Monday, July 23, 2018

Not sure if Jio will achieve goals within required time: Ex-UGC VC  23.07.2018

Former vice-chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC) professor H Devarajwho was in Madurai on Saturday to deliver the graduation address at Sourashtra College shared his thoughts on the draft bill to replace UGC, Jio University being granted Institute of Eminence, NEET and more on the sidelines of the event. The academician, who did most of his graduate education at the University of Madras (UoM), headed the biotechnology department at the university and was director of UoM, Guindy campus before taking up the position at UGC.

Your take on the central government’s draft bill to replace the UGC with Higher Education Commission of India?

It is a welcome move. The UGC Act has been there for more than 60 years and definitely needs amendments. There are some issues, which I’m sure will be addressed.

But the TN governmenthasopposedthedraft bill?

Yes, the state government has expressed its concern. But, we have to understand this is in the concurrent list and the Centre cannot take a decision on its own. The new draft proposes that financial powers of the UGC will be robbed to issue grants. That is not right.

No institutes from Tamil Nadu are part of the Centre’s list of Institutes of Eminence. As an academician from the state, what is your opinion?

The public universities selected by the committee are the best universities. IISc-Bengaluru, IIT-Bombay and IIT-Delhi are model institutes. The Prime Minister wanted similar excellence in universities across the country. In a lighter vein, I can say that more than eminence, these are institutes of arrogance. Such is their academic standard, politicians will tremble to address students there or throw their weight around as can be seen in some places.

But, the Centre’s list also included Mukesh Ambani’s yet to be formed Jio institute?

Yes. I have a concern there. I don’t think they deserve it, as eminence is something which you gain over the years. I have doubts whether they will achieve what they are set to do within the required years. The government has given them an opportunity. So, I cannot rule them out to bring out the best in business to attain standards. If you look at the other two private universities chosen for the tag, the committee has done a good job. The government is trying to create brand equity to increase competitiveness among universities and it is a welcome move.

Your thoughts on competitive exams to join higher education. Take NEET for instance; there is widespread criticism that it robs students from poor background of their opportunity.

Yes, it definitely is unfair on rural students. NEET is necessary to compete globally, but as far as TN is concerned, the rural pockets have still a long way to go. I am from a rural area in the Nilgiris. We have to develop infrastructure over the years and first provide it to students from poor backgrounds before we ask them to take competitive exams. Otherwise rural students will be robbed of opportunities. Until then, NEET exemption should be given to students from rural areas.

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