Friday, September 27, 2019

உதித்சூர்யா, டாக்டர் தந்தை கைது சிக்குகிறார் பயிற்சி மைய தரகர்

Updated : செப் 27, 2019 00:17 

தேனி,: 'நீட்' தேர்வு ஆள்மாறாட்ட வழக்கில் தலைமறைவாகி திருப்பதியில் சிக்கிய மாணவர் உதித்சூர்யா, தந்தை டாக்டர் வெங்கடேசன், தாயார் கயல்விழி ஆகியோர் தேனிக்கு அழைத்து வரப்பட்டனர்.

ஒப்புதல் வாக்குமூலத்தின்படி உதித்சூர்யா, டாக்டர் வெங்கடேசன் கைது செய்யப்பட்டனர்.

ஆள்மாறாட்டம் செய்ய பயிற்சி மையம் ஒன்று சென்னை தரகர் மூலமாக ரூ.20 லட்சம் வாங்கியது குறித்து விசாரணை தீவிரம் அடைந்துள்ளது.சென்னை ஸ்டான்லி அரசு மருத்துவமனை டாக்டர் வெங்கடேசன் மகன் உதித்சூர்யா 21. தேனி அரசு மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரியில் கடந்த மாதம் எம்.பி.பி.எஸ்., சேர்ந்தார்.

'நீட்' தேர்வில் ஆள்மாறாட்டம் செய்து 'சீட்' பெற்றதாக எழுந்த புகாரில் விசாரணை நடந்தது. புகார் உறுதி செய்யப்பட்டதால், மன உளைச்சலால் படிப்பை தொடர இயலாது' என முதல்வரிடம் கடிதம் தந்து விட்டு உதித்சூர்யா தலைமறைவானார். தேனி போலீசார் வழக்குப்பதிந்த நிலையில், சில நாட்களுக்கு முன் சி.பி.சி.ஐ.டி., விசாரணைக்கு மாற்றப்பட்டது.

சிக்கிய நண்பர்

இந்நிலையில் டாக்டர் வெங்கடேசன், குடும்பத்தினருடன் தலைமறைவானார். அவரது அலைபேசி அழைப்புகளை தேனி தனிப்படை போலீசார் கண்காணித்தனர்.அவரது நண்பர் புகழேந்தி அடிக்கடி தொடர்பு கொண்டார். எஸ்.ஐ.,க்கள் சுல்தான் பாட்ஷா, துரைராஜ் தலைமையிலான போலீசார் அவரை பிடித்தனர். வெங்கடேசன் குடும்பத்தினர் ஆந்திராவின் திருப்பதியில் இருப்பது புகழேந்தி மூலம் தெரிந்தது.

அங்கு சென்ற போலீசார் பஸ் ஸ்டாண்டில் நின்றிருந்த வெங்கடேசன், மனைவி கயல்விழி, உதித்சூர்யாவை பிடித்தனர்.நேற்று முன்தினம் இரவு 1:32 மணிக்கு தேனி போலீஸ் ஸ்டேஷன் அழைத்து வந்தனர். 1:45 மணிக்கு சமதர்மபுரத்தில் உள்ள சி.பி.சி.ஐ.டி., அலுவலகத்தில் டி.எஸ்.பி., காட்வின் ஜெகதீஷ், இன்ஸ்பெக்டர் சித்ராதேவியிடம் உதித்சூர்யா, பெற்றோரை ஒப்படைத்தனர். துவக்கத்தில் விசாரித்த இன்ஸ்பெக்டர் உஷாராணி, வழக்கு ஆவணங்களை சி.பி.சி.ஐ.டி.,யிடம் ஒப்படைத்தார்.
முதல்வரிடம் விசாரணை

நேற்று காலை தேனி மருத்துவக்கல்லுாரி முதல்வர் ராஜேந்திரன், துணை முதல்வர் எழிலரசன் சி.பி.சி.ஐ.டி., அலுவலகம் வந்தனர். அவர்களிடம் 4 மணி நேரத்திற்கும் மேலாக விசாரணை நடத்தினர். பின் சி.பி.சி.ஐ.டி., எஸ்.பி., விஜயகுமார், டி.எஸ்.பி., காட்வின் ஜெகதீஷ், இன்ஸ்பெக்டர் சித்ராதேவி ஆகியோர் மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரியில் கண்காணிப்பு கேமரா பதிவுகள், முதல்வர் அறை, மாணவர் சேர்க்கை நடந்த அறைகளை ஆய்வுசெய்தனர். பின் உதித்சூர்யா, பெற்றோரிடமும் விசாரணை நடந்தது.பின் உதித்சூர்யா, வெங்கடேசனை கைது செய்து தேனி மாஜிஸ்திரேட் பன்னீர்செல்வத்தின் முன் இன்ஸ்பெக்டர் சேகர் தலைமையிலான போலீசார் ஆஜர்படுத்தினர்.

'தந்தையே காரணம்'

சி.பி.சி.ஐ.டி., போலீசார் கூறியதாவது:'எனக்கு எதுவும் தெரியாது. எல்லாம் என் தந்தையால் வந்த வினை' என உதித்சூர்யா கூறினார்.வி.ஏ.ஓ., குமரேசன் முன்னிலையில் டாக்டர் வெங்கடேசன் அளித்த வாக்குமூலத்தில், மகனை எம்.பி.பி.எஸ்., படிக்க வைக்க வேண்டும் என்ற ஆசையால் இந்த தவறை செய்துவிட்டோம்' என கூறினார்.கயல்விழி, 'மகனை குறுக்கு வழியில் மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரியில் சேர்த்திருப்பது தற்போது ஏற்பட்டுள்ள பிரச்னைகளால் தான் எனக்கு தெரிந்தது' என்றார்.

வாக்குமூலத்தின் படி உதித்சூர்யா, வெங்கடேசனை கைது செய்துள்ளோம். ஒரு பயிற்சி மையத்தினர் சென்னையைச் சேர்ந்த தரகர் வாயிலாக 20 லட்சம் ரூபாய் வாங்கி இந்த முறைகேட்டுக்கு வழிவகுத்தது தெரிந்தது. இது குறித்தும் விசாரிக்கிறோம்., என்றார்.

டி.எஸ்.பி., காட்வின் ஜெகதீஷ் கூறியதாவது:

ஒப்புதல் வாக்குமூலத்தின்படி கூட்டுச்சதி, மோசடி, ஆவணங்களை திருத்தி மோசடி ஆகிய பிரிவுகளில் இருவரையும் கைது செய்துள்ளோம். தாயார் கயல்விழியை வழக்கில் சேர்க்க வேண்டிய முகாந்திரம் இல்லை. விசாரணை முடியவில்லை. தொடர்ந்து விசாரித்து முடிவு எடுக்கப்படும். உதித்சூர்யாவுக்கு பதில் 'நீட்' தேர்வு எழுதியவரை விரைவில் கைது செய்வோம், என்றார்.

2017 - 18 முதல் ஆய்வு

இந்தாண்டு முதலாம் ஆண்டு சேர்ந்த மாணவர்கள் விபரம் எம்.ஜி.ஆர்., மருத்துவ பல்கலையில் இதுவரை பதிவு செய்யப் படவில்லை. மாணவர்களின் பதிவு நவம்பரில் தான் நடைபெறும். இதற்கு முன்பும், முறைகேடாக மாணவர்கள் சேர்ந்திருக்கலாம் என்ற சந்தேகம் எழுந்தால், மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்ககத்துடன் ஆலோசித்து 2017 - 18 முதல், மாணவர்களின் சான்றிதழ்களை ஆய்வு செய்ய நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும்.

சுதா சேஷய்யன், துணைவேந்தர், தமிழ்நாடு டாக்டர் எம்.ஜி.ஆர்., மருத்துவ பல்கலை.

கோவை மாணவர்களிடம் விசாரணை

தமிழகம் முழுவதும் அரசு மற்றும் தனியார் மருத்துவக் கல்லுாரிகளில் முதலாம் ஆண்டு மாணவர்களின் சான்றிதழ்களை ஆய்வு செய்ய மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்ககம் உத்தரவிட்டது.இதில் கோவை பி.எஸ்.ஜி. மருத்துவ கல்லுாரியில் காஞ்சிபுரத்தைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு மாணவர் தர்மபுரியைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு மாணவியின் புகைப்படம் வேறுபட்டு இருப்பது தெரிந்தது. இவர்கள் நீட் தேர்வில் முறையே 351 437 மதிப்பெண்கள்பெற்றுள்ளனர்.

இது தொடர்பாக மாணவர் மாணவி மற்றும் அவர்களின் பெற்றோரிடமும் கல்லுாரி நிர்வாகம் விசாரணை நடத்தியது. விசாரணை அறிக்கையை சென்னையில் உள்ள மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்ககத்துக்கு மின்னஞ்சல் வாயிலாக அனுப்பி வைத்துள்ளது. 'மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்குனர் முன் ஆஜராகி விளக்கம் அளித்து தடையில்லா சான்று பெற வேண்டும்' என இருவருக்கும் கல்லுாரி நிர்வாகம் உத்தரவிட்டது.

இதையடுத்து இருவரும் நேற்று சென்னை கீழ்ப்பாக்கத்தில் உள்ள மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்குனர் அலுவலகத்திற்கு வந்தனர். மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்குனர் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை செயலர் ஆகியோர் அரசு பணி காரணமாக டில்லிக்கு சென்றிருந்ததால் விசாரணை நடத்தப்படவில்லை. இன்று விசாரணைக்கு வருமாறு அவர்களை அதிகாரிகள் திருப்பி அனுப்பினர்.

