Tuesday, August 24, 2021

1.6 crore people miss 2nd Covid shot, health ministry data shows

1.6 crore people miss 2nd Covid shot, health ministry data shows

Among Them, Over 1crore In 60-Plus Group



At least 1.6 crore people in India are yet to get second shot of the Covid vaccine 16 weeks after their first, the longest recommended gap between two shots. Over a crore of them are among the elderly, and the rest are from other vulnerable groups such as health and frontline workers and those aged over 45.

The1.6 crore figure was arrived at by looking at how many people had got their first shots as of May 2, that is 16 weeks back, and comparing it with the total number of those who have so far got their second. All data is from press releases issued by the health ministry.

The government had on May 13 approved a gap of 12-16 weeks for Covishield, which accounts for over 85% of all vaccinations; for Covaxin, it’s a much shorter 4-6 weeks.

Weekly cases fall in all major states

There were no signs of a third wave in Covid data from the week ended Sunday, with 32 out of the 36 states & UTs showing a fall in cases. In the four states/UTs where cases rose, the numbers were too low, reports Amit Bhattacharya. Cases dipped by 10% in Tamil Nadu, 10% in Kerala during the Onam week, 19% in Maharashtra, 24% in Andhra Pradesh, 16% in Karnataka and 15% in Odisha.

3.9cr eligible for second shot & yet to be jabbed

The number of people whose second shots are delayed beyond the recommended interval may well be higher since the calculation for 1.6 crore is based on 16 weeks for Covishield and not six weeks for Covaxin. So, the figure for those who’ve got both doses so far includes many who received their first shot after May 2.

The number of people who are eligible for their second shot – after 12 weeks – and are yet to be fully vaccinated is 3.9 crore (again, this number may be higher since the minimum gap for Covaxin is four weeks compared to 12 for Covishield).

A variety of factors may be at play for people not getting their second doses even after the maximum recommended interval.

Full report on www.toi-.in

Times View

The Covid numbers are coming down. But a lag in vaccination helps nobody’s cause. These are vulnerable groups and the government must be proactive in vaccinating them at the earliest and ensure that they retain their protective cover.

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