Wednesday, August 15, 2018

கைபேசி தொலைந்தாலும் தகவல்களை பாதுகாக்கலாம்

கைபேசி தொலைந்தாலும் தகவல்களைப் பாதுகாக்கலாம்!

By DIN  |   Published on : 14th August 2018 11:20 AM  

சில ஆயிரம் முதல் சில லட்சம் வரை பணம் கொடுத்து கைபேசியை வாங்கியவர்கள் அது தொலைந்து விட்டால் பணத்துக்காக கவலைப்படுவதில்லை. மாறாக அதிலுள்ள தகவல்களை வைத்து அதை எடுத்தவர்கள் என்ன செய்வார்களோ? என்ற பயம்தான் தொலைத்தவர்களுக்கு ஏற்பட்டு வருகிறது. 

அத்தகைய கவலை இனி வேண்டாம். நமது தகவல்களை இருந்த இடத்திலிருந்தே கூகுளின் உதவியுடன் அழிக்கவும் முடியும். வாய்ப்பிருந்தால் அந்த கைபேசி எங்கு இருக்கிறது என கண்டறியவும் முடியும். 
கூகுளிலுள்ள find my device தான் இந்த வசதியை நமக்கு வழங்குகிறது.
முதலில் கூகுள் சர்ச்சில் என டைப் செய்யுங்கள்.. பிறகு உங்கள் கூகுள் அக்கவுண்டை log in  செய்ய வேண்டும். உங்களின் email and password கொடுத்த பின்பு லாக் இன் ஆகும். அப்போது ஸ்க்ரீனின் இடது புறம் நாம் தவறவிட்ட செல்போன் மாடல் எண் இருக்கும். அதன் கீழே தொலைந்த கைபேசியின் சார்ஜின் அளவு சதவீதத்தில் காட்டும். 
மேலும் தொலைந்த கைபேசியில் ஜிபிஎஸ் ஆனில் இருந்தால் வலது புறத்தில் அந்த கைபேசி எந்த இடத்தில் உள்ளது என்பதை பச்சை நிற குறியீட்டுடன் காட்டும். ஜிபிஎஸ் ஆனில் இல்லாவிட்டால் அத்தகவல்களை காட்டாது.இடது புற விண்டோவில் play sound, Enable, Secure & Erase என்ற தகவல்கள் இருக்கும்.
play sound கிளிக் செய்தால் அந்த செல்போன் அணைத்து வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தாலும் கூட 5 நிமிடம் ஒலிக்கும். Enable, Secure & Erase கிளிக் செய்து lock ஆப்சனை கிளிக் செல்தால் செல்போன் லாக் ஆகி விடும். erase ஆப்சனை கிளிக் செல்தால் செல்போனில் உள்ள தகவல் அனைத்தும் அழிந்து விடும்.

எனவே, கைபேசி தொலைந்தால் கவலை கொள்ளாதீர்கள். பதறாதீர்கள். உங்கள் தகவலை பாதுகாப்பாக அழிக்க முடியும்.

- வி.குமாரமுருகன் 

Bakrid Holiday on 23 rd August

பக்ரீத் விடுமுறை ஆகஸ்ட் 23-க்கு மாற்றம்: மத்திய அரசு அறிவிப்பு

By DIN  |   Published on : 15th August 2018 01:30 AM  
பக்ரீத் பண்டிகை விடுமுறை வரும் 22-ஆம் தேதிக்குப் பதிலாக வரும் 23-ஆம் தேதிக்கு மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது.

இது குறித்து மத்திய பணியாளர் மற்றும் பயிற்சித் துறை செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை வெளியிட்டுள்ள சுற்றறிக்கை: மத்திய அரசின் சார்பில், கடந்த ஆண்டு ஜூன் மாதத்தில் 2018-ஆம் ஆண்டுக்கான விடுமுறைப் பட்டியல் வெளியிடப்பட்டிருந்தது. அதில், பக்ரீத் பண்டிகை விடுமுறை ஆகஸ்ட் 22-ஆம் தேதி என அறிவிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது. இந்நிலையில், பக்ரீத் பண்டிகை 23-ஆம் தேதி வருவதாகவும், அன்றைய தினமே அரசு விடுமுறை அறிவிக்க வேண்டுமெனவும் மத்திய அரசின் கவனத்துக்குக் கொண்டு வரப்பட்டது. இதையடுத்து, தில்லி மற்றும் புதுதில்லியில் உள்ள அனைத்து மத்திய அரசு அலுவலகங்களுக்கும் வரும் 23-இல் பக்ரீத் பண்டிகைக்கான அரசு விடுமுறை விடப்படும். தில்லி மற்றும் புதுதில்லிக்கு வெளியே உள்ள மாநில அரசு அலுவலகங்கள் பக்ரீத் பண்டிகைக்கான விடுமுறை விஷயத்தில் அவர்களாகவே ஆலோசித்து முடிவினை எடுத்துக் கொள்ளலாம்.

BE admisdions

பி.இ. கலந்தாய்வு: 36 கல்லூரிகளில் ஒருவர்கூட சேரவில்லை: 120 கல்லூரிகளில் ஒற்றை இலக்கத்தில் சேர்க்கை

By DIN  |   Published on : 15th August 2018 01:34 AM 

பொதுப் பிரிவு பி.இ. ஆன்-லைன் கலந்தாய்வு இன்னும் ஒரு சுற்றுடன் நிறைவடைய உள்ள நிலையில் 36 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளில் ஒரு மாணவர்கூட சேரவில்லை என்பது தெரியவந்துள்ளது. 120 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளில் ஒற்றை இலக்கத்தில் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை நடைபெற்றுள்ளது.
2011- ஆம் ஆண்டிலிருந்து பொறியியல் படிப்புகள் மீதான ஆர்வம் குறைந்து வரும் நிலையில், நிகழாண்டில் அது மேலும் குறைந்துள்ளது.
அண்ணா பல்கலைக்கழகம் சார்பில் நடத்தப்படும் 5 சுற்றுகளைக் கொண்ட ஆன்-லைன் பொதுப் பிரிவு கலந்தாய்வில், திங்கள்கிழமை வரை 4 சுற்றுகள் நிறைவடைந்துவிட்டன. 
81 கல்லூரிகளில் மட்டுமே.. .மாணவர் சேர்க்கை குறித்து அண்ணா பல்கலைக்கழகம் வெளியிட்டுள்ள புள்ளிவிவரங்களின்படி, தமிழகம் முழுவதும் உள்ள 509 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளில் 81 கல்லூரிகளில் மட்டுமே 50 சதவீதத்துக்கும் அதிகமான இடங்கள் நிரம்பியிருக்கின்றன. 
299 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளில் 50 சதவீதத்துக்கும் குறைவான சேர்க்கை நடைபெற்றுள்ளது.
36 கல்லூரிகளில் ஒருவர்கூட சேரவில்லை: இதே போன்று 120 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளில் 10-க்கும் குறைவான இடங்களே நிரம்பியிருக்கின்றன. இதில் 83 கல்லூரிகளில் 5-க்கும் குறைவான இடங்களும், 18 கல்லூரிகளில் ஒரு இடம் மட்டுமே நிரம்பியிருக்கின்றன.
36 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளில் ஒரு மாணவர்கூட சேரவில்லை என்பதும் தெரியவந்துள்ளது. இந்த நிலை காரணமாக தமிழகத்தில் உள்ள 250 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளை வரும் ஆண்டுகளில் மூடும் நிலை ஏற்பட்டுள்ளதாக கல்வியாளர்கள் கூறுகின்றனர்.
இது குறித்து கல்வியாளர் ஜெயப்பிரகாஷ் காந்தி கூறியதாவது: இந்த முறை பி.இ. இயந்திரவியல், கட்டடவியல் (சிவில்) பிரிவுகளில் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை வெகுவாகக் குறைந்துள்ளது. 
உயிரி தொழில்நுட்பம், கெமிக்கல் பொறியியல் படிப்புகளை புதிதாக தொடங்கிய கல்லூரிகளில் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை அதிகரித்து காணப்படுகிறது.
100 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகளில் மட்டுமே... நிலைத்து நின்று, தரமான கல்வியை மாணவர்களுக்குக் கொடுக்கக்கூடிய சூழல், தமிழகத்தில் உள்ள 100 பொறியியல் கல்லூரிகள் மட்டுமே ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. தமிழக அரசும், அண்ணா பல்கலைக்கழகமும் பொறியியல் பாடத் திட்டத்தையும், தேர்வு முறையையும் மேம்படுத்தாவிட்டால், பொறியியல் படிப்பின் பக்கம் மாணவர்களை ஈர்ப்பது வரும் காலங்களில் மேலும் கடினமாகிவிடும். அது மட்டுமின்றி, வேலைவாய்ப்பு மற்றும் வளாகத் தேர்வில் சிறந்து விளங்கும் கல்லூரிகள் மட்டுமே வரும் ஆண்டுகளில் மாணவர்களை ஈர்க்க முடியும் என்ற சூழல் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது எனத் தெரிவித்தார்.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Nursing students threaten suicide over ‘harassment’ by college principal
When in hospital after consuming 300 units of insulin, Hena received an audio from her students sobbing due to the harassment they are currently facing at the institution from the principal Amudha Sun

