Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Madras univ students to pay 30%-50% more as semester exam fee

Chennai 13.02.2019

: Arts and science students in colleges affiliated to University of Madras will be paying 30%-50% more as semester examination fee from April onwards.

Fee has been increased from ₹100 to ₹150 per theoretical paper for postgraduate students. Undergraduates will have to pay ₹85 instead of ₹65 from this April.

The revised rates are applicable to students in all the 110 non-autonomous affiliated institutions. Other fees like cost of application form, statement of marks, provisional and convocation certificate fee remain unchanged.

Every student on an average writes five to seven theoretical exams per semester.

The proposal to revise the fee was pending for more than two years because of stiff opposition from colleges. The decision was approved by the university’s academic council and syndicate recently.

An university source said that the original proposal was much higher and rates were reduced after detailed discussion. “The rates have been fixed keeping in mind the cost involved in conducting the exam and how much other state universities charge,” source added.

Criticising this, a retired government college principal, requesting anonymity, said that most of the examrelated work is being carried out only by the college principal and designated staff. They put together details of students registered for the exam. “Apart from uploading students’ data in the Examination Registration System (ERS) portal, not much work is done by the university. So what is the rationale behind such a steep hike?,” the principal added.

Also, the university is yet to settle the remuneration payable to some of the individual colleges for April and November 2018 examinations till date.

Responding to this, syndicate member of the university said that the entire remuneration process was made online after demonetisation and settlements were made in batches after that.

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