Friday, April 10, 2020

நடமாடும் ஏடிஎம் சேவை: ஐசிஐசிஐ வங்கி அறிமுகம்

By DIN | Published on : 10th April 2020 08:44 AM |

சென்னை: வாடிக்கையாளா்களின் இல்லங்களுக்கு அருகே சென்று சேவையளிக்கும் வகையில் ஐசிஐசிஐ வங்கி நடமாடும் ஏடிஎம் சேவையை தொடங்கியுள்ளது.

இதுகுறித்து அந்த வங்கி வியாழக்கிழமை வெளியிட்ட செய்திக்குறிப்பில் கூறியுள்ளதாவது:

கரோனா வைரஸ் நோய்த் தொற்றிலிருந்து தற்காத்துக் கொள்ள மத்திய அரசு தேசிய ஊரடங்கை அறிவித்துள்ளது. இந்த இக்கட்டான சூழ்நிலையில் சென்னையில் உள்ள வாடிக்கையாளா்களின் வாசலுக்கே சென்று சேவையளிக்கும் வகையில் நடமாடும் ஏடிஎம் சேவையை ஐசிஐசிஐ வங்கி தொடங்கியுள்ளது.

இதன் மூலம், அவா்கள் பணத் தேவைக்கு வெகுதூரத்தில் உள்ள கிளைகளுக்குச் சென்று அலைய வேண்டியதில்லை. நடமாடும் ஏடிஎம் மூலமாகவே தங்களுக்கு தேவையான பணத்தை அவா்கள் எடுத்துக் கொள்ளலாம்.

வாடிக்கையாளரின் பாதுகாப்பு மற்றும் வசதியை கருத்தில் கொண்டே வங்கி இந்த சேவையை சென்னையில் அறிமுகப்படுத்தியுள்ளது. மிக விரைவில் மும்பை, நொய்டா மற்றும் உத்தரப் பிரதேச மாநிலத்தின் சில மாவட்டங்களிலும் இதேபோன்ற நடமாடும் ஏடிஎம் சேவை தொடங்கப்பட உள்ளது என்று ஐசிஐசிஐ வங்கி அந்த அறிக்கையில் தெரிவித்துள்ளது.
ரேஷன் கடைகள் இன்று விடுமுறை

Added : ஏப் 09, 2020 23:29

இன்று விடுமுறை அறிவிப்புமாதத்தின் முதலாவது, இரண்டாவது வெள்ளிக்கிழமை, ரேஷன் கடைகளுக்கு விடுமுறை. அதற்கு மாற்றாக, அந்த வார ஞாயிற்றுக் கிழமைகளில், கடைகள் செயல்படும். தமிழக அரசு, 'கொரோனா' தடுப்பு கால நிவாரணமாக, ரேஷன் கார்டுதாரர்களுக்கு, தலா, 1,000 ரூபாயுடன், ரேஷன் பொருட்களை இலவசமாக வழங்குகிறது.

இந்த பணி, இம்மாதம், 2ம் தேதி துவங்கியது. மாதத்தின் முதல் வெள்ளிக் கிழமையான, 3ம் தேதி, ரேஷன் கடைகளுக்கு விடுமுறையாக இருந்தாலும், அவை வழக்கம் போல செயல்பட்டன. இதனால், இன்றும், ரேஷன் கடைகள் செயல்படுமா என்ற சந்தேகம், பலரிடமும் எழுந்தது. கார்டுதாரர்களுக்கு, 1,000 ரூபாய் வழங்கும் பணி, இறுதி கட்டத்தை எட்டியுள்ளது. இதனால், இன்று கடைகளுக்கு, வழக்கம் போல விடுமுறை விடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

ஊர் சுற்றினால் இனி 6 மாதம்'கம்பி'1.24 லட்சம் பேர் மீது நடவடிக்கை

Updated : ஏப் 10, 2020 04:09 | Added : ஏப் 09, 2020 22:50 |

சென்னை : 'கொரோனா' வைரஸ் பரவலை தடுக்க, நாடு முழுவதும், வரும், 14ம் தேதி வரை ஊரடங்கு பிறப்பிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

கொரோனா வைரஸ் தாக்குதலில், தமிழகம், தேசிய அளவில், இரண்டாவது இடத்தில் உள்ளது. எனினும், மக்களுக்கு, அந்த வைரஸ் குறித்த கொடூரம் புரியவில்லை; வெட்டித்தனமாக ஊர் சுற்றி வருகின்றனர். இதனால், போலீசார், சட்ட ரீதியான நடவடிக்கைகளை கடுமையாக்கி உள்ளனர்.எவரேனும், உயிருக்கு ஆபத்தானது; மற்றவர்களுக்கும் பரவக் கூடியது என்பதை அறிந்தோ அல்லது கவனக் குறைவாகவோ, கிருமிகளை பரவ வைப்பது, சட்டப்படி குற்றம். அதற்கு, ஆறு மாதம் சிறை தண்டனை மற்றும் அபராதம் விதிக்கப்படும்.

அதற்கு, இந்திய தண்டனை சட்டம், 269 பிரிவு வழிவகை செய்கிறது. தற்போது, ஊரடங்கு உத்தரவை மீறுவோர்கள், இந்த சட்டப் பிரிவின் கீழ் கைது செய்யப்பட்டு வருகின்றனர். தமிழகத்தில், நேற்று ஊரடங்கு உத்தரவை மீறியதாக, போலீசார், 1 லட்சத்து, 14 ஆயிரத்து, 832 வழக்குகள் பதிவு செய்துள்ளனர். இந்த வழக்குகளின் அடிப்படையில், ௧ லட்சத்து, ௨௪ ஆயிரத்து, ௬௫௭ பேர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளனர். இவர்கள் அனைவரும், ஆறு மாதம், சிறைத்தண்டனை கிடைக்க வகை செய்யும், இந்திய தண்டனை சட்டம், ௨௬௯வது பிரிவின் கீழ் கைது செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளனர்.

