Sunday, August 18, 2019

Persistent mouth ulcers can lead to mouth or neck cancer


Nearly 57.5 per cent of global head and neck cancers occur in Asia, especially in India. Head and neck cancers in India account for 30 per of all cancers, say experts.

Head and neck cancer begins in the mouth, nose, throat, larynx, sinuses, or salivary glands. Smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol consumption and infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) enhance one’s risk of head and neck cancers.

Common symptoms associated with head and neck cancer include:

Ulcer on the tongue Trouble swallowing, speaking, or moving the tongue A lump in the neck However, the commonest cause for any ulcers in the tongue or mouth region is deformed teeth or vitamin deficiency, which can be corrected by a course of vitamin supplements. However, if these problems persist for more than three to four weeks or get worse in spite of treatment, one should immediately consult an oncologist. Seeking expert opinion is the best option in these cases because as with many forms of cancer, early detection means higher possibility of being fully cured.

Diagnosis of head and neck cancer requires biopsy for confirmation and imaging for identifying the extent of the disease. After appropriate staging, all cases require multidisciplinary team management which includes medical oncologist, surgical oncologist and radiation oncologist.

Treatment for head and neck cancer involves one or more of the following:

Surgery to remove the cancerous growth Radiation therapy to kill the cancer cells.

Chemotherapy — medicines to kill cancer cells.

Most of the head and neck cancers are curable if detected early and treated appropriately. Post-treatment rehabilitation and smoking cessation play an important role in improving the quality of life and preventing second malignancy.

Dr.Arun Seshachalam Medical Oncologist GVN Hospital, Trichy

*(Procedures given are based on the expert’s understanding of the said field.)

Dr.Arun Seshachalam

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