Saturday, June 30, 2018

‘Stick to 62 as retirement age for pvt. college principals’

COIMBATORE, JUNE 30, 2018 00:00 IST

The retirement age of principals of self-financing colleges is 62, not 65, the State Government has reiterated to the Bharathiar University.

State Higher Education Department Secretary Sunil Paliwal wrote to the University Registrar on June 27, 2018 reminding that the latter will do well to stick to the order the Government had issued in this regard, keeping the retirement age at 62.


The Bharathiar University, based on its Syndicate Resolution 304 of May 18, 2018, had sent a letter to the Government urging it to revise upwards the retirement age of principals of self-financing colleges from 62 to 65.

Sources in the academic circles say the university alone is seeking the exemption as other State-run universities have been sticking to 62 years.

Responding to the letter, Mr. Paliwal had said that the Government had already directed the university in its letter dated March 24, 2018 to take necessary action to revise its resolution dated September 13, 2017 for continuance of the existing system of permitting the Principals age limit of 65 years.

The Government had then asked the University to abide Government Order 325, dated August 18, 2003, of the Higher Education Department and also the University Grants Commission Regulation, 2010.

‘Follow instructions’

The Government would like to reiterate its earlier instructions given in the letter of March 24, 2018 and “request the University to scrupulously follow the instructions.”

In his letter of March 24, 2018, Secretary Mr. Paliwal told the University Registrar that the Government had directed the registrars of all the universities and Director of Collegiate Education that no retired teacher after the age of 62 years be appointed in any statutory or even non-statutory position in universities/colleges.

Besides this, there was no specific provision in the UGC Regulations of 2010 on the retirement age of principals of self-financing colleges as 65years.

And, finally, Mr. Paliwal requested the university to report action taken based on his letter.

The academic circle sources here say that the University Syndicate has been repeatedly making the plea to the Higher Education Department because the increase in the retirement age by three years to 65 will help five to six principals out of the 90-odd principals of self-financing colleges.

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