மாணவர்களின் பெற்றோர் கூறுகையில்'பள்ளியில் படித்தபோது எடுக்கப்பட்ட புகைப்படத்தை நீட் தேர்வு 'ஹால் டிக்கெட்'டிற்கு கொடுத்து இருந்தோம். இதனால் புகைப்படம் வேறுபாடு உள்ளது. இது குறித்து மருத்துவ கல்வி இயக்குனரிடம் தெரிவிப்போம்' என்றனர்.
இன்று உலக சுற்றுலா தினம் சேலத்தில் கொண்டாட்டம்

Added : செப் 27, 2019 01:10

சென்னை தமிழக சுற்றுலாத்துறை சார்பில், உலக சுற்றுலா தினம், சேலத்தில் இன்று, பிரமாண்டமாக கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. ஐ.நா., சபை அறிவிப்பின்படி, 1970 முதல், செப்டம்பர், 27ல், உலக சுற்றுலா தினம் கொண்டாடப்பட்டு வருகிறது.சுற்றுலாத் துறையில் சிறந்து விளங்கும் தமிழகம், ஆண்டுதோறும், சுற்றுலா தினத்தை விமரிசையாக கொண்டாடி வருகிறது.கடந்த ஆண்டு, மதுரையில் சுற்றுலா தினம் கொண்டாடப்பட்டது. இந்தாண்டு சுற்றுலா தினம், சேலத்தில் இன்று கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. இதையொட்டி, சேலம் மாவட்டத்தின் சிறப்பை வெளிப்படுத்தும் வகையில், பொருட்காட்சிக்கு ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.இவற்றில், உணவு திருவிழா, சுற்றுலா -கலை விழா பேரணி, சிறப்பு கலைநிகழ்ச்சிகள் உள்ளிட்டவை நடத்தப்படுகின்றன. சேலம் மாவட்ட சுற்றுலா கையேட்டை வெளியிட்டு, முதல்வர், இ.பி.எஸ்., சிறப்புரையாற்ற உள்ளார்.
துப்புரவு பணிக்கு ஆள் எடுப்பு இன்ஜி., பட்டதாரிகள் பங்கேற்பு

Added : செப் 26, 2019 23:46

சென்னை : சட்டசபை வளாகத்தில் துப்புரவு பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பித்தவர்களின் சான்றிதழ் சரிபார்ப்புக்கு பொறியியல் பட்டதாரிகளும் பட்ட மேற்படிப்பு முடித்தவர்களும் வந்திருந்தனர்.சட்டசபை செயலகத்தில் காலியாக உள்ள 14 துப்புரவு பணியாளர் பணிக்கு பிப்ரவரி மாதம் விண்ணப்பங்கள் கோரப்பட்டன; 4607 பேர் விண்ணப்பித்தனர். இவர்களில் பெரும்பாலானோர் பட்டதாரிகள்.மேலும் எம்.டெக். - எம்.சி.ஏ. - எம்.காம். என பட்ட மேற்படிப்பு முடித்தவர்களும் விண்ணப்பித்தனர். வந்த விண்ணப்பங்களில் 677 நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டன; 3930 ஏற்கப்பட்டன.தகுதி பெற்ற விண்ணப்பதாரர்களின் சான்றிதழ்களை சரிபார்க்கும் பணி சட்டசபை வளாகத்தில் இரு நாட்களாக நடந்து வருகிறது. தினமும் 100 பேர் வீதம் சான்றிதழ் சரிபார்ப்புக்கு அழைக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளனர். இவர்களில் இளம்பெண்களும் உண்டு.சபாநாயகர் தனபால் சட்டசபை செயலர் சீனிவாசன் ஆகியோர் வெளிநாடு சென்றுள்ளதால் துணை செயலர்கள் சான்றிதழ்களை சரிபார்த்தனர்.பட்டதாரி இளைஞர் ஒருவர் கூறியதாவது:இளங்கலை பட்டம் பெற்றுள்ளேன். தனியார் நிறுவனத்தில் வேலைக்கு சென்றால் மாதம் 10 ஆயிரம் ரூபாய் சம்பளம் தருகின்றனர். அதுவும் நிரந்தரம் இல்லை. ஒப்பந்த அடிப்படையில் பணி செய்ய வேண்டி உள்ளது.துப்புரவு பணி என்றாலும் மாதம் 15 ஆயிரம் ரூபாய் சம்பளம் வரும்; பணியும் நிரந்தரம். இப்பணி கிடைத்தால் இதிலிருந்தபடியே வேறு பணிக்கு செல்லலாம் என்பதால் விண்ணப்பித்தேன். சான்றிதழ்களை சரிபார்த்த அதிகாரிகள் 'தேர்வு செய்யப்பட்டால் கடிதம் வரும்' என தெரிவித்தனர்.இவ்வாறு அவர் கூறினார்.
சித்தா படிப்பு கவுன்சிலிங் 400 இடங்கள் ஒதுக்கீடு

Added : செப் 26, 2019 23:43

சென்னை: சித்தா, ஆயுர்வேதம் உள்ளிட்ட இந்திய முறை மருத்துவ படிப்புகளுக்கான மாணவர் சேர்க்கை கவுன்சிலிங் நேற்று துவங்கியது. முதல் நாளில் 400க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் இடங்கள் ஒதுக்கீடு பெற்றனர்.
இந்திய முறை மருத்துவ படிப்புகளான சித்தா ஆயுர்வேதம் யுனானி ஓமியோபதி படிப்புகளுக்கு அரசு மற்றும் தனியார் மருத்துவ கல்லுாரிகளில் அரசு ஒதுக்கீட்டுக்கு 1038 இடங்கள் உள்ளன. இதற்கான தரவரிசை பட்டியலில் 1455 மாணவர்கள் இடம் பெற்றனர்.கவுன்சிலிங் சென்னை அரும்பாக்கம் சித்த மருத்துவமனை வளாகத்தில் நேற்று துவங்கியது. தரவரிசையில் முதல் 10 இடங்களை பெற்ற மாணவர்களுக்கு இந்திய மருத்துவம் மற்றும் ஓமியோபதி துறை இயக்குனர் கணேஷ் ஒதுக்கீடு ஆணைகளை வழங்கினார்.முதல் நாளில் சிறப்பு பிரிவினர் மற்றும் பொது பிரிவினர் என 400க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் இடங்கள் பெற்றனர்.அரசு ஒதுக்கீட்டு இடங்களுக்கான கவுன்சிலிங் 28ம் தேதி வரையும் நிர்வாக ஒதுக்கீட்டு இடங்களுக்கான கவுன்சிலிங் செப். 28,29ம் தேதிகளிலும் நடைபெற உள்ளன.

ஆதாருடன் 'பான்' இணைக்க 30ம் தேதி கடைசி நாள்

Updated : செப் 27, 2019 03:50 |

புதுடில்லி: இம்மாத இறுதிக்குள், ஆதாருடன், 'பான்' எண்ணை இணைக்க தவறினால், பான் அட்டை பயனற்றதாகிவிடும் என, மத்திய நிதி துறை எச்சரித்துள்ளது.

நாட்டில் உள்ள அனைவருக்கும், 12 இலக்க எண்களை கொண்ட, ஆதார் அட்டை வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த அட்டையுடன், வருமான வரி கணக்கு தாக்கலுக்கு பயன்படும், பான் எண்ணை இணைக்க வேண்டும் என, மத்திய அரசு உத்தரவிட்டது.

இதற்கான கால அவகாசம், பலமுறை நீட்டிக்கப்பட்டது.இந்நிலையில், ஆதாருடன் பான் எண்ணை இணைப்பதற்கான கால அவகாசம், இம்மாதம், 30 உடன், முடிவுக்கு வருகிறது. அதற்குப் பிறகும், ஆதாருடன், பான் எண் இணைக்கப்படவில்ல எனில், அந்த குறிப்பிட்ட பான் அட்டை, பயனற்றதாகி விடும் என, மத்திய நிதி துறை எச்சரித்துள்ளது.அதன் பின், அந்த அட்டையை மீண்டும் செயல்பாட்டுக்கு கொண்டு வர முடியுமா என்பது பற்றி, அறிவிப்பு எதுவும் வெளியிடப்படவில்லை.
2 மாத வாடகை தான் அட்வான்சாக வாங்கணும்! 

Updated : செப் 27, 2019 04:26 | Added : செப் 27, 2019 04:25 | 

புதுடில்லி: வீடுகளை வாடகைக்கு விடுவோர், இரண்டு மாத வாடகையை மட்டுமே, முன்பணம் அல்லது வைப்புத் தொகையாக பெற வேண்டும்' என, மத்திய அரசு வெளியிட்டுள்ள வரைவு சட்டத்தில் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

நாடு முழுவதும், வாடகை வீட்டு வசதியை முறைப்படுத்தும் நடவடிக்கைகளை, மத்திய அரசு துவக்கியுள்ளது.இதில், வாடகை வீட்டு வசதி மாதிரி சட்ட வரைவை, அனைத்து மாநிலங்களுக்கும், மத்திய அரசு அனுப்பியுள்ளது.

இதன் அடிப்படையில், தமிழகத்தில், 'நில உரிமையாளர்கள், குத்தகைதாரர்கள் உரிமைகள், பொறுப்புகள் சட்டம் - 2017' நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டது. இந்தச் சட்டம், பல்வேறு திருத்தங்களுக்கு பின், பிப்ரவரி, 22ல் அமலுக்கு வந்துள்ளது.இதற்காக, 32 மாவட்டங்களிலும் வாடகை வீட்டுவசதி ஆணையம், வாடகை தொடர்பான வழக்குகளுக்காக, 32 நீதிமன்றங்களும் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. இதன் தொடர்ச்சியாக, வாடகை தீர்ப்பாயம் அமைப்பதற்கான நடவடிக்கைகள் துவக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

இந்நிலையில், நாடு முழுவதற்குமான மாதிரி வாடகை வீட்டுவசதி சட்டத்தை, மத்திய அரசு தற்போது வெளியிட்டுள்ளது. இதன் மீது, பொது மக்களின் கருத்துகள் பெறப்பட்டு வருகின்றன.இந்த மாதிரி சட்டத்தில், வாடகைதாரர்களின் உரிமைகளுக்கு இணையாக, நில உரிமையாளர்களின் உரிமைகளுக்கும், பாதுகாப்பு அளிக்கும் விதிகள் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. இதன்படி, வீட்டை வாடகைக்கு விடுவோர், இரண்டு மாத வாடகைக்கு இணையான தொகையை மட்டுமே முன்பணம் அல்லது வைப்புத் தொகையாக வசூலிக்க முடியும்.

