Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Rare tumour removed from woman’s food pipe by RGGGH doctors

By Express News Service  |   Published: 29th March 2017 03:57 AM  |  

Dr K Narayanasamy, dean (in-charge), RGGGH inspecting Saraswathy, along with Dr MK Rajasekar, director, ENT and Dr Elango, resident medical officer | Express
CHENNAI: When Saraswathy (59) told her family and neighbours that she felt that something was popping out of her mouth whenever she coughed, every one thought she was hallucinating.
Only later when she was taken to the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital it was found she was suffering from a peculiar tumour in her food pipe and it was the tumour that was emerging out of her mouth.

“One day when I was alone at home, I coughed and it came out from mouth. That was the first experience. I was scared, screamed and started sweating. When I told my family, none believed me” Sarawathi said at a press meet organised by the hospital doctors. The doctors said  only two such cases of tumour were reported globally.

“When I told others, they all said its just my tongue and I am hallucinating. But the experience kept haunting me. Then, I took the help of my little grand daughter, to take a picture, when it protrudes next time. It worked, she was there with me when I had such an experience again, and she clicked it on mobile phone. Then, she shared it on Whatsapp to others. They believed me after seeing the photo,” Saraswathy, a home maker and a resident of Vadapalani, said.

She had been suffering the tumour for nearly last four years. While it protruded out only when she coughed, it  merged with the food pipe during other times.

Private hospitals Sarawathy approached initially could not diagnose the tumour. As the pain in the throat became very unbearable, she finally landed at the RGGGH after referrals from other government hospitals. “We too did not believe what she said. But, when testing with an endoscopic device, she coughed and the tumour popped out. We were shocked on seeing it because none of us had come across anything like this before,” said M K Rajasekar, Director, ENT department, RGGGH.

The tumour was nearly 15 cm in length and was almost like another tongue. The doctors said two such cases that were reported earlier were  in Andhra Pradesh (4 cm) and Spain (5 cm).

“Removing the tumour was a little challenge. We used a harmonic scalpel to ensure there was no blood loss,” said Rajasekar says recalling the surgery that was conducted on March 9. Saraswathy was discharged on Tuesday.

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