Monday, June 10, 2019

Court News

Wrong evaluation: HC orders Varsity to pay Rs 1 lakh Compensation to MBBS student
June 9, 2019

Allahabad: The Allahabad High court has directed Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra to pay a compensation of Rs 1 lakh to an MBBS student who was wrongly evaluated in first-year examination and was declared ‘fail’.

Later, on the reevaluation of his answer sheet, he was found to obtain passing marks in the examination.

The case concerns an MBBS student, Devarsh Nath Gupta, who secured All India rank 6906 in NEET 2017 and had taken admission in Sarojini Naidu Medical College, Agra.

He appeared in MBBS (Ist Professional) examination held in December 2018. In Second Paper of Physiology, out of 50 he was awarded only 6 marks, though secured 344 marks out of 600, but was declared fail. The question paper contained 5 questions First four questions were descriptive of 10 marks each and fifth question required Examinees to write short notes on two aspects, having 5 marks each. In the evaluation sheet, he found that in three questions, he was awarded 2 marks each, though no answer was found wrong.

After observing irregularities in the marks allocation for the questions, he submitted an application for scrutiny of marks and rechecking of answer sheet, but no action was taken by University.

Thereafter, he approached the High Court seeking the permission to issue a writ of mandamus directing the university to get the answer sheet of the petitioner is rechecked through different examiner so that a proper checking of the answer sheet of the petitioner. It was further prayed that this Hon’ble Court may also be pleased to direct the university that in case the marks of the petitioner are increased in the rechecking then an amended result may also be issued in favour of the petitioner within a stipulated time as may be directed by this Hon’ble Court.

When the High Court sought the reply from the university administration, they contended that that in Agra University, there is no provision for revaluation or rechecking of the answer sheet, therefore, the result of scrutiny or evaluation could not be published and request of the petitioner could not be accepted.

The counsel of the petitioner contended that it is not the case of any error in evaluation as such, but a case of gross negligence and irresponsibility, since, Examiner virtually has not checked entire answer sheet of petitioner and in a scrupulous manner, three answers have been awarded 2 marks each, leaving other answers unchecked. He produced a photocopy of answer sheet received from Agra University under provisions of Act, 2005. On perusal, we found that petitioner has given answers to five questions running in 36 pages of the answer sheet, but almost every page, except pages 11, 25 and 30, on which Examiner has given 2 marks, he has not even touched pen.

The High court went through the entire matter and stated that,

“we have gone through copy of answer sheet, which petitioner has obtained under Act 2005 and find that virtually it is unchecked copy and apparently it was evident that Examiner has not awarded marks by application of mind and, stand now fortified from evaluation made by three expert Examiners in the report.”

It is really shocking and disappointing where a beginner professional student has met his fate at the hands of such an irresponsible and negligent Examiner, who has not cared to evaluate answer sheet with due application of mind. It also reflects upon lack of efficiency and appropriate supervision on the part of Examining Authority, i.e. Agra
University, which is employing such Examiners to evaluate answer sheets of students, who are not honest to their job and do not hesitate in giving or not giving marks to students in most careless, negligent and blindfold

The court further stated,

We are faced with a case where Examiner/Evaluator has virtually failed to evaluate answer sheet and has not even cared to read a large number of sheets of answer sheet. In a mechanical and casual fashion, he has awarded some marks to candidate without caring to future of student. Such Examiner/Evaluator is a blot on the pious position and entire community of teachers and has no right to continue to function as a teacher.

The court further directed to pay a compensation of Rs 1 lakh.

we have no option but to direct University to award average marks of three Examiners, awarded to petitioner under order of this Court and treat that he has been awarded 20 marks in Physiology, Paper-II and accordingly correct his marks sheet and
result and allow him to appear in further examinations accordingly.

We also find it appropriate to award a cost of Rs.1,00,000/- (i.e. rupees one lac) to petitioner, which at the first instance shall be payable by Agra University but it shall have liberty to recover the amount from concerned Examiner, after holding such enquiry as provided in law.

We hope and trust that Agra University, now shall take appropriate steps so that such irresponsible, scrupulous, unmindful and negligent Examiners/Evaluators are not deployed in future to evaluate answer sheets, whether it is a professional examination or general subjects or otherwise.

We also provide that, if any student who had appeared in examination of Agra University in the preceding three years, apply for reassessment or re-evaluation, taking present case as illustration, Agra University shall make reassessment/re-evaluation of answer sheet(s) of such student(s) and such case(s) shall not be declined for re- evaluation/reassessment only on the ground that there is no provision for re-evaluation in the Statute of University.
தற்கொலையைத் தவிர்க்க...

By கிருங்கை சேதுபதி | Published on : 10th June 2019 03:00 AM

ஏதேனும் ஒரு தேர்வின் முடிவுகள் வெளியாகும்போதெல்லாம், கருதியது கைகூடாத கவலையில் வளர் இளங்குருத்துகள் வாழ்வை முடித்துக்கொள்ளும் சோகம் நடைபெறுகிறது. கணப்பொழுதில் முடித்துக்கொள்ளும் அந்த அவலத்திற்குப் பின் பெற்றோரும் மற்றோரும் கணந்தோறும் படுகிற துயரத்தை, அந்தக் கணத்திற்கு முந்தைய கணம், அப்பிள்ளைகள் நினைத்திருந்தால், இது நிகழ்ந்தே இருக்காது. ஆனால், இந்த முடிவு அந்த ஒரு கணப்பொழுதில் மட்டுமே எழுந்தது என்று நினைத்துவிட முடியாது.

நொடிக்கு நொடி அடிமனதில் எழுந்து வளர்ந்த ஆசை, அதன்வழி செய்த உழைப்பு, "வெற்றி உறுதி' என்ற பிடிவாதத்தில் பிறந்த வரம்புமீறிய நம்பிக்கை எல்லாமும் முற்றுகையிட்டு எழுந்த இளம் மனது, தோல்வியை எதிர்கொள்ள முடியாமல் முறிந்தபோது ஏற்பட்ட ஆத்திரம்தான் இந்த முடிவு. கொஞ்சம் பொறுத்திருந்தால் இந்நிலை வற்றிப்போகும் என்பதை ஏற்கக்கூட மனம் இன்றி, வீரம் அல்லது சாகசம் என்கிற பைத்தியக்காரத்தனமான மன நிலையில்தான் இப்படிச் செய்துகொள்கிறார்கள். இந்தச் சமயத்தில் கையாலாகாத நிலையில், சூழல் இருப்பதும் அதன் பின்னணியில் பெற்றோர் மனங்கள் கருகுவதும்தான் பெருந்துயரம்.

"எதார்த்தத்திற்கு இன்னொரு பக்கமும் இருக்கிறது' என்பதை நினைக்கவிடாமலே செய்துவிடுகிற போக்குத்தான் இந்த முடிவுக்குக் காரணம். கருதியதற்கு மாறான முடிவு தெரிந்துவிட்ட நிலையில், வாழ்க்கையே முடிந்துவிடுவதாய்த் தோன்றுகிற அந்தக் கணம், பிள்ளையின் உயரிய உயிர்க் கணம். அந்த வேளையில் எந்தக் காரணம் கொண்டும் தன்னம்பிக்கை இழந்துவிடாமல் இருக்கத் தைரியப்படுத்துவதையும், தனிமையில் அந்தப் பிள்ளையை இருக்கவிடாமல் அன்புசார்ந்த துணைகளோடு தக்கவைத்துக் கொள்வதையும் செய்துவிட்டால், பின்னர் எந்தக் கவலையும் தேவையில்லை. மாறாக, அவர்களுக்கும் முன்னதாகத் தங்கள் வருத்தத்தை, கோபத்தை, அவமானத்தை, அவர்கள்பால் கூறக் கூடாது. முகம் திரிந்து பார்த்தால்கூட, உடன் பற்றிக்கொண்டு இத்தகு பரிதாபகரமான முடிவுகளுக்கு அவர்களை இட்டுச்செல்லும் என்பதுதான் எதார்த்தம்.

இதற்குப் பிள்ளைகளைவிடவும் பெற்றோர்தாம் அதிக விழிப்புடன் இருக்கவேண்டும். தேர்வு நேரங்களில் பிள்ளைகளின் உடல் நலம், மன நலம் குறித்து அதிக அக்கறை கொள்கிற பெற்றோர், தேர்வுமுடிவுகளின்போது அதைவிடவும் அதிக அக்கறை செலுத்தவேண்டும். தேர்வின் வெற்றி, தோல்விகளுக்கு அப்பால், பிள்ளையின் நிரந்தர வாழ்வுதான் முக்கியம் என்ற மனப்பாங்கும் உறுதிப்பாடும் முதலில் பெற்றோர்க்கு வரவேண்டும்.
வென்றவர்களைவிடத் தோற்றவர்கள்தான் அதிகம் சாதித்திருக்கிறார்கள் என்பதைப் பலரது வரலாறுகள் உறுதிப்படுத்தியுள்ளன. அதற்குப் பாடப் புத்தகங்களைத் தாண்டி, வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்றுப் புத்தகங்களைப் பெற்றோரும் பிள்ளைகளும் அதிகம் படிக்க வேண்டும். வரலாற்றில் நிலைகொண்டவர்கள், வரம்பிலாச் சாதனை படைத்தவர்கள், எல்லா நிலைகளிலும் எப்போதும் வெற்றியே பெற்றவர்கள் அல்லர். எத்தனை சோதனைகள், துயரங்கள், அவமானங்கள், வாழ்க்கைப் போக்குகளில் தற்கொலை முயற்சிகளை மேற்கொள்ளக் காரணமான கணங்கள் இருந்திருக்கின்றன. ஆனால், அவர்கள் அவற்றை எவ்வாறெல்லாம் கடந்து வென்றார்கள் என்று கற்பதுதானே கல்வி? தேர்ந்துகொள்ளத்தான் தேர்வே ஒழிய, முற்றிலுமாகத் தம்மைத் தீர்த்துக்கொள்ள இல்லையே?

தூக்கிலிட்டுக் கொள்ளத் துணையாகும் கயிறு வலுவே இல்லாத கழிவுப்பொருளால்தானே உருவாகியிருக்கிறது? நஞ்சாகும் எதுவும் இந்த மண்ணில் உயிர்ப்பொருள்களாய் விளைந்தவைதானே? அவற்றையெல்லாம் தாங்கி வாழவைக்கிற தாய்ப்பூமி, குறைந்த மதிப்பெண் பெற்ற நம்மை முற்றாக உதாசீனம் செய்துவிடுமா என்ன? சாவின் விளிம்புகள் அனைத்திலும் வாழ்க்கைக்கான அமுத கணங்கள் நம்மை அரவணைக்கக் காத்திருக்கின்றன என்பதைக் காட்டுதற்கும் கற்றுக்கொள்வதற்கும் தானே கல்வி என்று பெயர்?

மரணம் தரும் நோய்களில் இருந்து மீட்டெடுக்க மருந்து தரும் மருத்துவக் கல்விக்குப் போதிய மதிப்பெண்கள் பெற முடியாவிட்டால், மரணம்தான் முடிவு என்று எந்த இயற்கை விதி எழுதியிருக்கிறது? "மரணமிலாப் பெருவாழ்வுக்கு' எத்தனை முறைகள் இவ்வுலகில் இருக்கின்றன. அவற்றையெல்லாம் முதலில் பெற்றோர் நினைத்துப் பார்த்தால் நல்லது.
தாய்ப்பாலுக்கு மீறியா தனிப்பால் தெம்பு தரமுடியும்? தேவையில்லாத மனப்பால் குடித்து மதி மாறியவர்களின் விதிகளையும் தாய்ப்பால் தந்த அன்னையின் கருணையும் அன்பும் மாற்றிவிட முடியாதா என்ன? "தாயுமான' தந்தையும், "தாயிற் சிறந்த தயாபரன்களான' ஆசிரியர்களும் நண்பர்களும் உறவினர்களும் இருக்கின்ற உலகம்தானே இது?

தந்தை கண்டிப்பானவர்தான். அது தவறில்லை. தாயும் கண்டிப்பானவராக இருக்கத்தான் செய்வார். கண்டிப்பு என்பது வேறு; கட்டாயம் என்பது வேறு. கண்டிப்பில் நெகிழ்ச்சி உண்டு. நிறை குறைகளை அனுசரித்துப்போகும் வாய்ப்புகள் இருக்கும், கட்டாயம் அவ்வாறானது அன்று; அதற்கு விதிவிலக்கு இல்லை. தேர்வில் வெற்றி பெறுவதும் அதிக மதிப்பெண்கள் பெறுவதும் கண்டிப்பாக நிகழவேண்டும். அது கட்டாயம் ஆகிவிடக் கூடாது.
காற்றும் நீரும் உணவும் கட்டாயமானவை. உடலின் முக்கிய அங்கங்களை மறைக்க உடை கட்டாயம். ஆனால், அவை ஆடம்பரமாகவும் அதிக விலைமதிப்புள்ளதாகவும் இருந்தே ஆகவேண்டும் என்பது கட்டாயமில்லை. கல்வி கட்டாயம் என்றால், அதில் வல்லமை பெறுவது நல்லது; அவசியமானதும்கூட. இதுதான் கல்வி, இதைத்தான் கற்க வேண்டும் என்று மொழியையோ, பாடத்தையோ, பயிற்சியையோ கட்டாயமாகத் தருவதுதான் "திணிப்பு'.

ஆசைப்படுவது உயிரின் இயல்பு. ஆசை நிறைவேறாது போகும் என்றால் அடுத்த கட்டத்துக்கு அந்த ஆசையை மாற்றிக்கொள்கிற விவேகத்தையும் பெற்றோர்கள் ஊட்ட வேண்டியது கடப்பாடு. மரணம் முடிவல்ல; தற்கொலை தீர்வல்ல; வாழ்வதுதான் நிலைப்பாடு என்கிற வைராக்கியத்தைப் பிள்ளைகளின் நெஞ்சங்களில் ஆழ ஊன்றுவதாகத்தான் கல்வியும் தேர்வுமுறைகளும் இருக்கவேண்டும். அதற்கான வழிமுறைகளையும் நடைமுறைப் பயிற்சிகளையும் தராத வரையில் இதுபோன்ற சோக முடிவுகளைச் சந்தித்தே ஆகவேண்டிய நிலை தொடரும்.
ஆசையில் இருந்து பிடிவாதம் தோன்றுகிறது. இதைக் கண்டிப்பு என்கிற பெயரில் களைகிற முயற்சிகளும் நடக்கின்றன. அதனால் பல சாதக, பாதகங்கள் நேர்ந்து விடுகின்றன. பிடிவாதம் என்பது நல்ல குணம். அது எதன்பால் அமைய வேண்டும் என்று சீர்தூக்கிப் பார்த்துச் சீரமைத்துவிட்டால் மிகவும் நல்லது. அதனை வைராக்கியமாக மாற்றி விடுகிற சாமர்த்தியத்தில் இருக்கிறது வெற்றியின் திறவுகோல்.

ஒரு விதையில் இருந்து வெளிப்படும் முளை, ஆசையின் வெளிப்பாடு என்றால், மண்ணிறங்கும் வேர், முயற்சி. விண் தொட எழும் மேற்பகுதி கனவு. இரண்டும் ஒருசேர இயங்கும்போது வளர்ச்சி ஏற்படுகிறது. இவை மட்டும் இருந்தால் ஒரு செடியோ, கொடியோ, மரமோ வளர்ந்துவிட முடியாது. நீரும் காற்றும் சூரிய ஒளியும் தருகிற சூழல் மிக முக்கியம். இவையெல்லாம் இருந்தாலும் அந்தந்த விதைகளில் இருந்து அந்தந்தத் தன்மைக்குள்ள குணங்களோடுதான் விளைச்சல் அமையும். இதில் விருப்பு வெறுப்புகள் தலையிட முடியாது. அப்படித்தான் நமது தலைமுறைகளும், அவற்றைத் தற்கொலை என்கிற அசுரன் வந்து கவர்ந்துசெல்வதற்கா நாம் பெற்று வளர்த்திருக்கிறோம்?

கல்வி என்பது ஒற்றைப் பயிர் விளைவிக்கும் கழனியல்ல; எல்லாப் பயிர்களும் அந்தந்த இயல்புக்கேற்ப விளையும் நன்செய். அதில் பணப் பயிரை மட்டுமே உற்பத்தி பண்ணுவது மண்ணுக்கும் மனிதர்கள் முதலான பல்லுயிர்க்கும் பயனளிக்காது. எதிர்வினைகளை உண்டாக்கியே தீரும். புல்லும் நெல்லும் பூமிக்கு அணி செய்வன மட்டுமல்ல; அத்தியாவசியமானவை. அப்படித்தான் பல்திறன்களை வளர்க்கும் கல்வியும். அவற்றின் ஆதாரம் தாய்மொழிக் கல்வி. அது மொழிப் பாடம் மட்டுமே என்று கருதுவது பேதைமை. தாய்ப்பால்போல் பல சமூகநோய்களை எதிர்க்கும் சக்திகளை கொடுக்கக்கூடிய ஆற்றல் வாய்ந்தது. இலக்கியமும் இலக்கணமும் அதன் புலப்பாட்டுக் கருவிகள். இலக்கியம், எழுதப்பட்டதாகவும் எழுத்தேறா வாய்மொழி இலக்கியமாகவும் இலங்குகின்றன. அது கற்றோர்வழி மட்டுமல்ல, பாமர மக்களின் அனுபவங்களில் இருந்தும் வந்தவை.

ஆங்கிலத்திலோ பிற மொழிகளிலோ ஆயிரம் பக்கங்களைக் கற்றுத்தெரிந்துகொள்கிற ஒன்றை, அனுபவக்கனியாய் வந்து நிறைந்த ஒற்றைப் பழமொழி அல்லது சொலவடை உணர்த்திக் காட்டிவிடும். அது பெருமரத்தின் உயிர்ப்பைத் தாங்கிய சிறுவிதை ஒத்தது. அதன்வழி பெறுகிற பள்ளிக் கல்வியும், அனுபவம் தருகிற கல்வியும் ஒரு புள்ளியில் இணைவதால், அறிவுடைமை முதலில் வரும். அன்புடைமை தொடர்ந்து வரும். ஒழுக்கமுடைமை, ஊக்கமுடைமை, ஆள்வினை உடைமை என அடுத்தடுத்து வரக் காரணியும் ஆகும். அதனால்தான், "வேறு வேறு பாஷைகள் கற்பாய் நீ, வீட்டு வார்த்தை கற்கிலாய் போ போ போ' என்று துரத்திவிட்டு, "ஒளிபடைத்த கண்ணினையும் உறுதி கொண்ட நெஞ்சினையும்' உடைய இளைய பாரதத்தை வரவேற்றார் மகாகவி பாரதியார். காரணம் வெறுப்பன்று; விருப்புத்தான். அது தன்பாலும் பிற உயிர்களின்பாலும் காட்டுகிற பேரன்பு.

புதுவையில் பரபரப்புரூ.100க்கு பதில் ரூ.500 தந்த ‘ ஏ.டி.எம்.’வாடிக்கையாளருக்கு இன்ப அதிர்ச்சி

புதுவையில் ரூபாய் 100-க்கு பதில் ரூ.500 தந்த ஏ.டி.எம். மிஷினால் பரபரப்பு ஏற்பட்டது.

பதிவு: ஜூன் 08, 2019 03:18 AM


புதுச்சேரி மிஷன்வீதியில் உள்ள ஒரு ஏ.டி.எம். மையத்தில் நேற்று காலை சுல்தான்பேட்டை பகுதியை சேர்ந்த முகமது ஷபீர் என்பவர் பணம் எடுக்க சென்றார். எப்போதும் போல் ஏ.டி.எம். கார்டை எந்திரத்தில் சொருகி ரூ.100 பணம் எடுக்க முயன்றார். அப்போது அந்த எந்திரத்தில் இருந்து 500 ரூபாய் நோட்டு வந்தது.

இதை பரிசோதித்துப் பார்ப்பதற்காக மீண்டும் 100 ரூபாய் எடுப்பதற்கு முயன்றார். அப்போதும் 500 ரூபாய் நோட்டு வந்தது. இதற்கும் மேலாக அவரது வங்கி கணக்கில் இருந்தும் இருப்பு பணம் குறையவில்லை.

இதனால் முகமது ஷபீர் இன்ப அதிர்ச்சியடைந்தார். இருந்தாலும் அந்த பணத்தை வைத்துக் கொள்ள அவர் விரும்பவில்லை. உடனே இது குறித்து பெரியகடை போலீஸ் நிலையத்திற்கு தகவல் தெரிவித்தார். போலீசார் அங்கு விரைந்து சென்று பார்த்தனர். குறிப்பிட்ட அந்த ஏ.டி.எம். மையத்தில் இருந்து வாடிக்கையாளர்கள் தேர்வு செய்யும் பணத்துக்கு பதிலாக கூடுதல் தொகை வந்த விவரம் சம்பந்தப்பட்ட வங்கி அதிகாரிகளுக்கு தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டது. இதை கேட்டு வங்கி அதிகாரிகள் அதிர்ச்சி அடைந்தனர். அவர்களும் அங்கு விரைந்து வந்தனர். அந்த ஏ.டி.எம். எந்திரத்தின் செயல்பாடு குறித்து பணம் எடுத்தனர். அவர்களுக்கும் இதேபோல் பணம் வந்தது. உடனே அந்த ஏ.டி.எம். மையத்தை இழுத்து மூடினர். அந்த எந்திரத்தில் ஏற்பட்ட கோளாறு காரணமாகவே இதுபோல் பணம் வந்ததாகவும், அதை சரி செய்த பிறகு மீண்டும் அந்த மையம் திறக்கப்படும் என்றும் வங்கி அதிகாரிகள் தெரிவித்தனர். ரூ.100க்கு பதில் ரூ.500 தந்த ஏ.டி.எம். குறித்து அறிந்து அதை வேடிக்கை பார்க்க அங்கு ஏராளமான பொதுமக்கள் கூடினர். இதனால் அங்கு சிறிது நேரம் பரபரப்பு ஏற்பட்டது.
சிலைகளில் சில்மிஷம் 'காமுக' வாலிபன் கைது

Added : ஜூன் 09, 2019 23:42

திருச்சி: தஞ்சை பெரிய கோவிலில், சுவாமி சிலைகளை கட்டிப் பிடித்து, ஆபாசமாக, 'போஸ்' கொடுத்த வாலிபனை, போலீசார் கைது செய்தனர்.தஞ்சை பெரிய கோவில் வளாகத்தில் உள்ள பழமையான சுவாமி சிலைகளை, ஆபாசமாக கட்டிப் பிடித்தபடி, 'போஸ்' கொடுத்த வாலிபன் படம், சில நாட்களாக, சமூக வலைதளங்களில் பரவியது.ஆத்திரம்அதை பார்த்தவர்கள், முகம் சுளித்ததுடன், வாலிபன் மீது ஆத்திரம் அடைந்தனர். திருச்சி, கொட்டப்பட்டு பகுதியைச் சேர்ந்த ரத்தினவேலு என்பவர், 'வாலிபன் மீது நடவடிக்கை எடுக்க வேண்டும்' என, திருச்சி போலீஸ் கமிஷனர் அமல்ராஜிடம் புகார் கொடுத்தார்.அமல்ராஜ் தலைமையிலான போலீசார், 'வாட்ஸ் ஆப்'பில் படங்கள் வெளியான மொபைல் எண்ணை வைத்து விசாரணைநடத்தினர். அதில், மதுரை, ஒத்தகடையைச் சேர்ந்த முஜிபுர் ரகுமான், 22, என்பதும், தஞ்சை பெரிய கோவிலுக்குசுற்றுலா வந்தபோது, எடுத்த படங்கள் என்பதும் தெரிந்தது.வழக்குப்பதிவுமேலும், அவன், திருச்சியில், செங்குளம் காலனியில் உள்ள உறவினர் வீட்டில் தங்கியிருப்பதும் தெரிந்தது.இதையடுத்து, அவன் மீது, பொது இடத்தில் ஆபாசமாக நடந்து கொண்டது, அதை சமூக வலைதளங்களில் பரப்பியது ஆகிய பிரிவுகளில், போலீசார் வழக்குப்பதிவு செய்தனர்.தொடர்ந்து, முஜிபுர் ரகுமானை, நேற்று கைது செய்து, திருச்சி மத்திய சிறையில் அடைத்தனர்.
கூடுதல் மருத்துவ இடங்கள் விண்ணப்பிக்க அவகாசம்

Added : ஜூன் 09, 2019 22:26 |

கோவை: பொருளாதாரத்தில் நலிந்தோருக்கான கூடுதல் மருத்துவ இடங்களுக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க, மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரிகளுக்கு, இந்திய மருத்துவக் கவுன்சில், கூடுதல் அவகாசம் வழங்கியுள்ளது.மத்திய அரசின் புதிய சட்டப்படி, பொருளாதாரத்தில் நலிந்த பிரிவினருக்கு கல்வி, வேலைவாய்ப்பில், 10 சதவீத இடஒதுக்கீடு வழங்க வேண்டும். இதன்மூலம், முன்னேறிய பிரிவினருக்கு கூடுதல் இடங்கள் கிடைக்கும்.மருத்துவ படிப்பில் மட்டும், 10 சதவீத இடஒதுக்கீட்டை அமல்படுத்துவதற்காக, ஒவ்வொரு மாநிலத்துக்கும், கூடுதலாக, 25 சதவீத இடங்கள் வழங்கப்படுகின்றன. இதற்காக, நாட்டில் உள்ள அனைத்து மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரிகளும், அதற்கான விண்ணப்பங்களை, ஜூன், 7ம் தேதிக்குள் அனுப்ப, இந்திய மருத்துவ கவுன்சில் உத்தரவிட்டிருந்தது.இதையடுத்து, அனைத்து மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரிகளும், இதற்கான நடவடிக்கைகளை மேற்கொண்டு வந்தன. இந்நிலையில், பல மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரிகளும், காலக்கெடுவை நீட்டிக்க கோரிக்கை விடுத்தன. இதை ஏற்றுக்கொண்ட கவுன்சில், நாளை வரை அவகாசத்தை நீட்டித்துள்ளது.
Piqued MLA invites VAO with ‘thamboolam’ 

V. Venkatasubramanian 

TIRUVARUR, June 09, 2019 00:00 IST

Mannaragudi MLA T.R.B. Raaja inviting Peraiyur VAO in a traditional manner to a site at Peraiyur on Saturday.

Angered by the absence of a Village Administrative Officer at a worksite at the time of inspection on Saturday, DMK MLA of Mannaragudi T.R.B.Raaja reached out to the latter in person and invited him with traditional a ‘ tamboolam ’.

Mr. Raaja went to the Tahsildar’s office where a meeting had been convened, and caused a flutter by thrusting the ‘ tamboolam ’ containing betel leaves and areca nuts into the hands of Peraiyur VAO Balasubramanian.

Earlier in the day, the MLA had gone to the village after receiving complaints from residents that the breadth of Vadavaru Extension Canal had been reduced by the contractor undertaking renovation under NABARD scheme at a cost of Rs. 9.72 crore to strengthen bunds to a length of 4.1 km with concrete lining. The residents had complained that the contractor had deposited red sand on the canal bund to shrink its width from 14 metres to 6 metres.

When the MLA invited the VAO over phone with a request to come to the work site with the records pertaining to the survey number of the canal, the latter had reportedly ignored the call.

An irked MLA went to the Tahsildar office after ascertaining the VAO’s presence there and reportedly invited the VAO to the worksite with controlled anger. The VAO accepted the invitation cordially with an assurance to accompany the MLA to the worksite during his next visit.
G.O. on 24x7 will benefit only big players, say traders 

Special Correspondent 
THANJAVUR, June 09, 2019 00:00 IST

The conditions laid down in the recently issued Government Order for running shops and establishments round-the-clock on all days of the year clearly indicate that the move favoured only bigger players, according a section of traders here.

While welcoming the G.O. citing the convenience for customers to make their purchases at night by avoiding the heat of the daytime, the secretary, Federation of Kudanthai All Businessmen Traders Associations, V. Sathyanarayanan, felt that excluding tea stalls and petty shops and the business units with less than 10 employees out of the ambit of the GO was a detrimental move.

Permitting one section of traders / businessmen to stay open 24 hours in a day and denying the same concession to others citing certain conditions would only be considered as a partial attitude of the government. Hence the government should reconsider its decision and allow all traders / businessmen to run their shops throughout the day on all days, he added.
HC orders extension of affiliation to college 

Staff Reporter 

Madurai, June 09, 2019 00:00 IST

The Madurai Bench of Madras High Court has directed Anna University to grant extension of affiliation to a private college offering management course in Dindigul.

The university had rejected the application for renewal filed by Vijay Institute of Management, Dindigul, on the ground that there was deficiency in classrooms and the library.

Following the rejection, the college filed a compliance report stating that all deficiencies were set right.

However, the university again rejected the grant of affiliation dissatisfied with the state of the college library.

The Inspection Committee that assessed the deficiencies was unhappy with the books and journals.

However, it was submitted that there was no prescribed catalogue on the specific kinds of books that had to be purchased.

Justice R. Suresh Kumar observed that when the names and titles of the books were not prescribed, the deficiency cannot be questioned.

Moreover, the college had three times more than the required limit of books at the library.

Taking into account that the college was functioning for more than a decade and sought extension of affiliation, the court directed the university to extend the same.
India vs Australia, ICC World Cup 2019: India ring warning bell, beat Australia by 36 runs

PTI | Jun 10, 2019, 07.58 AM IST

India vs Australia, ICC World Cup 2019: India ring warning bell, beat Australia by 36 runsLONDON: Shikhar Dhawan's classy hundred and a quality bowling effort powered India to a 36-run victory over Australia, denying two fallen heroes a fairytale script while sounding a warning bell for their opponents in the World Cup on Sunday.

The legend of Dhawan in ICC tournaments continued to grow as his stylish 117 formed the cornerstone of a fantastic batting display that propelled India to a commanding 352 for five.

In reply, Australia never looked like getting there as they managed only 316 in 50 overs with Steve Smith (69 off 70 balls) and David Warner's (56 off 84 balls) half-centuries being of little consequence.

After a professional run-chase against South Africa in the opener, the second match saw the 'Men In Blue' burying the five-time world champions under a deluge of runs. An astounding 131 dot balls (21.5 overs) were bowled by Indian bowlers which ultimately made the difference.

Warner's innings was an antithesis to his style of play and pegged Australia back before he was sent back by Yuzvendra Chahal (2/62 in 10 overs). Still Australia was in with a slim chance till Usman Khawaja (42) and Smith were at the crease.

Khawaja shuffled way too much trying to play a scoop behind square and was bowled by Jasprit Bumrah (3/61 in 10 overs), and Australia lost whatever momentum they had gained.

Smith, who played his usual shuffling across the off-stump game, looked threatening but an asking rate of 10 put immense pressure, and Bhuvneshwar Kumar got him with one that angled in to catch him in-front of stumps. It was a nice comeback for Bhuvneshwar (3/50 in 10 overs), who was hit for three boundaries by Glenn Maxwell.

Once Smith was gone, the game was as good as over for Australia even though Alex Carey helped himself to a half-century (55 not out off 35 balls). Having beaten South Africa and Australia in the first two games, India will now be considered as the team to beat in this tournament.

Earlier, Dhawan, during his 17th ODI hundred, found perfect support from fellow opener Rohit Sharma (57 off 70 balls) in a stand of 127. He then joined forces with Virat Kohli, consolidating the innings with a 93-run stand for the second wicket.

The skipper played a very effective knock with his two maximums off Mitchell Starc (1/74 off 10 overs) -- over long-on and extra cover -- being the stand-out shots of the game.

The last 10 overs yielded 116 runs, primarily due to generous contributions from the middle-order players Hardik Pandya and Mahendra Singh Dhoni along with their skipper.

The team's permanent floater, Pandya (48 off 27 balls) played in a manner only he can, and was the perfect icing on the cake on a flat Oval deck. Dhoni (27 off 14 balls) did his bit in putting the finishing touches, which included a six over square leg off Starc.

After skipper Kohli made the right call, the Indian openers played out a good spell from Starc and Pat Cummins (1/55 in 10 overs), with the latter pitching it up and repeatedly beating the bat.

What worked brilliantly for the Indian batsmen was the manner in which they planned which bowlers they wanted to go after.

They took 157 runs from 20 overs bowled by Marcus Stoinis (2/62 in 7 overs), Adam Zampa (0/50 in 6 overs) and Glenn Maxwell (0/45 in 7 overs).

Rohit was dropped on 2 by Nathan Coulter-Nile at square leg off Starc and from then, the Indian openers became more cautious.

Dhawan, who has a stupendous record at the Oval ground, where he averages over 120, waited for Coulter-Nile, and three boundaries in the eighth over eased the pressure.

The hero of Australia's match against West Indies, didn't have the pace to trouble the Indians and he bowled short enough to be cut and pulled by both the players. Rohit, for good measure, hooked him for a six while Dhawan played some fabulous cut shots.

Leg spinner Zampa, who was impressive against India in the last series, was targeted at the onset as both the openers used their feet to perfection. Once they started using their feet, the leg-spinner started dropping it short and Dhawan would rock onto the backfoot to punish him.
Do not recover excess pension, HC tells corporation 

Staff Reporter 

Madurai, June 09, 2019 00:00 IST

The Madurai Bench of Madras High Court directed the Madurai Corporation not to recover excess pension paid to the family of a retired employee.

Justice S.M. Subramaniam observed that in respect of an erroneous fixation of scale of pay or revised pension, the authorities concerned are empowered to correct the mistake.

However, the excess payment already made cannot be recovered, more specifically, from retired employees and from the family pension granted after the death of the employee.

The court was hearing the writ petition filed by M. Azhagarsamy of Madurai. Following the death of his wife, a retired employee with the Corporation, the petitioner was receiving the pension in accordance with the Pay Rules in force.

However, the Corporation claimed that an excess payment of monetary benefit was made and the said amount would be recovered from the monthly pension.

The court observed that the recovery of the amount already paid to the employee undoubtedly would cause prejudice and affect the livelihood.

The excess payment already made cannot be recovered from the petitioner and if any amount was already recovered, the same should be reimbursed within 12 weeks, the court said.
Retirement benefits of HR and CE official suspended

TNN | Jun 2, 2019, 11.26 AM IST

SALEM: The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment (HR&CE) department has decided to suspend disbursal of retirement benefits to one of its officers in Salem zone until completion of disciplinary proceedings against him.

HR&CE commissioner K Paneendra Reddy stopped the retirement benefits to T Varadharajan, joint commissioner of Salem zonal, on his retirement day on Friday.

“The commissioner had issued disciplinary proceedings against Varadharajan on May 29 for his failure to take action against errant officials of Venugopalaswamy temple at Hosur in Krishnagiri for not depositing Rs 3.59 lakh in the government account in 2016,” said an HR&CE department official, requesting anonymity.

The official said the commissioner has sought an explanation from Varadharajan for not initiating action against the errant officials. “The commissioner may take action against Varadharajan, if he isn’t satisfied with the latter’s explanation.”

He said in Varadharajan’s case Section 9 (right of government to withhold or withdraw pension) of the Tamil Nadu Pension Rules, 1978, was invoked.

Meanwhile, N Palanikumar, who was working as deputy commissioner of Bannari Amman Temple in Erode district, was appointed the joint commissioner of Salem zonal. “Palanikumar has taken charge on Friday evening,” the officer said.
Sub-registrar gets 4 yrs for taking bribe

TNN | Jun 8, 2019, 04.56 AM IST

Madurai: A sub-registrar in the Tenkasi sub registrar office was awarded four years jail for demanding bribe from a man for registering a property document. The incident took place in August 2007 when the complainant, M Gandhi Selvin of Tenkasi, approached the then Tenkasi sub-registrar M Santhanamarimuthu.

The accused initially demanded Rs 25,000 as bribe and reduced it to Rs 7,000 due to resistance shown by Gandhi Selvin. The latter however approached the director of vigilance and anti-corruption (DVAC) who gave him chemical-coated currency amounting to Rs 7,000.

On August 24, 2007, DVAC personnel who were hiding at the sub registrar office caught Santhanamarimuthu red-handed when he was accepting the bribe from Gandhi Selvin. He was booked under sections 7, 13(2)2 and 13(1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The case was on trial before the Special Court for Trial of Cases Under the Prevention of Corruption Act, Tirunelveli district. On completion of the trial, special court judge S Padma convicted Santhanamarimuthu and sentenced him to four years imprisonment. A fine of Rs 10,000 was also slapped on him.
Probe ordered into post-delivery death of woman in doctor’s absence at Thirukkurunkudi

TNN | Jun 9, 2019, 06.01 AM IST

MADURAI: The deputy director of health services (DDHS), Tirunelveli, has ordered an inquiry into the death of a 23-year-old woman after giving birth to a stillborn baby on Thursday night at a primary health centre (PHC) at Thirukkurunkudi, where the delivery was performed by the staff in the absence of a doctor.

According to officials in the district health department, there was no doctor for the afternoon duty at the PHC following which the auxiliary nurse midwife (ANM) performed the delivery. Tirunelveli DDHS Dr S Senthil Kumar told TOI that he had asked for a detailed report regarding the entire incident by Monday. “The delivery was performed when there was no doctor at the PHC. But the ANM there has performed around 1,200 deliveries so far,” he added. The death of the woman was attributed to bleeding during delivery while the baby was stillborn as the umbilical cord got wrapped around the neck.

When asked why there was no doctor at the time, Dr Senthil Kumar said that the PHC had a sanctioned strength of five doctors out of which two had left for higher studies. “The remaining three – which included the block medical officer (BMO) – split the morning, noon and night duty between them. I had called the BMO for a meeting that day and unfortunately that was when the incident happened,” he said. The BMO there used to chip in for outpatient checkup whenever required and was supposed to be in charge of the afternoon duty.

On Thursday, Akhila gave birth to a stillborn baby around 6.45pm and died around 7.45pm. The doctor on the night shift arrived around 8.10pm. Akhila was admitted to the PHC on June 4 after she complained of hip pain. She was discharged after a day’s observation as there was no sign of “delivery contraction” then. On Thursday, she was taken to a private hospital, where she was told that there were some complications. Health department officials said that it was then that her family decided to shift her to the PHC.
Plea against recovery of excess salary dismissed

TNN | Jun 10, 2019, 04.40 AM IST

Madurai: The Madras high court dismissed the plea of a retired official to prevent recovery of excess salary received by him.

The petitioner, R Kamaraj, who was an assistant director in the Khadi and Village Industries board at Karur, sought to quash proceedings by the regional deputy director of Khadi and Village Industries to recover the recover excess salary from the petitioner.

The counter affidavit filed by the regional deputy director stated that the petitioner retired from service on February 28, 2013, on attaining the age of superannuation. He submitted the petitioner was working as assistant director and his pay was fixed at Rs 8,275 from January 1, 1996.

The petitioner agreed to an undertaking that ‘any excess payment that may be found to have been made as a result of incorrect fixation of pay or excess payment deducted in the light of discrepancies notice subsequently will be refunded by him to the government either by adjustment against the future payments.

Justice S M Subramaniam observed that the petitioner cannot go back on the undertaking and observed that only in cases where the excess amount of recovery imposed at the instance of the establishment, the court can grant relief of quashing the recovery orders. The judge directed that the petitioner is liable to repay the excess payment already received by him and dismissed the petition.
MSU stops admissions at affiliated colleges with unqualified faculty

TNN | Jun 10, 2019, 04.44 AM IST

Madurai: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University (MSU) in Tirunelveli has issued warnings to all its affiliated colleges that they will not be able to conduct admissions this year for particular courses in which they have faculty who didn’t satisfy the qualification norms set by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

Speaking to TOI, registrar of MSU S Santhosh Baboo said that the warnings and instructions were not given to the colleges in the last minute, but a while back so that they had sufficient time to satisfy the norms. “We got lists from all the colleges regarding the courses that had unqualified staff and based on that, we gave instructions to the colleges to not admit students in those programmes. We are very serious about the teaching faculty satisfying the qualification norms as it’s a court direction,” he added.

There are a total of 91 colleges under MSU and according to sources, due to this decision by the university, it is the mathematics and English courses in most of these colleges that are under threat.

“Most of the colleges are not able to get the faculty with necessary qualifications only in mathematics and English and hence holding admissions is an issue in these. In a few cases, commerce programme is a problem as well,” the source said.

Santhosh Baboo said that though the university has stopped the admissions at certain colleges, the institutions would be immediately permitted to resume admissions, provided they managed to ensure necessary steps were taken so that the concerned courses had only qualified staff. He added that to satisfy the UGC norms, the teachers should have either cleared National Eligibility Test (NET)/ State Eligibility Test (SET) or completed PhD.
CMC gets 100% exemption

TNN | Jun 8, 2019, 04.56 AM IST

Chennai: Tamil Nadu health department has accorded a special status to Christian Medical College Vellore in the MBBS admission process for the upcoming academic year.

Besides marking the 100 MBBS seats in the college as a special category, the prospectus has said that “the allotment of MBBS seats at CMC is according to the rules and regulation of CMC”. Counselling for all other self-financing colleges affiliated to the state medical university is done under single window counselling. The colleges surrender about 35-50% of the seats for admission under government quota and the students are admitted to the remaining seats under management quota. The state follows NEET-based rank list and applies 69% reservation. CMC has been exempted from the process this year.

The government prospectus for management quota says, “For admission to MBBS/BDS courses under management quota including NRI seats in self-financing medical/dental colleges in Tamil Nadu and Christian Medical College, Vellore.”

State selection secretary Dr G Selvarajan said the state had decided to make a clear demarcation this year as there were chaos and arguments during counselling last year. In 2017, the century-old college took part in the single-window counselling and admitted only one student for MBBS course. In 2018, during counselling, all 100 seats in the college were declared as management quota seats.

“In 2019, the college will admit 12 meritorious students under open category. Two seats will be reserved for students from scheduled caste and one for a student from the scheduled tribe. One seat will be a central government quota. In addition, 10 seats will be reserved for children of staff working at CMC,” he said. For the remaining 74 seats, admissions will be given based on a recommendation from the missionaries attached to the institution across India.

A senior official from CMC Vellore said the Madras high court has directed the state not to ask private institutions to surrender seats. “We take recommendations of the missionaries because our students serve in rural areas,” the official said.

Parents of several students in the top 1,200 ranks told TOI they were disappointed for the second year in a row. Students say they would opt for CMC as the college charged low fees compared to most self-financing colleges. “It was on top of the list of choices as the college has good clinical material, faculty and library. But with just 12 seats, even a score above 625 in NEET is not adequate,” said Ramesh R, a parent.

While the fee structure for all self-financing colleges is fixed by the fee fixation committee constituted by the government, fee structure for CMC will be adopted as fixed by the institution, it said. There is no fee mentioned against the government quota. Fee for management quota is Rs48,530. “Any change in fee will be intimated on the official website,” it said. Fee for other colleges in management quota is Rs12.5 lakh.
As govt fails to act, locals join hands to clear fishkill at lake

TNN | Jun 9, 2019, 04.10 AM IST

Chennai: A day after TOI reported how tons of fish at Tiruneermalai lake had died and floated for days spreading unbearable stench, the locals joined hands and removed the fishkill. 

With no sign of government assistance to clear the stinking trash, about 40 people from the western suburb off the Chennai Bypass joined hands on Saturday and removed the fishkill and buried it in a pit created within the lake.

Fiheries department officials, however, collected samples from the lake to ascertain the reason for the fishkill.

Thirunageshwaran, assistant director of fisheries in Kancheepuram, who contacted TOI on Saturday, said the chief minister and chief secretary were aware of the fishkill. “Moreover, District Fish Farmers Development Agency has no connection with the lake maintained by PWD,” he said. Later, a person claiming to be an advocate representing DFFDA, called TOI and queried why the assistant director of fisheries was being questioned. Fisheries minister D Jayakumar said the issue would be inquired. Neither Kancheepuram collector P Ponniah nor Thiruneermalai town panchayat officials were available for their reactions.

When contacted, director of fisheries GS Sameeran said the department had initiated steps to bring Thiruneermalai lake under the DFFDA. “We have collected the samples from lake and sent it for testing to Tamil Nadu Dr J Jayalalithaa Fisheries University to find the reason on why the fishkill happened,” he said. It appears high temperature and inadequate water were the reasons, he added.

Former vice-chairman of Thiruneermalai town panchayat T Jayakumar said about three tonnes of fish was cleared by volunteers.

“We dug a 2m deep pit in the lake and buried the fish. Except for an earthmover provided by the local body, we did not get any government support,” he said.

TNSTC directed to pay Rs 13,001 to passenger for collecting one rupee extra

TNN | Jun 9, 2019, 09.17 PM IST

CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) has been penalised for collecting one rupee extra from a bus passenger.
The local consumer forum has directed TNSTC to pay Rs 13,000 fine along with the one rupee collected in excess.

K Subarayan, a resident of Namakkal, recently took a TNSTC bus from Paramathi Velur to his home. The conductor demanded Rs 17 from him.

Subarayan said that though the conductor had claimed that it was a limited stop service (LSS), the bus halted at all bus stops to pick up or drop passengers.

When Subarayan questioned this, the conductor got annoyed. This led to a squabble.

Aggrieved over this, the passenger filed a Right to Information (RTI) petition with the state transport department seeking fare details. This is when he got to know that TNSTC Salem had never obtained permission from the department to operate LSS services in the said route.

Also, the conductor was supposed to collect only Rs 16 from passengers for one-way travel between Paramathi Velur and Namakkal.
MBBS admissions: State ranks not declared, students at disadvantage

TNN | Jun 10, 2019, 04.06 AM IST

CHENNAI: Students from Tamil Nadu who will register themselves for the all-India counselling will be at a disadvantage for the second consecutive year if the state does not release the provisional state rank list ahead of time.

As per the tentative schedule released, students will know their state rank on July 2, two days before the single window counselling for the state quota of seats. However, when these students lock their choices for round 1 of all-India quota, they will have no idea of their chances in the state.

In 2018, many states got the data from the National Testing Agency (NTA) and released the students’ provisional rank list. Tamil Nadu did not. “Some students who thought they would get admission at least in self-financing colleges did not lock seats in deemed universities. On the other hand, students who scored low marks blocked their seats in deemed universities and joined them,” said Ganesh R, a tutor at a NEET coaching centre.

In states such as Maharashtra, students were able to calculate their chances based on their ranks and number of seats. “Many of our students were at a disadvantage,” he said.

Getting admissions in medical schools is not just getting good scores, it’s also about making smart choices, said experts. For instance, it is better for students to lock as many choices – including deemed universities – in round 1 because the Directorate General of Health Services does not penalize students for choices in the first round.

“They can take the college or choose for upgrade in second round. But in the second round they have to be careful with the choices they make,” said Pradeepa R, a biology teacher.

Many students have already approached the state selection committee and the directorate of medical education seeking information on the state rank. “We will be able to release it only when the NTA releases it to the state,” said state selection committee secretary Dr G Selvarajan.

Car rams barricade, knocks down 2 bikes at Tambaram
Four injured, two in serious condition


Chennai  10.06.2019

: A 54-year-old man driving at high speed first knocked over a metal barricade and then rammed into two bikes, injuring two of the four riders seriously at the Camp Road-Mappedu Road junciton near Selaiyur on Saturday afternoon.

A CCTV grab of the incident, shows the man stopping his vehicle some distance away and coolly walking away while onlookers rushed to rescue those knocked down. Police later arrested the man, identified as Varadhan of Agaram, and are investigating whether he was drunk at the time.

The seriously injured were two 18-year-olds, Gladson and Vikram, from Selaiyur. The other two were Arumugam (45) and his wife Shanthi (41). None of the four was wearing a helmet.

CCTV footage from the accident site shows the car travelling at a high speed and ramming into the barricade placed on the right side of the road close to the median. The car then proceeds without slowing down and knocks down the two bikes.

Shocked passersby rushed the injured people to hospital in autorickshaws.

Saroja, a woman selling pots on the roadside, said “We were all concentrating on rescuing the victims, even though some of us saw the man who drove the car escaping from the scene.”

Police said that the man could have been drunk or could have pressed the accelarator instead of applying the brake. “We have collected CCTV footage from other junctions to check if he had hit any other vehicle,” said an investigating officer.

Based on a complaint lodged by the injured bikers, the Chromepet traffic investigation wing have registered a case under IPC section 338 (causing grievous hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others).

RECKLESS: The bikers had no way to escape the speeding four-wheeler

CCTV footage fro shows the car travelling at a high speed and ramming into a barricade, placed on the right side of the road close to the median. The car then proceeds without slowing down and knocks down two bikes
Smuggling of gold: Airport officer & four others held


Officials of the directorate of revenue intelligence (DRI) busted a gold smuggling syndicate at the Chennai international airport on Saturday and arrested five people, including a senior customs officer. Though the names of the officer and the other accused have not been revealed, sources said the officer was of the rank of a superintendent. The crackdown led to a seizure of 23kg of gold worth ₹7.825 crore.

In a communication issued on Sunday, DRI said that on Saturday they apprehended four passengers, who had arrived at Anna International Airport from Singapore and Malaysia, with 12.95kg of gold bars. The delinquent officer, who was waiting to receive the gold from them on behalf of a Chennai receiver, and who was planning to allow the passengers to go undetected, was also arrested. TNN

Revenue inte1ligence seize 10kg gold, ₹24L in cash

The DRI’s follow-up search at the receiver’s residence and that of a near-relative resulted in seizure of further 10.2kg of smuggled gold and ₹24.43 lakh in cash.

Later, while searching a grey-market shop owned by the receiver, officers of DRI recovered 48 drones (restricted for import) valued at about ₹23 lakh, and several high-end cameras and accessories.

The passengers intercepted at the airport were also carrying high-value cameras and accessories.

Though the official release does not mention the exact location of these hideouts, sources said it happened in Egmore area. The arrested five, including the customs officer, have admitted their involvement in the crime, DRI said.

“They said they were involved in smuggling of gold and other goods on repeated occasions,” an official said.

The case is not yet over, as the DRI has upped the efforts to trace the receiver, a resident of Chennai, who is currently absconding.


Saturday, June 8, 2019

5 ஆயிரம் காலி பணியிடங்களுக்கு குரூப் 4 தேர்வு: 14 முதல் விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம்

By DIN | Published on : 08th June 2019 02:55 AM |

தமிழகத்தில் காலியாகவுள்ள குரூப் 4 பணியிடங்களுக்கான எழுத்துத் தேர்வுக்கு வரும் 14-ஆம் தேதி முதல் விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம். இதற்கான அறிவிப்பை தமிழ்நாடு அரசுப் பணியாளர் தேர்வாணையம் (டி.என்.பி.எஸ்.சி.) வெள்ளிக்கிழமை வெளியிட்டது.

தமிழகத்தில் கிராம நிர்வாக அலுவலர் தேர்வும், இளநிலை உதவியாளர், தட்டச்சர் போன்ற பணியிடங்கள் அடங்கிய குரூப் 4 தேர்வும் தனித்தனியாக நடத்தப்பட்டன. இந்த நிலையில், கடந்த 2017-ஆம் ஆண்டு இரண்டு தேர்வுகளும் இணைக்கப்பட்டன. கிராம நிர்வாக அலுவலர் பணியிடங்கள் குரூப் 4-பிரிவுக்குள் கொண்டு வரப்பட்டன. அதற்கான தேர்வு அறிவிக்கை கடந்த 2017-ஆம் ஆண்டு டிசம்பர் 14-இல் வெளியிடப்பட்டது. மொத்தமாக 9 ஆயிரத்து 351 காலிப் பணியிடங்களுக்கு நடந்த தேர்வில் 15 லட்சத்துக்கும் அதிகமானோர் கலந்து கொண்டனர். இந்த நிலையில், மீண்டும் குரூப் 4 தேர்வுக்கான அறிவிப்பை டி.என்.பி.எஸ்.சி. வெள்ளிக்கிழமை வெளியிட்டது.

எவ்வளவு காலியிடங்கள்: தேர்வு குறித்த அறிவிப்பில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளதாவது:-

குரூப் 4 காலிப் பணியிடங்கள் நேரடி எழுத்துத் தேர்வு மூலமாக நிரப்பப்பட உள்ளன. இதற்கான தேர்வு அறிவிக்கை வரும் 14-இல் வெளியிடப்படும். அதாவது அன்றைய தினத்தில் இருந்து டி.என்.பி.எஸ்.சி. இணையதளங்களில் (, விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம். தேர்வுக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க ஜூலை 14-ஆம் தேதி கடைசி நாளாகும்.

இதற்கான எழுத்துத் தேர்வு செப்டம்பர் 1-ஆம் தேதி நடத்தப்படும். தேர்வுக்கான கல்வித் தகுதி, வயது, இடஒதுக்கீடு, தேர்வு முறை, தேர்வுக் கட்டணம் உள்ளிட்ட அனைத்து விவரங்களையும் தேர்வாணைய இணையதளத்தில் வரும் 14-ஆம் தேதி முதல் தெரிந்து கொள்ளலாம் என்று டி.என்.பி.எஸ்.சி. அறிவித்துள்ளது. எத்தனை காலியிடங்களுக்கு தேர்வு நடத்தப்பட உள்ளது என்பது குறித்த விவரத்தை டி.என்.பி.எஸ்.சி. வெளியிடவில்லை.

இதுகுறித்து, தேர்வாணைய வட்டாரங்களிடம் கேட்டபோது, வரும் 14-ஆம் தேதி தேர்வு அறிவிக்கை வெளியிடும்போது காலியிடங்களின் எண்ணிக்கை விவரம் தெரிய வரும். 5 ஆயிரம் காலிப் பணியிடங்களுக்கு அதிகமாகவே தேர்வு நடத்தப்படும். இப்போது வரை காலியிடங்களுக்கான விவரங்கள் அரசுத் துறைகளிடம் இருந்து தொடர்ந்து வந்து கொண்டே இருக்கின்றன. எனவே, தேர்வு அறிவிக்கை வெளியிடும் நேரத்தில் காலியிடங்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகரிக்க வாய்ப்புகள் இருக்கின்றன எனத் தெரிவித்தனர். கடந்த குரூப் 4 தேர்வை 15 லட்சத்துக்கும் அதிகமானோர் எழுதினர். இந்த ஆண்டும் தேர்வு எழுதுவோரின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகரிக்கும் என எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகிறது.
வெளிநாட்டில் எம்.பி.பி.எஸ்., 'நீட்' தேர்வு கட்டாயம்

Added : ஜூன் 07, 2019 23:53

சென்னை : வெளிநாடுகளில் மருத்துவ படிப்பில் சேரவும், 'நீட்' தேர்வு கட்டாயமாகி உள்ளது. இந்த ஆண்டு முதல், இது, நடைமுறைக்கு வருகிறது.

எம்.பி.பி.எஸ்., - பி.டி.எஸ்., போன்ற மருத்துவ படிப்புகள் மற்றும், இந்திய மருத்துவ படிப்புகளில் சேர, 'நீட்' நுழைவு தேர்வில் கட்டாயம் தேர்ச்சி பெற வேண்டும். இந்த கல்வி ஆண்டுக்கான, நீட் தேர்வு, மே, 5ல் நடத்தப்பட்டது.

தேர்வு முடிவுகள், ஜூன், 5ல் வெளியாகியுள்ளன. விரைவில், தரவரிசை பட்டியல் வெளியிடப்பட்டு, மருத்துவ மாணவர் சேர்க்கை நடத்தப்பட உள்ளது. இந்த ஆண்டு முதல், வெளிநாட்டுக்கு சென்று, மருத்துவம் படிக்கும், இந்திய மாணவர்களுக்கும், நீட் தேர்வு தேர்ச்சி கட்டாயம் ஆகியுள்ளது. இதற்கான உத்தரவை, இந்திய மருத்துவ கவுன்சிலின் நிர்வாக குழு பிறப்பித்துள்ளது.

இந்த உத்தரவின்படி, மத்திய அரசின், வெளிநாட்டு மருத்துவ படிப்புக்கான சட்டத்திலும் திருத்தம் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த கல்வி ஆண்டு முதல், நீட் தேர்ச்சி பெற்றவர்கள் மட்டுமே, மத்திய சுகாதார துறையில் தகுதி சான்றிதழ் பெற்று, வெளிநாடுகளுக்கு சென்று, மருத்துவம் படிக்கலாம்.

மருத்துவ படிப்பை முடித்து, இந்தியாவுக்கு வரும்போது, இந்திய மருத்துவ கவுன்சில் நடத்தும், சோதனை தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சி பெற வேண்டும் என்றும், அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
மருத்துவ மேற்படிப்புக்கு தேர்வானோர் பட்டியல் தாக்கலுக்கு ஐகோர்ட் உத்தரவு

Added : ஜூன் 08, 2019 00:37

சென்னை : முதுகலை மருத்துவ படிப்புக்கு தேர்வானவர்களின், முழு பட்டியலை தாக்கல் செய்ய, தமிழக அரசுக்கு, சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது.

சென்னையை சேர்ந்த, வழக்கறிஞர், டி.கே.சரவணன் தாக்கல் செய்த மனு: முதுகலை மருத்துவ படிப்புக்கான, விளக்க குறிப்பேட்டை, மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்குனர் வெளியிட்டுள்ளார். பயிற்சி முடித்த டாக்டர்கள், அரசு பணியில், ஐந்து ஆண்டுகள் இருக்க வேண்டும். அதற்காக, மருத்துவ படிப்பில் சேரும்போது, உத்தரவாதம் அளிக்க வேண்டும். முதுகலை மருத்துவ படிப்பில் சேர்வதற்கு, ௪௦ லட்சம் ரூபாய்க்கான உத்தரவாத ஆவணம், முதுகலை பட்டய படிப்பில் சேர்வதற்கு, ௨௦ லட்சம் ரூபாய்க்கான உத்தரவாத ஆவணம் செலுத்த வேண்டும். அதோடு, நிரந்தர அரசு ஊழியர்களிடம் இருந்தும், உத்தரவாதம் பெற்று, தாக்கல் செய்ய வேண்டும்.

இரு அரசு ஊழியர்களிடம் இருந்து, உத்தரவாதம் பெற வேண்டும் என்பது நியாயமற்றது. பொருளாதார ரீதியில் பின்தங்கிய மாணவர்களால், அரசு அதிகாரிகளை அணுகி, உத்தரவாதம் பெறுவது கடினம். அதனால், மாணவர்கள் சேர்க்கை ரத்தாகும் வாய்ப்பு உள்ளது. எனவே, நிரந்தர அரசு ஊழியர்களிடம் உத்தரவாதம் பெற வேண்டும் என்ற நிபந்தனைக்கு, தடை விதிக்க வேண்டும்; அதை, ரத்து செய்ய வேண்டும். இவ்வாறு, மனுவில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.

மனுவை விசாரித்த, நீதிபதிகள் மணிக்குமார், சுப்ரமணியம் பிரசாத் அடங்கிய, 'டிவிஷன் பெஞ்ச்' பிறப்பித்த இடைக்கால உத்தரவு: முதுகலை மருத்துவ படிப்புக்கு தேர்வானவர்களின் முழு பட்டியலையும், தாக்கல் செய்ய வேண்டும். தேர்வை சிறப்பாக எழுதியும், உத்தரவாதம் அளிக்க முடியாததால், தகுதியானவர்கள் படிப்பை தொடர முடியாமல் உள்ளனரா என்பதை கண்டுபிடிக்க வேண்டும். எத்தனை வகுப்பில் காலியிடங்கள் உள்ளன என்ற விபரங்களையும், தாக்கல் செய்ய வேண்டும். இவ்வாறு, டிவிஷன் பெஞ்ச் உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது. விசாரணையை, வரும், 10ம் தேதிக்கு தள்ளி வைத்துள்ளது.
Read more at Education Medical Dialogues: Chintpurni Medical College denied permission for 150 MBBS seats: MCI gives Point by Point Disapproval 

Read more at Education Medical Dialogues: CENTAC Invites Applications for MBBS, BDS, BAMS courses, APPLY NOW 

Read more at Medical Dialogues: Horrific: Dissatisfied with skin treatment, patient kills wife of Dermatologist 

Read more at Medical Dialogues: MBBS Student Death: AIIMS New Delhi directed to pay Rs 50 lakh compensation 

Passport Renewal Cannot Be Denied Citing Criminal Case If There Is Permission From Court : Delhi HC [Read Judgment]

Passport Renewal Cannot Be Denied Citing Criminal Case If There Is Permission From Court : Delhi HC [Read Judgment]: Holding that the rigours of provisions of the Passport Act which restrict from issuance/ renewal of passport to persons facing criminal prosecution stand relaxed by a notification issued by the...
TN’s longest flyover opens for traffic in Salem after 3 years

Inaugurating bridge, CM says GEC project will be completed with public support

Published: 08th June 2019 04:25 AM 

Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami inspecting the remaining works for the flyover in Salem on Friday | Express

By Express News Service

SALEM: Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami inaugurated the State’s longest flyover in Salem city on Friday. Built between Ramakrishna Road and AVR Roundana, the flyover measures 2.5 km. It has taken three years and Rs 441 crore for completing the construction. This is part of the two-tier flyover project planned to reduce traffic congestion in areas such as Five Roads, New Bus Stand, Four Roads, Alagapuram Main Road, Saradha College Road and at Swarnapuri.

A part of the flyover – connecting  Ramakrishna Road and AVR Roundana –in Salem which was inaugurated byChief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami
on Friday | Express

The second tier – running nearly perpendicular to this one and connecting Kuranguchavadi with Anna Park – is still under construction. It was the former Chief Minister late J Jayalalithaa who had laid the foundation stone for the project in February 2016.

Speaking at the inaugural event, Palaniswami pointed out that it is only Salem that gets flyovers whenever required. While work on a few projects has been delayed due to problems in land acquisition, the government has already inaugurated flyovers at Thiruvagoundanoor, AVR Roundana- Kuranguchavadi and Steel Plant Junction. Those constructed at Mettur Ellis Park and Narasingapuram Appamma Samuthram, at the cost of Rs 5.15 crore, will also be open for public use soon, he detailed.

Meanwhile, flyover work is being carried out at Govindampalayam near Thalaivasal at a cost of  Rs 6.2 crore. Flyovers are also being constructed at Tholasampatti, Narimedu near Konganapuram, Jalakandapuram, Chinnappampatti, Vellalapuram, Akkaraipatti, Muthunaickenpatti, Goundaneri, at Ariyanoor Pirivu Road, Erumaikaran Valaivu near Tharamangalam, and at Kandampatti bypass. More will be constructed soon at Muthunaickenpatti, Tholasampatti, Kallipatti, Vazhapadi and Omalur, he said.

Railway overbridges have been planned at Manalmedu (Rs 50.15 crores), Mulluvadi Gate (`83 crores) and Leigh Bazaar (`46.35 crores), he said. While work at Leigh Bazaar has been stalled due to land acquisition issues, these overbridges will be constructed soon, he assured.

‘Govt will pacify landowners’

Speaking about other projects, the Chief Minister said that the Central government has decided to convert the four-lane Salem-Chengapalli (Coimbatore) highway into an eight-lane road. This is an effort to get the highways – built 15-20 years ago – to keep up with the increased vehicle population. This is why Salem-Chennai eight-lane expressway is being constructed, he pointed out. The government will speak to landowners and pacify them; the State and Central government will fulfil the project with their support, he assured.

Stating that this is Central government project and not one for Edappadi Palaniswami, the Chief Minister said that they would not resort to ‘land grabbing’ for the project. After all, these road projects are being done to reduce accidents, fuel consumption and travel time, Palaniswami said.

Tamil Nadu is in the forefront of infrastructure and road development, he remarked. With Salem district making great strides in development, the government is taking the necessary steps to create employment opportunities for the youth, he said. The Chief Minister pointed out that Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had already said a defence industrial corridor will be created in Salem. While it is a Central government project, the State government will act quickly to ensure it is established at the earliest for the benefit of the youth, he assured.

Defence corridor

The CM pointed out that Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had said a defence industrial corridor would be set up in Salem. The State would extend all help to realise it, he said
Anna University V-C denies favouring 92 pvt colleges

However, the university Vice-Chancellor MK Surappa said the allegations are baseless.

Published: 08th June 2019 03:42 AM

By Binita Jaiswal

Express News Service

CHENNAI: President of Private Educational Institutions Employees Association, KM Karthik, on Friday filed a complaint with the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) alleging that the Anna university officials have intentionally concealed names of 92 private engineering colleges, which have been asked to reduce their seats after the varsity’s inspection team found lacunae in faculty and infrastructure.

However, the university Vice-Chancellor MK Surappa said the allegations are baseless. Karthik said he filed an RTI application with the university on May 16 seeking information about the 92 colleges. However, he received no response. Hence, he approached the DVAC. He said he made the request to the university so that students will get a fair chance to select a good college and avoid these institutions. “It is evident that there is a nexus between the university and authorities of the above-mentioned college authorities. The DVAC should thoroughly probe the reasons for concealment of the names of the colleges,” he said.

However, Surappa, who vehemently denied the allegations said, “After our inspection team found lack of infrastructure in the 92 colleges, we reduced their intake capacity and have accordingly informed TNEA committee about it. Students will not suffer in any way as the colleges cannot make admissions beyond the seats permitted to them. There is no nexus. Neither we have shown any kind of favour to them.”

On making the names of the colleges public he said “It is an administrative decision and we have to consult all stakeholders regarding that.”
Submit parents’ papers to prove nativity: TN to med aspirants

To prevent admission of students with dual nativity in MBBS and BDS courses this year, the Directorate of Medical Education’s Selection Committee has tightened the rules.

Published: 08th June 2019 03:41 AM |

Express News Service

CHENNAI: To prevent admission of students with dual nativity in MBBS and BDS courses this year, the Directorate of Medical Education’s Selection Committee has tightened the rules. Now to establish they are natives of the state, students will have to produce birth certificates, ration cards and qualification certificates of their parents as well. The move comes in the wake of controversy, in recent years, over many candidates, non-natives of Tamil Nadu, applying for courses here.

“Even candidates who are natives of Tamil Nadu have to produce their parent’s birth certificate, ration card and qualification certificate, to seek admission to MBBS and BDS courses in the State,” the Selection Committee said in its prospectus for admission to MBBS and BDS courses in Tamil Nadu. The prospectus was posted online on Friday.

The Selection Committee said, “The candidates should produce true copies of their parent’s certificates such as Birth Certificate, Ration Card, SSLC /10th/ 12th/ degree/diploma/professional course. In case parents are not literate, then ‘no graduation’ certificate for parents should be obtained from the Revenue Authority, to substantiate the parent’s place of birth in Tamil Nadu.”

It further added, “If the candidates do not submit the above-mentioned certificates, then they will be considered under Open Category only.”

The Selection Committee also introduced a new clause stipulating that candidates who are natives of Tamil Nadu but studied from Class 6 to 12 outside the State should also produce the true copies of the above mentioned certificates. The ‘dual nativity’ issue marred the 2017-18 admissions and several such applications were received during 2018-19 as well.

“This is to prevent dual nativity admissions. Last year, we received over 100 dual nativity applications and had to answer to the courts. Hence, this year we made the rules more stringent,” a senior official said.
Transfer a condition of service, observes Madras HC

Says govt staff can’t demand work in particular posting or place, petitions against transfers must not be entertained

Published: 08th June 2019 04:29 AM 

Madras High Court 

By Express News Service

MADURAI: Observing that transfer is a condition of service and that government employees cannot demand work in a particular posting or place, the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court stated that the Court should restrain from entertaining petitions challenging administrative transfer orders.

Justice S M Subramaniam made the observation while dismissing a petition filed by a library assistant from Theni, who was transferred to Chennai in the office of Director of Public Libraries for administrative reasons but obtained a stay against the same and continued in the same post for more than eight years.
He further directed the government to transfer the petitioner within four weeks.

The judge opined, “Transfer is incidental to service, more so a condition of service. Any post or place can never be claimed as a matter of choice by the employee. High Court should exercise restraint from entertaining the writ petitions filed challenging the administrative orders of transfer.”

‘Adhere to circular’

Pointing out an order passed by the Principal Seat in September 2018 to avoid pendency of cases, directing the Registrar General of the Court to implement Rule 3A of the Rules to Regulate Proceedings and the subsequent circular issued by the Registrar General to the High Court Bench, the judge noted that no effective steps have been taken by the Registry of the HC Bench to implement the same. If this persists, the confidence in the minds of the litigants regarding the judicial functions would be shaken, the judge stated and directed the Registry to adhere to the order.
Nine courses offered by medical varsity declared illegal by HC

Moreover, medical qualifications obtained so would not be recognised under the Act, he pointed out.

Published: 08th June 2019 04:39 AM |

Madras high court 

By Express News Service

MADURAI: The Madras High Court has declared nine unapproved courses offered by the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R. Medical University as illegal and imposed a cost of Rs 5 lakh on the university, payable to the School Education Department for infrastructure development in government schools.

Justice S S Sundar passed the order while allowing a petition filed by the Doctors Welfare Association of Tamil Nadu in 2018, seeking direction to declare the courses as illegal on charges that they were not approved by the Central government or Medical Council of India (MCI).

The judge observed that Section 10A and 11 of Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, read with Section 33 of the Act and the Post Graduate Medical Regulations, 2000, would show that unless a person gets permission from the Central Government for starting a medical course, no admission can be made in any medical course in the country.

Moreover, medical qualifications obtained so would not be recognised under the Act, he pointed out.

He noted that despite the judgments passed by the Court reiterating the above fact, in which the university had also been a party, the university, under the guise of a decision taken by a governing council comprising eminent members, had issued the impugned advertisement in utter disregard for the Court’s directions.

“Public will be misled to believe such unrecognized diploma holders as experts,” the judge stated and allowed the petition by imposing a cost of `5 lakh on the university to be paid to the Secretary of the School Education Department, with directions to the Secretary to utilise the amount to provide infrastructure or facilities to needy government schools in the State.
Centre of Excellence In Accident And Emergency Medicine


Chettinad Health City was pioneered by the Chettinad Group of Institutions in 2005 with a vision to promote healthcare, education and research. Located 30kms away from Chennai, South India, in a plush green campus of over 1.2 million sq. feet, it houses several medical sciences colleges, research institutions and a world renowned Super-Speciality hospital.

Chettinad Super Speciality Hospital is a centre of excellence providing quaternary care in various specialities at tertiary care prices. Ranked fourth in Chennai in the Times All India Multi speciality Hospital Ranking Survey, May 2019, the hospital constantly strives to achieve optimum patient satisfaction. The hospital also attracts a large number of people from overseas for medical tourism purposes.


Introduced as part of the super-speciality hospital in 2005, the Emergency and Trauma Care (ETC) department has seen a constant inflow of over half a million emergency patients since inception. Well air-conditioned, sterile and designed to maximize comfort and privacy, this multiple bedded department aims to promote a sense of comfort and wellbeing.

Being an epitome of hope and life to most patients, the ETC team has been instrumental in conducting emergency, life-saving procedures on a day to day basis. As pioneers of emergency care services in India, the emergency care centre at Chettinad guarantees the highest level of skill, expertise and infrastructure.

The ETC department consists of a core-team of highly experienced, internationally trained emergency physicians, speciality consultants and nursing staff who are ably supported around the clock by a team of trustworthy managers, approachable PROs, and other empathetic support staff. The ETC team not only focuses on stabilizing a patient but also on empowering the patient and the patient relatives from the time of admission to the time of discharge.


24 hour Emergency and Trauma Care

Designed to respond quicker

Proven outcomes that are on par with the very best in the world

Multi-speciality prowess to deliver crucial edge in emergency care


The ETC is well equipped with modern technology and the latest biomedical innovations to provide a high calibre of diagnostic and treatment procedures. Bed side X Rays, Fast scans, emergency tracheostomy, central line insertions and intraosseous lines, nasal and oral intubations, laryngeal mask airway, non-invasive ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure are done. Minor ortho procedures like plaster of Paris cast/slab, closed reduction and internal fixation for undisplaced fractures and joint dislocations are also done by trained professionals in the emergency care department.


The ETC consists of perpetually available surgical and medical speciality teams which a readily available such as Neurosurgery, Cardiology, CTVS (cardio thoracic vascular surgery), Medical and Surgical gastroenterology, Urology, Liver/Renal transplant, Nephrology, Vascular surgery, Maxillofacial and Plastic surgery with several aseptically maintained operation theatres for emergency surgical procedures such as craniotomy, PTCA (Percutaneous Transluminal echo, Hand Doppler, ECG, ABG etc. are performed by professionals with utmost care and precision.

Highly precise and critical lifesaving, surgical and medical procedures such as Thrombolysis within the standard window period for brain stroke and myo-Coronary Angioplasty), 24 hours emergency and elective Dialysis , Aneurysmal clipping, facial reconstruction surgeries etc.

Minor Plastic surgery procedures like suturcardial infarction, ICD (Inter-Costal Drainage) in pneumothorax, haemothorax and massive pleural effusions, cervical traction in c-spine injuries, pleural tapping, suprapubic cystotomy, ing in case of facial lacerations, minor vascular injuries, hand and foot injuries are done. Other emergencies like crush injury, tendon injury, partial and complete amputation of fingers and toes are taken up promptly to surgery after initial assessment and care in the emergency department.

Surgical emergencies like acute intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, perforation peritonitis, obstructed hernia, acute appendicitis, compartment syndrome are taken up immediately for surgery after initial stabilization. Other procedures include Endoscopic banding or sclerotherapy, done for upper gastrointestinal variceal bleeding after initial resuscitation in the ETC.


The ETC team can be commended for successfully reverting numerous patients who come in without a pulse on a daily basis. Advanced cardiac life support protocols are adhered to in all emergencies, providing the best results in these patients.

Chennai’s most eminent Liver clinic- ‘The Chettinad Institute of Liver Sciences’ conducts successful liver transplants as a lifesaving procedure. This team works closely with the ETC team in treating patients with acute Liver failure as in Rat killer poisoning, Paracetamol overdose, chronic liver failures and other emergencies.

Cross matching, donor harvesting and other transplant related procedures are done in house. Donor organs harvested from several medical institutions are obtained via tie-ups and a recipient registry is maintained to give priority to all patients.

ETC is also ably aided by round the clock Radiology department (which offers all types of MRI, CT, Doppler, Ultrasound etc.), lab services and blood bank providing blood for emergency blood transfusion.


The ETC team ensues ambulances are well placed logistically in several locations in and around Chennai and Kancheepuram to address emergency pickups. These ambulances are fitted with latest biomedical equipment and well trained staff to provide optimum, emergency first aid and care for patients who are picked up.

True to the fact that medical emergencies can be financially a strain on many, the billing, insurance and financial departments make sure the whole payment process is smooth and not cumbersome. A variety of insurance company tie ups are present and CM scheme coverage is available for various surgical procedures.

Emergency doctors and nursing staff are available by the bed side for all patients and utmost care and comfort is given to everyone. This team constantly strives to achieve effective communication with the patients or patient attenders in all aspects such as diagnosis, treatment planning, prognosis and billing including surplus support that is given in terms of counseling and emotional support.

Above all, stepping into an Emergency and Trauma Care Unit can be a very alarming and stressful situation for anyone. Keeping this in mind, the entire team at Chettinad ETC aim to make the whole experience pleasant for those who come with an emergency medical situation. The vision of the ETC team is to assure that everyone receives globally benchmarked medical assistance. The team therefore functions with utmost care, empathy, kindness, precision and skill to make sure that every patient who walks into the department with pain and worry leave with a smile and in perfect health.

For more details, contact: Chettinad Super Speciality Hospital Chettinad Healthcity campus Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Kelambakkam,Chennai Kanchipuram Dist, TN-603103 For appointments: +91 95519 00900, 24 hours helpline: +91 98414 05000;


The management and ETC team coordinate to track important metrics to ensure that the care process is smooth and efficient every single time. This is done by:

Ensuring door to triage happens in less than 5 minutes of arrival

Access to all specialist consultants within the first five minutes of triaging

Door to Cath lab time in 20 mins in case of strokes or heart attacks, etc
Bad sleep quality affects your blood pressure

08.06.2019  TOI

We’ve all heard the adage, ‘early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’ And while we know the benefits of a good night’s sleep, people hardly know how sleep deprivation harms the human body. According to a new study, a bad night’s sleep may result in an increase in the blood pressure that night and the following day.

The study offered one possible explanation for why sleep problems have been shown to increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and even death from cardiovascular disease. Researchers carried out a study conducted on 300 men and women, ages 21 to 70, with no history of heart problems. Participants wore portable blood pressure cuffs for two consecutive days. The cuffs randomly took participants’ blood pressure during 45-minute intervals throughout each day and also overnight.

