Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Widen your horizon

Interdisciplinary courses expose students to diverse fields of knowledge and provide a platform for holistic learning  11.07.2018  TOI

Gone are the days when a particular discipline solely focussed on one subject or method. The world today is a cultural, economic, and social potpourri that is constantly changing and demanding that its constituents cope with the change too.

Today, one needs a diverse set of skills, which a rigid discipline fails to offer. We are constantly bombarded with information, which we need to assimilate or discard depending on our needs in real-time. Hence, the need for interdisciplinary courses is on the rise.

Interdisciplinary courses expose students to a lot more than their regular curriculum. Any interdisciplinary course has a huge advantage over a pure disciplinary course. The core difference between the two is that the latter makes a person more adaptable. Several interdisciplinary programmes have received an overwhelming response from students and teachers alike, thanks to the variety they offer. A classic example is courses in mass media offered by many universities.

The beauty of such programmes is that it exposes students to several streams like pure arts, liberal arts, fine arts, commerce and management at one go. They also learn film-making, research, history, advertising and journalism. This exposure encourages them to choose a field that they are most comfortable with and pursue a post-graduation in the same.

Interdisciplinary courses provide a platform for holistic learning. They create better opportunities for the learner and prepare him/her to successfully face the challenges ahead.

With the increase in diversity of roles and the recent economic changes, the demand for freshers with a broad mindset and technical and specialised skills in the management and finance sectors is also on the rise. While a number of students looking to make a career in this sector continue to opt for the traditional B.Com. degree, universities across the country are now offering a multitude of professional degree courses that enable a better understanding of the industry while opening up a number of job prospects. Also, interdisciplinary courses make students more employable. This is because most of these courses focus on live projects and seminars beyond the syllabus, in comparison to pure disciplinary courses that usually focus on theory.

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