Thursday, December 13, 2018

Salem Government Hospital witnesses increase in deliveries

SALEM, DECEMBER 13, 2018 00:00 IST

567 normal deliveries and 461 Caesarean section performed in November

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital (GMKMCH) has achieved a major milestone by crossing 1,000 deliveries this November.

The Department, one among the three Reproductive and Child Health Centres of Excellence in the State, registered as many as 1,028 deliveries last month, thanks to the team of dedicated doctors and modern infrastructure. While 567 were normal deliveries, 461 were Caesarean section.

Set up in 1990, the Department accounted for 500 beds and pregnant women belonging to weaker sections from Salem and surrounding districts of Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Namakkal, Erode, Villupuram and Karur get admitted here for safe delivery.

According to M. K. Rajendran, the Dean, GMKMCH, the Department accounted for a committed team of obstetricians, neonatologists, anaesthetists functioning 24 x 7. The State government and the National Rural Health Mission have sanctioned liberal funds for the creation of additional facilities and the procurement of sophisticated equipment in the recent past.


Dr. Rajendran said that the labour room of the Department headed by S.S. Subha was well-equipped with labour cots, continuous foetal monitoring machines, central oxygen supply facility, multipara monitor, and a blood bank.

The Department has an excellent set up of obstetric intensive care unit with ventilator support, and high dependency unit with facilities that were not available even in the corporate hospitals.

The department also has a spacious patient waiting area, and a shed for attenders sponsored by the Salem Corporation. While 597 deliveries took place here in January this year, it was 618 in February, 764 in March, 698 in April, 806 in May, 796 in June, 811 in July, 864 in August, 837 in September and 935 in October. “We had set a target of 1,000 deliveries in November, but exceeded the target and managed 1,028 deliveries”, Dr. Rajendran told The Hindu .

Apart from obstetric case, the Department also excelled in family planning services by performing laparoscopic hysterectomies and lap sterilization. The Department also serves as a training centre for skilled birth attendants-nurses and basic emergency obstetrics and newborn care for fresh doctors.

We had set a target of 1,000 deliveries in November, and managed 1,028 deliveries.

Dr. M. K. Rajendran,


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