At night, participants wore actigraphy monitors — wristwatch-like devices that measure movement — to help determine their sleep efficiency or the amount of time in bed spent sleeping soundly. Overall, those who had lower sleep efficiency showed an increase in blood pressure during that restless night. They also had higher systolic blood pressure — the top number in a patient’s blood pressure reading — the next day.

The latest findings may be an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding the pathway through which sleep impacts overall cardiovascular health.

“Blood pressure is one of the best predictors of cardiovascular health. There is a lot of literature out there that shows sleep has some kind of impact on mortality and on cardiovascular disease. We wanted to see if we could try to get a piece of that story — how sleep might be impacting disease through blood pressure,” said lead study author Caroline Doyle.

The study reinforced just how important a good night’s sleep can be. It’s not just the amount of time you spend in bed, but the quality of sleep you’re getting. Improving sleep quality can start with making simple changes and being proactive.

“Keep the phone in a different room. If your bedroom window faces the east, pull the shades. For anything that’s going to cause you to waken, think ahead about what you can do to mitigate those effects,” said study coauthor John Ruiz.

For those with chronic sleep troubles, Doyle advocated cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, or CBTI, which focuses on making behavioural changes to improve sleep health. — ANI

In a first, MBBS, BDS admissions in TN go online



For the first time, directorate of medical education has called for online registration of application for admissions to MBBS and BDS courses under state quota in government colleges and self-financing medical colleges affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University.

The link for online registrations has been available on the state health department website (http:// and state selection committee website ( since Friday morning. By evening, 12,584 applications were downloaded and 7,741 candidates have made final submissions, according to the state selection committee secretary G Selvarajan.

Although submissions can be made online, students will have to send the hard copy of the application along with attachments for verification of documents.

“We tried to have the counselling completely online but we decided to go offline this year because we need to do the verification of documents such as nativity,” said health minister C Vijaya Baskar.

The state is also yet to decide on the implementation of quota for economically weaker section. “We may get additional seats if we implement it, but we have not decided anything on its implementation,” he said.

The state has 23 government medical colleges offering 3,250 seats this year. State managed colleges such as Raja Muthiah Medical College IRT, Perundurai and ESIC college in KK Nagar will have 350 seats, besides about 15 self-financing medical colleges.

CMC Vellore exempt from the rules
Only 12 Seats Offered For Open List



The Tamil Nadu health department has accorded special status to Christian Medical College Vellore in the MBBS admission process for the coming academic year.

Besides marking the 100 MBBS seats in the college as a special category, the prospectus has said that “the allotment of MBBS seats at CMC is according to the rules and regulation of CMC”.

Counselling for all other self-financing colleges affiliated to the state medical university is done under single window counselling. The colleges surrender 35%-50% of the seats for admission under government quota and the students are admitted to the remaining seats under management quota.

The state follows the NEET-based rank list and applies 69% reservation. CMC Vellore has been exempted from the process this year.

The government prospectus for management quota says, “For admission to MBBS/ BDS courses under management quota including NRI seats in self-financing medical/ dental colleges in Tamil Nadu and Christian Medical College, Vellore.”

State selection secretary Dr G Selvarajan said the state had decided to make a clear demarcation this year as there was chaos and arguments during counselling last year. In 2017, the century-old college took part in the single-window counselling and admitted only one student to the MBBS course.

In 2018, during counselling, all 100 seats in the college were declared management quota seats.

“In 2019, the college will admit 12 meritorious students under the open category. Two seats will be reserved for students from scheduled caste and one for a student from the scheduled tribe. One seat will be a central government quota. In addition, 10 seats will be reserved for children of staff members of CMC Vellore,” he said.

For the remaining 74 seats, admissions will be given based on a recommendation from the missionaries attached to the institution across the country.

A senior official from CMC Vellore said that the Madras high court had directed the state not to ask private institutions to surrender seats. “We take the recommendations of the missionaries because our students serve in rural areas,” the official said.

Parents of several students in the top 1,200 ranks told TOI that they were disappointed for the second year in a row. Students say they would opt for CMC Vellore as the college charged low fees compared to most self-financing colleges. “It was on top of the list of choices as the college has good clinical material, faculty and library. But with just 12 seats, even a score above 625 in NEET is not adequate,” said Ramesh R, a parent.

While the fee structure for all self-financing colleges is fixed by the state fee fixation committee constituted by the government, fee structure for CMC will be adopted as fixed by the institution, it said. There is no fee mentioned against the government quota. Fee for management quota is ₹48,530.

“Any change in the fee will be intimated on the official website,” it said. Fee for other colleges in the management quota is ₹12.5 lakh.

Health minister C Vijayabaskar said that the state government would do its best to get the government quota seats from CMC Vellore. “We will do our best to sort this out before counselling,” he said.

In 2017, the century-old college took part in the single-window counselling and admitted only one student to MBBS course. In 2018, during counselling, all 100 seats in the college were declared management quota seats

Friday, June 7, 2019

Sympathy can never be allowed to substitute Justice, Delhi High Court Aditi Singh June 5 2019 


 In a recent judgment, the Delhi High Court stated that sympathy would not persuade it to grant justice that would fly in the face of statutory provisions.

“Sympathy can never be allowed to substitute justice”, the Court said.

The observations were recorded in a judgment passed by a Single Judge Bench of Justice C Hari Shankar in a petition filed by a student suffering from an ailment known as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.

The petitioner sought a direction to the Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) to issue an admit card in his name for the upcoming examinations. He had taken admission in the B.Com (Hons) Course at an institute affiliated to GGSIPU. Despite suffering from the ailment, the petitioner successfully cleared the examinations in the first three semesters of the course.

However, owing to the fact that the he had attended only 21% of the classes in the fourth semester, the GGSIPU refused to issue him an admit card for the upcoming examinations.

The petitioner had approached the GGSIPU with a request that his case be treated as a special case, in view of his long-standing medical history. After the request was not entertained, the petitioner moved the Delhi High Court.

The Court noted that the writ petition itself admitted that as per Clause 9.1 of the Ordinance governing the GGSIPU, a student was required to attend 75 percent classes in order to be eligible to appear in the end semester examination. The Ordinance permitted relaxation of only up to 5 percent, with the express stipulation that a student who has aggregate attendance of less than 70 percent in a semester shall not be allowed to give the end semester examination.

Further, as per Clause 9.2, a student detained for shortage of attendance was mandated to take re-admission in the semester for which his attendance fell short. Such a student would have to repeat all papers of the said semester. The University argued that this was the only course of action available to the petitioner.

The Court observed that the petitioner’s claim effectively rested “solely on the ground of sympathy”.

Relying on the Supreme Court’s decision in Ashok Kumar Thakur v. University of H.P, it was recorded that a Court cannot direct or compel an authority to do something which is beyond its legal competence.

The Court observed that although certain prescriptions and discharge summaries were submitted, there was no prescription or documents which would explain the petitioner’s shortage of attendance in the 4th semester of his B.Com (Hons) course, which commenced in January 2019.

In any event, the Court said, it was not possible for it to issue any mandamus to GGSIPU in direct contravention of Clauses 9.1 and 9.2 of the Ordinance.

“This Court regrets, therefore, that it is unable to offer any succour to the petitioner, though it sympathises with his condition.

Sympathy must always inform and temper, but can never be allowed to substitute, justice.”

The writ petition was thus dismissed in limine without any costs.

The petitioner was represented by Advocates Subodh K Pathak, Shashi Ranjan and Adil.

The University was represented by Advocate Jasbir Bidhuri.
Delhi High Court acquits person convicted in 2002 for demanding Rs 250 bribe Aditi Singh June 7 2019

The Delhi High Court recently acquitted a person who was convicted in 2002 for demanding a bribe of Rs. 250.

The judgment was passed by a Single Judge Bench of Justice RK Gauba in an appeal preferred by one Jagan Nath, who was working with the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) as munshi of a cattle pound in Malviya Nagar.

The complainant in the case, Jeet Ram, had alleged that in July 1991, the appellant had demanded Rs 250 as illegal gratification for the release of his cow, which was taken and kept at the appellant’s cattle pound. Thereafter, an FIR was registered by the CBI and a trap was laid which involved two independent witnesses.

As per the prosecution’s case, during the trap, the appellant reiterated the demand for the bribe and accepted the bribe money in the form of two currency notes of Rs 100 each and one currency note of Rs 50 denomination. The amount was recovered from the inner pocket of his trousers.

The Court was further informed that the currency notes in question had been treated with phenolphthalein powder in the pre-trap preparatory proceedings.

Upon analysis by the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL), the hands and inner trouser pocket of the appellant gave a positive test for the presence of phenolphthalein powder, which corroborated the acceptance of bribe money.

The trial court thereafter held the appellant guilty as charged based on the evidence gathered during the course of the investigation.

The appellant was convicted for offences under Sections 7 and 13 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for one year with a fine of Rs 250. He was subsequently released on bail, and the sentence was suspended.

After analysing the case, the High Court observed that the complainant “majorly contradicted” his own complaint while deposing before the trial court. Since the complainant denied meeting the appellant the first time when the demand for a bribe was made, the Court stated that the “very foundation of the case leading to the trap” was turned on its head.

The Court further noted that the shadow witness sent by the CBI “would not talk” of the nature of money which was asked by the appellant. In fact, he did not speak of any conversation about the demand of bribe or money other than the legal charges being asked for, the Court said.

The Court stated that the duties of the appellant were to look after the cattle brought to the pound by other municipal staff and to release them upon municipal charges being deposited.

In this light, the Court recorded that the evidence on record, as noted in the judgment, showed that the amount of Rs 250 was not the only money which was recovered from the appellant.

During the appellant’s personal search, an amount of Rs. 2,978 – which represented the municipal charges collected by him as part of his official duties – was also recovered.

The Court observed that there was “a whole a lot of confusion” as to whether the three currency notes amounting to Rs. 250 were recovered along with Rs. 2978 or separately. It further observed that the shadow witness was also not clear about the recovery of the money during the personal search.

“It appears unnatural that the first search would reveal possession of only the bribe money and after such recovery had been effected, the personal search (for the purpose of arrest) would bring out larger amount of money. The sequence of events, as set out in the prosecution case, evoke uneasy feeling as to its credibility, particularly when two crucial witnesses mentioned above are not very sure about the two separate recoveries. This discrepancy is of import as the larger money concededly represented official collections.”

The Court further stated that the trial judge seemed to have proceeded on the assumption that the detention of the cow itself was illegal. Thus, the appellant could not be held responsible for the act, as the municipal official who had brought the cow to the cattle pound for detention would be accountable. However, no effort was made to investigate the case from this perspective, the Court recorded.

Given the facts and circumstances, the Delhi High Court concluded that the possibility that the money demanded by the appellant, as spoken about by the shadow witness, was the municipal charges, could not be ruled out.

Therefore, giving the appellant the benefit of the doubt, the Court set aside the judgment and acquitted the appellant.

The appellant was represented by Advocates Sumer Sethi and Dolly Sharma.

CBI was represented by SPP Nikhil Goel with Advocates Aniruddha Deshmukh and Dushyant Sarna.

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