Monday, January 28, 2019

Women in high-demand jobs tend to gain weight


Women who face heavy psychological pressures at work are more likely to gain weight, a study claims.

The study, published in ‘International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health’, included data from over 3,872 participants in Sweden. “We saw that high job demands played a part in women’s weight gain, while for men there was no association between high demands and weight gain,” said Sofia Klingberg, a researcher at University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

The participants in the study were investigated on three occasions over a 20-year period with respect to such variables as body weight and demands and control at work. They were followed either from age 30 to 50 or from 40 to 60.

To estimate the level of job demands, they were asked about their work pace, psychological pressures, if there was enough time for their duties and how often the demands made were contradictory.

The results show that the respondents with a low degree of control in their work more frequently gained considerable weight, defined as a weight gain of 10% or more, in the course of the study. This applied to women and men alike.

But long-term exposure to high job demands played a part only for women. In just over half of the women subjected to high demands, over the 20 years, weight gain was some 20% higher than in women subject to low job demands. PTI

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