Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Med students cite exams, refuse inoculation for now

Med students cite exams, refuse inoculation for now

Bengaluru: 10.02.2021 

With first -year MBBS examinations underway, several medicos are refusing to take the vaccine jab, say nodal officers overseeing the drive-in medical colleges.

Over the past 10 days, internal assessments and practical classes were being held and several students had voiced concerns about taking the jab during the first two weeks of the drive which began on January 16. Colleges reopened for on-campus classes for MBBS students only on December 1.

Professors at Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences in Ballari and Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences say parents of students are concerned about them taking the vaccine during exams.

“Internal assessments were going on for first year students and now they have exams proper. For second and third year students too, internal assessments have been scheduled in the coming weeks. While some students have already taken the vaccine, others have concerns,” said professors.

RGUHS vice-chancellor S Sacchidanand said he was not aware students are concerned about taking the vaccine and are citing exams as the reason. He insisted they not have such apprehensions. “However, provisions should be made for all medical students who have not got vaccinated for whatever reason,” he said.

However, there is no data available as yet on how many RGUHS students have taken the vaccine or the number who have refused the jab.

Dr PG Girish, directorate of medical education, said not only medical college students but also dental and nursing students have raised similar concerns and have avoided taking the vaccine.

“About 30% of students have such apprehensions. We will allow registered medical, nursing and dental students who have missed their vaccination to get it later. They all need to be inoculated to enhance total vaccination coverage,” said Dr Girish.

Over the past 10 days, internal assessments and practical classes were being held and many pupils did not want to take the jab

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