Tuesday, April 5, 2022








Suicides claim more lives than murders, globally and in India

Latin America & Conflict Zones Are Exceptions


Governments spend lots of money, energy and time in trying to minimise murders, but the truth is the number of people who die by suicide is several times the number of murder victims.

This is true both globally and in India, an analysis of data from 113 countries with populations of over 5 million each shows. Among the world’s regions, Latin Ame- rica is an exception to the rule with murder rates several multiples of suicide rates in many countries there. Within India too, the suicide rate is significantly higher than the murder rate in almost all states, Bihar being the sole exception among the larger ones.

Med students can change colleges in middle of session

Med students can change colleges in middle of session


Kolkata : West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS) has decided to allow transfer of students from one college to another. If there is a vacancy the students can opt for colleges of their choice in the middle of the session too.

WBUHS notified this week that the decision was taken in the interest of the students with MBBS, BDS, BSc (nursing), BPT, BMLT, BHA students and other paramedical graduate courses likely to gain from it, said an official.

The WBUHS notification issued on March 29 stated: “It is hereby informed to all the concerned students that ‘transfer from one college to another college’ within the state of West Bengal may be allowed. ” However, there is a precondition that the students after taking NOC from the college concerned where he/she is presently studying needs to get clearance from the college where he/she seeks admission. Moreover, the student will have to get clearance of the Director of Medical Education (DME). He/ She also needs to take prior permission of the council or board concerned and submit the necessary fees for transfer.

An education official whose son studies in a medical college on the outskirts said that instead of issuing such a notice the WBUHS should check the infrastructure and ensure that quality education is imparted so that students would not want to leave the colleges where they are studying.

“WBUHS must release the vacancy list online to maintain transparency so that students can understand where to apply, otherwise it will be a futile exercise,” the official said.

Jagannath Gupta, chairman, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, felt this will create unnecessary problems. “Students wanting NOC will face many hurdles and colleges won’t be eager to issue NOCs. Moreover, students from private medical colleges will always try to get admission into government colleges, so there should be proper guidelines for it. ”

The principal of a city medical college refused to comment, calling it a policy decision. Even DME Dr Debasish Bhattacharya refused to comment, calling it an internal matter.


Pension plan of some states worry babus

New Delhi : Several top bureaucrats, during their interaction with PM Narendra Modi on Saturday, flagged their concerns over freebies announced by parties during assembly elections. Officials said the announcements made by state governments like Punjab, Delhi, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal are unsustainable, and some solutions need to be found. Several parties are offering free power, burdening the state exchequer, as such doles must be provided for in the Budget. It also limits their ability to allocate more funds for crucial social sectors like health and education.

Even BJP promised free LPG connections and other sops for voters in UP and Goa during the recent polls, reports Dipak Dash.

Central government officials are worried over the “unsustainable” impact of the shift to the old pension system in states like Chattisgarh and Rajasthan, although it was not specifically mentioned in the meeting.


Adding mushrooms to your diet is good for the gut health

Next time you order a pizza or whip up a creamy risotto, go ahead and load on the mushrooms. Adding more of the edible fungi into your diet may be one way to counteract the health risks associated with the Western-style diet (WSD), which often features an abundance of fatty foods and added sugars.

Fatty and sugary foods contribute to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers and a host of other chronic health issues.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst investigated how modifiable factors such as diet and lifestyle and their metabolically related gene variants interact to influence the development of chronic diseases.

The team focused on identifying metabolic targets to prevent or treat obesity and insulin resistance.

“Intestinal dysfunction is thought to be one of the underlying mechanisms that contribute so significantly to the development of WSD-related diseases,” said nutritionist Zhenhua Liu, Associate Professor in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the varsity.

In a previous research, the team found that a rarely studied bacterium, Turicibacter, is almost completely depleted by high fat diet-induced obesity, but not genetic obesity.

But they found that sundried oyster mushrooms, found throughout most of the world, possess a unique dietary composition rich with multiple nutrients lacking in the Western- style diet, such as dietary

fibre and vitamin D.

“It’s a perfect supplement as a natural whole food to improve the quality of Western-style diets, with the added benefit of improving our overall gut health,” Liu said.

Liu’s study will examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which these mushrooms improve gut health.

Specifically, the team will examine the mushroom’s interaction with Turicibacter in Westernstyle diet-related intestinal dysfunction and the effect it may have on reshaping gut microbiome.

“We hope this study will provide the mechanistic understanding of the role of Turicibacter in dietary obesity and gut health,” said.