கைதானவர்களிடம் இருந்து, 97 ஆயிரத்து, 146 வாகனங்கள் பறிமுதல் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன; 38.54 லட்சம் ரூபாய் அபராதம் வசூலிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. பறிமுதல் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ள வாகனங்கள், போலீசாரின் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் உள்ளன.இதுகுறித்து, போலீஸ் உயர் அதிகாரிகள் கூறியதாவது: தமிழகத்தில், அனைத்து பொருட்களும் தாராளமாக கிடைக்கின்றன; தட்டுப்பாடு இல்லை. அப்படி இருக்கையில், சிலர் தேவையின்றி, வசிப்பிடத்தில் இருந்து, 2 கி.மீ., துாரத்திற்கு அப்பால், வெளியே சுற்றுகின்றனர். அதுபோன்ற நபர்களை கைது செய்து, சிறையில் அடைக்க உள்ளோம். இவ்வாறு, அவர் கூறினார்.
கொரோனா பரவல் எதிரொலி ரயில்களில், 'ஏசி' பெட்டிகள் ரத்து

Added : ஏப் 10, 2020 00:34

புதுடில்லி : கொரோனா வைரஸ் பரவல் முழுமையாக நிற்கும் வரை, ரயில்களில், 'ஏசி' பெட்டிகளை ரத்து செய்ய, ரயில்வே முடிவு செய்துள்ளது,

கொரோனா வைரஸ் பரவலை கட்டுப்படுத்த, நாட்டில், 21 நாள் ஊரடங்கு அமல்படுத்தப்பட்டு உள்ளது. ரயில் சேவைகள் முற்றிலுமாக நிறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளன. கொரோனா பரவல் அதிகரித்து வருவதால், ஊரடங்கு நீட்டிக்கப்படலாம் என, எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகிறது. இந்த சூழலில், ரயில் சேவை துவக்கப்பட்டாலும், அதில் சில கட்டுப்பாடுகளை விதிக்க, ரயில்வே முடிவு செய்து உள்ளது.'ஏசி' வசதி செய்யப்பட்டுள்ள பகுதிகளில் தான், வைரஸ் அதிக அளவில் பரவுவதாக கூறப்படுகிறது. அதனால், ரயில்களில், 'ஏசி' பெட்டிகளை ரத்து செய்ய, ரயில்வே நிர்வாகம் முடிவு செய்துள்ளது.

மேலும், பயணியருக்கு கட்டுப்பாடுகளை விதிக்கவும், அது முடிவு செய்து உள்ளது. ரயில் புறப்படுவதற்கு நான்கு மணி நேரத்துக்கு முன், பயணியர் ரயில் நிலையத்துக்கு வர வேண்டும். அங்கு, அவர்களுக்கு உடல் வெப்ப பரிசோதனை உட்பட, கொரோனா தொடர்பான பரிசோதனைகள் செய்ய முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. இது பற்றி, ரயில்வே அமைச்சக உயர் அதிகாரி ஒருவர் கூறியதாவது:முன்பதிவு செய்துள்ள பயணியர் மட்டுமே, பிளாட்பாரத்துக்குள் செல்ல அனுமதிக்கப்படுவர். பிளாட்பாரம் டிக்கெட் விற்பனை ரத்து செய்யப்படும். பயணத்துக்கு, 12 மணி நேரத்துக்கு முன், பயணியர், தங்கள் உடல் நிலை குறித்து, ரயில்வே அதிகாரிகளிடம் தெரிவிக்க வேண்டும்.

வைரஸ் பாதிப்பு உள்ளது தெரிந்தால், அந்த பயணி உடனடியாக ரயிலில் இருந்து இறக்கிவிடப் படுவார். அவரது பயணம் ரத்து செய்யப்படும்.பயணத்தின் போது, பயணியர், முக கவசம், கையுறை அணிவது கட்டாயமாக்கப்படும். இவை இரண்டையும், ரயில்வே குறைந்த விலையில் வழங்கும். வியாபாரிகள், ரயில் பெட்டிக்குள் ஏற அனுமதிக்கப்பட மாட்டார்கள். தொற்று பரவாமல் இருக்க, முதியவர்கள், ரயில் பயணத்தை தவிர்க்க கேட்டுக் கொள்ளப்படுவர். பயணத்தின் போது சமூக விலக்கலை, பயணியர் கட்டாயம் கடைப்பிடிக்க வேண்டும்.

அனுமதியின்றி யாரும் நுழைவதை தடுக்க, ரயில் பெட்டிகளில், நான்கு கதவுகளும் மூடப்படும்.பெரும்பாலான ரயில்கள், வழியில் எங்கும் நிற்காமல் செல்லும். சமூக விலக்கலை கடைப்பிடிக்கும் வகையில், பெட்டிகளில், இரண்டு பயணியர் மட்டுமே, பயணிக்க அனுமதிக்கப்படுவர். இந்த விதிமுறைகள் அமல்படுத்துவது பற்றி, பயணியருக்கு முன்கூட்டியே தெரிவிக்கப்படும். இவ்வாறு, அவர் கூறினார். இதற்கிடையில், 21 நாள் ஊரடங்கு முடிந்த பின், ரயில்களை இயக்க எந்த திட்டமும் இல்லை என, ரயில்வே தெரிவித்து உள்ளது.
வாட்ஸ் ஆப்' குழுக்களில் தகவல்கள் பகிர தடையா?

Added : ஏப் 09, 2020 23:36

சென்னை : கொரோனா குறித்து, 'வாட்ஸ் ஆப்' குழுக்களில் எந்த தகவலையும் பரப்பக்கூடாது என, மத்திய அரசு எச்சரித்துள்ளதாக, வெளியான செய்தி வெறும் வதந்தி என, தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது.

ஊரடங்கால் வீட்டில் இருக்கும் மக்களுக்கு, நாளிதழ்கள், ஊடகங்கள், இணையதளங்கள் மற்றும் சமூக வலைதளங்கள் தான், தகவல்களை தருகின்றன. இதில், சமூக வலைதளங்களில் வதந்திகளையும், பொய் தகவல்களையும், சிலர் பரப்பி வருகின்றனர். இந்நிலையில், 'கொரோனா குறித்து, 'வாட்ஸ் ஆப்' குழுக்களில், எந்த தகவல்களையும் பரப்பக் கூடாது; பரப்பினால், 'அட்மின்'கள் மீது, கிரிமினல் நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும்' என, மத்திய அரசு எச்சரித்துள்ளதாக, சிலர் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.