வாடகையை உயர்த்த வேண்டும் என்றால், அது குறித்து, குடியிருப்போருக்கு, மூன்று மாதங்களுக்கு முன் அறிவிக்க வேண்டும். ஒப்பந்த காலம் முடிந்த நிலையில், வாடகைதாரர் வீட்டை காலி செய்ய மறுத்தால், அவருக்கு அபராதம் விதிக்க, இச்சட்டத்தில் வழிவகை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.இதன்படி, ஒப்பந்த காலத்துக்கு பின், ஒவ்வொரு மாதத்துக்கும், இரு மடங்கு வாடகையை, உரிமையாளர் வசூலிக்க முடியும்.பெருநகரங்களில் வணிக நோக்கில், வாடகை வீட்டுவசதி அளிக்கும் திட்டங்களை செயல்படுத்தும் வகையில், புதிய சட்டம் வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது.
Be ready for driving tests if licence not renewed on time


Driving licence holders should apply for renewal one year before or after the expiry of the licence, failing which they should undergo driving tests again. Earlier, they were allowed to renew five years after its expiry.

The change, proposed under the new Motor Vehicle Act (MVA), will be implemented in all Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) in Tamil Nadu soon and the National Informatics Centre (NIC) is working on it now, said a senior official of the state transport department. NIC, functioning from New Delhi under the Union information technology ministry, handles the VAHAN portal for vehicle registration and driving licence-related services. Every month, more than 80,000 people in the state visit RTOs to renew driving licences.

Under the old rules, applications can be made 60 days before the expiry of the licence by paying ₹100. Even if a person missed this, renewal applications were accepted for five years from the date of expiry with a fine of ₹50 a year. Though driving without licence attracts a fine of ₹500 or three months imprisonment, the rule was not enforced strictly in the state. Section 15  (1), 15(3) and 15(4) of the MV Act has now been amended. Accordingly, driving licence holders get only one year from the date of expiry, failing which they should take up fresh driving tests at 8-shaped and H-shaped tracks.

The change has come into effect at some RTOs, including those in and around Vellore.

While the state government is still discussing about implementing fines for traffic offences proposed under the new MVA, this amendment is applicable to licence holders across the country, the official added.
‘Weight loss’ twist to MBBS scam

Parents Of 2 Med Students Say Their Kids Leaner Now



The two first-year medical students from Coimbatore-based PSG Medical College, whose MBBS admit cards did not match their NEET scorecards, met officials at the directorate of medical education seeking ‘no objection certificates’ so they can rejoin college on Friday. Their parents, who accompanied them, said they had submitted old photographs for NEET and their children have lost weight making them look different now. They said they were willing to take part in any investigation to prove there was no impersonation.

On Thursday, PSG dean Dr S Ramalingam told the media that the college had stumbled upon two more cases of suspected impersonation. The photographs of two students — a male and a female — appeared to be different in the NEET scorecard issued by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and the medical admission (admit) card issued by the DME’s selection committee. The management sent a letter to the directorate of medical education and asked the students to get a noobjection certificate from the selection committee to attend classes further. One of the parents said they had submitted an old photograph while applying for the NEET examination. “There has been significant weight loss in the past few months. We can assure you there is no case of impersonation,” said a parent. The parents had told the directorate that they were willing to subject themselves to any test.

Director of Medical Education Dr R Narayanababu and selection committee secretary G Selvaraju could not be reached. Senior officials at the directorate who saw the photographs brought by the parents of the students said ‘it did not seem like impersonation’, but that they will not able to declare them fit to join class without police confirmation. No police complaint was lodged and the officials did not compare fingerprints of the students with that of imprints in NEET attendance sheets. The NTA obtains finger impressions of candidates at the examination hall. However, officials in the DME said they were not aware.

Health minister C Vijaya Baskar said the health department was investigating the case. “We are looking into the complaints. We have requested the Centre to introduce bio-metrics in the NEET exam. We will also be doing it during the counselling process next year,” he said.

Self-financing medical colleges urged the government to compare fingerprints instead of using crude verification processes such as photos.

“We are no experts. It is difficult for us to match some five- or six-year-old photographs with their present face. Children grow fast and their faces change. It would have been simple had the state called for fingerprints as soon as they found a case of impersonation. Health department officials aren’t even aware NTA has finger imprints,” said a senior professor of anatomy at a government medical college.

Chances of new int’l flights remote at city airport


The possibility of new flights to international destinations from Chennai airport seems remote as many airlines did not show much interest at World Routes 2019 organized by Airports Council International in Adelaide, Australia.

Airports Authority of India (AAI), which operates around 125 airports, including 11 international airports, held several meetings at the annual meeting of airlines, airports and aviation executives.

However, except Heathrow airport, which showed interest in boosting the number of flights between London and Chennai, no other major airline or airport showed interest.

Foreign airlines — Batik Air, Cathay Pacific, Bangkok Airlines, Shenzhen airlines, Sydney airport, Capital airlines, Oman Air — held discussions with AAI to start flights to major airports in the country. But the focus was on flights to Kolkata and Guwahati rather than Chennai.

Chennai had a direct flight to Australia several years ago. Thai Airways and Thai AirAsia are two foreign airlines that fly on the Chennai-Bangkok route that has a good demand for seats.

Yet, Bangkok Airlines preferred to fly to Jaipur, Pune, Port Blair, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata and Guwahati. All Nippon is the only foreign airline that started a service from Chennai in the last few years.

Sources said Chennai airport is struggling due to lack of capacity on the airside where planes are parked for boarding.

“Foreign airlines are particular about turnaround time. Their flights are scheduled to depart an hour after landing.

For this, passengers must disembark, baggage needs to be unloaded and the aircraft readied in less than an hour. This often gets delayed at night as there are too many flight movements,” said an airline official.

Airport director S Sree Kumar said new routes were decided based on potential for airlines and also based on discounts offered by airports. “We have a common policy for all AAI airports. So we cannot market a single airport.

Airports are marketed based on their strengths such as apron and terminal capacity. Now, we are not in a position to offer peak hour slots for new flights in Chennai.

The decision of an airline to select an airport will also depend on potential of the route to draw passengers.” He also said, “IndiGo would start more flights by March. AirAsia will also add flights and we can accomodate new flights during non-peak hours.”

Sources said Chennai airport was struggling due to of lack of capacity on the airside where planes were parked
Graduates line up for govt sanitary worker’s job


M Venkatesh*, a 30-year-old commerce graduate, appeared for an interview for the post of a sanitation worker at the Tamil Nadu assembly secretariat. Last year, the assembly secretariat received more than 5,000 applications, of which, 600 were rejected, many of the applicants were found to be overqualified. These graduates, who have been called for an interview, are keen on getting a government job. But, there are only 15 vacancies.

A deputy secretary of the assembly secretariat is conducting the interviews as the speaker, P Dhanapal, and his secretary K Srinivasan are away in Uganda for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. Each interview is five minutes long.

“In the past three years, I have worked with three private companies. I was asked to leave after a few months or a year. There was no sense permanence,” said Venkatesh. He added, “This housekeeping job is with the government, it will be permanent. I will get ₹15,000 per month whereas in the private company, my salary used to be less than ₹10,000.”

Soon after his interview, he was seen entering the AIADMK MLAs’ room where he met a party leader. A source said a few of them come with letters from the ruling party MLAs and produce it during the interview.

CVijaya*, a homemaker from Villivakkam, has a family of four. “I completed SSLC. My husband’s earnings are not enough to make ends meet. We need money to educate our two children,” she said. Her entire family had accompanied her for the interview. While Vijaya was seen having a tense conversation with her husband, their children played around unaware of their parents financial worries.

K Fathima*of Dindigul district said, “I need the housekeeping job desperately. I am from a village in the southern district, but I am ready to move to the city for the government job. I am sure I will get my salary on time.”

The applicants are from SC, MBC and BC communities, mostly from rural and semi-urban areas, while some are from Chennai city. “We check the applicants’ marksheet and other papers. The process will go on for a month or more. After that a decision to fill the vacancies will be taken,” said an official.

(*Names changed to protect identities)

This housekeeping job is with the government, it will be permanent, unlike the private ones. I will get ₹15,000 per month whereas in the private company, my salary used to be less than ₹10,000

M Venkatesh | B.COM GRADUATE
Neet scam: Medico paid ₹20L for service of Mumbai imposter

A Selvaraj & Pushpa Narayan TNN


Investigation into the NEET impersonation case at the Theni medical college is set to shift to Mumbai as the arrested father-son duo have told the police that they paid ₹20 lakh to an agent to get another teenager to write the test for Udit Surya. Udit and his father, Dr K S Venkatesh, were picked up from a Tirupati hotel on Wednesday and sent in judicial remand on Thursday.

The CB-CID police would now focus on tracing the impersonator and an agent based in Mumbai. Police sources said Venkatesh had revealed some details of how he went about hiring another youngster to write the NEET for his son. If needed, the CB-CID police planned to take Venkatesh to Mumbai to help nab the agent and the impersonator.

A CB-CID officer said, “We will circulate the photograph of the suspect who appeared for the exam for Udit Surya through all media in Mumbai to collect details of him too.”

Speaking on condition of anonymity a few doctors who knew Venkatesh said some NEET coaching centres based in Chennai had told him Udit Surya hadn’t done well in the mock tests they conducted and told him how to hire an impersonator. The police nabbed Udit Surya and his parents from a hotel in Tirupati on Wednesday and took them to Theni. After questioning them for hours, the police arrested the student and his father while letting his mother, Kayal Vizhi, go free.

The CB-CID said Udit Surya and his father admitted to having engaged an impersonator to write the NEET examination. Their statements were recorded and videographed for future reference. The CB-CID questioned Udit Surya and his father to know more about the impersonator.

Father, son didn’t give proper reply

However, the duo didn’t give any proper reply. The father and son were remanded in judicial custody after being produced before a magistrate court. Udit Surya, a firstyear medical student at Government Theni Medical College, has been booked for impersonation in NEET, which is the sole exam for medical admission. The photos of the student on the college application and the NEET 2019 scorecard did not match, triggering an alert.

