Sunday, January 26, 2020

Search warrant for data? Google wants you to pay

26.01.2020 TOI

Facing an increasing number of requests for its users’ information, Google began charging law enforcement and other government agencies this month for legal demands seeking data such as emails, location-tracking data and search queries.

The fees range from $45 for a subpoena and $60 for a wiretap to $245 for a search warrant, according to a Google notice. A Google spokesman said the fees, which go into effect mid-January, were intended in part to help offset the costs of complying with warrants and subpoenas. Federal law allows firms to charge the government reimbursement fees of this type, but Google’s decision is a change in how it deals with legal requests. Law enforcement agencies routinely submit requests to Google seeking users’ data. In the first half of 2019, the firm got over 75,000 requests on nearly 1,65,000 accounts worldwide.

A lawyer for Google said the fees might result in fewer legal requests to the firm and deter the government from excessive surveillance. NYT

Google’s fees range from $45 (₹3,209) for a subpoena and $60 (₹4,279) for a wiretap to $245 (₹17,474) for a search warrant

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