மத்திய உள்துறை அமைச்சகத்தின், முதன்மை செயலர், ரவி நாயக், இந்த உத்தரவை பிறப்பித்துள்ளதாகவும், அவர்கள் கூறியுள்ளனர். இது வதந்தி என்றும், இதுபோன்ற அறிவிப்பை வெளியிடவில்லை என்றும், மத்திய உள்துறை அமைச்சகம் தெரிவித்துள்ளது. மத்திய அரசின், 'டுவிட்டர்' பக்கத்தில், இந்த விளக்கம் வெளியாகி உள்ளது. இதுபோன்று, மத்திய அரசு அதிகாரிகள் பெயரை குறிப்பிட்டு, வதந்திகளை பரப்பி, மக்கள் இடையே அச்சத்தை ஏற்படுத்துவோர் மீது, சட்ட நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும் என்றும், எச்சரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
ராகவா லாரன்ஸ் ரூ.3 கோடி நிவாரணம்

Added : ஏப் 09, 2020 23:01

சென்னை : நடிகர் ராகவா லாரன்ஸ், 3 கோடி ரூபாய் நிதியுதவி வழங்கியுள்ளார்.இது குறித்து, 'டுவிட்டரில்' லாரன்ஸ் கூறியுள்ளதாவது:ரஜினியின் ஆசியோடு, 'சந்திரமுகி - 2' படத்தில், நான் நடிக்கிறேன்; பி.வாசு இயக்குகிறார்.

படத்திற்காக பெறப்பட்ட தொகையில், 3 கோடி ரூபாய், கொரோனா நிவாரணத்திற்காக செலவிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. பிரதமர் மற்றும் முதல்வர் நிவாரண நிதிக்காக, தலா, 50 லட்சம் ரூபாய் வீதம், 1 கோடி ரூபாய் வழங்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது.'பெப்சி' சினிமா தொழிலாளர் அமைப்புக்கு, 50 லட்சம் ரூபாயும், நடன கலைஞர்கள் சங்கத்திற்கு, 50 லட்சம் ரூபாயும் வழங்கப்பட்டு உள்ளது.மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்காக, 25 லட்சம் ரூபாய்; சென்னை, ராயபுரம் சுற்றுவட்டார தொழிலாளர்கள் மற்றும் ஏழைகளுக்காக, 75 லட்சம் ரூபாய் என, மொத்தம், 3 கோடி ரூபாய் நிதி வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.இவ்வாறு, அவர் கூறியுள்ளார்.
அண்ணா பல்கலை தேர்வு தள்ளிவைப்பு

Added : ஏப் 09, 2020 22:27

சென்னை : அண்ணா பல்கலை கட்டுப்பாட்டில் உள்ள, அனைத்து இன்ஜினியரிங் கல்லுாரிகளின், செமஸ்டர் தேர்வுகளும் தள்ளிவைக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளன.

கொரோனா வைரஸ் பிரச்னை காரணமாக, நாடு முழுவதும் ஊரடங்கு அமலில் உள்ளது. அதனால், அண்ணா பல்கலையில், வரும், 18ல் துவங்குவதாக இருந்த, செமஸ்டர் தேர்வுகள் தள்ளிவைக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளன.அண்ணா பல்கலையின் வளாக கல்லுாரிகள், உறுப்பு கல்லுாரிகள், அரசு இன்ஜினியரிங் கல்லுாரிகள், இணைப்பு கல்லுாரிகள் என அனைத்திலும், ஏப்., மற்றும் மே மாதங்களில் நடத்த திட்டமிடப்பட்டிருந்த தேர்வுகள் தள்ளிவைக்கப்பட்டு உள்ளன.ஊரடங்கு உத்தரவு தளர்த்தப்பட்டதும், செமஸ்டர் தேர்வுக்கான அறிவிப்பு வெளியிடப்படும் என்றும், அண்ணா பல்கலை அறிவித்துள்ளது.
She rides 1,600 km for stranded son

Razia Sultana travelled to Nellore in AP from Bodhan in Nizamabad district of Telangana to bring back her son.

Shyam Madavedi


This is a tale of love, grit and determination of a 48-year-old woman to bring her stranded son back home from Nellore in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh. She covered a total distance of 1,600 km, half of it alone, on her moped!

Razia Sultana, headmistress at Salampadu Government School and a resident of Bodhan town in Nizamabad district, was distraught when her 19-year-old son, Nizamuddin, was stuck in Nellore town, a good 800 km away from home, due to the nationwide lockdown. Just before the lockdown was announced, he had gone to visit his friends and relatives in Nellore besides wanting to visit Rahmatabad Shareef Dargah at Rahmatabad near Kavali in Nellore district.

After making futile attempts to bring him back including travel in a transport truck, the gritty mother decided to set out for Rahmatabad herself on her moped,. She approached Bodhan ACP Jaipal Reddy for permission, which was denied. The police, however, issued a letter authenticating her identity and the reason for her travel to Nellore.

(See PAGE 2)

She rides 1,600 km for stranded son

Armed with the letter, a few rotis packed in a box and with five litres of petrol, Razia Sultana set out at 6 am on April 6. Taking the help of Google maps, she travelled from Bodhan through Gajwel, Nalgonda, Miryalaguda, Addanki and took the Kavali route. She reached Kavali at 2 am on April 7, took rest for a couple of hours at a police check-post and set out for Rahmatabad. She reached the town in the early hours of April 7, and met her son.

The mother and son then set out for Bodhan on April 7 at 7 am, reached Kamareddy at 2 pm on April 8, took rest for a while at a relative’s house and reached home in the night. Worried about police checks en route and possible explanations to probing questions, Razia Sultana would not allow Nizamuddin to ride the moped on the return journey, doing it herself. She, was, however, grateful to the police who understood the situation she was in and allowed her to ride through. Razia sultana expressed her gratitude to Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Police for cooperating with her during her incredible joutney to bring her son back home. Needless to say, relatives, friends and the towns people are amazed at the gutsy woman, a widow, who lost her husband 14 years ago. As for Nizamuddin, he will continue preparing for NEET long term coaching at Sri Chaitanya in Hyderabad, and his mother’s love for him should stand him in good stead in the years to come.
Telangana HC seeks TS response on PIL against salary cut

The bench, consisting Chief Justice Raghvendra Singh Chauhan and Justice T Amarnath Goud, was hearing a PIL filed by advocate S Satyam Reddy and five others.

Published: 09th April 2020 11:16 AM |

Telangana High Court (File Photo | EPS)

By Express News Service

HYDERABAD: A division bench of the Telangana High Court on Wednesday directed the State government to respond to a PIL filed in connection with GO 27 issued for deducting the salaries and pension of government employees and pensioners respectively and GO 45 directing the public and private establishments to pay full salary to its employees. “Deduction in monthly pension payments will affect the livelihood of the pensioners. They have to pay inevitably and regularly for medicines and other essential services. How it is justified?”, the bench questioned. The bench, consisting Chief Justice Raghvendra Singh Chauhan and Justice T Amarnath Goud, was hearing a PIL filed by advocate S Satyam Reddy and five others.
Forensic docs at mortuaries take all safety precautions

Asif Yar Khan

Hyderabad 10.04.2020

Forensic medicine doctors conducting autopsy in medico-legal cases are taking extra safety precautions in view of the outbreak of the pandemic.

