Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Compost pit inside Pallavaram Primary Health Centre irks hospital staff

The newly dug compost pit at Pallavaram Primary Health Centre will do more harm than help, says hospital staff.

Published: 17th July 2018 01:41 AM |

The Pallavaram Municipality began constructing a compost pit in the PMC despite opposition from the staff

Express News Service

CHENNAI: Hospitals are sterile environments where infections are cured not acquired. However, the Pallavaram Municipality’s decision to construct a compost pit in the premises of the Primary Health Centre in Old Pallavaram might change that. Despite opposition from hospital staff, the Pallavaram Municipality has started building a compost pit in the hospital compound on Friday. If the Municipality has its way, patients and the rotting garbage of the entire twelfth ward will be entering the hospital premises through the same gate.

“This is a 24-hour PHC which has an operation theatre. We do family planning surgeries here, and it is important to keep the place contamination free,” said a senior nurse, alleging the municipality had gone back on its word and has begun construction of the compost pit. When Express visited the hospital on Sunday, it found the backyard littered with old, broken tricycles used in solid waste collection near the site where the compost pit is being built.

“The municipality was using the backyard as a scrap dump yard and now they want to build a compost pit in the premises. Even people without education will know what a stupid idea this is,” said CD Suresh, a resident of Pallavaram.

“The smell is one issue but the place will invariably be littered with rotting waste,” he said.

The periphery of compost pits being littered with waste is a phenomenon that Express has observed in multiple compost pits which are operational in city limits. Conservancy workers end up segregating waste at the site which results in littering and attracts rodents. According to the hospital staff, the hospital attends to a majority of maternity cases. “If the mother gets sick because of the contamination, it will affect the child in her womb also,” said a staff member. The municipality officials said a wall would be constructed to prevent a spillover of waste but said no alternative could be provided for the entry of waste.

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