Sunday, July 15, 2018

Increased yield pushes prices of fish down by 30% at Kasimedu


Chennai: 15.07.2018

Prices of fish have fallen by at least 30% at Kasimedu fishing harbour a month after the ban on fishing was lifted.

On Saturday, more than 80 mechanised boats brought to shore around 200 tonnes of fish. Kasimedu fishermen are expecting another 100-120 tonnes to arrive on Sunday. A fisherman at the harbour said the fall in prices was due to increased yield.

Business at the harbour was hit more than a week ago, following reports that harmful preservatives were being used to keep fish fresh for long. Kasimedu fisherman P Balaraman said, “Not enough was done by the government to allay people’s fears about the use of harmful chemicals. Fish sold at the harbour is safe to eat.”

Thousands of people came to the harbour to buy fish on Saturday.

“Business is looking up. We expect an increase in footfall in the coming weeks. It is only in purattasi month (mid-September to mid-October) when sales decline,” Balaraman said. The 49-year-old said the state fisheries department was not doing enough to help fishermen net a bigger catch.

“Officials, who have technology at their disposal, must provide us daily information on where to fish for an improved yield. But we are told that they are understaffed and underequipped.”

Kasimedu fish retail merchants association secretary K Veeran said export of fish was most affected over the last week. Veeran, who sells fish to markets in Kerala, said, “Our delivery trucks were stopped at checkpoints at least a few times in the last week. I suffered a loss of more than ₹1 lakh. However, trade has been back to normalcy since Friday.”

Price of vanjiram (seer fish) dropped from ₹900 per kg to ₹650 per kg in a month. Kasimedu fishermen said the price may rise to about ₹750 on Sunday as only about 40 large mechanised boats are expected to arrive at the shore.

On a weekday, fishermen bring less than 50 tonnes of fish to the harbour.

Fish from harbour is sold at government fish stalls spread across the city.

Balaraman said, “Prices of fish in government stalls across the city is10% higher.”

Pics: L R Shankar

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