To prevent any possible risks, the forensic doctors are now wearing full Personal Protective Equipment to minimise exposure to biological agents while attending the cases. On an average, a team of doctors and post-graduation students headed by a senior professor conduct more than 10 post mortem examinations on bodies at the Osmania General Hospital and Gandhi Hospital every day.

“After the Covid-19 surfaced in India, we are taking extra precautions to protect ourselves. In some cases, the fact that a person was Covid-19 positive came to be known only after death,” said Prof Mohd Taqiuddin Khan, Head of Department of Forensic Medicine, Osmania Medical College. He said all the doctors and post-graduation students have been briefed about the precautions to be taken. “The scope of contracting the virus is more during postmortem examination of bodies specially while checking the lungs or nose. So extra care is being taken,” he said.

Prof Khan said all the assisting staff in the mortuary were asked to take the required precautions while handling unknown bodies wherein the reason of the death is unclear, adding, cleaning up of the mortuaries was being done.
Buy now, pay later: Supermarket comes to rescue of the needy

Low income and daily wage labourers have been struggling to make ends meet ever since the lockdown was imposed.

Published: 08th April 2020 06:21 AM 

A view of the Aadhavan Supermarket | DEBADATTA MALLICK

Express News Service

CHENNAI: Low income and daily wage labourers have been struggling to make ends meet ever since the lockdown was imposed. For many of them, Aadhavan Stores in Ayanavaram is a blessing. Situated on Muthu Amman Street, the shop has put a notice on its front that reads: “Grocery items and rice worth Rs 1,000 will be provided to people at half amount or no amount.

Money can be paid on monthly or weekly basis.”“I have seen families suffer ever since the lockdown was announced. So, we decided to give grocery on a loan basis,” says K Saravanan, the owner of the store. Saravanan says he did not put out the notice first.“Auto drivers and labourers started approaching me asking if they could pay later. How could I say no? Soon, the word spread and people started coming from many places.”Saravanan says he sells goods worth Rs 2.5 lakh a day of which at least Rs 80,000 is on loan. 
    Soon, idlis will go missing from your kitchens...

    There’s a scarcity of toor and urad dal due to labour shortage and disruption of supply

    Published: 08th April 2020 06:34 AM 

    Representational Image

    Express News Service

    CHENNAI: For many Indians, especially down South, the humble idli, its flamboyant cousin dosa and sambar are part of daily life. But, during the lockdown, the favourite breakfast of many is starting to miss from the menu. Why? Because toor dal and urad dal, essential items to make batter, is hardly available.

    Traders say there is scarcity since pulses come from Karnataka and Maharashtra and hardly anything is being transported now. Tamil Nadu Pulses Traders Association Member T Shanmugakani told Express that currently, the State is getting only 25 per cent stock of toor dal as 70 to 75 per cent yards or agriculture mandis in Maharashtra and Karnataka are not functioning.

    “Besides there are also other issues like non-availability of migrant workers, drivers and sealed borders,” says Shanmugakani. Interestingly, many traders are sourcing urad dal from Thanjavur and Bhuvanagiri in Chdambaram district. But it is barely enough, says Shanmugakani.

    That’s not all. The traders also blame panic buying for the shortage. It has pushed up prices of essentials by 15 to 20 per cent. Chennai Koyambedu Foodgrains Wholesale Merchants Association secretary R Punnaiappan told Express that usually retailers sell at 5 per cent profit margin but due to panic buying, products are being sold at 15 to 20 per cent in retail. Punnaippan said the government has to step in to ensure buying is controlled and traders don’t stock up, adding prices of garlic, which was sold between Rs 60-Rs 100 is now being sold at Rs 130-200 and most are being kept in godowns or warehouses.

    It gets whackier! The rise in price of turmeric is also being attributed to people using it to spray on homes and roads. Shanmugakani says the government should open up Kothwal chavadi market in North Chennai, from where goods are moved to retail shops across the city, Tiruvanamalai and North Tamil Nadu.

    Vijay, a retail shop owner, says that since distributors are not coming here he has to go before 1 pm and get essential commodities for his customers. “These are tough times,” he says.
    Guarding luxury stores on an empty stomach amid COVID-19 threat

    The gig economy works perfectly well in good times, but situations such as the COVID-19 outbreak exposes the underlying callousness in the system.

    Published: 09th April 2020 06:18 AM 

    Security personnel at Chennai airport on Wednesday. (Photo | Martin Louis/EPS)

    Express News Service

    CHENNAI: The gig economy works perfectly well in good times, but situations such as the COVID-19 outbreak exposes the underlying callousness in the system.

    Take for instance the case of the private security guards posted at every other mall, office, or residential apartment.

    Employed through manpower contract companies, they continue to work in today’s dangerous environment –guarding luxury car showrooms and high-end jewellery stores – without any transport facility, health benefits, or even basic insurance. 

    So, what keeps them going in such tough times? The threat of being sacked from their jobs. Sasi Kumar works with a top car showroom in Teynampet area of Chennai.

    He says whatever the case, he was asked to report to work by his bosses. 

    From Vyasarpadi, Sasi Kumar manages to reach his work locating mostly by hitching rides with others.

    “There are stretches where I find none, so I walk. My shift lasts for 12 hours.” Sasi Kumar, who is partially blind, says he gets no medical support from his employers. “I know nothing about this virus.

    All I know is that if something were to happen to me, I will have to shell out money from my pocket. My employers will not take care of anything.”

    “While security guards at apartments get some food from residents, there’s no such luck for those of us guarding shops, malls, and ATMs,” adds Sasi Kumar. Jeevanandam R*, a security guard with a jewellery shop near Thousand Lights, says the company did not consider making any arrangements for travel. “Every day we get into trouble with the police. It’s a difficult situation.” 

    (* Names changed to protect identities)
    Eating at home: LPG consumption up 13% 

    The domestic cooking gas demand in the State increased by 13 per cent in the month of March.

    Published: 09th April 2020 06:18 AM |

    Express News Service

    CHENNAI: The domestic cooking gas demand in the State increased by 13 per cent in the month of March. The gas companies - IOCL, BPCL and HPCL have supplied over 12 lakh LPG cylinders additionally since March 24, when the lockdown came into effect. 

