBER 26, 2018 00:00 IST

Rule applies to those facing graft charges

In a major development, the Revenue Department has issued a circular against giving sensitive posts to officers (even those who enjoy seniority), against whom corruption charges are pending under Rule 17 (b) of the Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules. The Department has also decided to restrict the tenure of tahsildars at the same location to one year.

In the internal circular, Commissioner of Revenue Administration K. Satyagopal stated that it had been brought to the notice of his office that persons, against whom grave charges under Rule 17 (b) of Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules were pending, are being posted in sensitive posts such as taluk tahsildar, zonal deputy tahsildar and firka revenue inspector, in a routine manner without considering the pendency of grave charges and their consequences. “This practice is considered to be against the interest of healthy administration and may have a negative impact on the moral of other officers. Posting of persons with doubtful integrity in sensitive posts may lead to their courageous indulgence in unlawful/corrupt activities,” the circular stated.

“It is instructed that tahsildars should not be permitted to hold the post of taluk tahsildars for a period of more than one year and they should be transferred on completion of one year tenure except on statutory requirement (revision of electoral rolls, etc.),” the document added.

An officer told The Hindu that though the practice of not giving sensitive posts to officers was followed only for Deputy Collectors, this was the first time the practice was being extended to cover junior officers such as tahildars, deputy tahsildars, assistants and junior assistants in the department.

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