“It will also provide important insight into mushrooms as a whole-food approach to improve the quality of WSD and gut health. ”



‘Murdered’ man found alive, 2 acquitted

Navsari : A court in Navsari has acquitted two persons after finding out that the man, for whose alleged murder they were arrested six years ago, was alive.

The court of additional sessions judge Saranga Vyas in an order issued on March 30 also directed the investigating officer the then inspector of Navsari (rural) police station to pay Rs 50,000 compensation to each of the two men for his "careless investigation" that caused mental and physi cal agony to them and also hurt their social reputation.

Accused Madan Pipladi and Suresh Batela were arrested on the basis of an FIR lodged at Navsari r ural police station in Gujarat on July 6, 2016 for the alleged mur der of Nagulal Gayari. , who was presumed dead and the body recovered by the police was mistakenly identified as that of his by his family members due to resemblance.

The accused were kept in jail for nearly th ree months before being released on bail, while the trial against them continued under sections 302 (murder), 201 (destruction of evidence), and 114 (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), before the court acquitted them five days back.

Police had arrested the duo after wrongly identifying the body of a murder victim to be that of Gayari's, who had been missing for some time. Meanwhile, Gayari's family members took the body to their native place at Mandsaur district in Ma dhya Pradesh and performed the last rites.

It was only a few hours after performing the last rites that Gayari's brother learnt about him being alive and residing with his relative. They promptly informed thi

s to the police.

Despite this, the police went ahead and filed a charge sheet ag ainst the duo claiming that they murdered Gayari, who worked in the same factory as theirs and lived nearby, for alleg edly trespassing into the house of one of the accused one night. Gayari la ter confessed to the police of having entered the house of an accused one night looking for food as he was hungry, but esca- ped after his wife woke up. Fearing consequences for trespassing, Gayari escaped from Navsari the same night and went to live with his relatives.

In the charge sheet, the police said that the main accused conspired with the other one and a minor to strangulate the victim to death using a nylon rope before throwing it on the side of the road out of animosity against Gayari for trespassing into his house . The court observed that due to the negligence of the investigating officer, the duo suffered mental, physical torture and loss of finance and social reputation.

They cannot be compensated for what they suffered between 2016 and 2022, the court said, while ordering the pol ice inspector Pradipsinh Gohil to pay Rs 50,000 to each one of them.


















Monday, April 4, 2022

"Woman knows man's intention:" Man sentenced to year in jail for forcibly kissing woman aboard Mumbai local

"Woman knows man's intention:" Man sentenced to year in jail for forcibly kissing woman aboard Mumbai local

Metropolitan Magistrate VP Kedar rejected the man's plea that the act was not deliberate but a commuter behind him had pushed him and he consequently fell on the woman resulting in his lips touching her cheek.

Mumbai Local Train

Published on :
04 Apr, 2022, 10:49 am

A Mumbai court recently sentenced a 37-year-old man to one year rigorous imprisonment along with a fine of ₹10,000 after it found him guilty of forcibly kissing a woman on her cheek aboard a local train seven years ago.

Metropolitan Magistrate VP Kedar rejected the man's plea that the act was not deliberate, but a commuter behind him had pushed him and he consequently, he fell on the woman resulting in his lips touching her cheek.

The Court said that a woman has the ability to gauge a man's intention from his look and touch.

"It is said that the women are far more perceptive than men, and this has given rise to what is commonly referred to as women's intuition. Women have innate ability to pick up and decipher non verbal signals as well as having an accurate eye for small details.........Woman knows a man's intention when he touches her or looks her," the Court stated.

There is no reason to doubt the version of the victim and prosecution witness 2 both of whom have deposed in one voice.

"Their testimonies had gone unchallenged and remained unshaken. Mere suggestion that the incident occurred inadvertently does not come rescue of the accused in absence of any further explanation or some material which could be acceptable," the Court held.

The Court, therefore, convicted and sentenced Kiran Subraya Honavar, observing that his act amounted to an attack on the victim's dignity and deserved conviction under Section 354 (outraging modesty of woman) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

Woman knows a man's intention when he touches her or looks her.
Mumbai court

During the trial, the victim had testified in court that on August 28, 2015, she went to Govandi to meet a friend. Around 1.20 pm, the two boarded a a local train from Govandi to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT). At Masjid station, a man boarded the train and sat across from them. She was aware that he was gazing at her, but she chose to ignore him.

They stood up to alight when the train approached CSMT, as did the man seated across from them. He then kissed her on her right cheek unexpectedly. She raised an alarm, and the man was beaten up by several commuters before being transported to the CSMT railway police station.