Published: 14th August 2018 03:26 AM |

The CSI Hospital next to the School of Nursing Pic: Pandarinath B
By Express News Service

CHENNAI: One of the premier nursing institutes in the city is facing allegations about harassment and human rights violations from the firstyear students and some teachers. A first-year tutor/coordinator Hena Simon at the CSI Hospital's School of Nursing attempted suicide after allegedly being strangled by the principal. After the incident was posted on social media, students claim that they have been refrained from meeting or speaking to any visitors or have any kind of contact with outsiders.

When in hospital after consuming 300 units of insulin, Hena received an audio from her students sobbing due to the harassment they are currently facing at the institution from the principal Amudha Sundari. She then decided to get discharged against medical advice. “The suicide attempt was to make sure the harassment ends with my life,” she says. Another audio was also released on Sunday by the students stating that they would commit suicide if no action was taken against the principal. Hena was terminated by the institution on Monday.

'Students living like prisoners'

According to several videos released by the activist Beula Poornima and Hena, the students state that they aren't allowed to go out of the premises to purchase their daily essentials such as sanitary pads; have been ridiculed and humiliated due to their backgrounds; a doctor molesting them; and bed bugs found on their mattress. "It is like a jail for them," says Beula. They claim that 34 of the first-year students were locked inside the hostel with no means of contacting anyone. However, the management has denied any such incident. "The students cannot just simply go out as they please.

They need to first get permission before going out. Otherwise, we will be held responsible just as any other college," says a spokesperson from the institution. The activists also claim that parents of 18 students were called immediately to discuss about the issues on the pretext of a student committing suicide and their ward going missing. The principal, however, did not comment on the issue. Jeevan Stephen, a CSI member, says that the first-year students are new to the system and hence, are not aware of the rules, which is why the students have come out now with such allegations. But he supports them and says that the students should be allowed some freedom.

Executive meeting to be held

A meeting with the management staff was held on Sunday by the Bishop and chairman of the institution Prasanna Kumar Samuel. Hena says no first-year students and coordinators were included in the meeting. “The Bishop spoke only to the staff and the second and third year students. The first-year students were threatened to write an apology letter or they will not be able to write the examinations.

" But the management claims that the meeting was held with the first-year students, medical superintendent and treasurer. An executive meeting by CSI diocese is likely to be held on Tuesday. A board member of CSI Hospital, says, "We have been receiving complaints of harassment by the principal since two and half years after Amudha joined.

She is just frustrated because she wanted to merge the college with the nursing college in Chikkaballapur but it did not happen." Hena, who had worked in the nursing college between 2004 and 2009 and joined back in February this year, agrees that she had also not faced any such issues until the principal Amudha joined. The management was furious that the tutor had approached the media before they could form an enquiry team and investigate the matter. But Hena says that she was approached by the media after her suicide attempt. The management says that further action will be taken post the executive meeting.
Southern Railway replaces sleeper coaches with AC

Egmore-Tiruchy, Cholan Express to lose 130 to 145 sleeper berths; Pandian Express to lose 162 berths by August 20.

Published: 13th August 2018 02:45 AM | 

Image used for representational purpose only.

Express News Service

CHENNAI: In a yet another backdoor way to increase revenue, Southern Railway has started replacing sleeper berths with third AC berths which cost Rs 500 to Rs 800 more for a ticket on busy routes.
The number of sleeper berths in Pandian Express, one of the most sought-after trains in Tamil Nadu, between Chennai and Madurai, is to be reduced to 702 (nine LHB coaches) by August 20. The train had 864 sleeper berths (12 coaches) until a few years ago when it was operated with ICF coaches.

Similarly, Chennai Egmore - Tiruchy Rockfort Express and Chennai - Tiruchy Cholan Express which have rake link with Pandian Express also lost about 130 to 145 sleeper berths in the last couple of years.

The sleeper berth share in trains began to shrink when railways replaced the conventional ICF coaches with LHB coaches in August 2016. Subsequently, sleeper berths were further reduced after railways replaced the coaches with third AC coaches in trains which had high passenger demand. This information was revealed in an official release by Southern Railway recently.

“We already pay exorbitant fares for premium tatkal tickets, which was created by moving 50 per cent of tatkal tickets to this category. Now, another 10 to 15 per cent sleeper berths have been converted to third AC sleeper class, forcing us to pay an additional Rs 500 to Rs 800 a ticket. This is completely unacceptable,” rued R Krishnan of Madurai, a regular train commuter.

A third AC berth between Chennai and Madurai costs Rs 815, while the sleeper berth fare is Rs 315. The AC tatkal fare is Rs 1130, while the sleeper tatkal fare is Rs 415.

Much to dismay of rail passengers, recently the railway board approved LHB coaches for the Chennai - Tirunelveli Nellai Express and Chennai - Sengottai Podhigai Express. These two trains are also expected to lose two sleeper coaches (approximately 130 sleeper berths) once the ICF rakes are replaced with LHB rakes.

The rakes currently have 864 sleeper berths in 12 ICF coaches. However, the train is expected to get 10 LHB coaches thereby reducing the sleeper berths to 780 (78 berths per coach).
Rail passengers charged that railways was exploiting passengers taking advantage of the high transportation demand.

“South-bound trains will lose about 500 sleeper berths a day. This will result in increase in demand for sleeper berths in Chennai - Tiruchy - Madurai - Tirunelveli routes, benefiting omni buses,” added K Shankar, a rail enthusiast in Chennai.