    The closure of hotels, bakeries, tea stalls and other eateries has been attributed to the sudden surge in the demand. In case the lockdown continues till April 30, cooking gas demand is expected to increase by 25 to 30 percent, according to official sources. 

    An official from Indian Oil Corporation said, “For the month of March the company has delivered 68 lakh cylinders as against the 60 lakh of corresponding period of the previous year. About 13 percent of demand was met without any disruption during the lockdown period,” In addition, BPCL and HPCL together delivered about 4 lakh cylinders additionally during March. The per day supply, which stood at 4 lakh before lockdown, increased to 4.4 lakh over the last few days. 

    “About 40,000 cylinders were supplied additionally every day despite curfew restrictions and shortage of labourers” added the official. As on May last year, the State has 2.14 crore domestic connections, of which 1.17 crore consumers are catered to by IOCL, while BPCL and HPCL supply cylinders to 59.85 lakh and 37 lakh households respectively.
    More restless residents rush to roads

    Though there are five more days to go for the lockdown to end, city folk are already starting to step out in large numbers, throwing fears over community spread in the air.

    Published: 10th April 2020 06:44 AM |

    People buy vegetables as the Chennai Corporation, in a bid to prevent crowding at markets, deployed street vendors with tricycles to different parts of city | Express
    By Express News Service

    CHENNAI: Though there are five more days to go for the lockdown to end, city folk are already starting to step out in large numbers, throwing fears over community spread in the air. Many people were seen going for morning walks on Thursday, or riding with their kids. Since beaches and parks are shut to visitors, people are jogging along roads, with their pets and kids.

    “It is mentally disturbing to stay inside the house all the time. My wife and I took turns to shop for vegetables and groceries. Our kids are becoming restless, pestering every minute for the last 16 days to go out of the house or play with other kids. With only five days more for the lockdown to end I thought I will let them step out,” said a 32-year-old man who was jogging along Eldams Road with his son and daughter.

    Police on the streets say similar comments were passed by other public, who were seen taking kids out of the house for grocery shopping. “Initially we warned people and sent them back home asking them to return to the shop leaving the kids at their houses. In the last few days, more and more people are bringing their kids out,” says a police officer.
      30% of salaries of Ministers, legislators to be cut for 1 year

      It is expected to save ₹15.36 crore; Union Cabinet has already taken such a decision


      No discussion has been held on slashing salaries of the more than six lakh government employees. File photo

      Cash-strapped Karnataka on Thursday decided to slash 30% salary and allowances of MLAs, MLCs, the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, and all Ministers for one year. The cut will save the State exchequer ₹15.36 crore.

      Briefing on the decisions taken at a meeting of the State Cabinet, Law and Parliamentary Minister J.C. Madhuswamy said an Ordinance would be promulgated for reducing the salaries. Governor Vajubhai R. Vala too has agreed for a pay cut.

      The Union Cabinet has already taken a decision on reducing the salaries of MPs by 30% and suspended MPLAD funds for two years to mobilise more funds for the fight against COVID-19. Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa is said to have consulted Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly Siddaramaiah and the latter endorsed the Chief Minister’s suggestion, sources said.

      Following sharp reduction in the availability of cash with the government, the Finance Department issued a notification a few days ago restricting expenditure to most essential items such as salaries, pensions, and basic administrative costs. Noting that “all expenditure on fighting COVID-19 will be given utmost priority,” the Finance Department laid out guidelines on release of funds and delegation of financial powers for April. Citing the prevailing situation of lockdown owing to COVID-19, the order stated that “the revenues of the State government are severely constrained”.

      Till now, no discussion has been held on slashing salaries of the more than six lakh government employees. The Opposition Congress has already opposed any reduction in salaries of the government employees on the grounds that they have many commitments such as payment of housing rent and fees of children.
      Impersonators pose as policemen and doctors

      Eight arrested in Assam for cheating


      COVID-19 may not have hit Assam badly but has led to a rise in cases of impersonation for making a quick buck.

      In the past two days, the police caught at least eight people across the State for impersonating the men in uniform and other government officials to extract money from trucks carrying essentials and shops in the rural areas that open on the sly.

      On Wednesday, the police in eastern Assam’s Jorhat district arrested three men who had taken fraudulence to another level – by posing as doctors assigned to disseminate awareness and test people for possible infection for a fee.

      The trio had been operating for some days in villages around Jorhat town.

      “We caught them from the Titabor area on the basis of public complaints. Apart from conning people by posing as doctors and showing them their photos with ambulances, they also tried to pass off as officials and seized gutkha packets to demand money from shops,” Jorhat Superintendent of Police Mrinal Talukdar said.

      Diganta Neog (25), Ujjwal Bora (24) and Biswajyoti Dutta (18) were produced before a court and sent to jail.
      ‘PM will take a call on lockdown’

      Bid to give a communal touch will damage efforts to fight COVID-19: Punjab CM

      10/04/2020, AMIT BARUAH

      Amarinder Singh, Punjab Chief Minister, said a “final decision” to extend the lockdown beyond April 14, Prime Minister Narendra Modu had stated, would be taken on April 11 in consultation with the Chief Ministers. According to him, any bid to give a “communal touch” to the spread of COVID-19 from the Tablighi Jamaat centre in New Delhi would be “highly damaging” to the efforts to fight the pandemic. Excerpts from an email interview:

      Do you favour continuing the current stringent lockdown after it ends at the midnight of April 14?

      It all depends on how things stand at that time, but there is a general sense among various Chief Ministers that, given the current graph of the virus, the lockdown may need to be extended. The Prime Minister has said a final decision will be taken on April 11, in consultation with the Chief Ministers. My understanding is that stringent restrictions would need to be continued for some more time, in whatever form.

      If not, what are the other kinds of curbs that can be put in place by Punjab and other States to deal with the pandemic?

      Well, as I said, some restrictions would need to be put in place if we decide against extension of the curfew/lockdown. Apart from creating containment zones in the hotspots and sealing them, we need to ensure that strict social distancing is strictly implemented, which means not everyone can go to their offices/businesses/shops at the same time. We may need to open some more industries, but that would also depend on the safety protocols and the situation, as we go forward. In any case, COVID-19 is unlikely to disappear overnight, so whenever things improve the restrictions will have to be lifted in a staggered manner to ensure there is no overcrowding, safe distance continues to be maintained, people wear masks when going out.

      There’s little doubt that the Tablighi centre in Nizamuddim added to the spread of the novel coronavirus in Delhi. But Hindutva elements are trying to give it a communal colour. What’s your view on this?

