Monday, February 4, 2019

Boy, 18, falls through elevator shaft in college hostel, injured



In a birthday celebration gone wrong, an 18-year-old student sustained grievous injuries on Saturday after he fell from the fourth floor into the under-construction elevator shaft in a college hostel in Ramapuram.

Police said S Deepvaya, of Nagpur in Maharashtra, is pursuing a degree in computer science engineering in a private college in Ramapuram. A group of friends in the college hostel had planned to celebrate the birthday of a student named Shenat from the same department. Deepvaya, who stayed in a different hostel, had come along to surprise his friend.

“The boys had cut cake and were dancing. They also had some alcohol in their room,” said an investigating officer.

Police said authorities planned on constructing a lift and had simply placed a grill gate against the wall where a hollow space was left for the elevator. The boys had assumed that the gate was properly fixed to the wall.

Around 12.15am on Sunday, Shenat had chased Deepvaya in fun when the boy leaned against the gate. The gate gave away and Deepvaya fell into the shaft, landing in the basement.

Hearing his cries, other students took him to a hospital in Manapakkam. Police were also informed.

Doctors said the boy did not sustain any injuries to the head but added that his spinal cord had been damaged in the fall and the bones in his shoulders had been displaced. In addition to these, he had sustained multiple fractures and was in the intensive care unit, police said quoting doctors. He is said to be in a critical condition.

“He fell from a height of more than 45ft,” said the investigating officer. Those residing in the hostel knew that the space was deep but since the victim came from another hostel, he did not know about the space. Police said Deepvaya thought the space was an entrance to another room. Students had told police that they avoided going near the gate. “Since most of them were asleep at the time, they did not see the boys going there,” said the officer.

Police said hostel authorities did not place any warning sign there as they thought blocking the space with the gate would suffice.

The Royala Nagar police registered a case under IPC 338 (causing grievous hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others) and are questioning Deepvaya’s friends.

Since most of them (students) were asleep at the time, they did not see the boys going there... He fell from a height of more than 45ft
Investigating officer

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