When contacted, a senior railway official said trains that are run with less than 24 coaches (maximum number of coaches permitted for operation) are augmented with an AC coach without changing the train composition. “However, for trains that are operated with 24 coaches, a sleeper coach was removed to include a 3-tier AC coach. It is a policy decision by railway board being implemented across India,” explained the officer.

Short file:

Total number of sleeper berths reduced from 864 to 702 in Pandiyan Express

Pandiyan Express, Rockfort Express and Cholan Express to run with additional 3-tier AC coach after August 20

Railway Board approved LHB coaches for Nellai and Podhigai Expresses

Number of sleeper coaches likely be reduced from 12 to 10
Sleeper berths will come down from 864 to 780 for Nellai and Podhigai Expresses in another few months

AC three tier coach augmented in Puducherry-New Delhi train recently
As PVR takes on Sathyam Cinemas, concerns now on possible ticket price hike

PVR’s acquisition of Chennai-based SPI Cinemas is unlikely to radically change Tamil Nadu’s theatre sector, according to industry experts.

Published: 13th August 2018 03:49 AM |

Representational image of PVR theaters.

Express News Service

CHENNAI: PVR's acquisition of Chennai-based Sathyam Cinemas is unlikely to radically change Tamil Nadu’s theatre sector, according to industry experts. However, some have raised concerns on possible changes in pricing and distribution policies, and the impact on SPI’s brand.

Film producer S Sashikanth of Y Not Productions, for instance, pointed out that the industry impact would be limited since SPI accounts for less than five per cent of the 750 screens in the state.

“As a user, however, I’d say the kind of standards they’ve achieved are incomparable. For those of us who’ve grown up in Chennai, Sathyam has always been the first preference. They maintain world-class standards, and let’s hope PVR maintains that,” he said.

However, Hema Rukmani, Thenandal Studio Ltd adds that PVR’s clout and experience in the industry would ensure a smooth transition. “Based on my sources, it seems like they have a deal in place for the iconic popcorn as well. If a new brand had taken over Sathyam, then we would’ve worried. But PVR is a veteran in the industry, so I don’t think it will be a major change as far as the business is concerned”.

But, pricing and distribution policies post-acquisition are still unclear, some say. Noted distributor Abirami Ramanathan pointed out that PVR might bring in distribution policies from the North.

Sathyam’s charm and memories will stay on

AVIS Vishwanathan, happiness curator talks on Sathyam cinemas and memories..
Published: 14th August 2018 03:38 AM |

By Express News Service

CHENNAI : My earliest memory of Sathyam Cinemas is from 1976. I was barely nine and we were visiting Chennai (Madras then) from New Delhi. My uncle took us to watch ‘Chitchor’ (directed by Basu Chatterjee) at Sathyam. That was a movie with many firsts for me — my first time at Sathyam, my first Amol Palekar film and the first time I heard a song by KJ Yesudas!

The following summer we moved to Chennai. And I distinctly remember, as an adolescent, being drawn to the posters of this movie by J Mahendran called ‘Uthiripookkal’ (1979). I think it was A-rated. So, I bunked school and went to watch this movie with an older friend at one of the screens in the Sree-Sathyam-Santham-Subham complex. I have no idea how my friend got us admitted into the hall. But I remember being whacked by my grandmother when she discovered what I had been up to! Another first here — the first time I bunked classes and went to the movies was at Sathyam! And my first Telugu movie, ‘Sankarabharanam’(K Viswanath), too happened here — in 1980.

Getting tickets back then was such a hassle. I remember often having to squeeze through a narrow queue ‘tunnel’, with ugly iron bars, at the rear of the Sathyam building, to buy tickets. During our eventful courtship in 1988, and in the first couple of years of our marriage (before we moved out of Chennai), my wife Vaani and I have watched several movies here.

Some years later, when we came back to live in the city, Sathyam was again a first choice for us as a family. I can never forget a night show of ‘Air Force One’ (1997) featuring Harrison Ford, which we watched here. We went home past midnight to find that our place had been burgled! Another interesting experience I recall is when ‘Kaho Na Pyaar Hai’ was released in 2000, we were in the front row of the balcony.

And our daughter Aanchal, who was just five years old then, was seated on my lap. The moment Hrithik Roshan came on screen, she leaped out of my lap, ran up to the balcony railing and screamed, “I love him! I love him!” The audience cracked up! Sathyam’s charm is like AR Rahman’s music — it has grown on you and so it will stay with you. Over time, brand Sathyam and SPI Cinemas may fade away. But the memories will stay on.

(AVIS Viswanathan is the happynesswala; He is a big fan of Big B and of Sathyam Cinemas — in that order!)
New Chennai railway time-table disappoints many

According to the new time-table, the Cuddalore-Vriddhachalam passenger train is extended to Tiruppadirippuliyur, while the Nagore-Tiruchchirappalli passenger trains will run upto Karaikkal.

Published: 14th August 2018 03:21 AM |

For representational purposes (File | EPS)

By B Anbuselvan

Express News Service

CHENNAI : The new railway time-table, which comes into effect from August 15, has disappointed passengers as the Southern Railway has neither introduced any new trains nor reduced the travel time of trains. The travel time in the 495-km Chennai Egmore and Madurai section, which became a fully electrified double line six months ago, remains above eight hours and ten minutes for all trains except Vaigai Express. The Villupuram-Madurai section double lines have been developed at the cost of `1200 crore. Besides reducing the travel time of weekly trains including Nagercoil- Mumbai CSMT biweekly express by 60 minutes, the Tambaram-Tirunelveli Antyodaya Express is speeded up by 60 minutes.

According to the new time-table, the Cuddalore-Vriddhachalam passenger train is extended to Tiruppadirippuliyur, while the Nagore-Tiruchchirappalli passenger trains will run upto Karaikkal. Similarly, the Palakkad-Punalur Palaruvi Express is extended to Tirunelveli, while the Kollam-Edamann passenger train will run upto Shengottai.

Travel time of 10 daily express trains including the Chennai Central-Coimbatore Shatabdi Express, Chennai Central-Alleppey Express and Pandiyan Express is reduced by 5 to 15 minutes. The departure time of about 25 trains from Chennai Egmore and Central stations has changed by 5 to 30 minutes. 

While the Southern Railways officials have repeatedly informed that new trains from Tambaram to Nagercoil and Tambaram to Kollam are being proposed, the time-table having no such trains has disappointed the rail passengers J Soosairaj, president, Tamil Nadu Southern Districts Train Passengers Association termed the time-table as a testimony to the step-motherly treatment meted out to Kanniyakumari district. “We have been assured that a triweekly Express is proposed to Nagercoil. However nothing has happened. We have to rely on bus services to travel for about 700 km,” he said.

K Baskar, member, Divisional Rail Users Consultative Committee (DRUCC), Chennai, said the reduction of travel time by five minutes is negligible. “The Southern Railway operates trains at the same travel time as that of single lines in double tracks between Chennai and Madurai. It only exhibits Railways’ poor efficiency and lack of planning,” he charged. Railway sources said the travel time of trains was not reduced mainly due to the proposed 4- hour corridor block a day for track maintenance. “We are planning a few changes in the time-table in a few months,” said an officer.
Relief pours in from Chennai for Kerala

Right from the beginning, materials have been pouring in. From homemakers to businessmen, everybody made it a point to donate something.

Published: 14th August 2018 03:42 AM |

The first set of materials from Path , an NGO, was sent on Sunday

Express News Service

CHENNAI : To aid Kerala in battling one of the worst floods it has witnessed in nearly a century, Chennaiites have stepped up in large numbers to mobilise relief material to help flood-affected victims in the neighbouring state. “When half of Chennai city was submerged in water in 2015, we received nearly nine tonnes of relief material from Kerala. Now, it is our turn to reciprocate,” said Vikaash Srivatsav, managing trustee of Path, a city-based NGO that has set up collection points in different places, including Naturals Lounge in T Nagar, C2 Mallika Ceebros in Pycrofts Road, Nungambakkam, Sunnyvale Apartments at Konnur High Road in Aynavaram, and Spectrum mall at Perambur.

Talking about the tremendous response from locals, he said, “Right from the beginning, materials have been pouring in. From homemakers to businessmen, everybody made it a point to donate something. The first consignment including medicines, baby food, sanitary items, water bottles (1,100 kg) and ready-to-eat food was sent on Sunday night.”

The volunteers said they are in constant touch with the Collectorate in Wayanad who is diverting the materials to different parts of the state. Priyanka Krishna, a volunteer with the Chennai rescue team said the Collectorate informed that they are currently not in need of clothes, but in need of footwear, carpets, mats, and provisions. Kalpana Ramakrishnan, one of the donors at Spectrum mall, said, “We have collected relief materials from eight apartments in our area. Likewise, people are gathering in all the areas.”

While materials are being collected quickly, transportation has become one of the major issues as most of the drivers are hesitant to drive to the flood-hit state. Addressing this, Fahd Khaleel Wallajah and Mohamed Asif from the city have started a crowd-funding campaign on GiveAway India that uses online and mobile interface to connect donors to beneficiaries and anyone from across the globe will be able to donate a range of products. “Willing donors can visit and can pay for water bottles, biscuits, rice, flour, milk powder, and other essentials. Once the crowdsourcing is done, our corporate partners from Kerala will directly provide the material to the relief areas.

This will save a lot of time,” said Fahd, adding that the model was useful in the 2015 Chennai floods as well.Bindu Satyajit from Do For Others foundation, who has been receiving the relief material at Kerala, said, while the essentials for the public is almost taken care of, the cattle are starving. She urged Chennaiites to also provide cattle feed, hay and mineral mixture.

Rajini questions CM’s absence at Kalaignar’s funeral

AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

The film star said that had the State government challenged the decision to give a burial space for the former Chief Minister at the Marina, he himself would have participated in protests.
Says there is no clash of great leaders in politics any more

Actor Rajinikanth questioned the absence of Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Edappadi K. Palaniswami at the final rites for former Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi at Marina, at a memorial event organised by the Tamil Film Industry on Monday evening.

“I was very proud to see that several Chief Ministers as well as leaders from the Centre were present at the final rites of Mr Karunanidhi, where he was given a state funeral. With all of these dignitaries present, shouldn't the Tamil Nadu CM too have been there to pay his last respects? What will people think of this,” Mr. Rajinikanth asked.

“Are you all MGR or Jayalalithaa? There was previously a clash of great leaders in politics, but not any more,” he said, questioning the ruling party over their absence at the State funeral.

He also said that had the Tamil Nadu government challenged the decision to give a burial space for the former Chief Minister at the Marina, he would have participated in protests himself. “I got very emotional seeing Mr. Stalin shed tears and I want to tell him that he has his family and his party for support. His father’s path and achievements will show him the way,” he said. Stating that it was tough for him to imagine a Tamil Nadu without Kalaignar Karunanidhi, Mr. Rajinikanth said that the leader had been instrumental in inspiring lakhs of people to come into politics and had always said that either people like him or oppose him in the political sphere.

“I don’t want anyone to mistake me, but I feel that Kalaignar’s photo should be kept next to M.G.Ramachandran’s photo when the AIADMK annual celebrations are held,” he said.

“If a movie like Parasakthi hadn't been made, Tamil cinema would have lagged by at least 20 years. Kalaignar was someone who showed us that cinema with good dialogues and heroes who spoke on screen and not just sang on screen were important,” said actor Nassar, president of the Nadigar Sangam.
Government offices asked to ensure TDS every month

AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

On tax deduction:K. Raviramachandran, Commissioner of Income Tax (TDS), speaking at an awareness programme in Madurai on Monday.G. MoorthyG_Moorthy 

‘Penalty will be recovered from salary of Drawing and Disbursal Officer’

Tax deductors in government offices have been reminded of penalty provision in Income Tax Act, if they fail to deduct tax from their employees and make the payment on time or to file the returns on time.

Addressing an awareness programme for tax deductors organised by the Income Tax Department here on Monday, Commissioner of Income Tax (TDS) K. Ravi Ramachandran said the department was soft-pedalling against defaulting tax deductors of government departments.

“However, a day will come when we’ll be compelled to slap Rs. 200 fine a day on deductors for not complying with provisions of Income Tax Act,” he said.

He said that the penalty would be recovered from the salary of Drawing and Disbursal Officer (DDO) and not from the government departments.

Mr. Ramachandran also asked the tax deductors to directly file their returns to the Income Tax Department using TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System.

Speaking on the occasion, Additional Commissioner of Income Tax D. Albert Manohar said that the DDOs should understand that tax deduction at source should be done from employees every month from April to March and not during the last few months of the financial year.

Tax deduction should be done in 12 equal instalments through the financial year based on the annual salary projection of each government employee, he said. Failure to deduct correct amount of tax and not making prompt payment to Income Tax Department would make the DDOs liable to pay penalty, he cautioned.

The DDOs should understand that a major portion of the income tax collected from individuals was ploughed back through the State government for developmental works. Hence, it was imperative for them to collect the dues on time, he said.

Joint Commissioner of Income Tax Ben Mathew Varkey said that 40% of the total tax collected or Rs. 4 lakh crore across the nation was through TDS. He assured that the Income Tax Department was ready to help the DDOs in solving various issues in processing TDS on time.
CUTN Tiruvarur closes admissions for 2018-19

TIRUVARUR, AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

The Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN), Tiruvarur, has closed admissions for this academic year for UG Integrated and PG programmes. The admissions were closed on August 10.

Students were admitted for the various programs offered through 22 departments based on the Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET).

The applications were received online from February 19 to March 26, and the admit cards were issued on April 13, for the entrance exams conducted on April 28 and 29.

The CUTN had introduced 13 new programmes for this academic year.

There was a significant rise in the number of applicants.

This year, there were 40,816 applicants compared to 27,299 last year, according to information provided to the media.

There are 22 departments offering UG, PG, M.Phil and doctorate programs under schools of Basic and Applied Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, Social Sciences and Humanities, Behavioural Sciences, Commerce and Business Management, Communication, Education and Training, Technology, Performing Arts and Fine Arts, and Earth Sciences.

In all, the Central University of Tamil Nadu offers 46 courses for 1,689 students with 100 regular teachers on rolls, the CUTN website states.

Besides students from all over the country, the CUTN has also been admitting those from other countries under Direct Admission of Students Abroad scheme.

Students with adequate knowledge of English are admitted.

In case English is not the first language or language of medium of instruction during secondary and tertiary education, a pass in the Test of English as a foreign language administered by the Educational Testing Service in the US, or the International English Language Testing Service test administered by the British Council, is required.
Kiran Bedi returns CM’s ‘rude’ letter


Kiran Bedi

Lt. Governor Kiran Bedi has returned a letter from Chief Minister V. Narayanasamy charging her with violating “the spirit of the oath of secrecy” as it was “impolite” in tone.

Mr. Narayanasamy had, while addressing the media the other day, shared copies of his letter in which he took exception to the fact that although as an administrator Ms. Bedi had taken oath of office and secrecy, she had been issuing, on a daily basis, official “secret communications violating the oath of secrecy which was unbecoming of a constitutional authority.”

A miffed Lt. Governor conveyed to the media that she was returning the letter in original as it was found to be “highly impolite”, especially considering that it was addressed to a Constitutional office.

“If it (referred by the CM at the press meet) is the same one written to the Lt. Governor, I wish to inform that it was returned in original as it was considered highly impolite written to a Constitutional office,” Ms. Bedi said.

She charged the Chief Minister with being “rude even earlier in several of his letters.” “However, it has now become a pattern,” she added.
Power shut down on Aug. 16


UPDATED: AUGUST 14, 2018 04:01 IST

Due to monthly maintenance work to be taken at Kavundampalayam sub-station on August 16 between 9 a.m and 4 p.m. there will be no power supply in the following areas: Nallampalayam: Housing Board, AR Nagar, Thamami Nagar, Driver Colony, Samundeswari Nagar, Suguna Nagar, Union Road, Ashok Nagar, Murugan Nagar, Bharathi Nagar, Dhayal Street, Fireservice Area, Nallampalayam Road, TVS Nagar Road, Gen Nagar, Ohm Nagar, Amirtha Nagar, Ganesh Layout, Ganesh Layout, Sabari Garden, Ranga Layuout and Part of Maniakarampalayam area.

Pump House: 24-hour water supply Athikadavu scheme, Kavundampalayam.

Lenin Nagar: Subbhathal Lay out, Sastri Street, Maruthakutty Layout, Sampath Street, Periyar Street, VOC Street, CG Lay out, Nedunchezhian Street and Dheivanagi Nagar.

Sanganoor: Pudhu Thottam, Kannappa Nagar, Periyar Nagar, Karupparayan Koil Street, Thair Etteri Road and Balusamy Nagar.

Saibaba Colony: Indira Nagar, Kaveri Nagar, Jeeva Nagar, Kamaraj Street, K.K. Pudur 6-th Street, State Bank Colony, Krishna Nagar, Ganapathy Lay-out, KG Lay out, Giri Nagar, Sri Nagar and Thatehanthottam.

Cheran Nagar: Cheran Nagar, ITI Nagar, Thendral Nagar, Lakshmi Nagar, Balan Nagar, Saravana Nagar, Railway Mens Colony and Ranga Majestic.
Award for ophthalmologist

CHENNAI, AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

Vice-chairman and Director of Paediatric Ophthalmology Sankara Netralaya T.S. Surendran recently received the Life Time Achievement award at the annual conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association.

The award was presented by Puducherry Lt. Governor Kiran Bedi for his 40-year-long contribution to paediatric ophthalmology.
Linking Aadhaar with e-mail is dangerous: HC

CHENNAI, AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

Says it will make private details public

Two judges of the Madras High Court on Monday termed as “a very dangerous relief” a plea by a public interest litigant to link either Aadhaar card details or any other government identity proof with the e-mail as well as social media accounts of individuals to keep a tab on fake accounts used to abuse others and indulge in cyber crimes.

Justices S. Manikumar and Subramonium Prasad doubted whether such a relief could be granted since it would amount to making public personal details such as Aadhaar number. They said crimes committed using fake accounts could be detected by the cyber crime cell. Therefore, it could not be a reason to order mandatory linking of Aadhaar with social media accounts.

However, they adjourned the hearing on the PIL petition filed by Antony Clement Rubin, an activist-based in Chennai, to August 20 in order to enable the cyber crime officials to throw light on procedures followed by them to track down individuals using fake accounts to indulge in criminal activities. The judges wanted the officials to be present during the next hearing.

During the course of hearing on Monday, a police officer informed the court that Facebook had an employee in Hyderabad to assist the police in tracking down criminals.

However, he provides immediate assistance only in serious cases related to child pornography and so on and does not cooperate in solving complaints of abuse through fake accounts.

The prime reason cited by Facebook for not disclosing certain details to the police was its obligation to maintain the privacy of its users, the judges were told. Finding some justification in the stand taken by Facebook too, the judges said that they would examine the issue in detail during the next hearing and find out how best the court could help in such issues.

They added that, ex-facie, the PIL petitioner had no constitutional or statutory right to seek a direction to the Centre as well as State government to make linking of Aadhaar with e-mail and social media accounts mandatory and that the petition could be dismissed straight away on this ground alone.
Anna varsity admission process raises suspicion

CHENNAI, AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

The Anna University conducts counselling for engineering courses after the Directorate of Medical Education completes the admission process. 

But university officials say procedure is fair and deny allegations of malpractice

Information sought under the RTI has raised doubts on the admission process in the Anna University.

An University employee sought information on students admitted to its various departments in the academic year 2017-2018. He later compared the list with the attendance details of students who had gone to the third semester in July 2018.

“I found that the students’ names in the third semester attendance register did not tally with the list of students admitted in 2017-18,” said the employee who had filed the RTI.

“In the ECE department, of the 180 seats in three batches in College of Engineering, Guindy, there are 39 candidates who did not figure in the 2017-18 admission list given under the RTI. The number is in excess of the permitted NRI quota of 20% of the total seats,” he added.

Usually, the Anna University conducts counselling for engineering courses after the Directorate of Medical Education completes the admission process. Last year, MBBS admission was delayed owing to prolonged court cases and Anna University completed the counselling ahead of the DME.

As a result, when counselling for medical seats was held as many as 500 students vacated their seats in Anna University and its top-rung affiliated colleges in favour of MBBS.

“Anna University’s counselling pattern does not allow for filling up of vacated seats. The university departments do not permit lateral entry in to second year BE. But I found that all seats were filled in the third semester and the attendance register included names of candidates that did not exist in the 2017-18 admission list in some of the most-sought departments like ECE, EEE, Manufacturing and Mining,” the professor said.

An official in-charge of admissions, however, said the new names on the list could be students who opted for ‘break year’.

“Students who join the Anna University generally are toppers and aim for medicine too. In 2016-17, many students took a break to write NEET. It is possible that many of them who did not get a medical seat have come back in the third semester,” he explained.

A professor in industrial engineering in CEG explained that the University is permitted to admit 20% students (12 seats) in addition to the 60 allotted seats in each branch.

“For 60 seats reservations for various communities and sports quota is followed. Students from other States are admitted under Open Category. Within the 20% additional seats 5% seats each are allocated for industrial consortium; wards of NRI parents; wards of those employed in Gulf countries; and foreign nationals. In certain branches like ECE all seats are filled but in some others filling even the permitted intake of 60 is difficult,” he said.
A theatre chain that’s a huge hit

CHENNAI, AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

Fans tweet emotionally as the brand has been close to everyone’s heart

We are losing another pride of Chennai, this is really heartbreaking, will miss the popcorn and cold coffee – this is what patrons of SPI Cinemas posted on social media platforms including Twitter and Facebook after news of PVR taking over the multiplex went viral.

Some even flooded their walls and pages with memes on the multiplexes famous popcorn and cold coffee and said — “Don’t change the popcorn” and “Will miss the popcorn.”

The iconic theatre has been close to everyone’s heart including actors, directors and producers who saw their audio and teaser launches happen here.

Ashwin, a college student said, “For me group outing means going to Sathyam cinemas with friends. Their technology and ambience is outstanding,” he said.

Kanchana Krishnan, Director, Chennai, Knight Frank, on her Facebook page said, “The city of Chennai is a hit for movie buffs and when we think of movies, we are unwaveringly faithful to Sathyam cinemas.”

Dharaneetharan G. D., Director, Social Eagle, a city-based startup firm, who frequents SPI Cinemas, said, “According to me SPI Cinemas is a symbol of innovation and a brand that stands for customer satisfaction. I will definitely miss SPI. May be PVR can treat SPI as Zappos so that the culture is unaffected.”

“SPI Cinemas is a word (rather, two words). Sathyam theatre is an emotion,” said actor Vinodhini Vaidynathan, on her Facebook page. On a chat message she said that she loved the theatre from the time in the 80s when it was “just” Sathyam Theatre.

“I've always loved their popcorn (with butter and without flavouring),” she added.

Director P.S. Mithran of Irumbu Thirai fame, said, “I still remember telling my friends that this is how theatres would be abroad.”

Crowd funding

Some patrons also put out messages requesting SPI Cinemas not to sell the theatre and withdraw its plans.

A few even said that they would crowd fund and get the theatre back to the original promoters.

One of the tweets by@Kbaasubramani, said, “Though u see this as a next milestone!! As a huge fan of#SathyamCinemaswe don't really like this collaboration!! To be frank we have experienced both screens. Service and nothing can be matched with your standard!!”

Another tweet by@jayykrishh, said, “The name@sathyam_cinemasitself gives us a pride moments to watch movies. And getting tickets from the same is our greatest task on FDFS. Such a feel we get from@SPICinemasExpecting thesame from the new venture.”

As a huge fan of#SathyamCinemaswe don't really like this collaboration!! Service and nothing can be matched with your standard
Metro Rail Phase II to be extended till Poonamallee

Sunitha Sekar

CHENNAI, AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

The 13-km stretch will benefit thousands in western part of the city

The Chennai Metro Rail plans to extend one of its corridors in the phase II project — from Valasarawakkam to Poonamallee — that will cover a distance of nearly 13 km with 10 stations. This extension from Valasarawakkam to Poonamallee will benefit thousands of people living in the western part of the city.

The areas which will get stations (in this extension) include Karambakkam, Porur Junction, Sri Ramachandra Hospital, Iyyapanthangal Bus Depot, Kaatupakkam, Kumananchavadi, Karayanchavadi, Mullai Thottam, Poonamallee Bus Terminus and Poonamalle Bypass, officials said. This extension will cost nearly Rs. 3,850 crore.

Chennai Metro Rail’s phase II project covers 108 km of the city touching upon 116 stations and it will comprise three corridors — Madhavaram to Shollinganallur, Light House to CMBT and Madhavaram to Siruseri. Of these three, the corridor from Light House, instead of touching its original destination of CMBT, will take a detour and go all the way up to Poonamallee via Valasarawakkam.

This extension till Poonamallee was originally not part of the phase II project and was added only recently for the benefit of commuters living in the western city of the city.

DPR being prepared

According to Chennai Metro Rail Limited officials, the detailed project report (DPR) is currently being prepared and once it is ready, more information regarding this stretch such as the expected number of people who will travel, the exact route through which the train will travel and various other technical information for construction will be available.

Whether this stretch from Valasarawakkam to Poonamallee will be underground or elevated will also be known only after the DPR is ready.

“Then, we will subsequently see how much land is required and the other issues involved. But work on this project can begin only after we know from where to get the funding from. We are looking at a lot of options such as approaching a few banks for funding this stretch,” an official said.

The Chennai Metro Rail Limited has approached Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for funding a part of the other two stretches — Madhavaram to CMBT and Madhavaram to Shollinganallur alone.

CMRL has begun acquiring land for these two stretches and also conducting soil tests in various locations across the city.

Once the DPR is ready, more information such as the expected number of people who will travel and the exact route will be available

CMRL official
Probe against college for sexual assault

BENGALURU, AUGUST 14, 2018 00:00 IST

Doctor accused of sexual assault; college says no complaint lodged

The Indian Nursing Council (INC) is conducting an inquiry into a case of an alleged sexual assault of a nursing student of a city-based college.

Members of the INC spoke to several students as part of the inquiry on Monday.

While students of the School of Nursing, CSI Hospital, have alleged that a doctor of the hospital sexually assaulted a student, the management says that no formal complaint has been lodged by the students with the Internal Complaints Committee of the college.

The students also alleged that there have been other types of harassment by the college where a female student was suspended for speaking to a male hospital staff.

The students, however, stated that they had brought up the issue with the principal as well as the college management who did not look at their request.

A student of the college said that the students were asked to pay Rs. 10,000 for books and uniforms and were not given any receipts. She also said the condition of the hostel was deplorable.

The services of a senior nursing tutor who helped students voice out their concern was terminated on Monday, they said.

The Karnataka Nursing Council too visited the college last week to submit a fact finding report.
Google tracks your movements, like it or not

Tech Giant Claims It Gives Clear Description About Its Tools And How To Turn Them Off
San Francisco:  TOI 14.08.2018

Google wants to know where you go so badly that it records your movements even when you explicitly tell it not to. An Associated Press investigation found that many Google services on Android devices and iPhones store your location data even if you’ve used a privacy setting that says it will prevent Google from doing so. Computer-science researchers at Princeton confirmed these findings at AP’s request.

For the most part, Google is upfront about asking permission to use your location information. An app like Google Maps will remind you to allow access to location if you use it for navigating. If you agree to let it record your location over time, Google Maps will display that history for you in a “timeline” that maps out your daily movements.

Storing your minute-byminute travels carries privacy risks and has been used by police to determine the location of suspects — such as a warrant that police in Raleigh, North Carolina, served on Google last year to find devices near a murder scene. So the company will let you “pause” a setting called Location History.

Google says that will prevent the company from remembering where you’ve been. Google’s support page on the subject states: “You can turn off Location History at any time. With Location History off, the places you go are no longer stored.” That isn’t true. Even with Location History paused, some Google apps automatically store time-stamped location data without asking.

For example, Google stores a snapshot of where you are when you merely open its Maps app. Automatic daily weather updates on Android phones pinpoint roughly where you are. And some searches that have nothing to do with location, like “chocolate chip cookies”, or “kids science kits”, pinpoint your precise latitude and longitude and save it to your Google account.

The AP learned of the issue from K Shankari, a graduate researcher at UC Berkeley who studies the commuting patterns of volunteers in order to help urban planners. She noticed that her Android phone prompted her to rate a shopping trip to Kohl’s, even though she had turned Location History off. “So how did Google Maps know where I was?” she asked in a blog post .

The privacy issue affects some two billion users of devices that run Google’s Android operating software and hundreds of millions of worldwide iPhone users who rely on Google for maps or search.

Storing location data in violation of a user’s preferences is wrong, said Jonathan Mayer, a Princeton computer scientist and former chief technologist for the Federal Communications Commission’s enforcement bureau. “If you’re going to allow users to turn off something called ‘Location History’, then all the places where you maintain location history should be turned off,” Mayer said.