Two additional witnesses testified that they saw the accused getting beaten up by fellow riders on the train after the lady raised an alert.

The Court was convinced that the prosecution had made a strong case.

"The prosecution by direct, cogent and positive evidence established that accused had kissed the informant on her right side cheek. Thus, the circumstances coupled with clearly established the fact that the accused had intentionally and with knowledge kissed the right cheek of the informant thereby outraging her modesty," it stated.

The Court stated in the verdict that a woman is capable of understanding the intention of a man's touch or look.

"Her perception revealed from her testimony clearly point out that the accused had committed alleged act intentionally. Woman knows a man's intention when he touches her or looks her. A women may know less but she understand more. It is a natural gift. A touch or a look...... a man will not understand but a woman knows the intention behind these," the judge stated before adding that only the survivor can discern the real intention of the perpetrator.

The court also noted that the man possessed a distorted mentality.

"The provisions of section 354 of IPC meant for public morality and to safeguard the decency of the women. His act created fear, annoyance in the mind of the informant. The act of accused caused impact on her mind breaking her confidence. The act of accused is nothing but an attack on her personal right, individual liberty and dignity of her person," it observed.

While the maximum sentence of offence under Section 354 is five years, the Court sentenced the man to a year of rigorous imprisonment along with a fine of ₹10,000 after taking into account the fact that there were no previous criminal cases against him and he was an earning member of his family.

Half of the fine amount has to be paid to the complainant.


Even If Appointment Was Irregular, State Has To Pay Salary For Work Done By Employee : Supreme Court

3 April 2022 7:35 PM

The Supreme Court has set aside a direction to recover from a person the salary paid to him after his appointment as a teacher was found to be irregular.

The Supreme Court noted that the person had worked for nearly 24 years a teacher before his services were cancelled for the reason that his appointment was irregular. It was found that he was a relative of a member of the selection committee and hence his appointment was contrary to the rules. While cancelling his appointment, the State also directed the recovery of salary paid to him.

Though the person approached the High Court challenging the cancellation order, it did not interfere. Aggrieved, he approached the Supreme Court.

A bench comprising Justice Hemant Gupta and Justice V Ramasubramaniam observed that the High Court ought to have appreciated the fact that he had worked for nearly 24 years.

"We find that the High Court has failed to consider the fact that even if the appointment was irregular, the appellant had discharged the duties and in lieu of duties, he had to be paid. The State cannot take any work from any employee without payment of any salary", the Court observed.

The Top Court added that the High Court ought to have appreciated the facts in "proper perspective" and set aside the HC direction.

Accordingly, the Supreme Court set aside the order dated 24.12.1998 and directed the authorities to treat appellant as retired on the date of the order i.e. 24.12.1998 and to pay pensionary benefits, if any, due to him for the services rendered.

Case Title : Man Singh versus State of Uttar Pradesh

Citation : 2022 LiveLaw (SC) 341

Headnotes- Service Law - Even if the appointment was irregular, the appellant had discharged the duties and in lieu of duties, he had to be paid. The State cannot take any work from any employee without payment of any salary

Even If Appointment Was Irregular, State Has To Pay Salary For Work Done By Employee : Supreme Court

Even If Appointment Was Irregular, State Has To Pay Salary For Work Done By Employee : Supreme Court: The Supreme Court has set aside a direction to recover from a person the salary paid to him after his appointment as a teacher was found to be irregular.The Supreme Court noted that the person had...


















PG student leaves, alleges ragging by seniors at BJMC


Ahmedabad : A PG student in department of orthopaedics at the BJ Medical College left the course after less than a week of joining in March, reporting ragging by the seniors as the reason in an email to the dean and PG course director on March 23.

The authorities have launched a probe into the allegation with retrieval of CCTVs of the days the student was working in the hospital, along with recording statements of his fellow students and senior batch students.

Sources close to the development said that the student had alleged the senior residents of asking for x-ray of the patients within 15 minutes, performing 100 sit-ups and forcing him to sleep in an operation theatre among other forms of mental and physical harassment since joining the course and starting the residency. The mail also named four senior students as perpetrators.

The email mentioned that he’s quitting and might not face the consequences, but he is raising the voice for the sake of the other students who might not come forward.

Dr Neeta Mehta, director of PG courses at BJ Medical College, said that the ragging committee of the college is probing the incident. “The probe is on, and we are in the process of finding the evidence. If the allegations are proved, due action would be initiated against those responsible,” she said. The college authorities said that the student was asked to appear before a committee and give his complaint in writing. He recorded his statement to the committee, but has not given the written complaint more than 10 days after the stipulated time. The student also admitted that he had not taken any calls from the head of the orthopaedic department after the incident.

