Thursday, August 2, 2018

Snake catching to fetch Irulas more income


Irula tribals involved in snake catching as well as venom extraction will soon get additional income under the ‘Access and Benefit Sharing’ rules under the Biological Diversity Act of 2002. A preliminary meeting in this regard was organised by the State Biodiversity Board at Panagal buildings in Saidapet on Wednesday.

National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) secretary T Rabi Kumar said under the Biological Diversity Act of 2002 guidelines on Access and Benefit Sharing Regulations 2014 it is stipulated that: ‘Any person referred in the Act, who intends to have access to biological resources and or associated traditional knowledge for research or bio-survey and bio-utilisation for research shall apply to the NBA for obtaining access to such biological resource and or associated knowledge occurring in India.’ Already the NBA had helped several communities to get a real value for their traditional knowledge and also for gathering resources from the forests. Rabi Kumar said Irula tribals are having both the traditional knowledge to catch the snakes and extract venom from it. The resource they collect is used for making anti-venom serum, which is meant for the society. So on both counts the Irula tribals are eligible for getting additional income. This is the first ever meeting for implementing access and benefit sharing system for them, he said.

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