      We are all facing an unprecedented crisis, which governments around the world are coming together to tackle. To give the matter a communal touch at this critical time is not only irresponsible but also highly damaging to our efforts to combat the pandemic. Of course, what happened in Nizamuddin was a disastrous and total failure of the Delhi government. Let us not divert ourselves from the main task — of fighting the virus and overcoming it — by making it a communal affair.

      Are you satisfied with the quantum of assistance being provided to the States by the Centre?

      Not at all. The Central government needs to understand that everything, from medical assistance to the people to setting up of necessary facilities and ensuring equipment, as well as managing the lockdown/curfew, has to be done by the States on the ground. That needs a huge amount of resources, which the States do not have. In Punjab, for instance, we have not even received our pending GST arrears, despite our repeated requests and despite the fact that we have no other source of income right now, given that VAT and taxes have all dried up. The Centre has to pitch in. What they have given us so far is nowhere close to what we need. We have only received ₹296 crore against the MGNREGA account, ₹632 crore towards the Finance Commission grant.

      On account of disaster relief, we have received a meagre ₹225 crore. How do we manage with this? The GST sum pending with the Centre is ₹6,752.83 crore, which is the bulk amount pending with them. We need that urgently and we need a special economic package to tide over the immediate crisis and then to revive economy/industry in the post-COVID-19 scenario.

      Have you been able to provide personal protection gear to doctors and hospitals on COVID-19 duty?

      Yes, we have provided protective gear at all government hospitals. We had purchased 15,000 PPE kits, and 14,000 have been distributed. We have ordered another 2 lakh kits to prepare for bigger exigencies. Of the 80,000 N95 masks, 60,000 have been distributed, while of the 42 lakh triple-layer masks purchased, 40 lakh have been distributed.

      We have ordered another 2 lakh N95 and 55 lakh triple-layer masks. Not just the doctors, we want to ensure that all our front-line warriors, including police personnel and sanitation workers, are fully protected.

      Delhi has gone in for random testing. Will Punjab follow suit?

      Definitely. Now that the ICMR has given permission for rapid testing, we will be starting that in a couple of days, as soon as we start getting the first set of kits from the Centre.

      We have ordered nearly 10 lakh such kits, and we expect the first bunch in the next two days. We will be focussing on the hotspots first and then maybe expand to other areas. As of now, hotspots have been seen in certain pockets of SBS Nagar, Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar, Pathankot and Mansa districts, along with two areas of SAS Nagar.

      Punjab has a large number of people living abroad. Have you been able to do contact-tracing of all those people who have come from abroad?

      Approximately 95,000 persons were screened at international airports and land checkposts in the State before curfew. Self-declaration forms of all passengers were filled and all were examined. All passengers were home-quarantined, while five symptomatic persons were traced during screening and were admitted to isolation wards of hospitals. Subsequently, the Government of India shared a list of around 55,000 passengers with us — these were people who had arrived since January 2020. The passengers were home-quarantined, and posters have been pasted outside these houses and they are being tracked by the police. We have appealed to all passengers who have come to Punjab to self-report.
      Ahmedabad adopts South Korean model

      Intensive surveillance, aggressive testing will ensure detection of cases: officials


      Viral strategy: Fire personnel spraying disinfectant at Teen Darwaza in Ahmedabad.Vijay SonejiVijay Soneji

      As COVID-19 cases surge, Ahmedabad is battling to contain the spread of the pandemic with intensive surveillance and aggressive testing to detect the maximum number of cases of infected people, and isolate them to curtail further spread of the disease and break the chain of transmission.

      So far, 141 cases have been reported from Ahmedabad, with 58 reported on Thursday morning alone. Six persons have succumbed to their infection in the city. “Intensive surveillance and aggressive testing — these two approaches will ensure we detect as many cases as possible. One case proactively detected can mean up to ten lives saved, assuming one positive undetected person can infect around 400 people and considering about 3% mortality rate,” Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra said on Thursday.

      The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has now adopted the South Korean model of enhanced testing to ascertain the scale of the epidemic in the city of 6.5 million people.

      “On 4th April, the number of samples tested from the city were 57 while after four days on 8th April, we tested 840 samples,” Mr. Nehra said. He posted details of samples tested on his Twitter handle.

      Along with aggressive testing, the civic body has hardened social distancing measures by strictly regulating goings and comings in the entire walled city area, from where the maximum number of cases have emerged.

      The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has identified 14 clusters or hotspots where intensive surveillance, mass testing and contact tracing of infected persons will be carried out with enhanced focus.
      Puri turns into a ghost town

      The loudest sound to be heard is from the waves crashing on the beach

      10/04/2020, SATYASUNDAR BARIK ,PURI

      The beach road in Puri on Thursday. Special arrangement

      Silhouetted fishermen disappearing into the deep sea in canoes and catamarans long before dawn; hundreds of visitors preparing to dive into the waves; servitors at the 12th century Shree Jagannath Temple preparing for intricate rituals — all of these make Puri a tourist haven on India’s eastern coast. But with the lockdown in place for the COVID-19 pandemic, the constantly bustling 17 sq. km. pilgrim hub has turned into ghost town.

      Trains have stopped pulling into Puri and there’s barely any traffic on the NH16, which used to have thousands of tourist vehicles racing over it every day. Now, policemen man barricades and emergency vehicles whiz past occasionally, while hardly anyone is to be seen on the 65-km-long drive from the capital city of Bhubaneswar to Puri.

      Puri paints the picture of a beautiful temple town without devotees. T

      he 3 km-long Grand Road leading to the Jagannath Temple is dotted with temporary fences. Without a valid COVID-19 pass, devotees cannot have a glimpse of the recently revamped temple complex. The crowds of people shopping at hundreds of craft shops and other outlets flanking the Grand Road are absent.

      ‘Not only Puri’

      “This never-seen phenomenon is not associated only with Puri — it prevails the world over. We hope for an early return to normalcy so that devotees throng the town again,” said Balwant Singh, Puri’s District Collector.

      “The Jagannath Rath Yatra, scheduled for the month of June, is going on as per plan. The contours of this year’s Rath Yatra have not been discussed by the temple administration. As things will evolve, the chief administrator of the Shree Jagannath Temple Administration will take a call,” said Mr. Singh.

      Meanwhile, not a single person can be seen enjoying the vast blue waters of the Bay of Bengal at the famous beach.

      “I had never witnessed such silence on this beach in my life,” said A. Bhagwan, a lifeguard, describing it as a silence that was becoming frightening.

