Thursday, June 20, 2019

MU frames calendar for research programmes  20.06.2019

Chennai: University of Madras has come out with an academic calendar for research programmes, saying admission to MPhil and PhD programmes can no longer be made throughout the year and exams can’t be conducted at department head’s convenience.

A committee constituted to suggest changes in guidelines for preparing MPhil/PhD theses and an academic calendar to be followed at its final meeting earlier this month said deadlines for admission and registration for the programmes were not being followed and made a few recommendations. Based on them, the syndicate decided to strictly follow an academic calendar, said vice-chancellor P Duraisamy.

MPhil and PhD (June session) aspirants can submit online applications from June 1 to 30 and the final admission list approved by August

31. For those willing to pursue PhD in December session, applications will be accepted between December 1 and 31 and admission finalised before January-end.

Exams for MPhil will be held in February, with candidates submitting dissertation in August. Results will be published in December.

A calendar streamlining doctoral committee constitution, methodology exam and continuation of registration has been prepared and changes in MPhil dissertation and PhD thesis formats approved.

Candidates can use both sides of the paper for printing text and diagrams against the practice of using only one side, Duraisamy added. The final version of research papers post-correction can be submitted as soft copies to be uploaded on Shodhganga, the government’s digital repository of theses and dissertations. Local and foreign examiners need no longer return theses. They can destroy them, reducing hardship and save postal charges.

The university has also given a final chance for candidates with long-pending arrears. Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, admitted between 1980 and 2014, get one last chance to reappear for exams to be held in December 2019 and May 2020 by paying ₹5,000-₹7,000 before degrees are awarded without classification.

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