Thursday, December 26, 2019

No doctor in Tiruchy, special kids forced to go to Thanjavur for IQ test

During the IQ test, children are often too scared to answer due to unfamiliar surroundings and people.

Published: 24th December 2019 02:29 PM |

By Adilin Beatrice

Express News Service

TIRUCHY: The absence of a clinical psychologist at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital (MGMGH) is forcing parents of intellectually challenged children to take the kids to Thanjavur Medical College Hospital to undergo IQ test and certificates.

The certificate is compulsory for these children to get scribes for exams. “We were asked to take our son to Thanjavur Medical College Hospital to get the IQ certificate. Tiruchy is also a centre but we do not know why MGMGH has no clinical psychologist.

It is difficult for us to take them to Thanjavur every time. Our children are asked to bring 8th or 10th certificates even to work in a supermarket. They would not be able to write by themselves even with the extra time the board provides to them,” said Malathi B, mother of a child with cerebral palsy.

“The struggle is not just for me. All parents of differently-abled children take their kids to Thanjavur Medical College Hospital to apply for a scribe, which is difficult. We need to be there at 7.30 am to start the procedure. Our children are unable to cope as it is a huge adjustment.

During the IQ test, children are often too scared to answer due to unfamiliar surroundings and people. Doctors judge them on this and mark them with a lesser IQ, which means they would not get a scribe. If they write the exam by themselves, they would be unable to pass,” said Joseph Sahayaraj M, father of a disabled boy.

Starting from this year, the Education department has asked differently-abled people to acquire IQ certificates from government hospitals to apply for a scribe. Until last year, they got certificates from private hospitals in Tiruchy.

Because of the new rule, they are now forced to go to Thanjavur Medical College Hospital. “Most parents do not send their children with disabilities to school. It would be good if the government provides facilities to make things easier,” said Martin S, member of Trichy Disability Forum, a network of NGOs working for persons with disabilities in Tiruchy.

A medical officer at MGMGH said, “We have requested our director to appoint a clinical psychologist, but it’s a long process. It would take some time for someone to be appointed.”

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