The father and son were remanded in judicial custody after being produced before a magistrate court
Birthday wishes pour in for Manmohan

27/09/2019 , Special Correspondent, New Delhi

Birthday greetings poured in for former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh who turned 87 on Thursday. “His sagacious leadership ensured that India took a determined leap forward, even during trying times,” said Congress president Sonia Gandhi.

“On his birthday, let us acknowledge Dr. Manmohan Singhji’s selfless service, dedication & incredible contribution to the cause of nation building,” tweeted former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also wished Dr. Singh.
M.P. panel to probe AYUSH doctors practising allopathy

Report to be submitted in a month; State hasn’t permitted AYUSH practitioners to prescribe modern drugs

27/09/2019 , Sidharth Yadav, Bhopal

The Madhya Pradesh government has constituted a team to look into AYUSH doctors taking up modern medicine and prescribing allopathic drugs at private hospitals.

“The services of AYUSH doctors are being used for night duty at most of the hospitals in the private sector,” reads an order dated September 13 on the constitution of the team. “In reality what is going on, the department has no information regarding this.”

According to the rules, says the order, ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, unani, siddha and homoeopathy (AYUSH) doctors can’t prescribe allopathic drugs.

Though allopathy hospitals can employ AYUSH doctors, they cannot be allowed to prescribe drugs, State AYUSH Department Additional Chief Secretary Shikha Dubey told The Hindu. “At present, we don’t know how many such doctors are there, and for how long have they been prescribing allopathic drugs. The team will submit a report within a month,” she said.

Unlike many States, Madhya Pradesh hasn’t yet permitted AYUSH doctors to practice modern medicine, but they could prescribe 72 drugs at integrated dispensaries in rural areas, only after passing a six-month course.

States like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Uttarakhand have allowed the practice dwelling upon Rule 2 (ee) (iii) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, after the Supreme Court in the 1987 case of Dr. Mukhtiar Chand allowed it by the means of State orders.

“You could have called it negligence if it was by an allopathy doctor. This is clear fraud; it is criminal,” said Anand Rai, who last year exposed several AYUSH doctors at private hospitals in Indore deputed at intensive care units to attend to emergency cases and perform surgeries. “At private hospitals, patients are fleeced on an hourly basis. Just to make more money, they employ AYUSH doctors,” said Dr. Rai, the Vyapam scam whistle-blower. “How do you expect someone practising herbal medicine to perform complicated procedures on patients?”

Santanu Sen, Indian Medical Association national president, said it was in principle against allowing the practice and Section 32 of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019, which “promoted quackery”.

When told many IMA-affiliated hospitals had employed AYUSH doctors in the past, Dr. Sen clarified: “We are an organisation of around four lakh doctors. If anyone violates the IMA’s stand, that’s just an individual agenda.”

Highlighting lack of AYUSH infrastructure, Ramavtar Chaudhary, national general secretary, AYUSH Medical Association said, “The government, whose institutions are allopathy-centric, pushes our doctors to take it up just to show it meets the WHO doctor-population ratio.”

Still, there is one doctor for 16,996 people in Madhya Pradesh, according to the National Health Profile 2018, against the World Health Organization’s prescribed ratio of 1 for 1,000. The NITI Aayog in May had said the country was expected to reach the norm by 2024.
Impersonation case: Theni medico, his father remanded 

THENI, September 27, 2019 00:00 IST 

Inquiries held with dean, vice-principal of college in question

Udit Surya K.V., 21, a student of Theni Government Medical College accused of impersonation during NEET, and his father Venkatesan, were remanded in judicial custody on Thursday.

The CB-CID police, who secured Udit Surya and his parents at Tirupati on Wednesday, brought them here on Thursday amidst tight security.

After a day-long inquiry, Udit Surya and his father Dr. Venkatesan were produced before the Judicial Magistrate N. Panneerselvam at the combined District Court complex. They were lodged in the Theni district jail.

CB-CID Superintendent of Police Vijay Kumar, DSP Godwin Jagadeesh Kumar and the team also inspected the campus of the Medical College, including the exam hall and the Dean’s chamber.

Sources in the college said that an inquiry was also conducted with the Dean and the Vice Principal and among other faculty members.

Earlier, the College Dean filed a complaint with the Gandamanur Vilakku police based on two mails received from a man in Chennai on September 11 and 13, alleging that Udit Surya had secured admission in the college through impersonation in the NEET exam.

On September 18, the police booked Udit Surya under three Sections of the IPC for criminal conspiracy, impersonation and cheating.

A preliminary investigation was undertaken by the special team of police. Subsequently, the case was transferred to the CB-CID.

After a day-long inquiry, they were produced before a Magistrate and lodged in Theni district jail
Govt. tightens norms to crack the whip on corrupt officials 

CHENNAI, September 27, 2019 00:00 IST 

The options available with the disciplinary authorities to deal with such cases have been narrowed down

If a government servant is found possessing assets disproportionate to his/her known sources of income, or is found accepting a bribe, it is now almost certain that he/she will either be removed or dismissed from service. The State government recently amended the Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules to this effect.

Earlier, government servants found to be corrupt or to have received a bribe could face a penalty or be placed under suspension or sent on compulsory retirement, as decided by the disciplinary authority, as these were the other options available besides removal or dismissal from service.

"Earlier, the disciplinary authority could choose not to remove or dismiss the corrupt employee from service. Now, the options have been narrowed down," official sources explained.

However, in exceptional cases, a penalty could be imposed.

Through an amendment by the Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department, notified recently, the Tamil Nadu government has made changes to the existing rules, in line with the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

Exceptional cases

Explaining the grounds for exceptional cases, officials said that if a worker had not demanded a bribe and had only accepted it, and if it turned out to be a paltry amount, the disciplinary authority could consider this an exceptional case.

While employees who were ‘removed’ from service could apply for government jobs again, those who were ‘dismissed’ from service cannot.

The severe action of removal or dismissal from service will also apply if the charge of acceptance of any gratification (by the government servant) other than legal remuneration as a motive or reward for doing or forbearing to do any official act is proved.

Even when the charge of giving an undue advantage with an intention to induce a public servant to perform or not to perform a public duty or to reward the public servant for the performance or non-performance of a public duty is proved, the government servant will either be removed or dismissed from service.
PSG medical students’ records are genuine, says DME 

CHENNAI, September 27, 2019 00:00 IST

College had raised doubts over their NEET photographs

The two medical students from Coimbatore-based PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (PSGIMSR), whose application details were forwarded by the institute, after some doubts were raised, are genuine, said Director of Medical Education R. Narayana Babu.

The students, a male and a female, were called for verification to the city from Coimbatore on Thursday after the institute’s Dean S. Ramalingam wrote to the DME and the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University that the photographs of the students did not match with what they had provided to the National Testing Agency for hall tickets.

Dr. Narayana Babu said the girl had told the selection committee officials during the inquiry that she had undergone a slimming programme and she had provided a recent photo to the college.

“The boy appears like a school student in one and then a college student in the other,” he said. The boy claimed he had submitted an old photograph, he added.

“They are supposed to give a photo taken recently. Students provide different photos in each of these occasions,” he said.

Both students had cooperated during the inquiry and had come with their parents. They provided all the documents, proof of identity and proof of residence too, he added.

University Vice-Chancellor Sudha Seshayyan said she had received a letter from the PSGIMSR, stating that there was a possible mismatch in the photographs of two candidates between their NEET admit cards, and allotment orders given by the Selection Committee. “I have asked the Selection Committee about this,” she said.

With regard to other medical institutions in the State, she said that AYUSH and dental colleges had said there were no mismatches among their candidates, and most medical colleges too, had not reported any such mismatches. “Reports from one or two colleges are yet to come in,” she said.

College authorities, however, said they would await a written response from the DME regarding the issue.

They are supposed to give a photo  taken recently. Students provide different photos for different occasionsR. Narayana BabuDME

Thursday, September 26, 2019

UP: BJP leader’s daughter found dead at her college campus, police hint at suicide

Vandana Shukla, a second-year MD student at Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, was the daughter of senior BJP leader K K Shukla.

By Express News Service |Lucknow |Updated: September 25, 2019 2:40:08 pm

Vandana was pursuing her post graduate degree in pathology.

A 27-year-old junior doctor, who was a second-year MD student at Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences in Saifai of Etawah district, was found hanging from a ceiling fan in her hostel room on the campus Tuesday. The deceased was identified as Vandana Shukla, daughter of senior BJP leader K K Shukla.

While no suicide note was found, the police suspect it is a case of suicide. The postmortem report of the woman, who hailed from Ghaziabad, confirmed ante-mortem hanging as the cause of death.

“In the early hours of Tuesday, some doctors went to Vandana’s allotted room o take her along to the hospital. They knocked on the door but there was no response. They then spotted her hanging from a ceiling fan. They informed the hospital authorities, who in turn alerted the police. A police team, along with the university authorities, reached the room on the university’s new campus. We broke into the room to find woman’s body hanging from the ceiling fan on a scarf. The body was sent for postmortem and her family was informed,” said Sub-Inspector Akhilesh Kumar, the officiating in-charge of Saifai police station.

“We did not find any suicide note in the room and the reason behind her taking the extreme step is yet to be ascertained. Her batchmates and her family are unable to tell us anything that can be suspected to be a possible reason. The university administration has told us that she had regularly attending her classes. The postmortem report has ruled out the possibility of foul play and confirmed ante-mortem hanging as the cause of death,” he added.

University spokesperson Anil Kumar Pandey said Vandana was pursuing her post graduate degree in pathology. “Though we are yet to talk to more people, a few of her friends informed us that she was last seen on Sunday and chose to stay in her room on Monday. The police are looking into the matter,” said Pandey.

Vandana had done her MBBS from a medical college in Hapur. Her father, K K Shukla, has in the past served in several important posts in the BJP, including its western UP media in-charge and election in-charge of Meerut district, said Ghaziabad BJP district president Maansingh Goswami.
Madras high court seeks details of all admissions made in medical colleges


PublishedSep 26, 2019, 2:52 am IST

The bench said it was seen from the public domain that certain malpractices have been committed for getting admission in the medical college.

Madras high court.