      Now, the loudest sound to be heard is from the waves crashing on the beach.
      Bhopal police thrash two AIIMS doctors returning from duty

      Showing ID cards, appeals to let them go went unheard

      10/04/2020, SIDHARTH YADAV ,BHOPAL

      “We are doctors, don’t beat us,” cried two junior resident doctors of AIIMS, Bhopal, as the police thrashed them with batons while they returned home after performing emergency duties.

      Doctors like you are spreading the coronavirus. Do doctors roam around like this in the first place? You are a disgrace to the country! - two policemen, patrolling the Bag Sevania area, hurled the remarks at them.

      The identity cards around their necks, the hospital’s stickers on their scooter were ignored. Their appeals - “we are doctors, let us go”, went unheard. Around 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday, one of the policemen stopped their vehicle, smashed the milk packets they carried on the road, and landed batons on them. The woman, 27, received injuries on one foot, whereas the man, 31, who had raised one arm to protect against a blow from top, suffered soft tissue swelling with contused abrasions on the arm, which had to be wrapped in a PoP cast later.

      “More than the physical trauma, it is more of a mental one,” she said. “At a time when doctors are risking their lives for others, this is what they get in return. Sometimes, the common man hits us, but the police, who are supposed to save us, did it this time. Who do we trust?” she asked.

      At a time when COVID-19 cases are spiralling in Bhopal, which has reported 75 fresh cases in the past five days, different hospital departments are teaming up to cater to a steady stream of incoming patients. Even students of the Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Department, including the two doctors, are posted in isolation wards to take up COVID-19 duties on rotation.

      As the two doctors didn’t wear facemasks, the policemen told them they were a threat to society. “Such derogatory remarks, without knowing anything. Don’t they see it when we wear PPE kits while on duty? And they are teaching us to wear masks? They were so aggressive that we felt they would kill us,” she said. “If doctors stop working after such situations, imagine what would happen to healthcare at this point.”

      Back on duty

      Her parents back in West Bengal, who’re already tensed about the COVID-19 duty, asked her to go on a day’s leave on Thursday to get back her peace of mind. As did her professors, as she had suffered injuries. But gathering herself together the next day on Thursday, she reported for duty. “It was getting unnerving for me using the social media sitting at home. I had to return to work,” she said.

      Like each time, the students were confident showing their IDs would give them pass through the lockdown. “If such an incident could happen right outside my college, it could happen to me somewhere else too,” she said. “Everyone is scared now. If they say doctors can’t step outside when the COVID-19 spread is picking up, should I ask them why policemen are roaming outside too?”

      Shocked and scared

      The harrowing incident has left doctors at the AIIMS both shocked and scared. One of her batchmates, who is on the isolation ward’s night duty roster the next week, is tensed about travelling to hospital, 9 km away from home, now. “I will totally not step out of the car when they ask for my ID. Will it even be safe to travel alone in the first place?” she asked.

      During a pandemic like this, everyone, especially lawmakers, should keep their calm, she added. “Also, compared to the COVID-19, a lathicharge seems less of a threat. And I picked this profession by choice, and it comes with great responsibility. We have to work,” she said.

      Bhopal South Superintendent of Police Sai Krishna Thota said, “We have initiated a departmental inquiry against the policemen, with one constable being line-attached. There was a market operating illegally near the spot, so they were returning after removing that, when the incident took place.

      Meanwhile, the AIIMS Resident Doctors’ Association condemned the incident and informed The Hindu the police had assured them tht strict action would be taken against the policemen within 24 hours of the incident. The hospital administration, however, hasn’t pressed charges.
      Man held for ‘molesting’ two Safdarjung doctors

      He accused the duo of not maintaining social distancing

      10/04/2020, STAFF REPORTER,NEW DELHI

      The man accused the women of spreading COVID-19, said police.File photo

      A man was arrested for allegedly attacking two women doctors from Safdarjung Hospital after he accused them for not maintaining social distancing in south Delhi’s Hauz Khas market on Wednesday, the police said.

      Atul Thakur, Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) said a complaint was received at Hauz Khas police station regarding the incident after which they had registered an FIR in the case.

      In her complaint, the 29-year-old woman said the incident took place when she along with her sister had gone to the market to buy fruits near Gulmohar Enclave.

      The accused, who was at the stall, suddenly started making comments at the duo on social distancing.

      The women then told the 42-year-old accused that they know the importance of social distancing as they are doctors but the accused threatened them that he will get registered a case against the duo for spreading COVID-19.

      Man turns aggressive

      During the argument, the man, an interior decorator, became aggressive and attacked the women and also touched them inappropriately. Following this, he left the market. The victims were then medically examined, the police added.

      A detailed investigation has been ordered into the case, the police said. Mr. Thakur said an FIR under sections of molestation and causing hurt has been registered and the accused has been sent to judicial custody.
      Taking care of senior citizens and physically challenged persons

      Over 1,000 families, including 255 from north India, given groceries


      Madurai district shows the way in taking care of senior citizens, differently abled and visually challenged persons.

      As people are unable to move out due to lockdown, they have lost their livelihood. So, the State government has launched a toll-free helpline to help them. Such people need to dial the helpline 1800-425-0111. Their details, with location and phone numbers, are shared with the district administration.

      “Besides, we have got a WhatsApp group of representatives of associations of all types of physically challenged people in the district,” Madurai Collector T.G. Vinay said.

      “We have got huge stock of rice, wheat, dal and other essential items that have been donated by philanthropists. They are packed and distributed to tahsildars concerned for delivery to the people through some volunteers,” he added.

      Each family of five members is given a pack of 5 kg of rice, one kg of dal, half kg of edible oil, half kg of rava, 200 gm of tamarind, salt and a pack of dry chilli, pepper, fenugreek and garlic.

      “This pack would be sufficient to take care of a five-member family for more than a week,” he added.

      As the distribution began and the information spread through beneficiaries, requests poured in from more people. So far, the district administration has attended to over 95% of calls and distributed groceries to over 1,000 households.

      The worst affected are some visually challenged people, who live by singing on the streets and collecting alms from people

      “During the lockdown period, they cannot go out and collect money,” an official said.

      Amudha, 36, a visually challenged woman of Keela Vaidhyanathapuram, said the assistance was very timely to take care of her parents and two children. “I have been living by making garlands but I depend on ration goods and government assistance during difficult times,” the widow said.

      The district administration has given wheat flour, chenna dal instead of rice and dal to north Indian migrant workers. “They are not accustomed to eating rice. So, they wanted wheat flour,” he added.

