Infection can be severe for those with uncontrolled diabetes 12.04.2020
TOI’s U Tejonmayam went live on Facebook with Dr V Mohan, chairman, Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, asking the expert questions on Covid-19 from our readers. Below is an excerpt from the discussion
› Are diabetics more prone to contracting Covid-19?
Covid-19 is a virus infection. Therefore, one needs a source for the diabetic to come into contact with for he/ she to be infected. If a diabetic is home quarantined, he would not get Covid-19. However, if people with diabetes get the Covid-19 infection, it tends to be more severe. In people with uncontrolled diabetes, the risk of developing more severe infections is greater as immunity levels are less. For people with controlled diabetes, the immunity is almost at par for somebody without diabetes.
› Should diabetics be taking additional measures?
It is worth emphasizing that all the usual methods we follow — physical distancing, wearing a mask, washing of hands — should be followed. Apart from that, diabetics should look at their sugar levels and get it under control. Every diabetic, especially those above 60 should take pneumococcal vaccine. Influenza vaccine is also worth taking.
› What kind of myths do patients believe and enquire about?
A patient had called. He is on an insulin pump. He is at home. Sugar is under control. He was worried that because of the needle, he might get Covid-19. There is no evidence that the virus spreads through needles. Another common myth is about non vegetarian food. There has not been a single instance of the virus spreading through meat. One thing I would say is cook your food well, boil your water really well and wash your vegetables well. It is also highly unlikely that we get Covid-19 through newspapers.
› Now that we are in lockdown, what advice would you give on being physically active and keeping blood sugar low?
There are so many ways in which you can do exercise. Do skipping. If you know dancing, put on some music and dance. What is required is movement. One of the best exercises one can do is yoga, especially pranayama. If we do it for 5-10 minutes everyday, definitely immunity will increase. Even simple stretching exercises will do. Added advantage is that when you exercise, happy hormones or endorphins get released and hence there is mental peace.
› What precautions children below 10 with type-1 diabetes should take?
Luckily, age is one of the protectors. As far as Covid-19 is concerned, children below two years of age seem to be more prone. Between ages of 5 and 10 up to about 30 and 40, people are at least risk of getting Covid-19 infection. Even if you get it, chances of getting cured is more.

There has not been a single instance of the virus spreading through meat. It is also highly unlikely that we get Covid-19 through newspapers
DR V MOHAN | Chairman, Dr Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre