Sunday, October 20, 2019

குண்டுங்குழியான சாலைகள்; சிங்கப்பூர் போல சென்னை மாற 1000 ஆண்டுகள் ஆகும்: நீதிபதிகள் கோபம்


குண்டுங்குழியுமான சாலைகள் குறித்து விமர்சித்துள்ள உயர் நீதிமன்றம், மழைநீர் வடிகால் அமைக்கப்பட்டதுடன், சேதமடைந்த சாலைகள் செப்பனிட்டது குறித்த தகவல்களையும் சேர்த்து நவம்பர் 18-ல் அறிக்கை தாக்கல் செய்ய வேண்டும் என உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது.

சென்னையில் மழைக்காலங்களில் சாலையில் தேங்கும் தண்ணீர் மழை நீர் வடிகால் வழியே செல்ல சாலையோரங்களில் மழை நீர் வடிகால் அமைக்கப்படுகிறது. ஆனால் இவை தூர்வாரப்படாமல், வருடம் முழுதும் மழை நீர் வடிகால் அமைக்கப்படுகிறது என பல கோடி செலவழிக்கப்படுகிறது. மழை நீர் வடிகால் சரிவர இல்லாததால் மழை நீர் சாலையில் தேங்குவது பெரிய பிரச்சினையாக உள்ளது.

இதுகுறித்த வழக்கு உயர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் நடந்து வருகிறது. இந்த வழக்கில் 2015-ல் ஏற்பட்ட பெருவெள்ள பாதிப்பு மீண்டும் ஏற்படாது, 80 சதவீத மழைநீர் வடிகால் அமைக்கப்பட்டுவிட்டது என சென்னை மாநகராட்சி சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றத்தில் உறுதியளித்தது. இது குறித்த தகவலை அறிக்கையாக தாக்கல் செய்ய நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவிட்டிருந்தது.

இதனிடையே சாலையில் கேபிள் பதிக்கும் தனியார் தொலைபேசி நிறுவனங்களுக்காக தோண்டப்பட்ட பள்ளங்களை மூடி பழையபடி சாலை அமைப்பதில்லை என ஜெபமணி ஜனதா கட்சியின் பொது செயலாளரும், ராஜிவ்காந்தி கொலை வழக்கின் சிபிஐ விசாரணையில் இடம்பெற்றிருந்த ஓய்வுபெற்ற காவல் ஆய்வாளருமான மோகன்ராஜ் வழக்கு தொடர்ந்திருந்தார்.

அவரது மனுவில், “ரிலையன்ஸ், ஏர்டெல், வேல்ட்டெல் (worldtel) நிறுவனங்களால் 2001 முதல் சென்னையில் தோண்டப்பட்ட சாலைகள் முழுமையாக சீரமைத்து தராததால், பள்ளத்தில் விழுந்தும், அதில் தேங்கிய நீரில் சிக்கியும் பலர் காயமடைந்தும், சிலர் மரணமடைந்துள்ளனர். ஆனால் அது தொடர்பாக எஸ்பிளானேடு, மயிலாப்பூர் காவல் நிலையங்களில் அளித்த புகார்களில் இதுவரை போலீஸார் நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கவில்லை.

தொலைப்பேசி இணைப்புகளுக்காக சாலையை தோண்டிவிட்டு, மீண்டும் பழைய நிலைக்கு கொண்டுவராதது குறித்து தொலைத்தொடர்பு நிறுவனங்கள் மீது அளித்த புகார்களில் நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க தமிழக உள்துறை செயலாளருக்கும், சென்னை காவல் ஆணையருக்கும் உத்தரவிட வேண்டும்”. எனக் கோரியிருந்தார்.

இந்த வழக்கு நேற்று நீதிபதிகள் எம்.சத்யநாராயணன், என்.ஷேஷசாயி அமர்வு முன் விசாரணைக்கு வந்தது. அப்போது அரசுத்தரப்பில், ஏற்கனவே மோசமான சாலைகளை கண்டறியவும், மழைநீர் வடிகால் கட்டமைப்பை ஆராயவும் இரண்டு வெவ்வேறு வழக்கறிஞர்களை ஆணையர்களாக நியமித்துள்ளதாக தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டது.

சென்னையில் உள்ள பெரும்பாலான சாலைகள் மோசமான நிலையிலேயே பராமரிக்கப்படுவது குறித்து அதிருப்தி தெரிவித்த நீதிபதிகள், “தற்போதைய பருவமழை காலம் முடியும் வரை சாலைகள் செப்பனிடப்போவதில்லை. இதேநிலையில் போனால் தற்போதைய சிங்கப்பூரைப் போல சென்னை மாறுவதற்கு 1000 ஆண்டுகள் ஆகும், ஆனால் அப்போது சிங்கப்பூர் 10000 ஆண்டுகள் முன்னோக்கி சென்றுவிடும்.

மோசமான தரத்துடன் சாலைகள் அமைக்கப்படுவதும், அப்படிப்பட்ட ஒப்பந்தகாரர்கள் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடுக்காததுமே இப்படிப்பட்ட மோசமான சாலைகள் அமைவதற்கு காரணம். சென்னையில் கழிவுநீர் கால்வாய்களுக்கான வழிகள் சாலையின் ஓரத்தில் அமைக்கப்படாமல், ஏன் சாலையில் நடுவிலேயே அமைக்கப்படுகிறது.

நீதிமன்றம் கேள்வி கேட்காதவரை அரசு அதிகாரிகளுக்கு இதுகுறித்த கடமையுணர்ச்சியோ, பொறுப்புணர்வோ ஏற்படுவது இல்லை. சட்டவிரோத பேனர் காரணமாக சிலர் இறக்கின்றனர். சாலைகளின் நடுவில் உள்ள குழிகள் காரணமாக சிலர் இறக்கின்றனர். ஆனால் இதைப்பற்றியெல்லாம் அதிகாரிகள் கவலைப்படுவதாக தெரியவில்லை”. எனத்தெரிவித்த நீதிபதிகள் எம்.சத்யநாராயணன், என்.ஷேஷசாயி அமர்வு, மழைநீர் வடிகால் அமைக்கப்பட்டதுடன், சேதமடைந்த சாலைகள் செப்பனிட்டது குறித்தும் நவம்பர் 18-ல் அறிக்கை தாக்கல் செய்ய வேண்டும் என உத்தரவிட்டு வழக்கை ஒத்திவைத்தனர்.
நடத்தையே அழகின் கண்ணாடி!

By வெ.இன்சுவை | Published on : 19th October 2019 01:36 AM 

அண்மைக்காலமாக இளம் பெண்களில் சிலா் முகநூல் பக்கத்தில் தங்களுடைய கவா்ச்சியான புகைப்படத்தைப் பதிவேற்றி ‘நான் தனியாக இருக்கிறேன்’, ‘நான் விதவை’, ‘என் கணவா் என்னைக் கைவிட்டு விட்டுச் சென்று விட்டாா்’, விருப்பமுள்ள ஆண்கள் தொலைபேசி எண்ணைத் தரவும்’ என்று பதிவிடுகின்றனா்.

இதைப் பாா்த்து கோபமும், எரிச்சலும் வருகிறது. பெண்களாக வலிய வந்து அழைக்கும்போது, அத்தகைய பெண்களுடன் நட்பு வைத்துக்கொள்ள ஆண்கள் துடிப்பதில் வியப்பில்லை. ஒரு சில ஆண்கள் மட்டும் அவா்களைத் திட்டி எழுதுகிறாா்கள். தன்னுடைய புகைப்படத்தைப் பதிவேற்றி ‘நான் அழகாக இருக்கிறேனா?’ என்று கேள்வி வேறு. என்னவாயிற்று நம் பெண்களுக்கு?

இளம் பெண்களில் சிலா் இப்படிப் பதிவிடுவதை அவா்களின் தாய், தந்தை, சகோதரா்கள் ஒப்புக் கொள்வாா்களா? பெண்களுக்கு எதிரான வன்முறைகள் கட்டவிழ்த்து விடப்பட்டுக் கொண்டிருக்கும் இந்தச் சூழ்நிலையில், வீண் வாழ்க்கைச் சிக்கலை விலைக்கு வாங்குவதுபோல்தான் இத்தகைய பெண்களின் செயல் இருக்கிறது.

தனிமையைப் போக்கிக் கொள்ள இதுவா வழி? நிறைய நேரம் இருந்தால் ஏதாவது ஆக்கப்பூா்வமான வேலைகளைச் செய்யலாம். எதையாவது கற்றுக் கொள்ளலாம். சமுதாயத்துக்கு ஏதாவது ஒரு வகையில் உதவலாம். எந்தக் குறிக்கோளும் இல்லாவிட்டால், ஆண் நண்பா்களைத் தேடி அலைய வேண்டுமா?

பயனுள்ள பல விஷயங்களைப் பதிவிட முகநூல், கட்செவி அஞ்சல் போன்ற சமூக வலைதளங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம். வக்கிரமான செய்திகளையும், வதந்திகளையும் பரப்புவதற்குப் பதில் நல்ல செய்திகளைப் பதிவிடலாம். ஒருவா் செய்த நற்செயலைப் பதிவிடும்போது அவா் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைவதுடன், பலருக்கும் அந்தப் பாராட்டு ஒரு தூண்டுகோலாக அமையும். அதை விடுத்து தவறான சித்தரிப்புகள் மூலம் கலாசாரச் சீரழிவை நோக்கி நம் இளைய சமுதாயத்தை இட்டுச் செல்ல வேண்டாம்.

பெண்களும் வேலைக்குப் போய் உழைத்து சம்பாதித்து குடும்பத்தைக் காப்பாற்றும் பொறுப்பை ஏற்றபின் நிற்க நேரமில்லாமல் ஓடிக் கொண்டே இருக்கிறாா்கள். படித்துப் பெரிய பதவியில் இருக்கும் பெண்கள் முதல், படிக்காத வீட்டு வேலை, கூலி வேலை செய்யும் பெண்கள் வரை தங்கள் குடும்பத்திற்காக பாரம் சுமக்கிறாா்கள். அதையும் சுமையாகக் கருதாமல் தங்கள் கடைமையாகக் கருதுகிறாா்கள்.

வேலை, குடும்பம் என இரட்டைக் குதிரைகளில் சவாரி செய்கிறாா்கள். அலுத்து, களைத்து இரவு வீடு திரும்பிய பின் ‘இரவு சமையல்’ என அல்லாடுகிறாா்கள்.

மணிக்கணக்கில் நின்று கொண்டே இருக்க வேண்டிய விற்பனைப் பிரிவில் வேலை செய்யும் பெண்கள், தொழிற்சாலைகளில் இயந்திரத்தோடு இயந்திரமாக மாறிப் போகும் பெண்கள், பெரிய பெரிய வணிக வளாகங்களில் நள்ளிரவு வரை வேலை செய்யும் பெண்கள், வீட்டு வேலைக்குப் போகும் பெண்கள், உணவகங்களிலும், பெட்ரோல் பங்குகளிலும் பணிபுரியும் பெண்கள், சொற்ப சம்பளத்துக்காக வீட்டையும், உறவுகளையும் விட்டுவிட்டு வெகு தொலைவு வந்து தன் சின்னச் சின்ன சந்தோஷங்களையும் கனவுகளையும் தொலைத்து விட்டு மந்தையில் ஒன்றாகக் கலந்து மனதிற்குள் அழும் பெண்கள், மென் பொறியாளா்கள் வேலையில் எந்நேரமும் மடிக்கணினியுடன் குடித்தனம் நடத்தும் பெண்கள், தகப்பனின் பாரத்தைப் பங்கு போட்டுக் கொள்ள வேலைக்குப் போகும் பெண்கள், தன் திருமணத்துக்கு தானே பணம் சோ்க்க வேலைக்குப் போகும் பெண்கள், குடும்பத்துக்காக தியாக முலாம் பூசிக்கொள்ளும் பெண்கள் என கண்ணியத்தோடு வாழும் இவா்களை கரம் குவித்துத் தொழத் தோன்றும். ஒரு குடம் பாலில் ஒரு துளி விஷம் போல ஒரு சிலரின் மோசமான நடத்தையால் பெண் இனமே தலைகுனிய நேரிடுகிறது.

வானத்தையே வசப்படுத்தும் வல்லூறுகள், தடைகளைத் தகா்த்தெறியும் தாரகைகள், நாட்டுக்குப் பதக்கம் பெற்றுத் தரும் தங்க மங்கைகள் எனத் தங்கள் குடும்பத்துக்கும், தேசத்துக்கும் பெருமை சோ்க்கும் பெண்கள் போற்றுதலுக்கு உரியவா்கள். அண்மையில் சந்திராயன் 2 சோதனையில் பெண்களின் மகத்தான பங்களிப்பைப் பாராட்டாதவா்களே இல்லை எனலாம். ஒரு சில புல்லுருவிகளால் எல்லோரும் அவமானப்படுகிறோம்.

நம் கல்வியும், நம் சுதந்திரமும் நம் வாழ்வை மேலான நிலைக்கு இட்டுச் செல்ல வேண்டுமேயொழிய நம்மை இழி நிலைக்குத் தள்ளக் கூடாது. பெண்களும் மது அருந்தத் தொடங்கி விட்டாா்கள், புகை பிடிக்கக் கற்றுக் கொண்டு விட்டாா்கள். ஆணுக்குப் பெண் சமம் என்பதன் அா்த்தத்தை அனா்த்தமாக்கி வருகிறாா்கள். ஆண் நண்பா்கள் இல்லாத பெண்களை விரல் விட்டு எண்ணி விடலாம். எந்த நேரமும் செல்லிடப்பேசியில் பேசிக் கொண்டே இருக்கிறாா்கள். தாங்களாகவே பிரச்னையில் போய் சிக்கிக் கொள்கிறாா்கள்.

பெண்கள் இனம் இந்த நிலைக்கு உயா்ந்து அனைத்துத் துறைகளிலும் பரிமளிக்கும்போது கீழான எண்ணங்களைப் புறம் தள்ள வேண்டாமா? தன்னுள் ஒளிந்து கிடக்கும் திறமைகளை வெளிக்கொணர முயன்றால் தரம் கெட்ட எண்ணங்கள் தாமாக புறமுதுகு காட்டி ஓடிவிடும்.

படித்த பெண்கள் மிக மிக பாந்தமாக, அழகாக, ரசனையோடு வீட்டைப் பராமரிக்கிறாா்கள். பாங்காய் சமையல் செய்கிறாா்கள், அற்புதமாகக் குழந்தை வளா்க்கிறாா்கள்; வீட்டு நிா்வாகம் முழுவதையும் கவனித்துக் கொள்கிறாா்கள். கோலம், கைவினைப் பொருள்கள் செய்வது என எல்லாவற்றிலும் முத்திரை பதிக்கிறாா்கள். ‘வேலை ஏதும் இல்லாதவனின் மூளை, சாத்தானின் இருப்பிடம்’ என்பது உண்மைதான் போலும்.

வெளியூரில் இருக்கும் தங்கள் மகன்கள் தப்பான வழியில் போய்விடக் கூடாது எனப் பெற்றவா்கள் தங்கள் வயிற்றில் நெருப்பைக் கட்டிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறாா்கள். இணையதளத்தில் தேவையில்லாதவற்றைத் தேடித் தேடிப் பாா்த்து மனதளவில் கெட்டுப் போயிருக்கும் இளைஞா்களை புதைகுழிக்குள் புன்னகையுடன் அழைத்துப் போகின்றனா் இத்தகைய பெண்கள். இது போன்ற நடத்தையா அழகு?

காந்திஜி ஒரு கூட்டத்தில் கலந்து கொண்டாா். அக்கூட்டத்திற்கு தன் 3 வயது தம்பியை 12 வயது சிறுமி ஒருவா் அழைத்து வந்திருந்தாா். அமா்வதற்கு இடம் கிடைக்கவில்லை. அதனால் அந்தச் சிறுமி தன் தம்பியை இடுப்பில் வைத்து நின்று கொண்டிருந்தாா். இதை காந்திஜி பாா்த்து விட்டாா். அவா் அந்தச் சிறுமியிடம் ‘இந்தச் சுமையை உன்னால் எப்படி தூக்கிக் கொண்டு பொறுமையாக நிற்க முடிகிறது?’ என்று கேட்டாா். அதற்கு அச்சிறுமி, ‘இது கனமா, இது என் தம்பி’ என்றாா். காந்திஜிக்கு அதிா்ச்சி. இதுதான் நம் பெண்களுக்கு உள்ள தாய்மை குணம்.

வாழ்க்கை ஒரு நிமிஷத்தில் மாறுமா என்று தெரியாது. ஆனால், ஒரு நிமிஷத்தில் எடுக்கும் முடிவுதான் வாழ்க்கையையே மாற்றி விடுகிறது அல்லது அப்படியே புரட்டிப் போட்டு விடுகிறது. தெரியாமல் செய்த தவறுக்கு மன்னிப்பு உண்டு. ஆனால், தெரிந்தே செய்யும் தவறுக்கு மன்னிப்பே கிடையாது. ‘நாகரிகம் என்னும் பெயரில் அரங்கேறும் அசிங்கங்கள் அநேகம்’ என்னும் நிலையில் சும்மா இருந்த சங்கை ஊதிக் கெடுத்த கதையாக சில பெண்கள் நடந்து கொள்கிறாா்கள்.

சுய கட்டுப்பாடும், தனி மனித ஒழுக்கமும் குன்றி வருகிறது. பெண்ணே, அற்ப ஆசைகளைத் தூர எறி. நீ சாதிக்கப் பிறந்தவள்; வலிமை வாய்ந்தவள் என்று உறுதியுடன் நில். அலைபாயும் மனதை உன் கட்டுக்குள் கொண்டு வா. மண் தின்னப் போகும் இந்த அழியும் உடலை அளவுக்கு அதிகமாக ஆராதிக்காதே.

எது அழகு? உண்மையைப் பேசும் உதடுகள் அழகு; இரக்கத்தைப் பொழியும் கண்கள் அழகு; நல்லனவற்றை மட்டும் கேட்கும் காதுகள் அழகு; அடுத்தவா் நலனுக்காக உழைக்கும் உடல் அழகு --இதுதான் என்றுமே அழியாத அக அழகு. நிலையில்லாத புற அழகுக்காக அதிகம் மெனக்கெடாதீா்கள்.

‘இளமையும் நில்லா யாக்கையும் நில்லா’ என்பதை உணா்ந்து கொண்டால் பேரின்பப் பெருவாழ்வை மனம் நாடும். பண்படாத உள்ளம் பண்படும். உங்களது திறமைகளையும், ஆற்றல்களையும், சக்தியையும் உங்களது நல்வாழ்வுக்காகவும், நீங்கள் சாா்ந்துள்ள சமுதாயத்தின் உயா்வுக்காகவும் செலவிடுங்கள். தன் அழகால் பிறரை அடிமையாக்கலாம் என்ற கேவலமான எண்ணத்தைத் துடைத்தெறியுங்கள்.

‘இது என் வாழ்க்கை, நான் விரும்பிய வண்ணம் வாழ எனக்கு முழு சுதந்திரம் உண்டு. நான் ஒருவருக்கும் பயப்படத் தேவை இல்லை’ என வாதிடலாம். ஒரு சமுதாயத்தில் வாழும் நாம் அந்தச் சமுதாயத்தின் சட்டங்களுக்கு உட்பட்டுத்தான் நடக்க வேண்டும். சமுதாயம் வகுத்துள்ள ஒழுக்க நெறிமுறைகளில் இருந்து பிறழக் கூடாது. நம் கலாசாரம் சிதிலமடைந்து வரும் இந்த நாளில், ஒழுக்கமான ஆண்களையும் சகதி குழிக்குள் இழுத்துவிட வேண்டுமா?

கல்வியில் முன்னேறுங்கள், பொருளாதார ரீதியாக தற்சாா்பு உடையவா்களாக ஆகுங்கள். தாா்மிகக் கோபத்தை வெளிப்படுத்துங்கள். அா்த்தமுள்ள வாழ்க்கை வாழ முயற்சி செய்யுங்கள். பெண்மை என்பது உண்மையின் அவசியத்தை, ஆன்மிகத்தின் ஒளியை, தூய்மையின் புனிதத்தை வெளிப்படுத்த வேண்டும்.

ஆக, ‘அழகு’ என்பது நாம் பாா்க்கிற வெளித் தோற்றத்தில் இல்லை. அது மனம் தொடா்பானது. அது நம் நடத்தையில்தான் வெளிப்படும். நல்ல எண்ணம், நல்ல சிந்தனை, நல்ல செயல், நல்ல நடத்தை என ஓா் ஒழுக்க நெறியை வகுத்துக் கொண்டு கறை இல்லா வாழ்க்கையை வாழுங்கள்.


பேராசிரியா் (ஓய்வு)
தரமற்ற 5 டன் முந்திரி வருகை: திருப்பியனுப்பிய திருப்பதி தேவஸ்தானம்

By DIN | Published on : 20th October 2019 02:17 AM


திருப்பதி: திருமலை தேவஸ்தானத்துக்கு அனுப்பப்பட்ட முந்திரி பருப்பு தரமற்றது என பரிசோதனையில் நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டதால் 5 டன் முந்திரி பருப்பை தேவஸ்தானம் திருப்பி அனுப்பி உள்ளது.

திருமலை ஏழுமலையானுக்கு பிரசாதமாக படைக்கப்படும் லட்டு பல்வேறு பொருள்களை வைத்து தயாரிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறது. அதற்காக தேவஸ்தானம் கடலை பருப்பு, நெய், கற்கண்டு, ஏலக்காய், உலா் திராட்சை, முந்திரி, பாதாம், சா்க்கரை உள்ளிட்டவற்றை மொத்தமாக கொள்முதல் செய்து வருகிறது. கொள்முதல் டெண்டா் விடுத்து, அதன் மூலம் நடைபெற்று வருகிறது. எனினும், பொருள்களின் தரத்தை பரிசோதித்த பின் மட்டுமே தேவஸ்தானம் அவா்களுக்கு டெண்டரை முடிவு செய்யும்.

இந்நிலையில், லட்டு பிரசாதம் தயாரிக்க தேவஸ்தானம் கேரள அரசிடமிருந்து, ஒரு கிலோ ரூ. 669 என 100 டன் ரூ. 70 கோடிக்கு கொள்முதல் செய்ய ஒப்பந்தம் கையெழுத்திடப்பட்டது. இதையடுத்து, கடந்த அக். 3-ஆம் தேதி கேரள அமைச்சா் மொ்சிகுட்டி அம்மா முதல் முறையாக 5 டன் முந்திரி பருப்பை திருப்பதிக்கு கொடியசைத்து அனுப்பி வைத்தாா். அவை திருப்பதியை அடைந்தவுடன், அதன் தரத்தை தேவஸ்தானம் ஆய்வுக் கூடத்தில் பரிசோதித்தது. அப்போது அவை தரமற்றவை என நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டதைத் தொடா்ந்து, 5 டன் முந்திரி பருப்பையும் தேவஸ்தானம் திருப்பி அனுப்பியது.

'நீட்' தேர்வு ஆள் மாறாட்ட வழக்கு ஜாமின் விசாரணை ஒத்திவைப்பு

Added : அக் 19, 2019 22:05

தேனி,'நீட்' தேர்வு ஆள்மாறாட்ட வழக்கில் ஜாமின் கோரிய ஐந்துபேரின் மனுக்கள் மீதான விசாரணை தேனி நீதிமன்றம் நாளை (அக்., 21) ஒத்தி வைத்தது.'நீட்' தேர்வு ஆள்மாறாட்ட வழக்கில் மாணவர்கள் பிரவின், ராகுல், பிரியங்கா, இர்பான் , அவர்களது தந்தையர்கள் டாக்டர் வெங்கடேசன், சரவணன், டேவிஸ், முகமதுஷபி, தாயார் மைனாவதி ஆகியோர் சிறையில் உள்ளனர். மாணவர் உதித் சூர்யாவிற்கு உயர்நீதிமன்ற மதுரை கிளை நிபந்தனை ஜாமின் வழங்கியது.இந்நிலையில் பிரவின், ராகுல், தந்தையர்கள் சரவணன், டேவிஸ், முகமது ஷபி ஆகிய ஐந்துபேர் ஏற்கனவே ஜாமின் கோரியிருந்தனர். இம்மனுக்கள் நேற்று தேனி மாவட்ட செசன்ஸ் நீதிமன்றத்தில் விசாரணைக்கு வந்தது. நீதிபதி விஜயா விடுப்பில் சென்றதால், மகளிர் நீதிமன்ற நீதிபதி கீதா விசாரித்தார். இவர் இம்மனுக்களை நாளை ஒத்திவைத்தார்.
SRM university hosts national level hackathon 


Published Oct 20, 2019, 2:53 am IST

 The winner was team Dragon_Booster from Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur. 

People's Favorite award was won by SRMIST's Beeclust_mrsl group consisting of Inderan Kannan, Atul John Abraham, and Sukriti.

Chennai: Future mobility, Defence, Sustainability, Technology in Brand Experience, IT Security and Tourism were the themes of the fourth edition of the SRM Hackathon, organised by the IT Association, School of Computing and SRM Institute of Science and Technology, at the SRMIST campus.

The winner was team Dragon_Booster from Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur. The Social Stars award was won by Team Gen-Y of SRMIST, comprising Shwet Mishra, Siddhant Tibrewal, Saurabh Agrawal, Subhashree Hazra and Atif Hossain. Their application was to solve travel plan complexity and help people create any trip according to their preferences.

People's Favorite award was won by SRMIST's Beeclust_mrsl group consisting of Inderan Kannan, Atul John Abraham, and Sukriti. Their work was a prototype that uses algae and draws in CO2 and other harmful gases like

Sulphur Di Oxide and fullerenes (excess air) into the system. The major highlights include the production of zero to no waste, completely environment-friendly and low energy consumption when compared to the conventional air purifiers.

SRM Hackathon 4.0 was a 36-hour long event and had about 1000 entries. Only 40 ideas were selected for the finals, held under the guidance of a panel of mentors and judges. The idea was to create a platform for young developers and professionals to showcase their projects.

Speaking at the event, SRMIST Vice-Chancellor Dr. Sandeep Sancheti said that novelty and innovation formed the core of such Hackathons. “It is important to learn from such competitions that provide a space for developers to come across 50-odd solutions for a single problem”, he said, pointing out that Prime Minister Narendra Modi also promoted such hackathons.
Absence of injury no ground to say there was no sex abuse: Madras high court 


Published Oct 20, 2019, 4:48 am IST

The case of the prosecution was that the mother of the victim minor girl, had lodged a complaint on May 27, 2016. 

Madras high court

Chennai: Observing that when parents, who discover that their child has been abused often find themselves experiencing a range of feelings from confusion and anger to horror, disgust, grief and betrayal and many will feel frustrated and helpless and some find themselves feeling a sense of numbness, the Madras high court has upheld the conviction and sentence of 10 years rigorous imprisonment awarded to an accused, who kidnapped and sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl in Erode district.

Dismissing the appeal filed by the accused P.Prakash, Justice S.Vaidyanathan said, “The accused does not deserve for any leniency from this court, as the acquittal of a person like the accused will tantamount to posing a threat to female children and there may be a possibility of losing their virginity at the young age itself”.

“Nowadays, several couples are facing infertility problem in India, on account of which, they are longing for a child and when that child is abused and assaulted sexually, it will amount to removal of a bud from a plant to prevent flower and fruit from forming”, the judge added.

The case of the prosecution was that the mother of the victim minor girl, had lodged a complaint on May 27, 2016, against the accused, stating that on May 27, 2016, at about 5 pm, while her second daughter aged about 12 years, was playing hike and seek game with her friends, the accused forcibly took her to his house and committed a sexual assault on the victim minor girl, which resulted in registration of a case for the offences under section 366 IPC and section 6 read with 18 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act). After trial, the Sessions Court (Mahalir Fast Track Court), Erode convicted and sentenced the accused to 10 years RI for offences under section 366 IPC and 7 years RI under the POCSO Act. Aggrieved, the accused filed the present appeal.

The judge said the counsel for the appellant placed much reliance on the statement made by Dr Malarvizhi that in the event of any physical violence, there must have been bodily injury on the person, who was subjected to such violence, in the absence of which, it cannot be said that the victim minor girl was subjected to sexual harassment. It was a highly fallacious argument advanced by the counsel for the accused in as much as a minor girl did not even know as to what for she was being pulled in and touched and therefore, an inference can be drawn that there cannot be much resistance on the side of a minor girl and in the absence of any opposition, naturally, there was no possibility of sustaining any injury on the body. Mere absence of bodily injury cannot be a ground to say that there was no offence at all, especially, when it was reported that semen was detected on the churidar. Thus, the version of the victim minor girl has been duly supported by the report of the forensic sciences department, as the vi
ctim minor girl in her 164 statement before the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Erode had clearly stated that when the accused had touched her, some liquid like water fell on her churidar pant and on seeing the same, she had run out of the house and the said deposition cannot be said to be a tutored one. Even though, this court thought of incorporating the deposition of the girl in the order, in the interest of the child and with a view to avoid inclusion of obscene words contained in the deposition, this court has refrained from extraction of those contents, the judge added.

The judge said on the side of the accused, no iota of evidence has been furnished to show that he was falsely implicated in this case owing to the previous enmity and a mother cannot play with the life of her daughter in order to gain financially or any other thing. The problem of sexual harassment relates to the roles which were attributed to men and women in social and economic life, which, in turn, directly or indirectly, affects women's positions in the labor market, the judge added.

Haveri college apologies for ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking

20/10/2019 , Staff Reporter , Bengaluru

A day after students of Bhagat PU College in Haveri were made to wear boxes on their heads to prevent them from copying, the management of the college has apologised for the incident.

The administrator of the college, M.B. Satish, submitted a written apology to the Deputy Director of PU Department in the presence of Deputy Commissioner, Haveri district.

Minister reacts

Primary and Secondary Education Minister S. Suresh Kumar told The Hindu that he had directed officials concerned to submit a report on the incident. “Stringent action will be taken against the college for the unacceptable action. This is to ensure that such incidents do not repeat. It is shameful that such incidents occur,” he said.
FB to deliver News Corp stories 

Its upcoming news tab will highlight headlines from WSJ
20/10/2019 , Agence France-Presse, San Francisco 

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook on Friday confirmed that some stories from News Corp, publisher of The Wall Street Journal, will be among the headlines delivered in a news tab the leading social network plans to launch in coming weeks.

Edited by seasoned journalists, the tab will be separate from the feed that displays updates from people’s friends, according to the California-based tech giant.

The new feature marks a departure from Facebook’s longstanding practice of letting algorithms dictate users’ experiences.

“I’m excited we’ll have the opportunity to include award-winning journalism from The Wall Street Journal — and other U.S. News Corp properties — in our news tab,” the firm’s co-founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement.

No details were provided about the agreement, but last month Facebook said it plans to pay only a portion of the publishers whose stories appear in the tab.

Facebook and Google currently dominate the market for online advertising, making it harder for traditional news organizations to gain traction in digital.

Mr. Zuckerberg and his social network have also come under intense pressure in recent years over the spread of so-called “fake news” and data privacy issues.

The WSJ has reported that Facebook plans to pay about a quarter of the estimated 200 news organisations whose articles will be featured.
CBI alleges illegal gratification in INX Media case 

₹3.2 crore paid by it to four companies after Chidambaram cleared downstreaming of investments

20/10/2019 , Special Correspondent, NEW DELHI 

P. Chidambaram after he was produced in court. file photo

The CBI has alleged that four invoices were raised for payment of over ₹3.2 crore by INX Media to four companies after its proposal for downstreaming investments into INX News was cleared by the then Union Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram, in 2008.

The companies are Advantage Strategic Consulting Private Ltd. (ASCPL), which is allegedly controlled by Karti Chidambaram, its Singapore wing, North Star Software Private Ltd. and the Greece-based Geben Trading Limited, the CBI said.

On March 13, 2007, the company applied for investments from three Mauritius-based firms — Dunearn Investments, New Silk Route and New Vernon Private Equity Ltd. — by way of preferential allotment of 14.99 lakh equity shares at ₹10 a unit.

However, as alleged, INX Media had entered into a deal with the investors for issuance of shares at a premium of ₹862.15 a unit. The quoted amount of the proposed influx was just ₹4.62 crore, but the real figure turned out to be ₹403.07 crore.

The proposal was put up before the FIPB (Foreign Investment Promotion Board), which recommended it, clarifying that a separate approval was needed for downstreaming. Mr. Chidambaram cleared it, but the approval letter did not quantify the FDI in monetary terms, allegedly to conceal the exact amount of influx. It was showed only as 46.2% of the issued equity share capital of the company to the investors, the CBI said.

In February 2008, the then Information and Broadcasting Minister received complaints about the source of funding to INX News from some media representatives. The matter was sent to the Department of Revenue (DoR). Some former MPs, besides former INX Media employee Vir Sanghvi, too approached the Finance Minister, who also referred the issue to the DoR.

The Income Tax Department initiated an inquiry and sought clarifications from the Finance Ministry’s FIPB unit on “excess” investment and 26% downstreaming in INX News. The FIPB unit officials, named in the CBI chargesheet filed on Friday, defended the decision on the FDI issue, the CBI said.

The agency alleged that correspondences between the Income-Tax Department, the FIPB unit and INX Media were on when then INX Media director Peter Mukerjea allegedly contacted Mr. Chidambaram to resolve the issues. On his instructions, it is alleged, the company directors met Mr. Karti Chidambaram at Hotel Hyatt in mid-2008.

At the meeting, a demand for $1 million was made, of which ₹9.96 lakh was paid in advance to ASCPL in the guise of consultancy, the CBI said.

As advised by Mr. Karti’s company Chess Management Services, INX Media replied to the FIPB unit's queries on the issues of “excess” investment and downstreaming. The official who received the response proposed to forward it to the Income Tax Department for further action. However, the accused FIPB officials buried the matter, saying that INX News had been told to apply afresh for downstreaming.
Release pension to ward of freedom fighter: High Court

20/10/2019 , Staff Reporter, Madurai

The Bench of Madras High Court directed the Central government to release pension to the daughter of a freedom fighter.

The court was hearing an appeal filed by the Centre against a single bench order that had directed release of pension to N. Selvi, daughter of M. Nallathambi, a freedom fighter who died in 2010.

The Centre had rejected the application of Nallathambi on two grounds.

The applicant had not submitted any primary evidence to prove his imprisonment during the freedom struggle. He had only submitted a co-prisoner certificate as proof.

The certificate was rejected as it was not in the prescribed format.

A Division Bench of Justices T.S. Sivagnanam and R. Tharani observed that rejecting a co-prisoner certificate because it was not in the approved format was wholly unreasonable and arbitrary.

The court took cognisance of the fact that five freedom fighters had certified the co-prisoner certificate and all of them were receiving pension under the scheme.

The co-prisoner certificate was the same set of documents that was produced by Nallathambi to the State government for granting freedom fighter pension.

The certificate had already been tested and proved to be valid.

“There is sufficient proof to show jail suffering,” the court said and dismissed the appeal.
Mass fish deaths in Dhanushkodi backwaters trigger panic 

Oxygen depletion could be the reason, says official

20/10/2019 , D.J. Walter Scott R, amanathapuram 


Water samples and dead fish were collected for further examination.

The backwaters in Dhanushkodi witnessed mass fish deaths on Saturday, owing to a depletion of the oxygen level in the shallow waters. The incident was similar to to the one that occurred recently on the seashore in the Gulf of Mannar, where fish died due to the sudden blooming of micro-algae.

About three tonnes of fish were found dead at the backwaters in the lagoons adjacent to the Kothandaramar temple in Dhanushkodi, triggering panic among the fisher folk in the area.

Scientists from Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) and officials from the Fisheries Department examined the dead fish and identified them as ‘Koimeen’.

R. Jayakumar, scientist in-charge, CMFRI, said the fish entered the lagoons en masse. The fish might have died of suffocation due to oxygen depletion when there was a rise in water temperature and in the absence of water current, he said.

The fish could have entered the lagoon when there was high tide and got trapped inside, he said. “Multiple factors such as rise in temperature, low depth of water, low tide and absence of water current resulting in low level of dissolved oxygen might have caused the deaths,” he said.

It was a low value fish and fishermen could dry them for poultry feed. Water samples and dead fish were collected for further examination, he said.
MKU to fast-track interview for post of Registrar 

Varsity keen on conducting a transparent interview: VC

20/10/2019 , Staff Reporter, MADURAI

Madurai Kamaraj University’s administration is expected to fast-track the process of conducting interviews for the post of Registrar after October 23 when the Finance Committee is expected to meet in Chennai.

Vice-Chancellor M. Krishnan confirmed the conduct of the meeting but said that decisions regarding this matter cannot be disclosed until the meeting concludes.

“We are keen on conducting a transparent interview and are taking steps in this regard,” he said.

A source from the administration said that they would decide on appointing three experts to join the interview panel consisting of seven members, including the Governor’s nominee, Chairman, Dean and a Syndicate member. Apart from them, a woman and a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe representative.

MKU’s administration, which initially set September 23 as the date for interviewing candidates for the post of Registrar, postponed it citing administrative delays.

A circular from the office of MKU’s Registrar in-charge was sent to all 21 candidates short-listed for the post as the members of the Syndicate were to meet the same day. The VC had then stated that the university was to seek opinion from Syndicate members on the seven-member panel that would be conducting the interview and added that he would be submitting the names of seven experts to join the committee. This discussion, however, would be postponed to October 23 instead, the source said.

Currently, a total of seven candidates from within the university have been shortlisted for the interview, of whom two have been provisionally selected as they have cases pending against them in High Court.
Karnataka college issues apology
20/10/2019 , Bengaluru

A day after students of Bhagat PU College in Karnataka’s Haveri were made to wear boxes on their heads to prevent them from copying, the management has apologised for the incident. College administrator M.B. Satish gave a written apology to the Deputy Director of PU Department.
NEET case: bail hearing of medicos adjourned 

CB-CID on the lookout for agents

20/10/2019 , A. ShrikumarTHEN

The Judicial Magistrate Court has adjourned the hearing of the bail applications of two medical students — one from the SRM Medical College and one from the Balaji Medical College — and those of their fathers, in connection with the NEET impersonation case, to October 21.

The students were accused of using a proxy to clear NEET.

A student of the Theni Government Medical College, who was among the first to be arrested by the CB-CID in connection with the case, was granted bail by the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on October 17.

However, the court denied bail to his father.

Another student, of the Dharmapuri Government Medical College, and his father have been remanded in the Theni district jail. A girl student of the Saveetha Medical College and her mother have been remanded in the Madurai central prison.

The CB-CID is on the lookout for the agents suspected of involvement in the scam, who are said to be hiding in neighbouring Karnataka and Kerala.

HC seeks report

Meanwhile, the High Court Bench that has been hearing the bail applications has sought details from the police on the action taken to secure the agents and the impersonators.

Dindigul Thalappakatti raises ₹260 crore from CX Partners
Biryani specialist to scale up its presence over the next two years

20/10/2019 , Sangeetha Kandavel, , CHENNAI 


Dindigul Thalappakatti Hotels has 62 outlets and the average daily turnout of its kitchens is over 4,000 kg of biryani.

In one of the biggest deals in the food and beverage space in recent years, home-grown brand Dindigul Thalappakatti Hotels has raised ₹260 crore from CX Partners, a private equity firm. With this funding, the firm, whose roots can be traced all the way back to 1957, intends to scale up its presence nationally and globally and venture into new markets over the next two years.

Officials from CX Partners and Sathish D. Nagasamy, managing director of Dindigul Thalappakatti, could not be reached for comment. According to details gathered from industry sources, it is learnt that M. Vinod Kumar from Advay Capital Advisors, an independent mid-market investment bank focused on advisory services to corporates for private equity fundraising and mergers & acquisitions, was the adviser for this deal, while Balachandar R. of Bluekoi Ventures was the adviser from the promoter’s side.

Two sources, who are aware of this deal, said as per the game plan, in the first phase Thalappakatti will strengthen its presence in Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Expansion would happen in the northern market in the second phase. The next stops would be the east and west zones. “The idea is to have a national presence and simultaneously spread branches in the overseas market,” one of the sources said. The sources also said Mr. Sathish, who is the current managing director of the chain, will continue to run day-to-day operations and will be instrumental in decision- making.

Booming business

The firm has 62 outlets, seven of which are overseas. The kitchens on an average turn out over 4,000 kg of biryani a day. In the last decade, the biryani business has been booming. The organised biryani business in the State is pegged at ₹1,500 crore a year, while the unorganised segment records ₹4,000 crore. The State has over 300 well-known biryani brands, each doing an average business of ₹ 25 lakh a month.

This home-grown brand from T.N. was founded by Nagasamy Naidu under the name Anandha Vilas Biriyani Hotel in Dindigul. Naidu always wore a thalapa (a turban), which, over the years, became synonymous with his brand and people fondly called him ‘Thalappakatti’ Naidu, which eventually became the brand’s name. Thalappakatti biryani is prepared using seeraga samba rice, known as parakkum sittu and the meat is procured from cattle markets of Kannivadi and Paramathi.
Dindigul Thalappakatti raises ₹260 crore

20/10/2019 , Chennai

In one of the biggest deals in the food and beverage space in recent years, home-grown brand Dindigul Thalappakatti Hotels has raised ₹260 crore from a private equity firm, CX Partners. With this funding, the firm intends to scale up its presence globally and venture into newer markets in the next two years.
Govt. doctors to go on strike from October 25
No action taken on their demands

20/10/2019 , Special Correspondent, CHENNAI

The Federation of Government Doctors’ Association (FOGDA) has decided to press ahead with an indefinite strike from October 25. But emergency services, including fever wards, will not be affected.

The doctors have been demanding proper implementation of the Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) scheme with pay band-4 at the end of 13 years of service, maintenance of doctors’ posts in accordance with the number of patients, 50% service quota in PG admissions and counselling for postgraduate postings. In a letter to the Health Secretary earlier this month, the association noted that the government had agreed to “favourably solve” the demands in six weeks.

“It was disappointing to note that even after the end of six weeks on October 8, the issues were neither solved, nor was there reasonable progression,” it said. To this end, the association has begun to sensitise doctors in various districts.


Woman cabin crew held with 4kg gold dust worth ₹1 crore

S Ahmed


A woman cabin crew with a private carrier was arrested by customs officials for trying to smuggle in 4kg of gold dust worth ₹1 crore from Dubai. Sanna Pathan, 30, was caught by the Air Intelligence Unit with the gold dust concealed under her undergarments in her baggage.

Officials said the Kalyan resident was a courier and had been promised ₹60,000 for the job by a man named Sahil in Dubai. His number was found to be switched off.

Pathan, who has worked with two other airlines previously, told officials that a man named Mohammed had given her pouches with the gold dust in the aircraft’s washroom, and she was supposed to deliver it to another person after clearing customs. Pathan said she was to receive a call after customs clearance. A local court has remanded her in judicial custody.
Cow eats 20 gram gold chain; op retrieves chain


A cow accidentally swallowed a 20gram gold chain in Nanditale village of Sagar taluk in Shivamogga district after feeding on flower garlands. The animal was later operated upon to retrieve the gold chain.

The one-and-a-half-yearold cow, a jersey cross breed heifer, belongs to Ravindra Bhat, a resident of Kanmane in Ulluru gram panchayat. On Vijayadashami, Bhat decorated the idols at his home with a flower garland and a gold chain before offering a puja. Next day, the garland was cleared and given to the cow to chew on. But the Bhat family forgot to remove the gold chain that was entangled in the garland. By the time the family realized their folly, the cow had already swallowed the chain. “In fact, the cow had left the garland half-eaten,” said Bhat. Bhat contacted the Veterinary Hospital in Sagar immediately. Veterinary officer Dr Dayanand sprang to his help. “I advised him to observe the cow closely for a few days and check the dung every day. When the cow started to become slightly pale, we decided to operate the animal,” said Dr Dayanand.

Technically, the cow has four stomachs. When the cow first eats, it chews the food just enough to swallow it. The unchewed food travels to the first two stomachs- rumen and reticulum. One the cow becomes full, it rests. While resting, the animal brings up bits of the unchewed food called cud and chews it completely before swallowing it again. The chewed cud then goes to the third and fourth stomachs, the omasum and abomasum.

Dr Dayananad said the surgery was performed on Wednesday and the cow is doing well. It should be fine in ten days’ time, he said. The surgery was assisted by Keriyappa and it cost around ₹2,000. 

STRIKE GOLD: The retrieved gold chain
Woman gets ₹26L after losing leg, ₹2L for ‘loss of marriage prospect’


In a recent payout of ₹28 lakh awarded to a 34-year-old woman who lost a limb in an accident in 2015, the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal included ₹2 lakh in total compensation for “loss of future marriage prospect”.

The tribunal observed that of late, finding a suitable marriage prospect has become a herculean task for even a normal person and impossible for someone who has lost a leg. It relied on a Madras high court order, which said that if a person remained unmarried, it was an altogether different matter, but if a person is compelled to remain a bachelor due to injuries sustained and consequent amputation, it would be “utmost agonising”.

“It was impossible for her to get a suitable groom. Therefore, she is entitled to ₹2 lakh for loss of marital prospects. In addition to this, it would be reasonable to award compensation of ₹2 lakh for the loss of amenities and pleasure of life, and ₹2 lakh for her inability to attend social functions in future,” the tribunal said. Other heads under which the payout was calculated included loss of income due to disability, special diet, conveyance and attendant charges, costs for an artificial limb and medical expenses.

In the plea submitted before the tribunal in 2016, it was alleged that on November 14, 2015 about 3.30pm, when the woman and her mother were on their way to Thane in an autorickshaw driven by her father, a speeding SUV rammed into them at Kanjurmarg. The woman deposed in the tribunal and iterated the details of the incident.

Observing that her testimony was corroborated by documentary evidence which included the FIR, the tribunal said, “I have no hesitation to hold that applicant has proved that accident took place due to rash and negligent driving.”

In two other orders, the woman’s 54-year-old mother was awarded a compensation of around ₹16 lakh for serious injuries suffered in the accident, and her 57-year-old father was awarded a payout of around ₹60,000. The compensations will have to be paid by SBI General Insurance and the vehicle owner, Bhayandar-based Shree Tours & Travels.

In addition to the ₹28 lakh awarded to a 34-year-old woman who lost a limb in an accident in 2015, the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal included ₹2 lakh in total compensation for “loss of future marriage prospect”
Calling woman a ‘call girl’ not abetment of suicide, rules top court

New Delhi:20.10.2019

Fifteen years after an English teacher and his parents were booked for abetment of suicide for his girlfriend taking her life after being called a “call girl” by his family members, the Supreme Court has discharged the accused saying that the taunt was not sufficient enough a ground to prosecute them.

A bench of Justices Indu Malhotra and R Subhash Reddy said it cannot be inferred that suicide of the girl was the direct result of ‘abusive’ language used for her. The court said a word uttered in a fit of anger or emotion without intending the consequences to actually follow cannot be said to be the instigation.

The apex court relied on its earlier verdict in which a man was discharged when his wife committed suicide after having a fight in which he had asked her “to go and die”. “By applying the judgments referred, we are of the view that such material is not sufficient to proceed with the trial by framing charge of offence under Section 306/34 IPC. It is also clear from the material that there was no goading or solicitation or insinuation by any of the respondents to the victim to commit suicide,” the court said.

In this case, the girl, a resident of Kolkata, was taking tuition for English language from the accused when intimacy grew between them and they decided to get married. But when the girl went to his house, his infuriated parents started shouting at her and called her a “call girl”. As per the complaint filed by the girl’s father, she was disturbed as the teacher did not oppose when his parents were abusing him and committed suicide a day after the incident in 2004.

RARE CASE: The SC said a word uttered in a fit of anger or emotion without intending the consequences to actually follow cannot be said to be the instigation
‘Bodies have rights too, can’t be used as bargaining chip’
Govt Must Conduct Last Rites If Kin Fail To Do So: Raj Rights Panel



The Rajasthan State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has observed that the body of a deceased person “also has rights” and cannot be used by the family to negotiate claims or stage a protest.

The commission said if the family fails to conduct the last rites as per the customs or the law, it becomes the duty of the government to do the needful with the help of local bodies or the police, if necessary.

In his order, SHRC chairman Justice (retired) Prakash Tatia said bargaining over a body violates the limited rights of the dead and should be declared a cognisable offence.

He also asked the home department to frame appropriate laws in the matter.

Citing the example of gangster Anand Pal, who was killed by police on June 24, 2017, but was not cremated until July 1, 2017 as his family waited till their demands were met, the SHRC stated that the kin, or any other person, cannot keep the corpse for any other purpose except for the time required to perform the last rites.

SHRC also asked the state government to frame a law to tackle the tribal practice of “mautana.”

Under this practice, the family of the person who has died of an unnatural cause does not conduct the last rites until compensation has been received from those believed to be responsible for the death. The practice has also been used to pressure the government into accepting demands.

Tatia also questioned whether the dead have human rights, what rights the family of the deceased has on the body, and the state’s responsibility towards the dead.

The order said the government has the responsibility to conduct the last rites, if the family fails to discharge its obligation. A provision to this effect has been given in the Rajasthan Police Act, 2007, under Sections 29 (human rights) and 71 (public nuisance), the commission said.

In his order, SHRC chairman Justice (retired) Prakash Tatia said bargaining over a body violates the limited rights of the dead and should be declared a cognisable offence
Child should get love of both parents and courts should ensure that: SC


New Delhi:20.10.2019

The Supreme Court has said a child should not be deprived of the affection of either of the parents who are fighting a legal battle for custody and family courts should grant visitation rights in such a manner that the child gets love of both.

A bench of Justices Deepak Gupta and Suyra Kant, while deciding the plea of a man seeking visitation rights to his child whose custody was given to his wife, said courts should keep the interest of the child “at the foremost” while deciding such issues and passed the order in favour of the petitioner.

“However, we give liberty to the petitioner to approach the family court for enhancement of his visitation rights and we direct the family court to ensure that visitation rights are fixed in such a manner that the child gets to know and love his father. A child has a right to the affection of both his parents... The family court may also make suitable arrangements for visitation/interim custody during vacation periods,” the bench said.

The court passed the observation days after another bench agreed to hear a plea for adopting joint parenting system under which a child will be looked after by both the parents after divorce instead of giving custody to one of them.

The apex court had issued notice to the Centre on a petition filed by an NGO ‘Save Child India Foundation’ which contended that a child suffers the most in a matrimonial dispute and mechanism should be put in place on how to deal with such cases. 

Power supply to be suspended on Tuesday


Power supply will be suspended in the following areas on Tuesday from 9am to 4pm for maintenance work. Supply will be restored before 4pm if the work is completed.

Saidapet: Todd Hunter Nagar, Jones Road, Anna Salai, Abdul Razzak Street, Bazaar Road, Vinayagampet, Alandur Road, Sastri Nagar, CIT Nagar–I Main Road, East Road, West Road, North Road, South Road, 70 Feet Road, Old Mambalam Road, Kodambakkam Road, Karneeswarar Kovil Street, Sechacalam Street, Potter Street, Thideer Nagar, Kodaedu, Salavayar Colony, Arasu Pannai, Jothiamma Nagar, Samiyar Thottam, Abith Colony, Neruppumedu, V S Mudali Street, Jeenis Road, Flower Street, Jayaram Street, part of Chinnamalai, Brahmin Street, Soundareswarar Koil Street, Bujangararo Street, Bala Singh Street, Subramaniya Koil Street, KP Koil Street and V V Koil Street.

Melur: Minjur Town, TH Road-Minjur Town, Theradi Street, Seemapuram, R-R Palayam/Ariyanvoyal, Pudhpedu, Nadhiyambakkam, Melur, Pattamandhiri, Vallur, Athipattu, S R Palayam, G R Palayam, Kondakarai, Pallipuram, Thiruvelavoyal, Vaayalur, Neithavoyal, Kattor, Merattur, Nallur, Vanippakkam, Oorambedu, Vazhuthigaimedu Extension. TNN
‘Sexual assault could have lasting effects’


Chennai: “The main allegation against the appellant was that he had sexually abused the minor. But, the girl, in her deposition, had not stated that the appellant committed forcible sexual intercourse with her and therefore, there is no prima facie case made out in respect of the offences under Pocso Act,” counsel said.

Even if it is taken that the appellant had attempted to rape the girl, there was no medical evidence to the effect that the girl sustained any bodily injury, while protecting her from such mishap, he added. Refusing to accept his contention, the judge said: “It is relevant to point out here that when a perpetrator abuses a child for his sexual thirst, that can have lasting effects on the victim for years and child sexual abuse does not implicitly need to include physical contact alone.”

›From P 1

The court said child sexual abuse does not implicitly need to include physical contact alone
Govt doctors announce strike from Oct 25, dept says no leave from Mon


The Federation of Government Doctors Associations has announced an indefinite strike from October 25, saying its members will boycott all work barring emergencies.

The doctors, demanding an increase in salaries, quota in medical education and appointment of more doctors as promised in August, will remain on duty in emergency wards, labour wards, ICUs and cathlabs for emergencies, said the federation, a group of five associations. Outpatient services, surgeries and inpatient treatment will not be done until all issues are resolved, it said.

Director of medical education Dr A Narayanababu, meanwhile, put out a circular asking all deans and heads of institutions not to grant any leave to doctors from October 21. “Absence … without prior sanction will be treated as unauthorised and allowances on pay will be on the basis of no work no pay,” he said, adding that absence will be considered as break in service.

Dr Narayanababu also asked for a daily report on attendance from deans and heads along with action taken report on email by 9.30am from Sunday.

“We are going ahead with the strike only after giving adequate time to the government. We also want government to appoint more doctors as per MCI norms, give us 50% service quota in medical education and conduct proper counselling before transfer of service post graduates. At least 13,000 of the 18,000 doctors agreed to support us,” said Dr A Ramalingam of the Service Doctors and Post Graduates Association.

In August, after six doctors staged a five-day fast, health minister C Vijayabaskar promised that all demands, including salary hike, would be met in six weeks. Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society project director Dr K Senthil Raj was named special officer to look into the demands.

On October 9, federation members met health secretary Beela Rajesh and said there was no progress. “We said we will strike work from October 25 because the government told us it will not be able to make any announcement till October 24 as the moral code of conduct was in force,” a doctor said.

The Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association will go on a 48-hour strike from October 30, with president Dr K Senthil saying central government doctors were promoted in the 4th, 9th and 13th years. “We get their fourth-year salary in our 15th year and their 13th year salary in our 20th year. We work hard to keep Tamil Nadu's health indices high, but we don’t reap benefits.”

We are going ahead with the strike only after giving adequate time to the government. We also want government to appoint more doctors as per MCI norms, give us 50% service quota in medical education and conduct proper counselling before transfer of service post graduates

DR A RAMALINGAMService Doctors and Post Graduates Ass
Heavy rain likely from October 22



A trough which is likely to intensify over the Bay of Bengal is expected to bring very heavy rain to the city starting Tuesday. Weather experts said the month is also expected to end with an excess rain both in Chennai and Tamil Nadu.

After registering 101.6mm of rain a day ago, the intensity of the spells of rain reduced with Nungambakkam recording 5.2mm and Meenambakkam 1.9mm.

IMD’s city forecast for the next 48 hours says, “The sky condition is likely to be generally cloudy. Light to moderate rain is likely to occur in some areas. Maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 33°C and 25°C.”

BRACE UP: A trough that is likely to intensify over the Bay of Bengal may bring downpour

Saturday, October 19, 2019

நீட் ஆள்மாறாட்டத்தால் காலியான இடங்களுக்கு மாறுதல் கேட்ட தனியார் மருத்துவ மாணவர்கள் மனுக்கள் தள்ளுபடி


நீட் ஆள்மாறாட்டத்தால் தேனி, தருமபுரி அரசு மருத்துவக் கல்லூரிகளில் ஏற்பட்டுள்ள 2 எம்பிபிஎஸ் சீட்களை கேட்டு தனியார் மருத்துவ கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள் தாக்கல் செய்த மனுக்களை உயர் நீதிமன்றம் தள்ளுபடி செய்தது.

தேனி அரசு மருத்துவ கல்லூரியில் எம்பிபிஎஸ் படிப்பில் சேர்ந்த சென்னையை சேர்ந்த உதித்சூர்யா, தருமபுரி அரசு மருத்துவமனையில் எம்பிபிஎஸ் சேர்ந்த இர்பான் ஆகியோர் நீள் தேர்வில் ஆள்மாறாட்ட செய்ய வழக்கில் சிக்கினர். இதனால் இவ்விரு இடங்கள் காலியாக உள்ளன.

இந்நிலையில் மதுரை வேலம்மாள் மருத்துவ கல்லூரியில் எம்பிபிஎஸ் சேர்ந்துள்ள கோவில்பட்டியைச் சேர்ந்த சாணக்கியா, யாமினி ஆகியோர் தேனி, தருமபுரி அரசு மருத்துவ கல்லூரிகளில் காலியாக உள்ள எம்பிபிஎஸ் இடங்களில் தங்களுக்கு இடமாறுதல் வழங்க உத்தரவிடக்கோரி உயர் நீதிமன்ற கிளையில் மனு தாக்கல் செய்தனர்.

இந்த மனுவை விசாரித்த நீதிபதி சுந்தர், மருத்துவ மாணவர் சேர்க்கையை ஆகஸ்ட். 31-க்குள் முடிக்க வேண்டும். பிரச்சினைகள் எழுந்தால் செப். 30 வரை சேர்க்கை நடத்தலாம் என உச்ச நீதிமன்றம் கூறியுள்ளது.

இந்த கால அவகாசத்துக்குப் பிறகு எம்பிபிஎஸ் மாணவர் சேர்க்கைக்கு உத்தரவிடுவது உச்ச நீதிமன்ற உத்தரவை மீறுவதாகும். எனவே மனுதாரர்களுக்கு நிவாரணம் வழங்க முடியாது. மனுக்கள் தள்ளுபடி செய்யப்படுகின்றன என உத்தரவிட்டார்.
Chennai: 25 students held for intimidation


Published  Oct 17, 2019, 1:33 am IST

They come to court to support accused.

'Sources said that the arrested are students of the Nandanam Government Arts and Science college in Chennai.

Chennai: At least 25 Chennai college students were arrested by police as they threatened five witnesses in a murder case. They had come to court in Tiruvallur to give a statement against the accused on Tuesday.

Sources said that the arrested are students of the Nandanam Government Arts and Science college in Chennai. According to police, the five witnesses came to the Tiruvallur court in connection with the murder of a brick kiln owner, Venkataraman, by a gang in Melmanambedu in Tiruvallur district on September 26, 2018. Around 25 students assembled on the court premises on Tuesday and stared at the witnesses as if threatening them. Sources said that one of the witnesses identified as Gajendran, alerted police. Tiruvallur police who came to the spot nabbed the students. During inquiry, the students failed to give a valid reason for assembling on the court premises.

Police questioned the students and learned that they had come to the court as directed by their collegemate Vimal. Police said Vimal’s uncles, Rajesh and Dinesh, were arrested in connection with the murder of Venkataraman. The witnesses came to the court to make a statement against Rajesh and Dinesh. The students threatened the witnesses to give a statement favouring Rajesh and Dinesh.

Tiruvallur police registered a case against the students and arrested them.

They were remanded to judicial custody.
Chennai: Transwoman nurse Rakshika Raj gets justice


Published  Oct 18, 2019, 1:33 am IST

Court intervention helps her to realise her dream of becoming a nurse.

Rakshika Raj with her advocate Madhusruthi Neelakantan near the court on Thursday.

Chennai: Rakshika Raj, the transwoman nurse recently in the news for exposing the non-implementation of the Supreme Court's historic 2014 judgment in support of transgenders in the state has finally received justice, at least for the time being.

Rakshika who received a nursing degree last year has been jobless for the past one year, due to government's failure to pass a GO to implement the Supreme Court's judgment. In 2014, the Supreme Court had ruled that transgenders are eligible to all rights as every other citizen of the country and can apply for education and employment under the 'other' gender category.

In an earlier interview to Deccan Chronicle, she had said "The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council (TNNMC) does not have a separate box for transgenders. When I approached the council's registrar regarding the matter, they asked me to tick the female box. But I don't identify myself as a female. All my documents have been changed to identify myself as a transgender which I am extremely proud of. Identifying as another gender is forgery.”She subsequently filed a writ petition against state government.

With the court ruling in her favour on Thursday, she can heave a sigh of relief, she says. The court has now ordered the TNNMC to include a separate column under the female and male category for ‘transgender women’and ‘transgender men’ in the state temporarily. Notably, state government is yet to make amendments to the existing service laws, after which a separate column for the ‘other’ gender will be a permanent feature in all application forms. The feature is expected to come into effect within the next six months after which Rakshika will be enrolled under the ‘other’ gender category. She will also be given seniority preference when the feature is introduced. By this, Rakshika is all set to become the first transgender nurse in the nation.

However, the road to justice has not been an easy one for Rakshika .” The past year has been extremely difficult. Despite having all the necessary qualifications and eligibility, I have been forced to beg. I hold government responsible for this.” The harrowing ordeal also left her contemplating suicide at many times, she reflects. “In addition to my financial woes, I was subjected to a lot of mental harassment. I just wanted to give up at a point,” she adds.

Despite the ‘positive’ ruling, she doesn’t consider this a success. She says that there are several other transgenders who continue to suffer due to government’s failure to implement the act and real success for her is when every person from her community gets justice.” It has been five years since the SC judgement and yet no state has implemented the order, to my knowledge,” she accuses. “As a community, we face discrimination in almost every walk of life. We are being pushed to fight even for basic rights,” she adds.

Rakshika also calls for horizontal reservation for the transgender community in all sectors. “Most transgenders discontinue education or do not perform well in education when compared to others because of the bullying we are subjected to. Introducing ‘horizontal reservation’ for transgender men and women will improve our chances and positively impact our community as a whole,” she asserts.
Negotiable Instruments Act cannot be invoked for declaring holiday: HC

Justice S M Subramaniam passed the order while allowing the writ petition filed by a private company Bimetal Bearings Limited in Perandapalli village in Krishnagiri district.

Published: 19th October 2019 02:01 AM |

By Siva Sekaran

Express News Service

CHENNAI: In a significant judgment having far reaching consequences, the Madras High Court has reiterated its earlier ruling that the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Act cannot be invoked by the government to declare holidays for factories and industries for the death of national leaders.

Even though former Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam was said to have expressed his wish to the government not to declare a holiday on his death, instead to work an extra day if the people loved him, as a mark of respect to the death of Kalam, who died on July 27, 2015, the state government issued a GO on July 28 announcing that July 30 would be a public holiday for all educational Institutions and government/private establishments under the Negotiable Instruments Act.

And the management of many industries, including Bimetal Bearings Limited in Perandapalli village in Krishnagiri district, had declared holiday to the workers on July 30, subject to the condition that the
second and third shift workers should work on August 2, 2015. However, the workers availed the holiday on July 30, but did not turn up for duty on August 2. The Bimetal management announced the wage cut under the `no work no pay' policy. The workers union moved the Labour Court in Salem, which on November 14, 2017, quashed the wage cut order of the management. Hence, the present appeal against the labour court order.

Allowing the petition, Justice S M Subramaniam said that the GO is inapplicable to private companies, which are all otherwise governed by the provisions of the Factories Act. The petitioner management even on July 30, 2015 had orally informed to the union men that that they would be able to declare a holiday only for the general shift and first shift as a mark of respect to the former President Abdul Kalam.

As far as the workers of the second shift and third shift concerned, an alternate suggestion and a concession was provided for in the event of agreeing to work on August 2, the Management was prepared to declare holiday for second shift and third shift on July 30. "Considering the facts and the circumstances, this court is of the considered opinion that declaring a holiday by the government under the Negotiable Instruments Act, would not be directly applicable to private companies falling under the Factories Act.

Thus, it is to be construed that the management granted a concession for the workers of the second shift and third shift, enabling them to avail holiday on July 30, provided they agree to work on August 2. It is only an alternate concession provided to the workmen of the second shift and third shift. Such a concession can never be construed as a legal right, so as to arrive a conclusion that the workers of the second shift and third shift are entitled for a holiday as per the GO, which was issued under the Negotiable Instruments Act. So also the said concession would not form a pre-existing right for the purpose of filing a claim petition under Section 33-C(2) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947," the judge said.

A concession is a form of “privilege”. A concession is nothing but a conditional right. A “privilege” or a “concessional right” cannot be interpreted as an absolute right, which alone would constitute a right  
to file a claim petition under Section 33-C(2) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The term “right” in Civil Society is defined to mean that “which a person is entitled to have or to do or to receive from others, within the limits prescribed by law”. Thus, such a concession or conditional right offered cannot be construed as an absolute right for the purpose of claiming a pre-existing right, enabling the workers to file the claim petition under Section 33-C(2) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the judge added and quashed the Labour Court award dated November 14, 2017.
    I-T raids find unaccounted cash, gold at Kalki group

    Head of movement must clarify: MLA


    The series of raids conducted by the Income Tax Department on the Oneness group, having centres in Chennai, Bengaluru and Varadaiahpalem in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, revealed “suppression of receipts” and non-accounting of cash collection for buying properties over and above their documented value.

    A preliminary estimate of such unaccounted cash receipts is said to be ₹409 crore from the financial year 2014-15 onwards alone.

    The department also stumbled upon huge sums in foreign currencies worth about $2.5 million (₹18 crore in Indian currency), apart from undisclosed gold weighing 88 kg (worth ₹26 crore) and 1,271 carats of undisclosed diamonds (₹5 crore), which were also seized. Meanwhile, vice-president of the group Lokeshji acknowledged the conduct of raids at the Ekam Oneness and One Humanity Care Centres in Varadaiahpalem, but denied arrest of any persons or seizure of cash or any documents.

    “The full details of the raids are yet to be revealed,” he said in a release.

    The raids started on Wednesday morning and continued till Friday evening.

    ‘Major scam’

    Meanwhile, K. Adimoolam, MLA of the Satyavedu constituency under which Varadaiahpalem mandal falls, demanded that Kalki, head of the movement, come forward and throw light on the controversy.

    Mr. Adimoolam said he had a right to demand a full-fledged probe into what he termed “a major scam.”
    Focus on improving academic quality: V-C


    Improving the academic quality of Bharathiar University so that its ranking went up, would be the priority for its new Vice-Chancellor P. Kaliraj.

    Addressing journalists here on Friday, he said: “my focus will be on improving the quality of teaching, facilitating faculty development through programmes, encouraging research, collaborating with other institutions among others so that the ranking of the university improves in the State, country and world.”

    To improve the quality of teaching, the university would establish a mentor system by roping in retired faculty who were experts in their disciplines, and professionals from industry so that they mentored students and also helped faculty stay updated.

    He would also want the faculty to keep tab on the latest development in their disciplines.

    “The faculty can no longer rely on notes they have prepared years ago to teach students.”

    As for collaboration with other institutions, the Vice-Chancellor said the faculty within a department should collaborate with one another, departments within the university should work together and universities should come together to take up research. This would not only result in knowledge sharing but also tap funds for projects and cited instances from his work in Anna University to underscore his point.

    In doing so, the university would also take along private, self-financing colleges. The 180-odd strong private, affiliated colleges were more in number than the 36 university departments. The university’s door was open for them. The colleges’ faculty could use their expertise and the university would throw open its infrastructure. “Their (faculty’s) knowledge and our (University) infrastructure will be complement one another.”

    Mr. Kaliraj said he wanted to take the university on this path and would help it tap more funds and pointed out that while other universities could tap up to ₹150 crore under the Government of India’s RUSA programme, Bharathiar University could get only ₹80 crore.

    If the university could do this, its NAAC score would improve.

    That along with collaboration with other institutions would enable it to apply for projects and funds from the Department of Science and Technology, Defence Research and Development Organisation and other Government institutions, he said and added that he had initiated the process for collaboration.

    “I’ve already spoken to the Madurai Kamaraj University Vice-Chancellor and he was very positive. Soon, you’ll see Bharathiar University enter many such tie-ups.”

    In response to a question on the university’s reputation taking a beating, Mr. Kaliraj said transparency would put an end to corruption and nepotism.

    “I'll ensure that the university has a robust work and ethic culture that does not leave room for any illegality.”

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