      Vinod Kumar Ahiwal, 36, who landed at Kappalur from Jabalpur for construction work last month, has been trapped without any source for sustenance since the lockdown. Officials tracked him some three km away from Kappalur and handed over the ration. The ration has helped this man, who lives with his 58-year-old father and a brother, who are worried over returning home.

      So far, 2,550 kg of rice, 255 kg of chenna dal and 650 kg of onions have been supplied to 255 north Indian families in Madurai district.

      With the data available, the district administration is planning to replenish stocks for the disadvantaged people from Monday onwards. “These people will continue to get the ration till the lockdown is lifted,” the Collector said.
      ‘Without curbs, virus cases can hit lakhs’

      KSDMA for strict post-lockdown steps


      The Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) has recommended active intervention, including stringent screening at State borders, long-term physical distancing strategies and effective quarantining, to forestall an unmanageable spike in COVID-19 cases in post-lockdown Kerala.

      If there is no intervention whatsoever when the lockdown is lifted on April 14, hospitalisation in the State can peak in the range of 4.8 lakh to 8.2 lakh cases between June-end and July-end this year, according to the statistical models created by an eight-member KSDMA team. The possible scenarios were presented before Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday.

      In a scenario where break-the-chain measures, physical distancing or quarantining are wholly absent, symptomatic cases can peak at 48 lakh cases, hospitalisation at 4.8 lakh, and ICU admissions at 36,000 by July-end if the infection is in the ‘low spread’ category.

      If the infection spreads at a medium pace, by the beginning of July symptomatic cases can peak at 65 lakh, hospitalisations at 6.5 lakh, and ICU cases at 49,000. Given a worst-case scenario where the spread is severe, the State can have a situation on hand by June-end with 82 lakh symptomatic cases, 8.2 lakh hospitalisations, and 62,000 ICU admissions.

      The total hospital bed capacity of 1,30,550 and ICU capacity of 8,693 in the State have been factored in to arrive at conclusions.

      In a no-intervention, ‘low spread’ situation, hospitals will reach their tipping point by June-end this year, and by the second week of June in a ‘medium spread’ projection. On the other hand, given a severe spread of the infection, hospitals will reach the tipping point by as early as May-end.

      The KSDMA modelling suggests four ways to counter this: stringent screening at State borders, active break-the-chain measures such as use of masks, long-term physical distancing strategies and contact tracing, and quarantining.

      And what if the intervention combines all these measures? In such a scenario, symptomatic cases, hospitalisation, and ICU admissions will peak at 20,000, 2,000, and 200 respectively by April 2021 in a medium-spread scenario.
      Do not ignore non-COVID-19 medical emergencies


      Fear of coronavirus and the need for quarantine should not deter people from seeking treatment for non-COVID acute medical and surgical emergencies. Over the last two weeks, we have come across several instances of patients and relatives seeking medical attention very late for even emergencies because of fear. Since all the clinics and many smaller hospitals are closed, we are seeing quite a high number of patients with cardiac, neuro, stroke, gastro, diabetic and orthopedic emergencies presenting late with all complications leading to delayed intervention and recoverye

      What are the cardiac emergencies, which present late?

      It is well known that cardiovascular death is the number one cause of death globally. The intervention in golden hour after acute cardiac events like heart attacks will reverse the harmful effects and save lives. In the last few days, we have seen patients with acute coronary syndrome, heart rhythm abnormalities and complete heart block presenting late with all complications. Cardiac patients are also at increased risk of Covid-19 complications and they can present as heart attack, myocarditis and heart failure. All these patients need to be treated in hospitals with facilities for 24/7 Acute Coronary Care Units (ACCU), managed by senior cardiologists.

      How about stroke and neuro emergencies?

      Stroke is another medical emergency, which if treated within the window period of 4 hours will result in near complete resolution of condition. Now, we see many patients with stroke presenting late leading to complications, prolonged stay in ICU and delayed recovery. The delay in seeking treatment in these patients is due to several reasons like fear of Corona and lack of transport in the lockdown period.

      But, well equipped hospitals with facilities like Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) are manned round the clock by stroke physicians and nurses to take care even at this time of crisis. We also see patients with epilepsy with fits presenting late.

      What are the gastro-intestinal conditions one should take prompt treatment for?

      We also see patients with acute abdominal conditions like appendicitis, cholecystitis due to gall stones and obstructed hernia presenting late with gangrene and perforation leading to peritonitis and sepsis. These patients needed emergency surgery and prolonged stay in ICU because of delay in seeking treatment. The complications could be avoided by early interventions.

      What are the emergencies you see in diabetic patients now?

      We see diabetic patients with very high blood sugar levels, presenting acutely with diabetic keto acidosis. Also, we see diabetic patients with cellulitis and sepsis presenting late. Diabetic patients have to be extra careful at this time, monitor glucose levels regularly and seek help early in case of abnormal levels.

      How about injuries and fractures?

      Though we see a sharp reduction in road traffic accidents, the number of people with fractures due to domestic fall have remained the same.

      In particular, the elderly with hip fractures present to the hospital even a few days after the fracture with complications. They should be treated promptly.

      The patients presenting with COVID-19-like symptoms are treated in isolation facilities so that the non-COVID emergencies are managed in the main hospital in an uninterrupted way. Please don’t ignore emergencies and call for help immediately.
      CM launches IVRS facility for COVID-19

      System will guide people based on their symptoms


      Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami inaugurating the IVRS helpline number. B. Jothi Ramalingam

      An Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), jointly developed by the State Health Department, Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency, IIT-Madras and Department of Telecom, Government of India, was launched in Chennai on Thursday.

      Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami and Union Minister for Communications, Electronics and Information Technology Ravi Shankar Prasad launched the IVRS facility through videoconferencing. The Chief Minister said this was one more step towards controlling COVID-19 pandemic. The advantage of this system is that it does not require internet connection and people can converse in their mother tongue, a press release said.

      According to the release, anyone can give a missed call to 94999 12345. The system would call them back and ask simple questions. Based on the replies provided by them, it would give the appropriate advice on COVID-19. People can provide information on their health status, symptoms of COVID-19, and if they had conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

      Based on the replies and by analysing their place of residence, the initiative would facilitate transfer of information for further action. The district emergency control room would step in for providing appropriate assistance including despatch of ambulance depending on the condition of the callers.

      It would categorise them as low-risk beneficiaries, medium-risk beneficiaries and high-risk beneficiaries. For those in the low-risk category, health advice on hand washing, physical distancing and keeping surroundings clean would be provided. For those in the medium-risk category, the district emergency control room would provide required medical assistance. Disease prevention and control measures would be carried out through the control room for high-risk category persons.

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