Chennai: The Madras high court has directed the state government to furnish the list of candidates admitted under the NRI quota with their respective marks, the list of candidates admitted under the state quota with their respective marks and the list of candidates admitted under the AII India quota with their respective marks in medical colleges.

A division bench comprising Justices N.Kirubakaran and P.Velmurugan gave the directive and posted to today (Sept 26) further hearing of a petition filed by S.Dheeran, an aspiring medical student seeking to set aside an order of a single judge, dismissing a petition challenging the selection process for the 207 seats that got reverted to the management quota owing to their not getting filled up under the NRI quota.

The bench said M.Velmurugan, counsel for the petitioner, submitted that 260 seats were earmarked under the NRI quota, out of which only 53 persons were selected for admission and the balance 207 seats were declared as vacant and reverted to the management should also be filled up as per merit.

As per the judgment of the Apex court in Dar-Us-Slam case, the state government shall conduct manual counselling for allotment of students and after the completion of counselling, the state government shall determine the number of seats that were still vacant and thereafter shall forward a list of students in order of merit, equalling to ten times the number of vacant seats to the medical college so that in case of any stray vacancy arising in any college the seats may be filled up from the list.

However, in the state of Tamil Nadu, 207 seats under the NRI quota remained vacant and without conducting manual counselling for those seats, the state government returned it to the management and the managements were said to have filled up those seats allegedly without following merit by getting huge sums for those seats. Though the government pleader appearing for the state denied the allegation made by the counsel for the appellant, the contentions made by the counsel for appellant cannot be ignored and “this court would like to know whether the appropriate procedures have been followed in the selection of candidates for admission into the medical colleges,” the bench added and gave the direction.

The bench said it was seen from the public domain that certain malpractices have been committed for getting admission in the medical college. It was said that one candidate got admission in the Theni Medical College by making another student to write the NEET examination by impersonation and a case was said to have been registered against the student candidate, the bench added and posed 7 queries to be answered by the state government in the next hearing.

The queries are: 1) How many persons are said to have obtained admission in medical colleges by impersonation? 2) Whether the authorities have verified the identity of those candidates who wrote the NEET examination and those who got admitted in the medical colleges? 3) Whether any other cases of impersonation or cheating have been detected? 4) What is the stage of the case filed against the student of Theni Medical College who is alleged to have obtained admission fraudulently by impersonation? 5) Is it a fact that the Principal of Theni Medical College has not taken any action in time, in spite of knowing about the fraudulent admission obtained by the student? 6) Whether all the statutory procedures have been duly followed by the authorities, right from permitting the students for examination after verifying the identity of the students and 7) Whether the authorities have identified any other fraudulent methods like dual nativity certificate by which medical admission have been obtained by any other student?
NRI quota medical seats being sold? HC issues directives for TN govt

...Inquires if appropriate procedures had been followed in the selection of candidates

Published: 26th September 2019 05:30 AM 

By Express News Service

CHENNAI: OBSERVING allegation that managements of private medical colleges in the State have filled up NRI quota without following merits by getting huge sums for those seats, a division bench of the Madras High Court has issued a set of directives to the State government.

They included calling for the list of candidates admitted under the NRI, State and all India quotas with their respective marks (category wise viz., OC, BC, MBC etc). The reply shall be submitted on September 26.

Originally, one S Dheeran of Coimbatore approached the court for a direction to the State, to undertake the necessary and proper counselling and mop-up procedure to fill up 207 seats that had become available owing to non-filling of NRI quota, as per merit and prescribed procedure. And the plea was rejected by a single judge. Hence, the present appeal.

The appellant’s counsel told the bench of Justices, N Kirubakaran and P Velmurugan, that as per clause 11 of the prospectus issued by the selection committee, unfilled NRI quota seats in the first round of counselling should be filled up only from the NRI candidates through manual counselling and they should not have been reverted back to the management quota. About 260 seats were earmarked under the NRI quota, of which only 53 were filled up.

As per the judgement of the Apex Court, the State government should have conducted manual counselling for allotment of students and after the completion of counselling, it should determine the number of seats that were still vacant and thereafter, forward a list of students in the order of merit, equalling to ten times the number of vacant seats to the medical college. However, the 207 seats under the NRI quota remained vacant and without conducting manual counselling for those seats, the State returned it to the managements, which had filled up them allegedly, without following merits by getting huge sums.

Answers sought

The judges noted that a candidate had obtained admission in a medical college by impersonation. “Therefore, the following queries are raised to be answered by the State in the next hearing,” the judges said.

How many obtained admission in medical colleges by impersonation? 

Whether authorities verified identity of those who wrote NEET and those who got admission

Whether any
other case of impersonation 
or cheating had
been detected 

What is the stage of the case filed against the Theni college student
Is it a fact that the Principal of Theni Medical College had not taken any action in time in spite of knowing about the fraudulent admission
Tangedco to suspend power on Thursday

For carrying out maintenance work, power supply will be suspended by Tangedco on Thursday (September 26) from 9 am to 5 pm in these following areas.

Published: 25th September 2019 06:28 AM |

By Express News Service

For carrying out maintenance work, power supply will be suspended by Tangedco on Thursday (September 26) from 9 am to 5 pm in these following areas. According to a statement from Tangedco, power supply will be resumed before 5 pm if work is completed.

CMBT: Annapoorna Nagar, Prakash Nagar, Annapoorni Nagar, Ponniammanmedu, Thanigasalam Nagar, EF Block, Majestic Colony, Iyyappa Nagar, Munusamy Nagar, Devaki Nagar area.
THIRUVERKADU: Thiruverkadu, Thiruverkadu Coop Nagar, Theroodum Veethi, Sivan Koil Road, Sunaracholapuram, Kasturibai Nagar, Aravind Nagar, Kamadenu Nagar, Pallikupam, Mathiravedu, PH Road, Kaveri Nagar, Ishwarya Garden, Jayalakshimi Nagar, Royal Garden, Mac Nagar, Lourdupuram, Puliambedu Road, VGN Mahalakshimi Nagar, Rajankuppam, Ponniaman Nagar.

MANJAMBAKKAM: South Telephone Colony Part, North Telephone Colony, Padmavathi Nagar, Cheliayamman Nagar, Kamban Nagar, Azees Nagar, AVM Nagar, Perumal Koil Street, Mandaveli, Telugu Colony, Ramachandra Nagar, Ramana Avenue, Krishna Nagar, JJ Nagar, Manjambakkam, Kamarajar Salai Part, VGK Nagar, Thirumurugan Nagar, Kathirvelan Street.

Power shutdown in parts of Chennai on Sept 27

As a part of routine maintenance works, Tangedo will be suspending power supply in areas like Ramapuram and Porur.

Published: 26th September 2019 05:41 AM

For carrying out maintenance work, power supply will be suspended.

By Express News Service

CHENNAI: For carrying out maintenance work, power supply will be suspended by Tangedco on Friday (Sept 27) from 9 am to 5 pm in these following areas. According to a statement from Tangedco, power supply will be resumed before 5 pm if work is completed. Here is the list.

PORUR: Vigneshwara nagar part, Lakshmi nagar, Himachal nagar, Rani G Nagar, Ponni nagar, Santhosh nagar, Mugalivakkam main road, Subaiya nagar, Ramachandra nagar, Sivaji nagar, Annai velankanni nagar, Madha nagar part, Balaji nagar, vijaylakshmi nagar.

RAMAPURAM: Tamil Nagar, Sabari nagar, Shanthi nagar, Anandam nagar, Kurinji nagar, Gangaiamman koil st, Naidu st, Kambar salai, Balambigai nagar, Ambal nagar.

VELACHERY EAST: V.V. Koil st, MG nagar, Tharamani 100 feet road, New colony, Seethapathy nagar, margidass road, Kogulam st.
Fake MBBS admission racket busted with arrest of three


With the arrest of three men, Police on Wednesday claimed to have cracked a blind murder case and busted a fake MBBS admission racket.

The accused, held from the Zero Point on the Yamuna Expressway on Tuesday evening, were running a fake call centre named “Crack Your Career” through which they duped MBBS aspirants pan India, the police said.

A body was found near Wajidpur village on September 9 and a probe revealed the identity of the deceased as Sanjeev Rawat alias Rishi, who was an employee of “Crack Your Future” consultancy, SSP, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Vaibhav Krishna said.

“Investigation led the police to the accused men. Three of them have been arrested while four are absconding,” Mr. Krishna said.

Those arrested have been identified as Neeraj Singh alias Harendra Singh, 30, Nikhil Gaurav alias Sameer Rai, 25, and Dhirendra Kumar alias Sonal Singh, 41, he said.

“The gang had an office in Janakpuri, Delhi and one in Noida. They had gathered data of candidates aspiring for admission in prominent medical colleges. They would call up gullible candidates and offer them help with admission for a price and then vanish,” he said.
Five-year jail to ex-IAS officer for forgery

For procuring weapons by fudging documents; 81-year-old denied soft punishment.


A Delhi court has awarded five years imprisonment to an 81-year-old retired IAS officer for procuring licensed weapons on forged documents in Nagaland in 1985. He was posted there at that time.

According to the prosecution, he had purchased these weapons after obtaining a licence by hiding the fact that he had already been issued three licences, the maximum he was entitled to under the law.

Further, he committed forgeries by making alterations in the licence to purchase two weapons and 2,000 cartridges in excess of the permission. He was licensed to purchase one weapon and 200 cartridges.

Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) Anu Aggarwal held accused S.S. Ahluwalia guilty under Section 417 (cheating) read with Section 415 (to deceive any person to deliver a property), 471 (using as genuine a forged document) read with Section 467 (forgery) of IPC and Section 25 of Arms Act, 1959.

Counsel for the accused urged the court to award him a lenient punishment keeping in view his old age and the ailments he was suffering from. But the ACMM rejected it.

Acted contrary to law

“The convict is guilty of deliberate, calculated manipulation of the system he enjoyed a supreme position in. He, being a serving IAS officer, was duty bound to uphold the rule of law but he acted contrary and purchased weapons in contravention of the Arms Act and that too on the basis of forgery in the arms licence of which he was aware of being forged,” the ACMM said.

“He was clearly in the knowledge that his acts would lead to corrosion of the very institution of the government from within. Taking a lenient view of the convict’s covert corrupt practices will not only rob this court of its sanctity, but will also lead to public derision of the very concept of rule of law,” the ACMM said in the sentence order dismissing the plea for a soft punishment.
High Court orders counselling for boy

He wants to stay with a man of criminal antecedents


The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court has come across the case of a boy, under the influence of a man with criminal antecedents, who informed the court that he did not want to continue his studies and only wanted to stay with the man.

The boy told the court that if he was not allowed to do so, he would take an extreme step. However, the court also learnt of the fact that the boy had been abandoned by the man.

A Division Bench of Justices S. Vaidyanathan and N. Anand Venkatesh expressed its shock after the boy told the court that if an order to his liking was not passed, he would commit suicide. Taking into account that he was only a minor, the court said he was clearly addicted to certain habits of the man and he was not talking from his senses.

Habeas corpus plea

Hearing the habeas corpus petition filed by a relative of the boy from Tirunelveli, who sought a direction to the police to secure him, the court observed that the boy needed counselling and should be completely removed from the company of the man. The court ordered the custody of the boy to the Child Welfare Committee. There should be regular counselling and close monitoring of the boy, it said.

The court took cognisance of the fact that the man had managed to get a fake Aadhaar card for the boy, in a bid to usurp his properties.

A legal heirship certificate was obtained and power of attorney registered by furnishing bogus documents. The documents were executed by the minor, which is non-est in the eye of the law, the court said.

Passing a series of directions, the court ordered cancellation of the documents which should be reflected in the encumbrance certificate. It also ordered an inquiry into the case by the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Palayamkottai, and to ensure that nobody illegally occupied the properties of the boy. The Assistant Commissioner should keep the keys of the properties.

The court sought to know if the boy could be accommodated in a residential school and adjourned the hearing till October 15. The Assistant Commissioner was asked to be present before the court along with the boy.
Medical student traced to Tirupati


CB-CID officers on Wednesday traced Udit Surya K.V., who has been accused of securing medical admission in a fraudulent manner, his father Dr. Venkatesh and his mother to Tirupati, and secured them.

A top police officer said: “Our special team traced the student and his parents to Tirupati. They have been secured and are being brought to Theni. On completing interrogation, we will produce them in a court in Theni in case of arrest.”

The Theni police had booked a case against Udit Surya for alleged impersonation in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) and securing admission in the Government Medical College in Theni. He had engaged a person to appear in the NEET held in Mumbai and counselling, but had taken the seat and attended college.

The case surfaced after the dean received two emails on September 11 and 13 from a person identified as Ashok Krishnan from Chennai, complaining about Udit Surya. The email said that the boy had attempted NEET twice and failed. In his third attempt, he appeared for the exam in Mumbai and cleared it. However, the subsequent email claimed that the boy, currently pursuing the course, was not the same as the one who appeared for the test.

The officials of the Theni Medical College found that the photograph on the admission card did not match the original identity of the student.

After being exposed, Udit Surya furnished a discontinuation letter claiming depression and later absconded. The police formed special teams and one team visited Chennai, where the parents of the student resided. Later the case was transferred to CB-CID for further investigation.
HC takes suo motu notice of NEET impersonation case
State government asked to reply to seven questions on the issue


The Madras High Court on Wednesday took suo motu cognisance of media reports of a student of the Government Medical College in Theni having secured admission allegedly through impersonation during the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), and posed a set of seven questions to the State government.

Justices N. Kirubakaran and P. Velmurugan sought to know whether the complaint against the student, K.V. Udit Surya, son of a doctor, was a one-off instance, or if there were other instances too of students having gained admission in government and private colleges through impersonation during NEET.

The Division Bench also wanted to know whether the Directorate of Medical Education (DME) had taken steps to cross-check the identities of those who had appeared for NEET at the examination centres situated in various parts of the country with those who had gained admissions in medical colleges located in Tamil Nadu.

“Is it a fact that the Principal of Theni Medical College has not taken any action in time in spite of knowing about the fraudulent admission obtained by the student? Whether all statutory procedures have been duly followed by the authorities right from permitting the students for examination after verifying their identity?

“Whether the authorities have identified any other fraudulent methods like dual nativity certificate by which medical admission has been obtained by any other student?” the judges asked and ordered that all of their questions should be answered on Thursday.

They raised the queries during the hearing of a writ appeal preferred by S. Dheeran, of Coimbatore, accusing the DME of having filled only 53 of the 260 seats meant for the Non Resident Indians (NRI) quota and returning the remaining 207 seats to private colleges, to be filled under the management quota.

Though a government counsel dismissed the allegation as baseless, the judges said it could not be brushed aside unless the government convinced the court with relevant material that all procedures were followed strictly with regard to admissions in medical colleges this year and that there were no irregularities at all.

The government was directed to produce by Thursday the list of candidates admitted under the NRI quota and the communities to which they belonged.

It was also ordered to submit a break-up of the candidates admitted under the State quota and those admitted under the All-India quota, with their respective marks.

It was after passing this order that the judges took suo motu notice of the impersonation issue in NEET and called for details regarding that as well.
Verify architects, CoA tells TN



The council of architecture (COA), a national body constituted to regulate the practice and study of architecture, has written to the chief secretary of Tamil Nadu to direct local and municipal bodies to verify the validity of registration of architects when they submit a drawing or building plan for obtaining approval.

However, the council and the local planning authority have conflicting views on allowing engineers submit and get building plans approved.

The communication said the council had received complaints that non-architects were practising as architects using fake certificates under jurisdiction of municipal corporations and local bodies.

COA president Vijay Garg said the council was receiving complaints of local bodies allowing unqualified personnel to work as architects and this resulted in low quality buildings . “Only a person with BArch degree from a recognised institution would be registered by COA,” he said. Engineers, howeevr, said that the council’s demand could overburden local bodies.
Loopholes in med admissions exposed

Health Minister Promises To Streamline MBBS Intake, Put Imposters Behind Bars


The cases of impersonation tumbling out in Tamil Nadu, where competition is cut throat for the few seats, have not just exposed the craze for a medical seat. They have also laid bare gaping loopholes in the system.

In each of at least three cases reported this year, the student who appeared for the competitive NEET was different from the one attending classes. “Students were nearly stripped and searched minutes before the exam. They tore off full sleeved shirts, removed ear studs and other jewels, watches. But how is it that there are no checks during counselling? Until now, we thought the only problem was students making false nativity claims. But we now see that some students have managed to impersonate and fudge documents,” said Kailash Vishwanthan, whose son missed getting a seat by one mark.

Directorate of medical education officials said they realised the flaw in the process last week when Theni Medical College dean Dr Rajendran reported the first case. “We realise it is because we don’t a biometric system during counselling. Next year, we will have fingerprints and iris scans. Fingerprints of students are taken by the National Testing Agency in examination hall. We can get experts to match them during counselling and during admission,” director of medical education Dr R Narayanababu said earlier. Options of bio-metric attendance for students in all government colleges are being explored.

Health minister C Vijayabaskar told reporters they would tighten the process and also file criminal charges against students who had joined MBBS course without being eligibile or by fudging documents.

Medical college administrators poring through students’ records say it may be impossible to verify documents perfectly. “Some students have passed out of schools nearly four years ago. Their Class X photos are nearly six years old. It is impossible to match some photos. This method of document verification is crude and will lead to false alarms,” said a senior professor in a government medical college in Chennai. “Moreover we don’t know if this problem exists in 2018 and 2017 batch of students.”

On September 10, more than a month after admissions closed, Riyas from Andhra Pradesh came to the Madurai Medical College with an allotment ‘order’ from New-Delhi based Medical Counselling Committee (MMC). Dean Dr K Vanitha, who became suspicious, informed the Tallakulam police. At least two other candidates, who came with similar ‘orders’, fled before police arrived.
Files may move faster as TN govt to go fully electronic soon
Move Aims To Eliminate Paper Use


After Odisha and Kerala, the Tamil Nadu government is set to go 100% electronic in its offices, doing away with manual files.

While the state has issued a government order for it, the process will begin from the Secretariat, with all departments becoming ‘e-offices’.

“Offices in the districts and every village will parallely join the electronic stream. Already, all offices in the I-T department and its related offices, including Elcot, have gone electronic,” Santhosh Babu, principal secretary for I-T, told TOI.

A few weeks ago, chief minister Edappadi K Palaniswami had personally advised secretaries of each department to focus on speedy governance. With the e-office initiative now set in motion, once implemented, it is not only files that would start moving fast, but also decision making.

The key objective of the initiative is to eliminate the use of paper and to make most of the office communication electronic to improve efficiency, consistency and effectiveness of government responses. It also aims to cut turnaround time and meet demands of the citizen charter as well as provide for effective resource management to improve quality of administration, among others.

The idea to make files electronic was mooted back in 2013-14, when it was decided to host the e-office software service in the state data centre (SDC) in the cloud environment. Willing government departments were to make use of the software, enabling officials and staff to handle the files from any location without geographical barriers.

Recalling the initiatives he undertook while heading the Tamil Nadu Handicrafts Development Corporation, popularly known as Poompuhar, Santhosh Babu said he replaced the system of manual files and communication with electronic systems. “Earlier, a decision for even a simple procurement request from a distant branch office of ours in Kolkata would take 45 days. Once all our offices across the country were connected electronically, the decision-making process came down to just three hours,” said Santhosh Babu, who while heading the Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women had made it a paperless office way back in 2001.

Through the latest order, the state government has decided to implement the e-office application developed by NIC with immediate effect for processing all files electronically in all government departments/PSUs/boards/agencies under its control. All of them have been directed to take steps to implement the same through Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency (TNeGA), the nodal body for egovernance initiatives.

The initiative intends to make most of the office communication electronic to improve efficiency, consistency and effectiveness of government responses
MBBS scam: Two more cases of impersonation detected in TN


The MBBS impersonation scam is getting murkier with PSG Medical College, Coimbatore, reporting two more suspects. A week after K V Udit Surya, a firstyear student of Government Theni Medical College, was booked for allegedly using an impersonator to take NEET in his name, the Coimbatore college authorities found that photographs of two students — a male and a female — to be different in the NEET score card issued by the National Testing Agency and the admission (admit) card issued by the DME’s selection panel.

Udit Surya, parents held in Tirupati

A special police team on Wednesday picked up Udit Surya, his father Dr K S Venkatesh and mother Kayal Vizhi from a hotel in Tirupati and brought them to the CB-CID office in Egmore. “We have not arrested them. We will question and take statements from them before deciding on arrest,” a senior CB-CID official said. P 6

'Selection panel has to confirm impersonation'

The students, who passed out of CBSE schools in Dharmapuri and Kancheepuram, were issued eligibility certificates by the Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University before they appeared for medical counselling. The directorate of medical education (DME) and the state medical university had asked all colleges in TN to verify photos of first-year medical students against their Class XII mark sheets, NEET score cards and admit cards after Udit Suriya’s case.

“Ever since NEET came into force, admission to all self-financing colleges is done by the selection committee. We admit students who bring the admission card from the committee. On verification, we found photos were different. The committee has to confirm if there was impersonation,” said PSG medical college dean Dr S Ramalingam. “Police complaints will have to be filed by the committee because they selected the candidate.”

Letters from DME Dr R Narayanababu and medical university vice-chancellor Dr Sudha Seshayyan asked deans to form a committee comprising the college viceprincipal, first year faculty members and administration staff to do verification of documents and physical verification of the students. Selection committee officials said seats including those reserved for NRI students were returned to the respective colleges. “Admissions were done locally by colleges. We verified all documents and screened them for accuracy of nativity and community details. We don’t know how we missed crossverifying the photographs,” said selection committee secretary Dr G Selvarajan.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Medical colleges told to refund excess fee 

Staff Reporter 

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, September 24, 2019 00:21 IST

Directive of fee regulatory panel

The Rajendra Babu-led Fee Regulatory Committee for medical education in Kerala has taken four self-financing colleges to task for purportedly collecting excess NRI fees from MBBS students.

The panel ordered four colleges, viz., Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Medical College, and Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, to return the fee that had been collected in excess to fee structure that was in force.

On the basis of complaints received from some students, the panel noted that the colleges had been collecting ₹20 lakh as NRI fees, as per provisionally fixed by the Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC) in July 2017. However, the AFRC later fixed the NRI fee as ₹18 lakh in October 2017 and had directed the colleges to appropriate the excess fee collected either to be refunded or adjusted towards the tuition fee for the remaining years, the panel stated in its order.

Taking serious note of the practice of collecting ₹20 lakh as fees, the committee stated that it shall be viewed as capitation fee collection, prompting initiation of action in accordance with the provisions of the law.
தமிழே தெரியாத கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள்!

By DIN | Published on : 25th September 2019 04:59 AM 

உயர் கல்வி கற்கும் மாணவர்கள் கூட தமிழில் பிழையின்றி எழுதத் தெரியாத நிலை தமிழகத்தில் உள்ளது. இந்த அவலத்தை கடலூர் மாவட்ட காவல் நிலைய ஆய்வாளர் ஒருவர், தனது முகநூல் பக்கத்தில் வேதனையுடன் பதிவிட்டுள்ளார்.

கடலூர் மாவட்டம், புவனகிரியில் காவல் நிலைய ஆய்வாளராகப் பணிபுரிபவர் அம்பேத்கர். இவர், தனது முகநூல் பக்கத்தில், அண்மையில் வெளியான ஒரு புதிய திரைப்படத்தின் பதாகையுடன் மேள,தாளத்துடன் கூச்சலிட்டபடி, அனுமதியின்றி சாலையில் ஊர்வலமாகச் சென்று, பொதுமக்களுக்கு இடையூறு செய்ததற்கு, கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள் காவல் துறைக்கு எழுதிய மன்னிப்பு கடிதம் ஒன்றை கடந்த 21-ஆம் தேதி பதிவேற்றியிருந்தார்.

அந்தக் கடிதத்தில், "நான் கீழ்புவனகிரியைச் சேர்ந்த பி.காம். மாணவர். இனிமேல் காவல் துறை அனுமதியின்றி, திரையரங்கில் பேனர் வைக்க மாட்டேன், மீறி செய்தால் சட்ட நடவடிக்கைக்கு கட்டுப்படுவதாக, ஏராளமான எழுத்துப் பிழைகளுடன் எழுதியுள்ளார்.

அந்த கடிதத்தில் இருந்த எழுத்துப் பிழைகளை, சிவப்பு நிற கோடிட்டு காட்டி, முகநூலில் காவல் ஆய்வாளர் பதிவிட்டிருந்தார். அந்தப் பதிவில், "மாணவர்களின் கல்வி நிலை இவ்வாறு போனால், யார்தான் காப்பார்கள் இவர்களையும், இவர்களின் தமிழையும்? என கேள்வி எழுப்பியுள்ள காவல் ஆய்வாளர், இதுபோன்ற இளைஞர்களுக்கு சரிவர தமிழைப் போதிக்காமல் விட்ட ஆசிரியர்கள் மீது கோபம் கொள்வதாகவும் அதில் குறிப்பிட்டிருந்தார்.

இந்தக் கடிதம், முகநூல் மட்டுமல்லாது கட்செவி அஞ்சல் உள்ளிட்ட சமூக வலைதளங்களிலும் பரவியது. இதேபோல, மேலும் சில மாணவர்கள் எழுத்துப் பிழைகளுடன் எழுதிய மன்னிப்பு கடிதங்களையும் அவர் சமூக வலைதளத்தில் வெளியிட்டுள்ளார்.
தொலைநிலை கல்வி: யு.ஜி.சி., நெருக்கடி

Added : செப் 25, 2019 00:09

சென்னை 'தொலைநிலை கல்வியில் செப். 30க்குள் மாணவர் சேர்க்கையை முடிக்க வேண்டும்' என யு.ஜி.சி. உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது.நாடு முழுவதும் உள்ள பல்கலைகள் மற்றும் கல்லுாரிகளில் தொலைநிலையில் படிப்புகளை நடத்த பல்கலை கழக மானிய குழுவான யு.ஜி.சி. அங்கீகாரம் வழங்குகிறது. யு.ஜி.சி.யின் விதிகள் மற்றும் அங்கீகாரத்தின் படி அதற்கான பாடப் பிரிவுகளில் மாணவர்கள் சேர்க்கப்படுகின்றனர்.இதன்படி அனைத்து பல்கலைகளுக்கும் யு.ஜி.சி. அனுப்பியுள்ள சுற்றறிக்கை:ஜூலையில் அங்கீகாரம் பெற்று மாணவர் சேர்க்கையை துவங்கிய அனைத்து கல்வி நிறுவனங்களும் தொலைநிலையில் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை நடவடிக்கைகளை செப். 30க்குள் முடிக்க வேண்டும். அதுதொடர்பான அறிக்கையை அக். முதல் வாரத்திற்குள் யு.ஜி.சி.க்கு தாக்கல் செய்ய வேண்டும்.இவ்வாறு அதில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Madras University clock tower to get a facelift

The historic clock tower of University of Madras, which was built during the British era, has been in a dilapidated condition for years.

Published: 25th September 2019 06:27 AM |

The heritage wing of PWD will take over the renovation  D Sampathkumar

By Express News Service

CHENNAI: The historic clock tower of University of Madras, which was built during the British era, has been in a dilapidated condition for years.But officials seem to have finally woken up. It is all set to be restored to its original beauty as the state government has sanctioned `5 crore for renovation of the clock tower. The Public Works Department (PWD) is likely to start the work within a month, said vice-chancellor of the university P Duraisamy.

“The renovation work of the clock tower is likely to start within a month. We have received the funds for the renovation from state government and will transfer the amount to the PWD soon,” said the vice-chancellor.

He said that as the structure is over 100 years old, it needs expertise to ensure proper repair and renovation work. So the heritage wing of PWD, which specialises in restoration of heritage buildings, will be carrying out the project.

On a priority basis, the roof of the entire structure will be repaired and refurbished as it leaks when it rains. Varsity officials said cracks have developed in the roof due to which severe leakage and seepage occurs during monsoon. Alongside, the dome of the structure has also developed cracks and some damages which need to be taken care of. Patches of plaster and paint are also peeling off from the walls, which will be rectified.

“It will take not less than seven months for renovating the clock tower,” said Duraisamy. According to varsity officials, the senate building of the university was repaired in 2006-2007 and since then the proposal was made to carry out repair work of the clock tower. “It was a long-standing demand to carry out the repair and renovation work of the clock tower and finally the work will start soon. Like the senate building, the clock tower is also a landmark for Chennai,” said a varsity official.
Doctor accused of filming patients acquitted after woman turns hostile
The woman turned hostile before court. XVIII Metropolitan Magistrate, Saidapet, acquitted the doctor.

Published: 25th September 2019 06:20 AM |

By Express News Service

CHENNAI: A 64-year-old doctor accused of filming women patients was acquitted after one of them filed a compromise affidavit in court. Sivagurunathan, who runs a clinic at Mylapore, was arrested in April last year for sexual harassment based on a complaint from a woman.

According to the complaint, the doctor who had allegedly captured 30 videos of women in his clinic, was caught red-handed by the woman’s husband who visited the clinic after she had chest pain. The family alerted police, who in turn booked the doctor.

Police said the doctor’s mobile phone had over 30 videos at the time of arrest. During trial, the woman filed a compromise plea stating that she found that examination for chest pain is done by closely inspecting the body and her husband had acted out of emotion. The woman turned hostile before court. XVIII Metropolitan Magistrate, Saidapet, acquitted the doctor.
Surfers, swimmers barred from beaches around Mamallapuram


Surfers have petitioned the authorities against the ban on surfing activities much ahead of the summit. File Photo

Police have banned surfing activities around Mamallapuram in view of the high-level summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping next month.

On Sunday, the members of a surfing school, free surfers and ocean swimmers were stopped from entering the Kovalam Muttukadu beach by the Coastal Security Group DSP.

“We have many students, children and groups coming to learn surfing.

We understand if we have to stay away from the beach a few days before the PM’s visit.

