Saturday, February 20, 2021

AC bus services back, but not for elderly

AC bus services back, but not for elderly



Tamil Nadu government has allowed all state transport undertakings and private bus operators to resume air conditioned bus services. AC bus services were suspended in March 2020, when the nation-wide lockdown to combat Covid-19 was first announced. A government order issued by state chief secretary Rajeev Ranjan on Thursday, however, asked operators to not allow citizens aged above 65 years and those with comorbidities to travel in AC buses.

State transport corporations had suffered financial losses as they did not operate the 702 AC buses they collectively own.

Private bus operators, who transport employees to workplaces and students to schools and colleges, had also urged that the state government revoke orders restricting AC bus services.

Given the decline in the number of Covid-19 cases in recent days, the state has finally allowed resumption of AC services. Bus operators have, however, been strictly told to follow all standard operating procedures, including maintaining the temperature inside buses between 24°C and 30°C and to encourage fresh air circulation as much as possible.

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