Monday, April 30, 2018

Varsity raps colleges without qualified principals, teachers

Chennai: 30.04.2018

Some colleges affiliated to the University of Madras have been running coursesin their institutionswithout a qualified principal or the required number of teaching staff, a recent inspection and affiliation committee report hasfound.

The reportwastabled atthe syndicate meeting around 10 days ago. The university has rapped the colleges concerned and stated that affiliation will be given only if they appoint a qualified principal and the requiredstaff.Around200colleges in Chennai, Tiruvallur and Kancheepuram district are affiliatedtotheuniversity.

For instance, one arts and sciencecollegein Chennaiwas given the affiliation for its BA English course subject to the condition thatit appointsthree morequalifiedstaff and a principal before the start of the 2018-19 academic year.

In another case, a college which had applied for affiliation to courses like BCom, BSc visual communication and foundation courses in English andTamildid nothavethe requisite staff for English, apart from a principal.

Another college applying for affiliation to its MSc computer science course was also asked to appoint a qualified principalbeforethestartof the current academic year.

Professorssaythis practice is rampant among some self-financing colleges which appoint a professor as an incharge principal to avoid paying a high salary. “The principal will be a reader or higher grade professor with a salary of at least Rs1lakh per month. In somecases,colleges appoint retired professorswho agreeto workfor Rs 30,000 per month as they would have their pension to offset the low salary,” said a syndicate member, declining tobeidentified.

This has been a recurrent issue flagged off by the university attheend andin the midof the academic sessions in the pastfew years.

TOI had earlier reported how colleges appoint students in excessof their permittedcapacity in certain courses and come for syndicate’s ratification by piggybacking on the students’ future.

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