Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Kuwait willing to recruit Kerala nurses


Labour Minister holds discussions

Kuwait has evinced interest to recruit nurses and workers through government agencies following discussions Labour Minister T.P. Ramakrishnan had with Kuwait authorities.

The Minister’s office said in a release here on Tuesday that Mr. Ramakrishnan who is on a visit in Kuwait had discussions with Social Welfare and Labour Minister Hind Sabeeh Barak Al-Sabeeh and under-secretary in charge of recruitment in health sector Mustafa-Al-Rida. Mr. Ramakrishnan brought to their notice the recruitment procedures of Overseas Development and Employment Promotion Consultants. The Kuwait government has entrusted Al-Durra Domestic Recruitment Company and Public Authority for Manpower for follow-up action.

Ms. Al-Sabeeh appreciated the skill and capacity of the workers from Kerala and also reminisced her visit to the State.

Mr. Ramakrishnan also had discussions with the Al-Durra company authorities and reached a broad understanding on the number of nurses and workers to be recruited through ODEPEC.

The meeting also discussed the possibility of recruiting drivers and nurses in private hospitals through ODEPEC.

The Minister, who also visited the Health Ministry, held discussions with Mr. Mustafa Al-Rida said that Kerala had the capacity to meet the demand for nurses in Kuwait. He expressed the willingness to take more nurses in upcoming projects. The Minister also had an interaction with the Keralite business community in Kuwait.

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