Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Senior citizens get tips on ageing gracefully



When you touch 60, breathe in the morning air, roll out the yoga mat and stretch yourself for the recommended asanas every day. Also, make it a point to go for ayurvedic head and neck massages at least once a year besides meeting your allopathic doctor for a routine master health check.

These and many more were a part of the checklist doctors gave to more than 200 senior citizens who turned up for a public meeting organised on Tuesday by the Tamil Nadu MGR Medical University ahead of the international day for elderly on October 1. “While taking care of yourself, set one target every day and achieve your goals to keep yourself active, happy and healthy. As experienced people, your social contributions will have a positive impact on yourself and on the society,” said university vice-chancellor Dr S Geethalakshmi. The 2018 theme of United Nations International Day for the Elderly this year is “celebrating older human rights champions”.

While senior neurologist Dr A V Srinivasan recommended an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating and exercise, neuropshychiatrist Dr E S Krishnamoorthy endorsed holistic care that combines traditional with allopathic medicines. Seniors should also make informed choices and communicate decisions to their family, he said. “If you are diagnosed with degenerative disease or recommended palliative care, it is important for the family to know the kind of care and treatment you would prefer. Advanced notification to family will make it easy for them to take decisions during tough times,” Dr Krishnamoorthy said.

The lectures were followed by interactive sessions on health insurances, sideeffects of medications for chronic ailments and preventing dementia and other degenerative diseases. And when seniors left the hall, they urged the university to have more such informative meeting through the year.

“It will be good if we have more such lectures throughout the year, not just for the international day,” said Sathiyamurthy K, who attended the lecture along with two of his friends.

Senior university faculty including registrar Dr T Balasubramanian were present.


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