Thursday, June 28, 2018

Chennai: Billroth Hospitals launches fertility clinic

Billroth Hospitals launched fertility centre ‘Adhitri’, a comprehensive centre for offering advanced assisted reproductive treatment on Wednesday.
Published: 28th June 2018 01:27 AM
By Express News Service

CHENNAI: Billroth Hospitals launched fertility centre ‘Adhitri’, a comprehensive centre for offering advanced assisted reproductive treatment on Wednesday. According to a press release from the hospital, pre-nuptial screening, preconception screening and testing, infertility diagnosis, genetic screening, diagnosis and counseling are some of the services available. Intrauterine insemination (IUI), Mini-IVF, In-Vitro Fertilisation, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Egg and Embryo Freezing, Sperm and Egg Donor Programme and Surrogacy techniques will also be provided at the clinic.

Infertility is growing at an alarming pace, especially in the cities. Of around 250 million individuals estimated to be attempting parenthood at any given time, 13 to 19 million couples are likely to be infertile, the statement said.

In the past, infertility in women accounted for 60 per cent cases and men’s infertility for 25 per cent. However, today the male factor is prevalent in 50 per cent cases. One in every five healthy men, in the 18 to 25 age group, suffers from abnormal sperm count. In every 100 couples, 40 per cent men suffer from infertility compared to 50 per cent women. The causes are common in both men and women.

Many women are unaware that from the age of 32 the ability to conceive decreases gradually but significantly, and goes down rapidly after 37, the release said.


Pre-nuptial screening, preconception screening and testing, infertility diagnosis, genetic screening, diagnosis and counseling, Intrauterine insemination, Mini-IVF, and more services will be provided.

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