Friday, February 14, 2020

‘In-charge’ officers manage statutory posts in many state-run universities

TNN | Feb 14, 2020, 04.34 AM IST

Trichy: The situation is no different in many of the state-run universities where posts of registrars and other statutory posts are being managed by officer in-charges for months together.
Higher education secretary Sunil Paliwal, in a review meeting in 2018, insisted universities to appoint full-time officers to statutory posts. He had highlighted the need for filling up these posts to ensure effective governance.

However, not many universities have taken note of it and most of the vital posts remain vacant.

A random check has revealed that the controller of examination (CoE) in Bharathiar, Alagappa, Periyar and Thiruvalluvar universities are ‘in-charge’ officers. Further, there is no full-time registrar expect for Alagappa among these universities.

Manonmaniam Sundaranar and Alagappa universities have the statutory post of distance education director managed by ‘in-charge’ officers.

Speaking on the merits of filling these statutory posts, a senior staff from BDU said, “A regular officer is appointed for a period of three years. The confidence of holding the post for a long time will give enough strength to the officer to take decisions on any matter unlike an ‘in-charge’ staff who would only think of safeguarding his temporary post. This would prevent him from taking important decisions.”

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