Google says it is being perfectly clear. “There are a number of different ways that Google may use location to improve people’s experience, including: Location History, Web and App Activity, and through device-level Location Services,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement.

“We provide clear descriptions of these tools, and robust controls so people can turn them on or off, and delete their histories at any time.” To stop Google from saving these location markers, the company says, users can turn off another setting, one that does not specifically reference location information. Called “Web and App Activity” and enabled by default, that setting stores a variety of information from Google apps and websites to your Google account.

While disabling “Web & App Activity” will stop Google from storing location markers, it also prevents Google from storing information generated by searches and other activity. That can limit the effectiveness of the Google Assistant, the firm’s digital concierge.

Critics say Google’s insistence on tracking its users’ locations stems from its drive to boost advertising revenue. “They build advertising information out of data,” said Peter Lenz, the senior geospatial analyst at Dstillery, a rival advertising technology company. “More data for them presumably means more profit.” Since 2014, Google has let advertisers track the effectiveness of online ads at driving foot traffic , a feature that Google has said relies on user location histories. The company is pushing further into such location-aware tracking to drive ad revenue, which rose 20% last year to $95.4 billion. AP

K Shankari (inset), a graduate researcher at UC Berkeley, noticed that her Android phone prompted her to rate a shopping trip to a department store even though she had turned Location History off
Rude coworkers can affect your parenting style


Children could be unintended victims of workplace incivility, say scientists who found that women who encounter rude coworkers are more likely to engage in stricter parenting practices, negatively affecting their kids. Workplace incivility is any behaviour that is rude, disrespectful, impolite or otherwise violates workplace norms of respect. This behaviour shows a lack of concern for others, said Kathryne Dupre, of Carleton University in Canada.

Some examples of workplace incivility include ignoring or making derogatory remarks about someone, taking credit for the work of others, passing blame for your own mistakes, avoiding someone or shutting people out of a network or team.

To better understand the effects of workplace incivility spill-over at home, the researchers conducted an online survey of 146 working mothers and their spouses. Mothers were asked about their experience with incivility in the workplace as well as feelings of effectiveness as a parent. Their spouses were asked to report on the mothers’ negative parenting behaviours, both authoritarian (strict and controlling) and permissive.

They found a significant association between experiencing rude behaviour at work and authoritarian parenting by working mothers at home. There was no association found with permissive parenting. Survey results also showed that incivility in the workplace was associated with mothers feeling less effective as parents, which could help explain the increased need to engage in strict, controlling parenting behaviours, said Dupre.

Authoritarian parents have high expectations of their children, with rules that they expect their children to follow unconditionally. At the same time, though, they provide very little in the way of feedback and nurturance and harshly punish any mistakes, said Dupre. They tend to have lots of regulations and micromanage almost every aspect of their children's lives, valuing discipline over fun. “These findings reveal some previously undocumented ways that women, in particular, suffer as a result of workplace aggression,” said Angela Dionisi, from Carleton University. PTI

The study found a significant link between experiencing rude behaviour at work and authoritarian parenting by working mothers at home
U’khand HC is legal guardian of cows in state


In the first ruling of its kind in the country, the Uttarakhand high court invoked the ‘parens patriae’ clause (becoming a legal protector) for “the welfare of cows and other stray cattle in Uttarakhand.” By invoking this provision, the court declared itself a legal guardian of members of the bovine family across the state. The court’s order was delivered on August 10 but a certified copy was available on Monday.

A division bench comprising of Chief Justice Rajiv Sharma and Justice Manoj Kumar Tiwari in a detailed 41-page order spelled out steps for the protection of cows in the state. Citing various references in its order, including Supreme Court rulings, excerpts from upanishads and arthashastra as well as teachings of Jainism and Buddhism and quotes of Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama to stress the importance of caring for animals, the judges gave a series of directions to the state government.

These included “ensuring the banning of slaughter of cow, bull, bullock, heifer or calf, prohibition on selling of beef or beef products in any form throughout the state, providing medical treatment to all the stray cattle, appointing infirmaries within a period of three weeks in order to treat and take care of animals, evicting all unauthorised occupants/encroachers from gaushalas within a period of three months and ensuring adequate patrolling by state police in rural areas once in 24 hours to ensure that no cow is slaughtered.”

“A special squad is ordered to be headed by an officer not below the rank of deputy superintendent of police in both commissionaries that is Kumaon and Garhwal with one veterinarian to protect cows,” the judges said.

The court ordered cases to be registered under sections 289, 428 and 429 of the IPC as well as various provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Act, 1960 and Section 7 of the Uttarakhand Protection of Cow Progeny Act, 2007, against the owners of any cattle which are found on the streets. The court further directed chief engineers of all national and state highways to ensure that no stray cattle comes on roads.

New CJ gave Ganga living status

Justice Rajiv Sharma, who delivered landmark orders such as granting living entity status to Ganga and the animal kingdom, was appointed the acting chief justice of the Uttarakhand high court. Justice Sharma was appointed the acting CJ last week. Born in October 1958, Justice Sharma has so far heard more than 75,000 cases. After joining the Himachal Pradesh high court in 2002, he was appointed additional judge of the high court in April 2007 and became a permanent judge in March 2013. He was then transferred to Uttarakhand HC where he assumed office in September 2016. TNN
Linking of UID & social media accounts violates privacy, says Madras HC

Chennai:  14.08.2018

The Madras high court on Monday termed the relief sought through a PIL ‘dangerous’ as it wanted the Union government to declare the linking of Aadhaar compulsory for authentication while creating email and social media accounts.

“There is a pressing need for administration, regulation and supervision of social media, specially, on abusive and derogatory posts, comments and memes which further promotes misinformation and propaganda. Taking note of these factors, particularly their unhealthy effects thereof, mandating Aadhaar is considered to be the most practical way of addressing the menace and imposing stringent penalties, as it paves way for tracking individual identities uploading multiple posts and memes,” petitioner Antony Clement Rubia said.

When the PIL came up for admission before a division bench of Justice S Manikumar and Justice Subramonium Prasad, the bench wondered under what constitutional right the petitioner was seeking such relief.

“This a dangerous relief. It would affect the right to privacy of every individual. If the petitioner faces any such issue he can very well file a complaint with the police concerned and definitely they can track such people and penalize under appropriate law,” the bench said.

The court then directed the Centre to file a reply and directed the appearance of deputy superintendent of police incharge of the cybercrime wing to explain the manner in which such complaints are dealt with and the cooperation provided by social media companies. The court then posted the PIL to August 20 for further hearing.

According to the petitioner, the recent unforgettable misery which took lives of many young children was a game circulated through the social media named ‘Blue Whale Challenge’. “It was a time when the administrators of the game as well as the targets were difficult to locate, because there was no record of the true identity of users of social media accounts,” he added.
RTI reveals there was oxygen shortage at BRD med college

Lucknow/Gorakhpur:  14.08.2018

An RTI response has revealed that there was in fact a shortage of oxygen cylinders at BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur, on August 11, 2017, the day more than 30 children died in the hospital’s encephalitis and neo-natal wards. The response states that 10 cylinders had been arranged on August 11from suppliers other than the authorized suppliers.

Lucknow-based RTI activist Sanjay Sharma had sought in his August 14, 2017 query information from the state government on nine points pertaining to the deaths at BRD Medical College. “I received the reply in July this year. But no information has been provided on seven points, and it has been stated that the matter is pending in court,” Sharma said.

In response to his query seeking day-wise numbers of oxygen cylinders provided by suppliers other than the authorised ones between August 1 and August 14, 2017, the public information officer (PIO) of the college stated that six cylinders were provided by Anandlok nursing home, Gorakhnath, Gorakhpur, and four by Dr Kafeel Khan, then nodal officer of the hospital, on August 11.

The response vindicates the stand of Dr Khan who had been in the eye of the storm ever since he had said there was a shortage of oxygen because the administration had not made payments to the supplier.

No response has been provided to questions like details of patients who died between August 1and August 14, 2017; the causes of their death and certified copies of their postmortem reports; the supplier companies found guilty in the probe; the rate at which authorized suppliers provided cylinders; a certified copy of the magisterial probe report; and a certified copy of the then principal’s suspension
‘Party will be ruined under Stalin’s leadership’

My Father’s Loyalists Are All With Me, Says Alagiri

Barely a week after the death of DMK chief M Karunanidhi, ugly sibling rivalry resurfaced with estranged leader M K Alagiri swearing that loyalists of his father were with him. In an interview to Julie Mariappan, the rebel leader who was expelled from DMK in 2014 said his brother and DMK working president M K Stalin lacked the leadership qualities of their father.

Why did you choose to express your grievance at your father’s burial site on the Marina?

I have nursed the grievance for long and I could only express it today.

People say express your feelings to god and I have done precisely that, to my god (father).

My father will punish them (the wrong-doers). You will know what I am talking about within six months.

But you were expelled from the party by your father.

Yes, my father expelled me. But people instigated him. I conveyed that grievance to him today.

Isn’t your family helping you to get back into the party?

That is wrong information spread by the media. The family has not taken any effort and I am unaware of what their motives are.

Had the party chief been alive, do you think he would have taken you back into the DMK?

Certainly. He knew me, my hard work very well, and that I had fetched many victories for the party. Winning or losing is immaterial, but I put in a lot of hard work for the party. I was in charge of Andipatti (assembly constituency) when (former chief minister) Jayalalithaa contested twice. The leader (Jayalalithaa) was nervous and campaigned for two more days. Her own functionaries admitted this.

Are you saying Stalin is opposed to your being taken back into the party?

How can I blame him alone? The family members could have colluded too. I don’t know.

What do you think of the party now?

Things are getting worse day by day. The outcome of the R K Nagar bypoll (in which DMK candidate lost deposit) is an example.

The party will be ruined under Stalin’s leadership. You will see the (disastrous) results soon. DMK leaders are in touch with actor Rajinikanth.

There were opinions, divergent views, and disagreements among many sections, but ‘thalaivar’ (Karunanidhi) steered the party by embracing every one. That’s his style. His opponents too were treated affectionately and encouraged to work for the party. Stalin lacks such tactics. He has one group and does not bother about others.

Why were you expelled in the first place?

There was an organizational election and many applications (of my supporters) were rejected. The members contested not because I told them to do so. They (Stalin and his men) wanted their loyalists in plum posts and I questioned that. I rallied behind (the rejected ones) and wanted them to contest because at the end of the day everyone will say ‘Kalaignar vazhga’ (Long Live Karunanidhi). But they cheated my father.

They (Stalin and his men) wanted their loyalists in plum posts and I questioned that. I rallied behind (the rejected ones) and wanted them to contest because at the end of the day everyone will say ‘Kalaignar vazhga’

M K Alagiri

Better NEET results, same seat count make admissions tougher


As the second round of MBBS counselling for the state came to an end on Monday, students, who were being admitted based on their NEET scores for the second consecutive year have raised the bar.

Admission to medical colleges in the state was tougher in 2018 compared to 2017. The last student to enter a state-run medical in the state this year had a score of 200 in NEET compared to 161 in 2017. The difference in scores compared to last year was the smallest among ST category (39) and widest among MBS (88). In the OC category difference is 42 marks.

Minutes after the state completed counselling and released list of allotted students, Manickavel Arumugum, a freelance consultant of medical aspirants worked out data for 2018. The numbers showed that better performance in NEET 2018 and lack of increase in seats made admissions tougher this year.

The top score in NEET this year was 676 marks— 20 points higher than that of last year’s topper. Eightyone students scored above 550 in NEET in both 2017 and 2018. But there are 213 students who got 500 or more compared to 203 students last year. The gap widened as the scores went down. For instance there were 1,279 students above 400 compared to 1,466 last year and 4,791 above 300 compared to 2,569 last year.

Admission to all medical and dental colleges is conducted by the state committee based on NEET 2018 marks and 69% rule of reservation. “Unlike last year, the DGHS returned more seats to Tamil Nadu. Many students had to options of getting a seat,” said selection committee secretary G Selvaraj.

On Saturday, round two counselling began with the seat matrix for second round MBBS counselling with 242 MBBS seats including 128 seats in government medical colleges, 26 seats in Annamalai University, 11 seats in ESIC Chennai and 77 seats under government quota in private colleges. By Monday MBBS seats in all colleges were exhausted.

The counselling to government management seats in BDS courses at selffinancing colleges will be held soon, he said.


Ex-CoE had a history of marks swapping

Debarred In 2006, Became CoE Of Anna Univ In 2015


G V Uma, former Controller of Exams of Anna University booked by the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption in a re-evaluations cam, was in 2006 found guilty of a marks-swapping scandal by the administration. As per syndicate agenda and minutes accessed by TOI, Uma, then an assistant professor in the computer science depart ment of the College of Engineering, Guindy, was debarred from examination work including paper setting, invigilation, correction and examinership for a period of five years. In 2015, four years after the debarrment period ended, she was named Controller of Examinations (CoE) by then vice-chancellor MRajaram.

On June 14, 2006, a fourmember syndicate sub-committee including Professor V Jayabalan, CoE, questioned examiners, chief examiners and chairmen in regard to swapping of marks and variation in marks pertaining to papers corrected.

It found that marks of students from various colleges had been swapped, meaning a student who had passed would have failed and vice-versa. This was discovered when students obtained a photocopy of their answer-sheets. “The whole process caused enormous hardship and mental agony to students and members connected with processing of result,” the syndicate agenda said.

Ironically, the scandal involved swapping of marks in papers on professional ethics, consumer behaviour and human resource management. The committee was formed to analyse the issue and avoid such incidents in future. Twelve professors, including Uma, accepted their fault and apologised for their mistake in writing, the syndicate agenda noted. On Monday, despite repeated calls and messages, Uma could not be reached for comment. Speaking to TOI from the US, Jayabalan gave details of the modus operandi. “A dummy number is assigned to every answer sheet which corresponds to the registration number. The marks obtained by the student are then recorded by the examiner in an OMR sheet against the dummy number. The marks were entered for students in the wrong OMR sheet, thereby the results of more than 100 students were changed giving a bad result for a student who had performed well and viceversa. Uma was one of the chief examiner then and was found guilty,” he said.

Jayabalan, regarded as a no-nonsense officer and top academic by former vicechancellors of the university, said that he was not aware if the mistakes were deliberate . “However it is regrettable that a person who had such serious charges in the examination process later was appointed as CoE,” he said. Uma is currently the chief accused in a re-evaluation scam unearthed by DVAC which alleges that thousands of students paid bribes up to ₹10,000 each to artificially boost their marks. DVAC is also investigating another complaint by then higher education secretary Sunil Paliwal, alleging involvement in a ₹63 crore marksheet contract scam.

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