But 20 days ahead, if we stop our work, it will hit us hard and we will find it difficult to pay rent and salaries,” said Showkath Jamal R., a surfing school owner, claiming that the police action was selective.

However, DSP Balamurugan said, “We have told surfing schools which do not have the necessary NOC to suspend their activities in view of VIP visit to the area.”

Meanwhile, surfers have petitioned the authorities against the ban on surfing activities much ahead of the summ
Direct morning flight from Coimbatore to Delhi likely


Members of Kongu Global Forum (KGF), an association of representatives from the industrial houses of the seven western districts, have sought Ashwani Lohani, chairman and managing director of Air India Limited, for a direct morning flight to New Delhi for onward connectivity to Europe.

A representation of KGF signed by its chairman A. Sakthivel and vice-chairperson Vanitha Mohan was handed over to Mr. Lohani, who gave them assurance on the direct morning flight to Delhi.

International destinations

“This flight will help connect passengers to 10 international destinations especially Europe and two in Australia and will significantly reduce the travel time to Europe and Australia (most of the flights leave in the afternoon from Delhi). We also appraised him about the huge cargo potential from this region. He has assured us that the morning flight will be allotted,” said Ms. Mohan.

Representation letters from KGF, Coimbatore District Small Industries Association, Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chamber, and Southern India Engineering Manufacturers’ Association were also submitted to Mr. Lohani.

It has been a long-standing demand to have a direct flight from Coimbatore to New Delhi in the morning to reach the capital city by 11 a.m., as it would facilitate the passengers to opt for connecting flights to European destinations without wasting time on transit.

“With a good number of international and domestic travellers from Coimbatore, the lack of a direct flight to Delhi as a connecting flight to the West is an impediment to those who visit Coimbatore both for business as well as on holiday to travel to tourist destinations like the Nilgiris and Kodaikanal,” said KGF’s letter to Mr. Lohani.

Flight change

International travellers boarding from Coimbatore international airport, which serves Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode, Namakkal, Karur, Salem and the Nilgiris, are currently forced to opt for a flight change over from Bangalore, Chennai, Kochi or Tiruchi.

AI introduces 'Discover India Scheme'

Air India has introduced Discover India Scheme for travel in economy class within India valid till March 31, 2020.

Under scheme I, passenger can buy five economy class tickets for ₹ 40,000 for travel in five domestic sectors namely Coimbatore/Mumbai/Delhi/Thiruvananthapuram/Mumbai/Coimbatore to be availed within 15 days of the first leg of travel.

Scheme II offers ten economy class tickets for ₹ 75,000 for travel in ten domestic sectors which will be valid for 30 days.
Police has no power to seize assets, says SC


The Supreme Court on Tuesday made clear that a police officer is not empowered to seize immovable property under Section 102 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Section 102 deals with the power of an investigating officer to seize any property suspected to be part of a crime.

The question of law regarded by a three-judge Bench of Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Justices Deepak Gupta and Sanjeev Khanna was whether landed property comes within the ambit of ‘property’ mentioned in the legal provision.

“Given the nature of criminal litigation, seizure of an immovable property by the police officer in the form of an attachment and dispossession would not facilitate investigation to collect evidence to be produced during inquiry and trial,” Justice Khanna observed.

Justice Gupta said seizure of land by a police officer during a probe would lead to an “absolutely chaotic situation”.
Ramanujan prize for U.K. mathematician

Harper’s brilliant work recognised


Recognising talent: Adam Harper was awarded the prize for his contributions to analytic & probabilistic number theory.

The SASTRA Ramanujan prize for 2019 will be awarded to mathematician Adam Harper, Assistant Professor with the University of Warwick, England.

The prize carries a citation and an award of $10,000 and is conferred annually on mathematicians from across the world who are less than 32 years of age, working in an area influenced by the genius Srinivasa Ramanujan.

“The SASTRA-Ramanujan Award has gained global repute ever since it was instituted in 2005 and today is easily amongst the top five awards of this type for mathematics. Many previous winners, including Manjul Bhargava and Akshay Venkatesh, went on to win the Fields Medal later,” said Dr. S. Vaidhyasubramaniam, Vice-Chancellor of SASTRA University, in a press release.

Four mathematicians who were awarded this prize have gone on to win the Fields Medal later.

Noted number theorist and former director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, Prof. R. Balasubramanian observed that the problems on which Mr. Harper works are interesting. “He has improved earlier results obtained by Kannan Soundararajan and Andrew Granville. His paper with Ben Green on large sieve is also worth mentioning,” he said.

The citation said Mr. Harper was awarded the prize “for several outstanding contributions to analytic and probabilistic number theory.”

“The prize recognizes his marvellous 2012 PhD thesis at Cambridge University, and his paper of 2013 in Crelle’s Journal …Harper’s recent brilliant proof of a conjecture of Helson…and a related paper… to appear in Algebra and Number Theory. The prize also recognizes Harper’s seminal work using the Riemann Hypothesis to determine the correct order upper bound for the higher moments of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line…”

The age limit is 32 years to commemorate the fact that Srinivasa Ramanujan accomplished a phenomenal body of work in this short span.

Every year, this prize is awarded by SASTRA University on its campus near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu, on Ramanujan’s birth anniversary, December 22.
‘Avoid travelling from Dhaula Kuan to AIIMS’

25/09/2019,NEW DELHI

Commuters travelling from Dhaula Kuan to AIIMS are likely to face congestion on the route for the next couple of days due to repair work on the flyover, said traffic policemen on Tuesday. PWD will carry-out the repair work on Hyatt Regency Flyover from September 25 to October 6 from Dhaula Kuan to AIIMS, said an advisory, which also asked commuters to take alternate routes.
26 dead, 300 injured as quake jolts Pakistan-occupied Kashmir
Temblor of 5.8 intensity strikes at a depth of 10 km; tremors felt in India


A road in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir that was damaged in the earthquake. PTIPTI

A powerful 5.8-magnitude earthquake jolted Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and several cities in the northeastern parts of the country on Tuesday afternoon, killing at least 26 people and wounding over 300 others.

Pakistan Meteorological Department’s Chief Meteorologist Muhammad Riaz, told The Hindu that the worst-hit area was Mirpur, where houses had collapsed and roads were ripped apart.

Tremors were felt across several north Indian States, including Jammu & Kashmir, the Delhi-National Capital Region, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, the National Centre for Seismology (NCS) said.

Some houses and parts of a mosque collapsed in Mirpur following the earthquake, Deputy Commissioner Raja Qaiser said.

Emergency has been declared in hospitals across PoK. TV channels showed the footage of heavily damaged roads in Mirpur, with many vehicles overturned. Several cars fell into the deep cracks on the roads. The building of the state-run Broadcasting House in Mirpur was badly damaged.

The tremors were felt in several cities across Pakistan including Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Multan.

Director Operations State Disaster Management Authority in PoK Saeed-Ur-Rehman Qureshi said the authorities were waiting for confirmation on death toll.
HC takes serious view of impersonation by student

Court asks Udit Surya if he is willing to surrender for inquiry


Hearing the anticipatory bail petition of Udit Surya, a first year MBBS student of Theni Government Medical College facing charges of impersonation in NEET, the Bench of the Madras High Court on Tuesday observed that the issue was serious in nature.

The charge against him was that another boy had written the NEET and appeared for counselling.

With the CB-CID set to probe the impersonation case, the court asked if the student was willing to surrender before the investigating officer for an inquiry. The anticipatory bail petition could be taken up for further hearing subsequently, the court said.

However, with the counsel’s petitioner not able to ascertain the same, the case was adjourned to October 1.

Udit Surya was booked under various Sections of the Indian Penal Code following a complaint from the Dean of the Government Theni Medical College.

Health issues

In his petition, Udit Surya, who has now withdrawn from the medical course, denied the charges levelled against him. He claimed that he had secured the seat after successfully clearing the NEET and his documents were verified and scrutinised during the admission process.

He cited mental health issues and depression as reason for withdrawing from the medical course. He said he suffered from severe psychiatric health issues and depression.
Bigil event in college draws govt. ire

Higher Education Dept. to issue notice to Sairam Group of institutions


Mangat Ram Sharma, Higher Education Secretary, has said that a show-cause notice would be issued to Sairam group of institutions for permitting political events on its campus.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a function at Presidency College on Tuesday, Mr. Sharma said: “We will issue a show-cause notice to the college for permitting political speeches on its campus. They should not conduct such programmes. They can hold social activities. Their affiliation could be in doubt if they conduct such events. We will give them notice and conduct an enquiry and then whatever action is deemed fit we will take,” he said.

At the audio launch of his film Bigil at Sairam Engineering College in Tambaram on September 19, actor Vijay, the main protagonist in the film, took several questions, including about banners and posters with his photos being destroyed by irate fans.

Mr. Vijay condoled the death of Subasri who died after a banner placed by a political party fell on her while she was riding a scooter.

He urged his fans to avoid placing banners and cutouts.

To a question from the emcee at the five-hour programme, he said: “Don’t attack my fans. You can tear up my photos and banners. They [fans] must have struggled to do this for their small pleasure. Please avoid it.”

Promoting his film, he advised his fans to play politics but not allow politics into sport.

He quoted a couplet from Tirukkural and said an incompetent person should be shunned in favour of the one qualified for the job. “A deserving person should be seated in the place worthy for him,” he said.

‘Permission obtained’

An official of Sairam Engineering College said the police had given permission to conduct the event.

According to him, the college maintained the details of payments received too.

Since the traffic was heavy because of the crowd, the college had rescheduled the afternoon classes for the day.

The college had suggested holding the event on a “non-working” day but since the special invitees had other engagements, the event had to be rescheduled. The college had not received any letter yet from the department, he said.

Last year, the Directorate of College Education had issued a circular after two incidents where political leaders participated in college events and spoke on politics.

Makkal Needhi Maiam founder and actor Kamal Haasan had, at a function in Coimbatore, last year complained of not being permitted to meet students through a government order.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s visit to Stella Maris College in Chennai last year became an issue as he visited the campus while the model code of conduct was in force in the wake of elections.

EWS TODAY 18.11.2024