The Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority (TNRERA) has said it has powers to fix the rate of interest for recovery under the Tamil Nadu Revenue Recovery Act. The Authority also issued a recovery warrant and directed the Kancheepuram district collector to recover arrears that need to be repaid to a homebuyer in a housing project at Pondur village in Sriperumbudur taluk of Kancheepuram district on the outskirts of the city.
‘Ensure poll duty personnel can cast votes’: Madras high court on Tuesday directed the Election Commission of India (ECI) to ensure that all personnel engaged for election duty, including drivers of rental vehicles, are provided with an opportunity to cast their vote in forthcoming elections. The first bench of Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy passed the order on a PIL alleging that such drivers of rented cars were denied the opportunity to poll their votes during the 2021 assembly election.
Man held for fatally kicking friend: A 25-year-old man was arrested after he 'playfully' kicked his friend who was sitting by a well. His friend fell into the well and drowned.
Have powers to fix interest rate for recovery:TNRERA
Tambaram police said three friends had got drunk and had gone for a bath in a well. While Purushothaman, wthe deceased, was sitting on its wall, his friend Karthik playfully kicked him. Purushothaman lost his balance and fell into the well and drowned. A case has been registered.
Labourer held for killing wife: A 46-year-old man was arrested for killing his wife at Selaiyur on Monday. Murugan, a labourer, was unhappy with the food his wife had cooked and picked up a fight with her, police said. In an inebriated condtion, he took a kitchen knife and stabbed her. A case has been registered.
Four new members in TNPSC: The state government on Tuesday appointed four new members to the TNPSC.Labour commissioner S Munianathan, Madras University economics professor K Jothi Sivagnanam, Dr K Arlumathi from Chennai, Father A Raj Mariasusai from Yercaud are the new members .
More buses for women to travel free: An additional 1,300 ordinary fare buses are being operated in which women can travel for free, transport minister R S Rajakannappan said in Tiruvallur district on Tuesday. The state owned transport corporations are operating a total of 15,627 buses, of which the Metropolitan Transport Corporation is plying about 2,650 buses, he said.