The student had got the admission from All-India quota in the second round. As he has forfeited his seat, he is likely to get admission in another branch, said officials. The statements of several students have been recorded to ascertain the scope of the ragging cases, they added.

The sources said that it’s not the first instance of ragging allegations – the students had earlier approached authorities officially or unofficially where they were reportedly attacked with hammer and saw used for the medical procedures to threaten, give them very long duty hours that extends to 2-3 days at a stretch, abusing them verbally and giving them corporeal tasks like running or sit-ups or push-ups.

In such cases, the students were suspended for six months or faced other punitive actions, they added.


Girl who offered namaz inside varsity apologises


Bhopal : The student against whom a probe was constituted after some students complained saying that she was wearing a hijab and offering namaz inside a classroom in Dr Harisingh Gour Central University (HGU), Sagar, had apologised in written before a committee, saying that she was not aware of the university instructions not allowing religious practices in campus.

On March 25, the university administration had constituted a six-member probe committee to look into this issue.

Videos of the girl offering namaz in the classroom had gone viral on March 25 evening.

Besides, the university registrar Santosh Sehgoura also issued a notification on March 25, to all the students instructing that if any student wants to perform any religious ritualhe/she should do it at their residences or at their designated places of worship not in the university premises, so that the environment of the university remains peaceful.

If any student is found violating the directives, then appropriate disciplinary action would be taken, the notification read.

In an official statement, university said that the probe committee has submitted its report.

In the report committee had said that the student who had offered namaz inside the classroom had apologised saying that she did so being unaware of the rules. The student also assured of not repeating any such act in future inside the university campus.


Don’t use headmistress, it is vulgar, says education officer


Nagpur : What’s in a name? Apparently a lot of controversy, if it ends with ‘ mistress ’. The word head mistress came under scrutiny during a recent meet between city school principals and education officials, with the latter suggesting that its use be disbanded.

Education officer Ravindra Katolkar told principals that ‘headmaster’ is the official term for the post, regardless of the incumbent’s gender. It is not uncommon for female principals of state board schools to use headmistress while referring to themselves. In many schools, even stationery and rubber stamps are have that designation.

Speaking to TOI, Katolkar said, “We all know what is the meaning of mistress. I told all heads of schools that it is not to be mentioned at all as an official designation. Apart from the vulgar meaning of mistress , there is a technical problem in its usage. ”

Katolkar explained that when it comes to state board affiliated schools, no termino- logy such as ‘headmistress’ or ‘principal’ exists. “Everyone is called headmaster till Std XII, if latter is attached to a school,” said Katolkar. “We really do not know when headmistress actually came in use, but now it is prevalent. Regardless, all of them now have to use the designation headmaster only,” he said.

Though no circular has been issued by his office, Katolkar said the verbal communication was enough. “This is not a new rule. The state sanctions the post as ‘headmaster’ and it is gender-neutral. Just like Pratibha Patil was called rashtrapati , the gender of the post’s occupant does not have any impact,” he said, adding, “A transgender may also head an institution. Will we then look for another term?”


Flying with kids? Tips for a stress-free trip

From packing chewy snacks to scheduling your flight, here’s how to make travelling with young ones as painless as possible

As travelling becomes less of a challenge and the pandemic hopefully begins to ease, it’s time to start planning summer family holidays.

But if you are heading out with babies or very young children for the first time, you’ll face some different challenges.

Here are some top tips for families planning to travel with little ones this year:

Booking your flights

Look to match your flights with your child’s daily routine wherever possible. For instance, don’t opt for a latenight departure or overnight flight thinking your kids will sleep through it. They may not with all the excitement and noise, and you’ll be doubly exhausted.

Plan a flight departure between mealtimes or naps as this can help reduce the chance of public tantrums.

Choose your seats wisely

If you can, always book your baby a bassinet, or choose bulkhead seats. It’s worth considering sitting closer to the toilets, making trips with kids a lot more convenient.

Before boarding

Explain the security process to your kids if they are old enough to understand. It can be confusing for children, having to load their special things on the conveyor belt and be separated (albeit very briefly) from their parents to go through the scanner.

If you want to take a pram through the airport, consider investing in a folding onethat can be taken on board the plane as a carry on.

Take travel snacks

Carry healthy, proteinfilled treats with you in case of unexpected delays, or for when moving between time zones.

Carry fruit gums or similar chewy sweets as they are great for take-off and landing for older children, to help reduce the pressure on their ears.

Encourage kids to take sips of water as often as possible too, as dehydration can exacerbate jetlag.

Toy story

Allow your children to bring their own carry-on toys — this makes them feel more grown up and adds to the excitement of the whole travel experience.

Comfort is key

Make sure you r lit t le ones a re as comfortable as possible to minimise the risk of any midair tantrums. Planning the outfit they wear carefully and packing a mini travel pillow for them is a great start.

It’s also a good idea to have a spare change of clothes and a spare shirt for yourself in case of accidents or unexpected spills.

Board the plane first or last

While many airlines offer families priority boarding, some parents prefer to get on last to minimise the amount of time their baby or small child spends on the plane.

In-flight entertainment

While on board, make use of the inflight entertainment. Give your children freedom to watch more TV/films than usual, it will seem like a treat and will give you time to relax and unwind too.

Use the crew

Cabin staff are on hand to make your flight as enjoyable

as possible. They can help with warming bottles, keeping baby food refrigerated, offering children’s activities, holding meals until a convenient time (and maybe even sneaking a glass of wine to you after your little ones are finally asleep).

Be realistic

Finally, lower your expectations — flying can be fun, but it can be overwhelming for parents and confusing for youngsters as they may not respond wel l to noi se, crowd s, or waiting. Explain as much as you can about what to expect and be extra patient, while being kind to yourself.






















Saturday, April 2, 2022


Madurai Kamaraj University passes resolution to withdraw syndicate's decision to revise salary

Saraswathi Narayanan College Principal M Kannan moved the appeal tabled by the administrative staff of MKU.

Published: 31st March 2022 02:45 PM 

Madurai Kamaraj University
By Express News Service

MADURAI: Senate members of the Madurai Kamaraj University on Wednesday passed a resolution to withdraw the syndicate's decision to revise the salary and recover excess pay from the staff. Saraswathi Narayanan College Principal M Kannan moved the appeal tabled by the administrative staff of MKU.

According to the appeal, the resolution taken during a meeting on March 22 is contrary to the syndicate's resolution taken on March 13, 2018, and the finance committee resolution dated February 2, 2018, wherein the existing pay scale for all staff is approved following the G.O. no.303 from Finance Department dated October 11, 2017, for the present employees and future recruits.

"The salaries should also be on par with the State government ministerial pay scale as per the Seventh Pay Commission. The Government of Tamil Nadu has categorically accepted that the University of Madras, MKU, and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University has historically been adopting the secretariat pay scale of common pay in its G.O.no 110 Higher Education(K1) dated June 12, 2018," it added.

Senate members unanimously passed a resolution to withdraw the syndicate decision to revise the salary. American College Principal M Davamani Christober said that the college did not consider the recommendations of the varsity's administration while recruiting the staff in the college.

Due to this, files sent by his college are pending from 2020 onwards, he said. Syndicate member Lakshmipathy said a committee would be formed soon to resolve the issue.


New Madurai Kamaraj University Vice-Chancellor to take charge today, has his work cut out

Corruption is a major issue plaguing the institution, said MKU Pensioners Association President and former syndicate member R Srinivasan.

Published: 01st April 2022 12:27 PM 

Madurai Kamaraj University.

Express News Service

MADURAI: With the new Vice-Chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University (MKU) J Kumar taking charge on Friday, educationalists say he has his work cut out. Speaking to TNIE, Save Madurai Kamaraj University Coalition Secretary R Murali said the new V-C must bring about a positive and constructive atmosphere at the institution, apart from strengthening its financial and academic stability.

"He needs to closely review the administration and teaching affairs, and ensure that the right person is posted for the right job. The State government has been reliably releasing funds for the varsity, and we hope the two ministers from Madurai will urge Chief Minister MK Stalin to support the institution in all aspects," he said.

Noting that the MKU senate and syndicate have had no elected representatives for the last 10 years, Murali added, "The panels now have only nominated members. They just agree to whatever the V-C says, and this does not benefit the varsity. On behalf of the Save MKU Coalition, I urge the new V-C to bring back the university's glory days."

Corruption is a major issue plaguing the institution, said MKU Pensioners Association President and former syndicate member R Srinivasan. "The functioning of most sections, especially the certificate section, Directorate of Distance Education (DDE), and research section, needs to be revamped.

Over 5,000 objections alleging misappropriation of funds to the tune of `500 crore in the university have surfaced over the years, and the new V-C should clear the air on this. After using up to `400 crore from the corpus fund, the MKU has now begun to eat into the Contributory Pension Scheme funds. This has caused great distress to the retired staff," he added.













NEWS TODAY 20.09.2024