Sunday, February 10, 2019

Hospital horror: Docs leave scissors in patient’s stomach



Doctors at the city-based premier public hospital, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), left a pair of six-inch surgical scissors inside a patient’s stomach during a hernia operation, sparking outrage. The surgical scissors remained inside the patient’s abdominal cavity for three months, before it was discovered on Friday night when the patient was rushed to NIMS after she complained of severe stomach ache.

The patient, 33-year-old Maheshwari Chowdhary, was suffering from acute stomach ache on and off since her surgery on November 2 at the hospital. She was discharged on November 12 but had to be rushed to NIMS on the night of February 8, 2019, after she complained of excruciating pain.

After undergoing a battery of tests at the hospital, an X-ray revealed the goof-up. The pair of scissors was subsequently removed through another surgery on Saturday morning and she is now recuperating in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Lashing out at the hospital authorities, the patient’s relatives said they tried to cover up their negligence and were not even willing to hand over the Xray film to them. The patient’s husband first lodged a complaint with the NIMS Resident Medical Officer (RMO) after which he filed a complaint with the Punjagutta police on Saturday afternoon.

“She had been complaining of severe stomach pain at times but we thought it was due to the surgery. When she was brought to the hospital yesterday, the X-ray report clearly showed the scissors. Initially, the hospital authorities were reluctant to give us the X-ray but we managed to get it,” said the patient’s brother-in-law, G Mahadev.

“She had come to the hospital in a bad condition on October 30. She had gangrene of the stomach. The team of doctors did a good job and the patient was fine. She had an issue after three months. The scissors have been removed and the patientissafe.Nointernalorgans were damaged,” said Dr K Manohar, director, NIMS, adding that a three-member committee has been constituted to probe the lapse and action will be initiated based on the committee’s report.

HARD TO STOMACH:The surgical scissors remained inside the patient’s abdominal cavity for three months, before it was discovered on Friday night

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